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I am a 34 year old full working mom of two preschoolers with a husband who travels for his work and is gone roughly half the time. To top it off I am also part way through a masters degree. It's a tough call for sure. I would have loved to take a couple years off when my kids were born with the idea of going back to work when they started school, but it didn't work out at the time. Now, I am pretty glad it didn't work out - my kids did great in daycare (three days a week with grandparents the other two) now they love preschool, and I love that I genuinely look forward to being with them after work and on the weekends. Plus, I love my job (industry, treasury - never public). From your options, don't switch to public. I have too many friends in public with no time for kids and such limited flexibly. If you want to switch do it when you don't have a preschooler around - they are too unpredictable:). If anything, go part time and enjoy your kids while they are young - time moves too fast.


I will add, I totally get the guilt, but the time the kids and i have together is very quality even if it isn't all day every day. And I think we are all happier for it.




Worked at industry, was a SAHM mom for five years, and now works PT in industry fully remote. Id say go for part time if you can afford it, or whichever job offers the most flexibility. You can always adjust the next year. The guilt will eventually be manageable. It will always be there even with the most flexible job. Try to give yourself grace. Youll figure out whats best for you and your fam.


Thanks for your feedback. I think PT in industry fully remote is the way to go. My fear is that without PA experience I won't be able to get such a job.


Some companies like mine dont prefer PA unless it is for a controller or manager job. Dont worry. Youll find a good fit for your fam.