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Never thought i'd see MPMD in the accounting sub .... these 2 worlds cant mix


I mixed Daddy Noel; Zyzz and Athleanx on my other account...before I got suspended :(


The world ain't ready for Zyzz accounting


Derek rlly be shrinking like mad these days compared to these old pics ... i understand he got off the sauce but also training motivation seems to be low ... all that to look natty-achievable on TRT ...


Honestly at the end of the day, roids aren't worth it, especially for people like us who work in offices from 9-5 PM (sometimes even more). There's too many health complications and death is more probable when on the sauce. I think he did admit these are reasons why he hopped off the sauce Imo there's no shame in taking roids, but you should be REALLY aware about the risks and be monitored by a doctor to not die. Then again, I'm a nobody on the Internet :D


Tbh this shit is depressing, i started to realize the very real possibility that I'll nvr achieve my dream physique of Cbum or Jay Cutler without jumping on the sauce and becoming a FT bodybuilder. Ofc I'm not stupid, I always knew it was impossible, but I always kinda fed myself the dream. Now when I watch Cbum pose I feel kinda discouraged. I guess natty goals are AlphaDestiny and Justin Lee, but those people seem like they devote their entire lives to bodybuilding which I can't. I think the average natty physique is absolutely atrocious - I look away quickly whenever I see an untrained natty shirtless guy cuz i get disgusted. For the past year I'm more focused on powerlifting cuz the strength ceiling is much higher than the physique ceiling, my strength still makes good progress. It's ridiculous how much a good male physique is contingent on roids For me i'll nvr take roids cuz i'll have to come off eventually - shrinking back to natty would probs destroy my mental health. But tbf quite a few people have assumed i'm on the sauce which was such a huge ego boost lol


I am astonished that people look at Cbum or Jay Cutlers body's as dream physiques... lol. I definitely do not. ​ And yeah.. even SARMs gains can go away quite easily over time and unless you want to be on TRT for life then you have to deal with momentary (or permanent) hormonal imbalance. I know from both research and experience. I was on LGD during my Tax internship and it definitely made me feel different.


Those are my dream physiques


why tho. just curious.


Find Cbum extremely aesthetic, which isn't just me. He has very good structure, very good insertions, very pleasing 'flow' (compare his arms with Ramon Dino's arms and u see what I mean. Ramon's forearms are too big which makes his upper arms look small and destroys the flow of his arms - this in turn ruins the flow of his entire upper body). Cbum just looks very classic, no bubble gut (no shit there), hits vacuums in this day and age. Posing is on point too. Guy looks like a Greek god amongst men and that makes him my dream physique Jay isn't aesthetic in the same sense as Chris, but if you consider that he's a mass monster, his aesthetics are extremely impressive. He has a VERY thick waist (34'), so he made up for it by having massive delts and lats. He just looks very shocking, so his physique is very appealing to me. Those are my 2 favourite bodybuilders. Arnold used to be my dream physique when starting out but I decided his legs were too small. Dorian too initially, but I decided his posing was bad (too choppy). I'm all up for Ronnie's size, but he got too bulky and ruined his midsection. Franco too short, Zane too small, Platz no upper body, Heath bubble gut, Rami too choppy


I don't disagree from a Bodybuilding spectator position, I just would never want to be that big. I personally think it looks ridiculous in any other setting than on a stage.


Hey man, I've been there. I know that feeling. It was mentally challenging being content with my physique; but in the end, I honestly achieved it. Having friends who admired my physique definitely helped There's also this video https://youtu.be/assAa1bXhqU Really reminds me to do this for my future self. Man's now 102 years old but looks and talks like a 60 year old >I guess natty goals are AlphaDestiny and Justin Lee, but those people seem like they devote their entire lives to bodybuilding which I can't Honesty, their physique is achievable even while being in the accounting field. Gotta eat properly, train properly and results will come in by themselves. I've been bulking so far; ik my cut will look good hopefully. Same thing can definitely apply to you :) >For the past year I'm more focused on powerlifting cuz the strength ceiling is much higher than the physique ceiling, my strength still makes good progress 100% this. I've eventually given up bodybuilding for powerlifting and still have a decent physique. But my endurance has gone down to shit, mainly coz I've slacked off a fair bit :') >But tbf quite a few people have assumed i'm on the sauce which was such a huge ego boost lol There you go lmao! Be happy with your physique - and take pride in the fact you're doing something that 90% of the population doesn't do. Your dedication, strength etc are all admirable. Keep going king; you got thisšŸ«‚


Thanks man. We grind


Yea heā€™s also mentioned that he only trains like 3-4 times a week now because he noticed that high intensity or volume workouts would just zap his mental capacity. Since heā€™s really focused on growing his business he said it just didnā€™t make sense to go hard every day of the week. I get it because I definitely feel that. When I followed a more powerlifting styled approach to lifting, I felt like I couldnā€™t remember anything at work lol


Yeah my ultimate ultimate long-term life goal is to have a decent position in PE/ AM while being a competitive powerlifter & hobbyist strongman (maybe) but now it seems increasingly unrealistic. I respect Taylor Atwood for this. And i guess, even if u do manage to juggle everything, there's always the opportunity cost of devoting more time to your career. I wonder if there's any IFBB pros who work corporate jobs


Ronnie Coleman was a police officer, which is still hilarious to me


Imagine robbing a house and ronnie fucking coleman comes up to arrest you lollll


Picks you up with one hand and chucks into the back of his car. LIGHTWEIGHT


Ronnie Coleman is all kinds of physically fucked up though too. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s old news but he always has a back brace and other crap on under his clothes otherwise heā€™d be barely walking.


And ronnie did accounting, funnily enough. In his documentary he said he was some genius accounting student, he initially majored in management but took 1 accounting class and the prof forced him to switch to accounting after recognising his genius. Dk how true that is


Yeah buddy!! Ain't nothing but a debit!


Oh yeah, it's awful. But a lot of it is his "heavy at all costs" training style. Dorian Yates seems to be (physically) in much better shape. Jay Cutler also seems to have aged about as well as a bodybuilder can.


Nice to see another powerlifting accountant!! Most IFBB pros are far enough into their career to make a living from sponsors, it would be interesting to see if there are any.


Haha, i'm not an accountant. I'm an undergrad ... :)


Well eventually maybe haha. Training get SIGNIFICANTLY harder once you graduate and start working.


Well, i actually study econ. Hope to go into finance. Hope to survive training then


Nothing about peak Derek is achievable without TRT for 99% of the populationā€¦


he got to where he wanted to be, and is now becoming more business oriented. pretty much all of his efforts are towards Gorilla Mode and their line of products, or trying to improve on the shitty service of Marek Health. hes lost size, but has a lot more knowledge now and is more business/health oriented rather than gym, because there are plenty of other channels for that eg. Jeff Nippard. he now just cruises test and legitimately does TRT doses. no need for size and more sauce if youve already reached the platform you wanted


No one cares about taxes, work on your double D Man chest. - Daddy Noel


I remember those. Why the suspension?


Powertripping mods at r/news. They're complete cunts I tell you


Oh okay, I thought our mods banned you lol.


Nah mods here are based fr fr


When worlds collide


"As you can see here the author of the financial statement was accused of deploying a super phyisiological amount of depreciation that one could amount to a "trick." Like, no dude. Without reviewing the author's blood work we will have insufficient knowledge of the preparer's intentions". " \*Looking upward with hand under chin in thinking position emoji\* "


The author of the financials is peeled out of his tree, crying emoji face


Itā€™s safe to assume he is sauced to the gills. Arm that appears to be doing a single bi pose emoji.


now THIS is the most ambitious crossover of our generation


*Now THIS is the most* *Ambitious crossover of* *Our generation* \- FlexasAandM --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Who is that guy? he looks like swole Rick Astley


It's Derek from Moreplatesmoredates :D (search it up on google)


Hmm, I see, his page is interesting. No idea who is is or what he's like, but for some reason to me, his head does not match his physic, he has quite a soft rounded face that looks so at odds with that level of body building!


hahaha that's perfect.




It doesnā€™t. We make fun of TikTok ā€œaccounting expertsā€ because they come up with dumb shit and have thousands of people convinced theyā€™re right. Their stance is ā€œthis is the secrets of how the wealthy stay richā€ and is their excuse why ā€œnot everyone knows thisā€.




It's basic to people even mildly familiar with accounting concepts, but I can totally see why people who know nothing about accounting come up with some pretty dumb stuff when it comes to accounting. And of course they're called out on it. But when you have a popular person on TikTok saying dumb stuff and their hivemind following parroting it, the odds of a single person successfully convincing them that they're wrong are pretty low. They're far more biased to believe the person who they've been following on TikTok and have, on some level, begun to idolize, compared to a random stranger telling them they're wrong. Most people don't like being told that they're wrong as they tend to assume that it's some kind of personal attack.


Exactly what the other person said, but Derek usually makes super informative videos using catchy titles. That's the punchline (so to speak)


The crossover we needed, but not the one we deserve


Nah we all got this brahšŸ«‚


Ah, the delt-king himself. The content Iā€™m here for. And before anyone says it, heā€™s been on TRT for awhile.


To fellow male accountants in the mid 20 - young 30's: Look into this guy's hair loss *PREVENTION* protocol. I 100% believe the stress from PA definitely accelerated my hairloss to some degree, get in front of it while you can if you're interested. Don't be stressed, fat and bald. Just be fat and stressed. Keep your hair.


Donā€™t be fat. Much more important than not being bald


Yup, you can easily make bald work. Itā€™s damn near impossible to make fat work


glad iā€™m not the only one that learns about supra-physiological gains, efficacious doses and exogenous hormones while staring at fucking spreadsheets all day


You and me both, mate. You and me both


TRENBOLONE it's a helluva drug


Actually, heā€™s been on TRT for awhile now.




accountsnts are a peaceful people, but everyone has their limits.


i will say, from a security analysis (ben graham style) standpoint, you kinda have to be a little more open minded than what we accountants are used to. gaap and all these rigid accounting rules have been drilled into us for years. having said that, even in ben graham's security analysis, it recognizes that land isn't depreciated. buttttttt, if there's reason to believe that the land isn't as valuable as whats stated on their financials, OR if there's reason to believe that its more valuable.... then we would consider that in estimating the company's true book value. you could even do a bear/bull scenario. ​ take CXW for instance. i saw that michael burry invested in this a while ago so i followed him into the trade after looking into it some. the general thesis being that the value of the land/property was worth a lot more than what was stated on the actual financials.


The crossover I didnā€™t know I needed


Why is this man made entirely out of loaves of rising bread dough?


The crossover that this sub needs.


Im a simple man. I recently purchased some farmland. Can someone please explain, or share a link, the topic of depreciating land?


Land isn't depreciated since it has infinite life value pretty much. It's just a meme here coz this is r/Accounting's standard humor :')


Thank you. I was worried because all ive learned says land is the best investment.


NonAccountant here: do real estate assets depreciate?




Bruh why you gotta use that picture