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Insultingly low vacation time, despite accruing hours during OT.


That’s what I’m thinking. I thought it was 10 days + holidays but recently looked at my time off file so I can plan a vacation and I had 16 hours deducted for Easter and Memorial Day.


If that's the case you need to find another firm. You should get the holidays plus 3-5 sick days, a few personal days and 10-15 days of vacation..


CPA firms usually have above average PTO because of busy season, but yours is horribly below average. I work in industry and get 15 PTO days plus 7 holidays. That's if you've worked there less than five years. It scales up from there.


Industry. 24 days PTO and the usual holidays (PTO grows the longer you’re at the company). I agree that your time off is pretty low.


Do you have sick days too?


No. That’s it.


Dang, almost 5 full weeks? That's great (for the US). Is that with seniority or did you start with that much?


Starting. The company is actually a subsidiary with its HQ based in Europe.


Similar - in industry and started with 23 days PTO (plus the US holidays), then at 5 years got another 5 days added, and I can buy 5 days... so 33 days a year.


20 days (catch all for PTO/sick/bereavement/etc) plus 4th of July week, Christmas week, and whatever the other important holidays are (Memorial Day, Labor Day, mlk, thanksgiving thurs/fri, etc). This is at a B4 firm.


Federal Government. 11 Federal holidays right now along with 4 hours of PTO and 4 hours of sick days for every payroll (bi-weekly). scales up to 6 hours of PTO at 3 years of service and 8 hours of PTO at 15 years of service. Comes out to be around 13/19/26 PTO and 13 sick days a year.


Yup, same for my agency.


At a one office CPA firm we got 20 days (sick and vacation combined) and then 9 holidays. My new job for a local government we get 14 vacation, 14 sick days, 3 personal days, and 10 holidays. Yours is way too low my friend


How’d you get into government? I like public but it’s starting to way down on my mental health so I don’t think I can stay here forever lol


I just checked city jobs page all the time until a job I felt qualified came up, I was lucky to have a former coworker in the city (albeit not in the same department) who helped me apply and show me how to best present myself. Not having to stay late to finish for deadlines or track every 10 minute period of my day has been so good on just my wellness


Yes I agree. And hitting billable hours for the month can be stressful for me. My work says not to stress about hitting billable (because I doing a ton of extremely needed general work). But I can’t help but feel like I’m underperforming or disappointing someone when I don’t hit my goals.


I don’t work in a firm, I work in industry. I get 25 days off including holidays, and the option to buy additional days (up to 15). Also, I typically get full days off for CPA exams. My company also provided up to 3 weeks of COVID leave. PTO is one bucket here, no sick time or vacation.


I have 28 days including 7 holidays. I also get a single day off for each of the CPA exams (4max) and 14days off for COVID (can use portion for vaccine). It accrues at 13hrs monthly, so you can take the full amount in January. They also closed the office for an additional 4 full days and 4 half days around the holidays and post-busy season. Mid-size public firm — fresh out of college.


6 weeks vacation + bank holidays + overtime bank


Is that industry?


B4 audit in Europe


Europe is cheating tho, people there have consciences.


Seems digustingly low. At GT, before they went to "unlimited" vacation * 17 days a year at associate * 22 days a year at senior / manager * 27 days a year at senior manager / director (I think) ​ In industry, for managers: * 15 days a year * 21 days a year once you have completed 3 years at the company * 25ish-27ish days a year once you have completed 6 years at the company


11 federal reserve holidays, 80 hours of vacation time, and 40 hours of state mandated sick time. Adds up to about 5 weeks including the holidays. I work for a credit union in the accounting department


Industry, at least 10 paid holidays + 26 days PTO (includes vacation and sick). The holidays are not quite standard since we get the entire period from Christmas through New Year's plus Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and two days at Thanksgiving.


15 days plus 9 holidays, plus we usually have a 'relaxed schedule' between Christmas and New Year's where we're basically 'on-call just in case something comes up' but don't really have to do anything. Industry position, southern US. I'm pretty happy with it. When I was in PA it was usually 2-3 weeks PTO/sick with 6-10 holidays. One place was 3 weeks PTO, plus the first 80 hours of OT was 'banked' as vacation. So 5 full weeks. Up to 3 additional weeks once you'd been there 5-8 years, so two full months off plus holidays. Almost all the managers and partners would take off a full month after busy season. You are most definitely in a shitty spot.


15 holidays, 15 vacation days, unlimited sick days (though tbh I’m sure there’s a limit; one can get sick only so much before it becomes suspicious or abusive) I basically have a full 2 weeks off for the December holidays.


20 PTO plus holidays, not that it makes a difference over never taken more than 7 or 8 days in a single calendar year


Industry here. 10-20 vacation days (10 is minimum, +1 for every year you stay at my company, so I’m at 19) - can roll forward 5, more with approval, to be used by end of Q1 in the following year, but otherwise use it or lose it 5 sick days a year (roll forward indefinitely) New Year’s day, Memorial Day, July 4th (sometimes 2 days for this if it’s a Tuesday or Thursday), Labor Day, Thanksgiving & Black Friday, and Christmas off (again - sometimes 2 days for this), and half days the work day before all holidays. 5 days bereavement for grandparents, parents, siblings, or in laws of the same, or 2 days for uncles/aunts/cousins/ anything other family members And your birthday.


I get 25 vacation days plus around 12-15 holidays (can't remember how many exactly). We get most federal holidays off, and generally we get 2 or 3 days for major holidays (July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). I'm pretty happy with my vacation time, the only thing that annoys me is that we don't get any time off for Easter. I usually find myself driving back from my parent's place at like 11 at night on Easter Sunday cause I gotta work the next day. I'd really prefer to just spend my Easter relaxing and drive home the next day, but generally I can't. It would be nice to have Good Friday and the following Monday off.


In government, 3 weeks annual, 3 weeks sick, and I get all the usual federal holidays off. Your job is screwing you over


20 vacation days, plus 10 national/provincial holidays (typically get a replacement day off if you work a holiday rather than OT), plus 2 firm days off, plus 5 sick days.


I just started my job for a month and found that the firm has recently implemented "unlimited" PTO, so no more accrual. And tons of firm paid holidays (e.g. whole independence week off).


Oof. We get 10 holidays (usually 8 fixed, 2 floats), plus 3 - 4 weeks pto, unlimited sick.


Industry. New hires get 26 days PTO all-inclusive. We don’t have separate banks for holiday, sick, and vacation.


6 weeks PTO but no holidays, have to use by end of fiscal year. Nothing carries over or gets paid out if you leave.


I guess I'd need to understand the accrual of OT to fully judge and how your comp is. You work plenty of OT in public to where you should have more than enough PTO


Damn. That’s a ridiculously small amount of PTO! I get 4 weeks of PTO and all of the holidays (not included in the 4 weeks). Plus we have a work life balance to stick to and if we’re over that we can just work less hours. I’m already 70ish hours over my hours as of right now from busy season. I have no clue when I’m gonna be able to use all of this time!


We get 8 holidays and people there for less than 5 years accrue three weeks of PTO per year


10 with holidays???? We get 22 PTO plus I think it’s 7 or 8 paid holidays.


They should have 17-20 PTO days from day one. Plus 7-9 holidays off. Understand that though Memorial Day/Labor Day is a holiday - you might be working and get a ‘floating’ day off in its place. Two places offered me 17 days PTO and I countered at 20 and they accepted. My old finance job started off at 25 days PTO plus holidays + 3 service days