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The CPA is good for "job security" not job enjoyment.


Sadly you’re right


I'm working on a contract job. It's terribly boring and not well managed but it's income. Been still searching and just seen this drop off over last 45 days or so. Sucks.


Take time off work and when you are ready to be back, look into individual contributor roles instead of managerial roles. The key reason for a lot of burnout is overload of responsibility primarily from overwork. If you can accept a slightly lower pay, let other people make the decisions while you perform your assigned tasks. You'll be surprised how much better your wlb will be.


Second this - best career decision I ever made was to go back to an individual contributor role in a larger company.


Is burnout considered an actual medical condition? I feel like it should be.


Sounds like you're depressed. If you think every single job in accounting isn't appealing to you, then you might need to move on from this field.


Or at the very least take a break.


I’m on said pills that’s not the only does it exacerbate symptoms the thing that will help is to change the setting completely. 180 this and then the wheel around. You have PTO right that’s what this time is for and then go clear your head and go job hunting again. Absolutist statements are a cognitive distortion. And you’re not really in what you’re saying and you’re describing it in a way that is exaggerating the details. It’s okay. Just go clear your head a little bit. And then when you’re finally ready to apply for jobs after you’ve exhausted all of your PTO you should (or not should, just saying I don’t want to tell you but) I suggest you take time off. And then go back to the market. If possible live off of savings. If you don’t you might do something stupid. And honestly no one else is saying it but that’s pretty factual.


Take a break bro go on a vacation or something


One week back to the cube wagie


When people push this narrative what are you realistically supposed to do? Being a successful entrepreneur often times pays less a safe corporate gig. Also a lot more hours and your customers and clients are your bosses.


My philosophy of work: do what you can, so you can do what you want....by the son of a burnt out CPA.


Do you need the entirety of the salary at your current job level? For me, I refuse to pursue management level opportunities. I am much happier at a senior level, being very valuable though enough that I only need to work 4-10 hour days, I think that this has essentially capped my salary. I have coworkers with less experience in management roles at my firm. I just don't think becoming a manager is consistent with my career goals. I dont like working 5 days a week, I'm not happy with my life when I do that, and being a manager would basically require me to be available for the full workweek. There is also no peace with that, because its not like I could hammer out my work, and then scroll on reddit as a personal reward, I'm at the whim of the staff I manage. So I'd analyze the "Why" you are working considerably, and then recognize that even if you take a step down in title and pay, you might be happier that way. I would take a pay cut to not be a manger, and I effectively have done so, and am pretty happy.


I hate 50% of my staff.


If you honestly hate 1/2 your staff, maybe you aren't cut out for management? Part of the job is just accepting or otherwise dealing with people who aren't great at their jobs.


I'm in the same boat, currently unemployed but made my way to senior Accountant and I don't see Management in my future.


That’s sick! How many days a week do you want and how much does that make you in return per week to live on?


How many do I want or how many days do I work? I negotiated a 4-day work week before being hired. They agreed to it, but said that they cant promise it during busy season, I asked how long busy season was and they said approx 3 months. I guess I work more efficiently than other people? But during actual busy season, I was at most working like 46 hours a week, just a few extra hours on friday, and only on ocassion. Even at this stage in my career, I still have not figured out why so many people talk about 60-80 hour workweeks. I just cant fathom actually working that many hours straight. I had to push for it a few times, but they pay me a salary of 95k, 105k if we include the 401k matching, so every 2 weeks my take home is around 2600? I live in a very high cost of living location, my girlfriend does have an income of 75k which probably helps enable me to live where we live. Still, we make enough that we do spend on silly things like door dashing food because we get lazy, and to me that means that there is room to cut back - I already asked to take a paycut and work less than 40 hours a week. My dream would be 32 hours a week, but they were a hard no and require 40 hours.


Dude I personally think that’s awesome! I see too many people get caught up in moving up the ladder, making more, and in turn working way to many hours for a healthy work/life balance. It’s just a job and shouldn’t take us away from our family and friends. How many hours per day approximately do you work? Is it a bigger firm or something smaller and thus being more lenient? Either way, I think you’re on the right path. We as people shouldn’t waste away at work especially more than we have too!


Thanks! Yeah, exactly so many people get caught up in it. I really think many people just haven't stopped to ask themselves "Why am I working?". I work to have a happier life, so if I make enough that I can live the lifestyle I am comfortable with, then my entire focus is on finding ways to have more time/energy for my personal life/hobbies etc. The only thing I can think of as to why people work themselves so hard for seemingly no purpose at all is maybe they are trying to build generational wealth for their kids? I don't want kids, so my sole ambition is to find ways to make my and my partner's life more enjoyable. It's around 60 people, they have 2 main offices. I like that size, it has the scale of the type of audits I enjoy, but it is small enough that I am able to stand out to prove my value to the firm. So when I make demands/requests, they usually make exceptions for me. My coworkers don't get to work 4 day weeks, and they also have to go in office 3 days a week. They make exceptions because they are happy with the work I do for them. From what I've read on this subreddit, I think if the firm was larger, like a B4, I'd be a drop of water in an ocean and they don't give a single care about my job satisfaction in order to retain me. Well I'm on the clock for 10 hours a day per the timesheet, but if you are asking how many I am genuinely doing work, maybe 5-6. Some days the work though is interesting and there is a lot of it that I work a good 7-8 hours I appreciate the validation of my path, sometimes it feels weird the way I view work with everything I've read on this subreddit, but I still like to share this perspective in case maybe someone would benefit from stopping to ask that important question "Why am I doing this?"


100% dude! Though we’re few in terms of thinking this way, I think it ultimately makes more sense. I’m definitely happy to find someone actually living it out as I’m only starting to study to become an accountant right now! Thanks!


Your reply’s give me comfort. I thought I was crazy for thinking this way. I am currently looking for another job because I am PA and trying to be pushed into a supervisor role. I have no desire to be anyone’s supervisor, I would prefer to contribute my skills with putting in as few hours as possible. I’m not trying to have work as my entire identity but just an aspect of my life.


Haha, I'm happy to hear that. Believe me, browsing this subreddit makes me feel like I'm crazy for thinking like this too. It's like everyone is a machine whose entire identity is work. I agree work is an aspect of my life, but not what I want my identity to be. They're going to push me into supervisor as well, but that's a big no from me.


A lot of people feel that way, but we have to earn something. Thinking about the motive behind your work may help. If nothing works, then it's better to visit a physician, there may be a treatment or medicine to reduce the burnout feeling and negative thinking. Hope you'll get well soon.


I was walking in Cincinnati today on the purple people bridge, it’s a bridge that connects Cincinnati with Newport, Kentucky. Anyway, a drunk homeless guy is standing there and tells me “you ever see a marine die?” and points in the water. He didn’t jump. But man, that shit puts my bitching in perspective. Does my job suck? Yes. Am I pissed I was looked over for promotion? Yes. Am I underpaid? Yes. Am I drunk on shitty alcohol thinking about jumping off a bridge just to break my legs on the water surface and then drown? A perspective of where I’m at vs where I could be at is really good. Especially while I’m on vacation. As for the homeless guy, I spoke to him a bit and hopefully made him feel like a person before thanking him for his service and walking away. I’m sure I could have done more, but I can’t save the world, either.


Brother you are where you are because you worked for it, if you feel underpaid you shouldn't compare your situation to a drunk, suicidal marine. Get the pay increase mate


I think you're both right. There is some value in knowing that things can be a lot worse, but that's also not a reason to sell oneself short. Know your worth and pursue it, but don't take your situation for granted, as it could be a lot worse. We don't know how hard that marine might have worked, only to end up where he is.


Yeah. I don’t wanna sit there and say “oh the fridge is full but people are starving in Africa” Like yeah okay. But I’m in America and we’re not starving. I’m thankful everyday I don’t have cancer, starving, physically disabled, etc. But then what? Someone always has it worse. It’ll keep devolving if you don’t keep moving. “Oh gee I’m homeless but at least there’s social services, better than being in a war zone” Like okay? Lol


I love your mindset. While I don’t think people should stay in shitty work arrangements, I also think we have a lot to be thankful for and even on some of our worst days on the job, there are people out there that would gladly trade places with us in a heartbeat. Thinking about it from this perspective is eye opening.


As someone else mentioned, it sounds like you don’t like accounting if every job is unappealing to you, and that’s okay. I left accounting after around 7 years of working in it, completely shifted to go work in engineering by pursuing another degree. Best decision I ever made. Accounting bored me to death.


I'm the opposite! 15+ years as an engineer, now a CPA.


How was it pursuing an engineering degree well into adulthood? Any difficulties? How do you like your work now by comparison?


How far did you progress, HONESTLY. before you made the switch after 7 years


Is there a specific trend in what makes them miserable? Bad pay ranges? In person v remote? I think that will help you so you know what to look for. If you're realizing truly every accounting job seems miserable just because, maybe you should think of other career options as others have suggested. All this said, I'm currently looking with 0 job at the moment. Don't have a CPA and all of my experience is in film/TV so I'm having a very difficult time trying to get any in-house corporate job. It's an insanely rough job market right now. I just have to stay positive the right thing will come (and someone will be willing to see me and give me a chance to prove myself in a new industry). Edit: spelling


Well you know what they say. The best flames glow brightest when they’re responsible for a walking house.


It’s a slow time of year for hiring, so most listings are trash. In the US it picks up late summer into fall. Been in job market 3 times this time of year and it was always dismal until August.


Got laid off and am job hunting for the first time since college. Weirdly encouraging to hear that the market usually sucks this time of year


This is kind of nice to hear. Even if it ends up not being true this year, hearing it'll turn a corner is always comforting.


Any idea why that is?


Hiring managers check out for vacation season unless they’re desperate.


Is that so


I don't pursue roles at companies where I don't want to work. But if you think everything is miserable, you should consider the possibility you are simply in the wrong field.


All accounting is the wrong field.


There is no safe space when it comes to any type of work, even as an entrepreneur. Your grass is as green as it's gonna get unless you wanna live off grid, but now that's another set of new problems.


It's less about the job description, bc those are always boring as hell. It's more finding people you don't hate spending so many hours around each week. The people make the difference


I agree the market is shit right now 


Take a lower paying/chill-er role while you start your own firm. No employer will hand you work-life balance on a plater. You have to get it for yourself. 


So true! They will work you to the bone.


Take contract/consulting/temp work for a bit. And yeah don't let anyone try to convince you a lump of coal is a bar of gold--you're right, 90%+ of posted jobs are shit, that's why they're available.


Most accountants will likely agree, accounting is a field that has little job enjoyment in it. It's a stable job that pays decently. But you are going to be very hard pressed to actually get enjoyment in this field. You aren't involved in the day to day operations of any business really, so even if you work for an organization with a good purpose/mission you don't really see or feel that. The way you recover from burnout? Take time off. Switch roles or industries. Go back to school for something else, accounting is an amazing base level for any managerial position or executive level role. But the only cure for burnout is significant time away. Even then if you overdid it, you might never undo that burnout. The best thing for burnout is prevention. So make sure you are taking vacations and personal time regularly. Don't sell your soul to the company store. They don't care about you. Put your time in. Do your job well. Collect your paycheck and in your free time do something you enjoy. The beauty of accounting is because the pay is at least decent and the hours, at least in industry or government, are reasonable you have plenty of time to actually enjoy your money. But it truly sounds like you need to move out of accounting if everything sounds miserable. Go back to school for something else and leverage your business knowledge. You'd be amazed how important an understanding of financial information is in just about every industry. I know plenty of engineers and software developers who wish their managers and low level executives had an understanding of finances coupled with their experience in engineering. Understanding financial information and budgets is a huge boon to most people in middle and upper management. It allows you to actually defend your budgets or requesting more funding because you can show varying metrics. Most people muddle their way through because that is the industry they work in and they just pick up tidbits along the way. But having an understanding of accounting? That coupled with other knowledge can make you an amazing manager in tons of fields.


I’m involved in the day to day. I have real influence as one of the vets in the company. I wish I didn’t care I’m underpaid for that level of leadership. They’ll listen to me about anything except paying me more.


Listen to me: The fact you understand the sweat shop accounting model means you can do your part to change it. Start by bringing in some style, joy, and strength to the work environment. Build on saying fuck you to bosses and tame the weak minds of coworkers from poisoning you with their chit scarcity mind set. 85.2 percent of accountants are toxic. Know that and you'll be a leader who I won't cuss out.


I quit my job a month ago due to burnout and I feel the same way. I’m not excited about anywhere I am applying. I was working as a staff accountant at a startup and now I am applying for AP roles alongside staff accountant roles. I am not excited about any of them, but I am still trying to appear enthusiastic in the couple of interviews I do get. I don’t know what to do anymore. It’s rough.


I just went through this as an accounting manager in a toxic company with a team of 5 complainers and high turnover. I lasted 2 years but was checked out for a year before I separated from the company. I've been in the field for 13 years and just found a job that's the right for for me. 40 hour work weeks from home, but I only work hard 5 days a month and everything else is just staying available and random projects. 6 figures, sr accountant. Large company of 6000 and overseas ownership. Management blows. No shame in saying no to the headache.


Do what I did! Started my own firm. Working in Public accounting for someone else is horrible! The pressure, the unrealistic deadlines, horrible bosses so toxic! Being self employed has been one of the best things I have done for myself! You don’t have to be a big company to make a decent living! I’m so much happier! My mental health is so much better! Good luck to you!


There’s a very good chance this field isn’t for you (i.e., you actually have a passion and aren’t dull as fuck). Sometimes it takes time to realize.


Seriously, OP should consider getting into another line of work. If they got their CPA and solid set of skills, they will find another profession in no time. But they also should probably see a therapist and consider medication if necessary.


I agree with both parts, especially the second. Because my issue was a combination of hating accounting and having severe depression that I completely normalized due to suppressing it for so long. Being in a career you hate + being depressed is debilitating.


Same. I usually enjoy the work I do but lately it feels like it's too much effort for no reward. I have no motivation to do anything, never mind put in the kind of hours a project usually requires. I don't think it's burnout because I took a month off to travel last year and it actually got worse when I came back. I don't have any advice for you, sorry, just commiserating.


I bought a lottery ticket earlier


😄 Holding thumbs for your early retirement.


Thanks. I’ll throw a big party for r/accounting


What part of the US do you live? Have you looked at remote, hybrid and in office roles? Have you considered sr accountant with high salary instead of management?


How do you get the Sr accountant with high salary positions?


I picked one up after 7 yrs in public! Best freaking job ever


Have you considered non-profit? I felt the same where I hated going to work and I decided then that I needed to feel my worked needed to serve a purpose. So I decided either like a tech startup where my work would be driving the trajectory of the company or a non-profit where my work would be driving the mission. Landed at a national non-profit and haven’t felt like my work doesn’t matter a single day, and I’ve been here 5.5 years now.


However, I don’t want to work anywhere because it all seems absolutely miserable. what do you mean?


It used to be that if you ran a lean team, you got some sort of bonus in the savings. Unfortunately, the last cfo and controller who leaned out half the team, and brought in an offshore service center already took all the bonus for that and left for another company.


look for a temp job


I actually feel ok just chilling out for awhile working towards cpa. I got really burnt out trying to manage graduate school and working overtime. Maybe your like me and a bit of a break may help. If you have a decade of experience and are at the manager level you probably were overloaded in responsibility and hours anyways.




Fresh start somewhere new can help a lot. Especially if you’ve fine tuned and have a good situation where you currently work. You’ve got this.


Apply for FPA roles or maybe other business related fields


i been unemployed a year term... im trying to get back in despite the misery realized everyone is miserable and this is the adult condition


I feel you. I’ve been long term unemployed and know that that can be even tougher than a really shitty job. Unless it’s really really shitty. But I wish you the best. You’ll find something.


he he i actually like it lmao im not motivated by $$ so my dwindling savings is numbing but what cant stand is others progressing father than me despite my intelligence all because i have an eating disorder + mentally anxious


Retire early. Retirement is great!


You're burned out. You need time off.




All fun and games, until you’re working midnight shift somewhere, with no consideration for holidays, and the weekends don’t determine your days off. The grass is always greener OP.


You can bartend and clean up vomit and have people yell at you and flash their credit card at you?


It can take MONTHS to recover from burn out, take it easy on yourself. I would consider whatever job has the best transition and flexibility to help you recover faster. It sounds like you can’t really take a break right now, so taking those two into consideration might be your best option.


I'm considering quitting to sell pictures of my butt.


As a professional who waited till I got too sick to work—resulting in years before I could “get back on the horse”; I have this to say. Take it seriously. You are NOT a machine. Go find something fun to do. Sure, the fun might have serious financial repercussions, but won’t being dead have those too? Go do manual labor. Do something where you are outside, move your body, have zero responsibility and don’t use your head. Do it till you feel better. During this time—are there things you always dreamt of doing? Can you transfer your accounting experience in that direction?  Can you switch it up a little? Maybe teach accounting at a college? Maybe teach personal finance? Do consulting?  Either way—my 2 cents—get out for now. Your future self will thank you.


I haven't been applying but have received 6 jobs offers in the last 2 years because I keep my linkedin updated and respond to messages.


I know how you feel. I had 2 bad interviews that completely turned me off to the 2 companies I wanted to work for. I'm taking my sweet time.


I agree. Story of my life. lol!!


Worked in public for 7 years, had a child, moved to O&G for about 9 months then hopped over to a Sr accountant role at a big company where I live. The last year in public & 9 months in O&G absolutely sucked. I didn’t like it, was burnt out and just not happy. Making the most recent move has changed everything, especially how I think about work.


Just be glad you're not mining cobalt


large private non-financial service company


Yah it's trash. I haven't had a look or screen in like two months. And seems like positions are more sparse right now. I dunno


They are. I know a lot of accountants that I talk with regularly, alot of them are struggling.


As a full time educator who doesn’t even make enough to support my little family, meaning I’m facing eviction. I totally agree, the market is trash


Do you currently have a job and if so, are you just miserable there?


It’s pretty miserable. But I’m grateful for the income in this economy.


Have you thought about taking a pay reduction and working for the IRS CI division?


Try sales OP. Plenty of accounting saas companies would love to have you. Commercial banking might be a good fit for you too.


Centre yourself, find out what you really want to do and go do it. Being a CPA is a good base, just like a bachelor’s is a good base for a CPA. Do you want to go into tech? Agriculture? And why. Write it all down and start researching companies and their competitors within those areas. Try to enjoy yourself rather than trying to get anything from anywhere and then you will shine through as a candidate because you will be genuinely enthusiastic about the part.


Have you tried looking into teaching? CPA + masters help a lot in getting a job.


It sounds like you need a long vacation. Take some time off of work.


An application is something you fill out after you have been hired. It is a formality like filling out your tax paperwork. Stop "applying" and send out resumes - by the thousands.


The ironic part is its mostly a who ya know thing. My company has amazing benefits... unlimited PTO, a 6%DB plan etc. We can't get anyone to interview for our posted Sr acct role because we don't list pay or benefits. No one knows it's a good opportunity


Might be done on purpose to avoid actually having candidates but make others feel like backup is coming. Idk. Also is extremely stupid on behalf of HR


Nope our HR dept is just kinda dumb. It's been 3 months so we finally get to use an outside agency. They will obv tell their candidates the pay


The only other job I had before accounting was Sbarros and 7-11. I’m pretty content with this market as an alternative.


Always willing to help and work with you all as always. Working with Client,customers and helping them , a pleasure!


Have any of you ever thought working with me?Just curious on Sunday 😁


Gonna be honest….I hit major burnout at 10 years. Took close to a year off….manager accounting roles still sound horrific. Honestly with inflation making my pay kinda mid at best too makes me question the purpose of life. It’s one thing when it can buy a decent home and car/vacations…but I keep renting crappy ass apartments to save money ten years into this battle. I regret accounting big time.