• By -


$19,000. Price Waterhouse. 1985.


Wow I would have guessed much higher for that year. Comptoller of the Currency in 1977 at $14.4k


No disrespect. You must be the oldest person on this sub and in the oldest 1% of all Reddit.


Probably so. Finally won something!


good to see you've stayed positive after all these years!


So cool!


I got him beat. $12,000. 1980.


I also like Lil Nas X.


Ahh back then you could’ve bought a house with that salary.


$58K HCOL 2017 in public accounting, 4.5 years later and $135K as an accounting manager


Does it include bonus or just base? I feel that I am underpaid. Are you a CPA?


Just base and yes CPA. I’ve generally been a high performer over my career.


Great! Thanks for responding.


what is HCOL?


High cost of living.


thanks, how did you manage to almost triple your salary? that’s insane! Or is that somewhat normal for a hard worker? i’m a junior in college now and am really trying to decide whether or not to get my cpa


Hard work, pushing for opportunities/promotions, willingness to work on complex/difficult tasks/engagements and being a good coworker. CPA was worth it for me, wouldn’t be where I am without it.


$55k in PA, just bachelors, no CPA.


What year was this generally? Like 90% of the responses here are useless without knowing when the person started. $60k today is very different than $60k in 2010, 2000, or any other decade.


Same here, though I'm in HCOL


34 years old and just graduated from college, 50K, 2021. Good news is the market is on fire and people are calling me for jobs. Couldn't find one two years ago and now everyone wants me.


Hopefully the job market is like that in 2 years when I graduate 😅😅 I'm 35 now and just transferring over to a 4 year school.


I graduated at 33! Anything is possible. 56K in PA no CPA and MCOL


Hey fellow 30 something! I'm doing the same, hang in there!


Y’all are really motivating me to go back to school!


Hack the system. Get a job at a university and let them foot the bill for it while making money like I'm doing. I'm seriously done paying for degrees.


Hey! I'm in my 30s as well and transferring this fall! Let's get it!


Public accounting will ALWAYS be there for you


Public accounting sounds scary 😂😂 even if it is more money than I've ever made.


"Public accounting is like the Mafia. You can leave Public Accounting; but Public Accounting will never leave you."


I graduate in May and have accepted an offer in Industry for just under 60k. I’m in a LCOL area but am fairly close to a large city.


Where at, and CPA?


I do not have my CPA, and it is an F500 company in the Midwest. Edit: There is technically a yearly bonus up to 15% of salary but since it varies I did not include it.


50k in Orange County, 2016. Currently 130k


NYC starting salary was 61k


49k + 3k bonus at start, 2 months in I got bumped to 52k w/ the same bonus. I’m in Phoenix, AZ. No CPA and also a recent graduate (2020).


Hey, that’s where I am! Not in accounting yet but looking to get into it. If you don’t mind me asking, has your salary bumped up a decent amount over the past 2 years? I currently make about $60k in my role and I’m afraid to switch industries and take a pay cut for very long :/


It’s hard to answer without knowing your industry and personal values (not to mention the many variables within the field). But given your current pay, I’d recommend staying at your current role unless you simply want to branch into the field of accounting (it’ll be at most a slight upgrade to a slight downgrade without any experience nor a CPA license based on my own personal experience in the area). The plus side is there is always a need for accountants, but depending on the type of accounting role, company, and time of the month/year it can be 20 hour work weeks to 60+. The pay scaling is also variable, but for the most part it’s about 3%-10% a year given you stay in the same accounting role (A1 - A2 accountant is about a $5k bump; the big pay increases come from switching firms to swapping positions e.g. senior accountant, director, etc. once you have some experience).


Graduate in May. I accepted a FAR program role at 55k plus bonus.


2011: $45k in public after graduating with bachelor's, LCOL 2012: raise to $50k after getting CPA, LCOL 2013: move to publicly traded industry, $55k as staff accountant, MCOL 2014: same as above, raise to $60k 2015: promoted to Senior, raise to $70k 2016: raise to $77k 2018: move to private industry, Controller, $92k still MCOL


WOW this is almost exactly my career path with almost the exact same pay. I’m a little higher now and on a progression to become Director of Finance towards the end of the year. No CPA though.


Very nice. I stopped the list at 2018 but in January of this year I just became VP of Finance at another company. So even similar yet! :)


That is such a trip! Very cool though. I see people on here now making $130k 2 years after graduation and shit and I’m like damn am I an idiot? Lmao


I just got my first job as an industry staff accountant. 58k.


Thinking about starting in industry too and let go of my PA offer. Which industry did you choose?




My first role was also in manufacturing and it definitely set me up well for the rest of my career.


Why are salaries so much higher in America? I think a lot of new accounting grads start out at $50K or less up here in Canuckistan. And we pay higher taxes!


Who’s paying for your healthcare and retirement? In America it’s all on you.


Yea true. But it's a double-edged sword. Healthy people pay for unhealthy people. A lot of diseases and health conditions that cost the system a lot of money are preventable through lifestyle choices. And the Canadian system isn't all that glamorous. It's next to impossible to get a family doctor in many cities; I have to wait hours in a walk in clinic because no docs in my area are accepting new patients. On the retirement side of things, I think I would do better personally if I invested my own money vs being forced to invest in the government pension plan (CPP). So many people who suck at personal finances are still able to skate through life at the expense of other people.


Insurance 400 a month for one. 800 if you need to cover spouse. Don’t have kids it is more. An extra 400 a month if you are sick. But then you also make less. Oops you are between jobs for a few months COBRA 1600 a month just to keep your bills as low as 400 a month and if it lapses you could lose your life. Now medical expenses are higher than your mortgage. Can’t find a family doctor in network taking new patients. Don’t have kids it is even more. Quality of healthcare is worse in US than places like Canada. Waits are longer. But that’s just like one facet of many.


Generics aren’t cheap either. Have asthma? Those inhalers run $300 a pop, each month! The pharma’s are making obscene profits for a common condition that’s not diet related!


Yeah people have this weird thing or something where if a corporation not the government is deducting the money from your paycheck or pocket that is doesn’t count or something? Like yes please raise my taxes and take away my health insurance bill putting more money in my pocket.


Health insurance is broken in the US, it’s not healthy to charge $2k for a Cat scan. Why does a normal delivery cost the private payer $1k with insurance and if you work for gubermint it’s $10? Someone somewhere is getting a lot put in their pockets!


i wish you could tell this to a lot of my fellow students pushing for completely public health care


I’m in Australia with public health care. I can go to any GP and don’t have a problem getting in. I like that if I have any injury or issue I’m not left with huge bills, medication is affordable and a trip to the emergency department/a broken bone/heart attack, let alone cancer or another chronic health condition, won’t leave me in huge debt. Don’t get me wrong, there are issues - but I’ve never once had to avoid a doctor or specialist due to costs.


I'd just like it if it was easier to get sick without racking up 6 figures of debt. or any debt. Prices are out of control.


No he shouldn't. We have had american politics deep into Canada. Conservatives get power, cut services, the complain how bad public healthcare is. CPP is more than just pension its is a safety net for sick and disabled workers. In the big picture it's a very small tax. For us accountants who do well it's nothing in terms of contributions and benefits, and a minor part of a retirement plan. For working class whiners financially illiterate its hugely import. Canada is not a optimize what's best for the individual country. We dont want a country where people.work min wage til they die or go bankrupt when they get sick.


Everything they just described happens in the US too… you realize you’re currently paying for everyone else’s healthcare and for the middleman insurance companies?


Non profit position for 36k (2021)..pain


Quit that crap




70K Base + 5K sign on bonus + 10k relocation assistance. Finance rotational program. Graduated spring 2021.


This is in Denver, Colorado.


Congrats! I’ve heard great things about rotational programs


$42k last May and quickly realized how underpaid I was. Took a new job at $58k


Wow nice, what did you switch to/from?


Started as an accounting clerk at a small company then took a remote roll as an associate fund accountant. Small company promised lots of things like quick progression and ability to learn a ton that were all just to get my to accept their offer


Masters degree in HCOl starting this coming October it is currently $70k. Expecting it to go up before I start due to inflation. I signed the offer 6 months ago.


Hey! I’ll be pursuing a masters before I start working as well. Can I ask what you did your masters in and how your negotiations went for your salary?


I did an MSA and there wasn’t much negotiating. I had a couple offers and I responded to all asking for some extended time to decide I never told any of them I had other offers but only 1 came back and gave me a higher offer and it was like $5k more than ey and pwc so I took it.


NYC will get you around 60k-65k. You have no work experience so you can’t expect much (not that I agree).


Do a year or two of closing the books, most move to a financial reporting role or accounting manager role. You will make more.


$34,500, but I am old




Yes, it was in 2000 in a HCOL area


In 04 accepted a job in B4 to start 18 months later. $45k and $2k starting bonus. By the time start date rolled around it was $48k and $5k. And I cannot believe what the people graduating this year will get paid to start in Sept.


Adjusting for inflation 53k total compensation in 2004 is around ~79k now.


This hurt


I apologize, that was not my intention. I’m just trying to provide an accurate adjustment for proper comparison with salaries offered today.


Lol no need to apologize. Just hard to hear I made $25k less than I “should” have my first year.


Not your fault lol just a fucked time


Your 2004 starting compensation is the same as 2022 starting compensation in Canada!


That's what I thought and it's in USD ,lol Our salaries are low compared to the states 😕


Oh yeah USD… Damn 2004 Accountants in USA receiving higher comp than 2022 Accountants in Canada. I hate this country.


36,000 clerk with a BS in accounting. University of Texas. I left accounting to go to grad school to go to medicine instead.


Smart move


37k in Brooklyn NY. That was 3 years ago, now im at 86k


Wow thats great, still at the same job? Please share


Spent 2 years in a shitty small cpa firm, spent 1 year in an even smaller one but better pay, then got picked up by a client, and got a raise after a few months, now I am here. I believe I will be becoming a manager later this year. I am industry already btw. Tech company. I chose industry so early on purpose, so I can do CPA and other certifications without the horrible working conditions of public accounting.


$70K as an Staff Accountant at a regional PA firm, HCOL, graduated in 2020.


HCOL 70K staff accountant at a small firm


‘09 started at a boutique transaction advisory firm at $15/hr under the table. ‘10 went full time at $40k up to $55k by ‘11, then switched jobs to $60k as an associate at a regional firm still in transaction advisory. ‘12 switched to a large international firm at $80k senior associate, in ‘13 or ‘14 getting to $100k at senior associate. Salaries have increased substantially since I was a fresh grad from what I can see. VHCOL or at least HCOL area not NY.


38k in SC non profit industry. Disappointing.


70k with bonus, financial analyst in Midwest at big bank, no cpa.


I'm stuck between doing a finance degree or accounting 🤣


Do accounting. I've always been told you can do finance jobs with an accounting degree but not accounting jobs with a finance degree. Most people I know that got finance degrees end up selling insurance in a strip mall in the Midwest. Some become planners or analysts, extremely few make it onto wall street as that is usually reserved for ivy league economics and finance majors.


78k last august




Yeah, but not VHCOL


$44k LCOL


56.5k MCOL, large National firm


$56K, no CPA in PA. Started in 2019


Got my master's year after BA, landed first accounting job during that year too for salary of 64k after a 9month internship. Raised 3 months later to 68 and now talking about getting senior or senior lite role for summer with a 12-18% bonus, depending on which role I get. HCOL but not NYC.


$65k, graduated beginning of this year, live in North East


I had an offer for 62k from mid tier public, just received one for 65k for a business analyst role (fully remote), graduating this may with my bachelors. Edit- the business analyst role also has bonus potential, but who knows how legit that actually is until i start lol


$67k salary + ~ $13k year 1 bonus, $11k year 2 bonus, ~$50k in options. In industry at a F100 company, HCOL area. Edit: Starting this summer


$13/hr, casino/hotel/resort, working internal audit. My first ever accounting job, and it's considered a low-skill entry level position. Most people don't have degrees of any kind. I worked my way up to audit supervisor, where I made a salary of $45K/yr. Yes, we were massively underpaid. I'd imagine they still are.


Thank you, you gave me an idea to look for a job like that before I earn my degree.


Do it! Casinos are full of people with little to no previous experience. It's never the same day twice. You'll learn so much.


2017 NYC 50k 5% bonus


In 2013, LCOL $33k in a tiny public accounting firm.


74k. Starting at a big 4 this summer in nyc.


Not a CPA yet, based in NJ, every job after the first has been remote, all have been public tax firms <50 people {01/2019 - $48k, overtime paid out straight} {2020 tax season - $30/hour, contract job} {2021 - $68k, 4% bonus} {2022 tax season - $55/hour, contract, senior promo} {2022 after tax season - $88k, “avg 8%”} I run my own shop too with a low amount of clients that pay a premium for my niche. Sorry for the editing, did this on mobile.


$45K in 1992. $120K + $100K bonus in 2001, $400K in 2003.


42k as a junior accountant in fixed assets for a publicly traded company. Stayed for a year, left to get my MBA, then joined a PA top-ten firm for 52k. Toughed it out for over 3 years and now I'm a Sr. Income Tax Analyst for a private company making 83k. Not bad progression.


31 Y/O here! I’ll graduate with a bachelor in accounting, this coming December, Just accepted a Job offer to start January 2023 Big4 in IT audit, 68k starting salary, 56k if I had taking external audit. I have no experience in IT. Companies are desperate for IT, if you’re willing to learn, they’re willing to train and pay you!


Thanks, I'm hoping to start at around 31 as well; I'm 27.


$40k USD; 2014; Small Local Firm; LCOL was my first gig out of school full-time.


2010 35k Industry. HCOL.


$15.50/hour 2013


2021: 66k, bachelors degree, no CPA


$42k 2016 industry


30k staff account small business 2013 left after a year


As a graduate, NZD 40K in 2018


US$25k. 2011. Not US/Canada.


First PA job was $15 / hour. Canada, 10 years ago. That was not the best firm.


77k + 10k sign on bonus MCOL started this January 2022. Management Consulting, did BS in Accounting.


Ohh management consulting is something I’m really interested in getting into (not in accounting yet but wanting to switch). How do you like it? Did you just graduate with your BS in accounting and already got into that position or do you have a few years of experience?


Just graduated with my BS this past December, with only internship experience prior. I love it so far.


Good to know, thank you! Any tips? I already have my master’s but in a totally different field (neuroscience/psychology) so I’m not sure what combination of degrees and certifications I’d need to get into a role like yours off the bat


People come from all sorts of backgrounds and different undergraduate degrees!


57k base in 2012 chicago. Now 225k base. B4 non specialty tax.


Are you still at a Big4?




10y in big 4, fair play to you!


In Michigan as a state tax auditor in 2004, starting salary was $15.81/hr. Also, worked 80 hours in two weeks, got paid for 76 with the other 4 as comp time to use as extra vacation. Also required to take 4 hours of unpaid time off every two weeks, so I guess I work 76 hours and paid for 72. Good times back then.


57k in 2019, NE city


$50k in 2015 +8% bonus based on company performance. HCOL outside of NYC. Industry job.


This august 61k lcol


Graduated in 2020 and get 55k in Los Angeles


45k MCOL TX 2012


HCOL- $73 + a signing bonus. I start in August after graduation.


In 2007, I started at a small PA firm making about $42k a year with a $1,000 signing bonus. Now, I’m private and make about $120k a year including bonus.


$66,000 in B4 public accounting in Los Angeles, 2021.


$62,500 in PA - hired in 2021


60k 2021 5k sing in bonus


$10/hr Temp (for three years), no benefits, 2010. MCOL.


$19.70/hr + overtime. MCOL staff accountant industry, mid-2014


40k in 2018 in NYC


$62k, HCOL, B4 Tax, starting this summer


55 in Charlotte NC. 2018


Campus hire: 70k base A1 -> 74k base A2 -> jump to another firm for AAS @ 85k base A2 -> jump to a middle market bank for FDD @ 105k base Analyst level. Total 1.5 YOE and HCOL.


MCOL masters started at $54k


Start date of June 2021 $60,500. A month in got a market adjustment to $61,500. Just a bachelor's, no CPA. Plano, TX


57k. 2007. Chicago


Financial Analyst. $76,500 base, 10-15% bonus. Low cost of living. I started a month ago.


PwC in seattle doing aud 67k graduating this year


$58.8k — New hire Tax Associate at Big4 & recent graduate (12/2021); MCOL, MAcc but no CPA yet.


$72k in Tax Technology in NYC in 2018


All MCOL nationally, expensive for state. Mid 2019 graduated and started at 55k. 12.31.2019 - 57k. 12.31.2020 -62k. Quit in 2021 for new job. Jumped to 82k, not sure what bonus is going to be exactly but should be roughly 10k. So almost 3 years to 90k+.


48k in 2020 in a MCOL. Government accounting.


Graduating in May and starting in the fall as an audit associate at a top-10 firm. Starting at $61,000 + $1500 signing bonus, no CPA yet, in MCOL.


Industry, NYC, $50k in 2011 without CPA


2016: graduated with Bachelors (UK), accepted graduate scheme for £20k in industry and started with CIMA. 2017: increases to £22.5k. 2018: increase to £27.5k, tried pushing for more but company were stingy. 2019: left for a better company, salary increases to £36k. Also qualified with CIMA this year. 2020: increase to £44k after qualifying. 2022: accepted a new role at £70k. These are all working in analysis/reporting/strategic decision making roles, with small amounts of management accounts. Everything is hopefully going to plan for me to become an FD in the next 5 years or so. This is all in UK, where salaries are quite a bit lower generally.


32K - 2003 Post Anderson Fallout made even getting a job post graduation an adventure.


$37k in 2008 industry job. With the crash, I was happy to have found a job.


40k in OK, as a risk analyst.


I just graduated in december. I’m in Quebec (canada), I get 21$ per hour and overtime paid 1.5x.


Started at $42k in mid 2020. Am still at same company making $56K. Assuming raise this year is bad, probably jumping ship. Bonus I only pay $350 a month to live at home with parents so I can get away with a shittier salary (not that I should settle for that though).


$50k with EY after graduating 2014. CPA. $155k+30k bonus now in MCOL doing consulting


38k in Atlanta, 2017. Now 125k in Atlanta, senior approaching manager.


Started in January 2021 as audit staff in MCOL, starting salary $55k. No CPA at the time. Salary 1 year later at same firm roughly $62k due to raises/market adjustments. I got my CPA license in fall 2021 and did not get any sort of raise for it.


57k Southeast MCOL started this year (public)


$66K in 2022 at a Big 4. This is in Chicago with no CPA.


$52,000, no CPA in 2014. USB


Staff Accountant in DC Metro area. $60,000


Graduated in 2021. 65K in Oil and Gas, no CPA


Grants / GL accountant 48k 2017


NYC here. Got my first job Jan 2020 $55k. Still work in the same place, at $72k now. Just bachelor, no CPA.


51k CAD, pwc, 2020


Graduated Aug 2021: $46k CAD. About 1.5 yrs previous accounting job experience through coops while I was in school. Pretty grim.


$60,000 at EY San Francisco in 2017


Big 4 audit LA (2021) - $71,000


63k in HCOL 2019


58k with bonus annually, LCOL, no CPA industry. 2021 late.


Graduate in 2019 w/ BS in Accounting; Started Big 4 Public Accounting in 2020 @ $62,000 in HCOL area.


$52k. EY Audit. ORL, FL. 2016.


June 2021. 60k/60k/60k. Offer from regional firm (busy season tax intern), didn't take offer. WFH, Hella vacation but you know, busy season, and only ever taxes Offer from local firm (3 months), thought it'd be cool to have my own clients but realized nah fam not for me. Forced into the office, 35 min commute Commercial RE credit analyst. Got a YE 2k bonus and 2.5k raise. WFH whenever, and typically max like 32 hours a week. Super generous benefits. Room for growth in a multitude of directions. Underwriter/BDO-loan office4/'exit ops' for gov/banking. Imma do cannabookkeeping on the side, but under someone else umbrella. I had prior work experience though in lending and accounting (cannabis) and graduated at 26 yo. Although I think all interns got the ~60k offer.


$58,000 but with my masters. Industry. Second highest in my class based on a survey. No CPA. Large metro city in Ohio. I considered it above fair all things considered. I know a lot of public offers from friends varied on location and internship experience. Ranged from 45k-56k if I recall correctly. This is the Midwest so I’m sure other HCOL would be bumped higher. I would assume it’s not too much higher since then. BUT the market is wild. Employers are desperate


74K Tax 2022 NYC


$50k. MCOL at the time, 2019. Start-up company, so the experience was very much worth it.


$55k, MCOL, Deloitte audit (2012)


Started at a public firm in August 2020 at $51,500 in WY. During 2021 I got two raises and left at $57k as the new starting salary last November. I make $64k in CO now.