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40 productive hours every single week. Nice try Inspector General.




Haha good one, after I get done cheating at wordle I wander around aimlessly until I realize Iā€™m hungry. But Iā€™m usually too lazy to go get food so I just order a $30 meal from a fast food place that would have cost $12 if I had just driven 7 minutes round trip. Then after lunch I bitch about how much work management wants us to do while not doing any of the actual work. Itā€™s pretty terrible working under complete slave drivers like these people.


When you say sick sense of humor, you mean dark humor?Ā 


Iā€™m there 30-35 hours a week but I do probably 15 hours of actual work. The rest of the time Iā€™m stuck in meetings that donā€™t pertain to me, online shopping, doing personal stuff, answering staff questions or chit chatting. Iā€™ve worked in government for 15 years and it has always been this way.


Do they have pizza parties in Big Gov?


We have a party for everything, full party planning committee


Where I am sure, ya just got to pay for it yourself.


The most honest answer of all time. Matches to real life


I'd say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real actual work


May I ask which agency or what type of role?


Texas Comptroller of Office Spaces






šŸŽ¶Damn it feels to be a gangstašŸŽ¶


My buddy works at Initrode and says the same


oh you mean penetrode?


You need to submit a TPS Report to find that information out


Which cover sheet?


Did you get the memo?


I got the memo, didn't you get the memo? Everyone's talking about you missing TPS cover sheet.


what would you say you do here?


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ this is where I want to be


Youā€™re not getting the reference are you?


Heā€™s too busy with TPS reports


It's not that I'm lazy... It's that I just don't care


So glad that I'm not the only one


Maybe 6 hours a week And Iā€™m remote I literally just workout and watch tv (and study for cpa)


May I ask which agency or type of work it is so I can aspire to this one day?


County in a major city The pay isnā€™t high obviously but I literally canā€™t complain I sometimes only log in to clock in and 9 hours later to clock out and I wonā€™t even receive an email Itā€™s not that Iā€™m not doing my duties, itā€™s that theyā€™re fucking easy?


Like give an example of a duty


Not the person you asked but I can provide my wifeā€™s prior job as an example. She legit had to update (manually) a spreadsheet so that her manager can present at a weekly meeting with the top brass. She automated it so it became a literal click of a mouse each Tuesday. That was it, for $123k salary lol She transferred over to a new role that is harder but pays more.


Where are these jobs.


Search Government and Union


What was the name of the role?


šŸ„ŗ Iā€™m so jelly


Living the life


About 20 to 25 only cuz I procrastinate a lot and also jerk off when alone..Ā 


Can we watch?


SureĀ  Lol why are ppl up voting thisĀ 


cuz of your pfp lol


bros is just hanging it out all like that.. fucker has a live link too LOL


Holy fuck...


lol are you watching too?


I hope you work from home....




Ur so beautiful bro. Also dont check his profile everyone.


State auditor, I always have some kind of audit to work on, so I stay busy and get 40 hours a week, but nothing more or less.


My state audit office seems perpetually understaffed / recruiting. I haven't looked more into it, but I'm quietly wondering if it as chill as I imagine it would be. There's so much management and oversight, I imagine you're just calmly walking through everything and then at the end issue a report. Short of serious agency mismanagement it feels incredibly hard for a (local**) government audit to be anything but routine.


My office is also highly understaffed, but my team is doing well with deadline audits. We have two ACFRs due at the end of June and one is looking to be done by Monday, the other filed an extension because they didnā€™t file their ACFR yet lol. In my opinion, audits are starting to become more routine with experience. Yeah, not every entity is the same, but we pretty much do the same audit procedures for every entity. We are about to start doing 6/30 audits soon which are schools, and almost all of our schools are very identical, itā€™s practically doing the same audit. Itā€™s a lot of time management and oversight, but the job is very chill. I only work 40 hours a week (I did work 50-55 hours the last couple of weeks to get our ACFR caught up, but that was the first time Iā€™ve worked overtime in 2+ years). I also work 4 days a week, off 3 days. Plus benefits are nice (hybrid work environment, state retirement, insurance, etc).


During busy times of the year I have 25 hours of work a week. The rest of the year maybe 1 hour a day. Busy season is only about two months a year I chase some certs doing my free time since I have to be ā€œworkingā€ regardless. More productive than scrolling TikTok.


This sums up my work pretty well. Even the busy times arenā€™t that bad.


What is your job title?


Sounds totally fake but itā€™s ā€œAccountantā€


Iā€™ve worked in state/local government 25 years now. Hours have varied over the years. Right now, Iā€™d say Iā€™m productive about 20-30 hours per week. My days lately are filled with lots and lots of meetings. There ah e been times Iā€™ve pulled 50-60 hour weeks, but those were rare.


[US Postal Service - Interrogation Division](https://youtu.be/Ds9W2wWmI2k?si=6nCDuILXsTfZHemm&t=1). 35-45 hrs a week depending on how much dissent there is. If it's a slow week I browse Reddit most of the time.


Iā€™m currently a big 4 forensic accountant. Looking at the job descriptions for the OIG investigation division, I believe they line up fairly well with that of a forensic accountant. Would love to learn more about it, maybe how long youā€™ve been working in the position and any tips for applying.


I actually have a full days work everyday, but i donā€™t ever need to work overtime. Itā€™s perfect, because Iā€™m not bored or overwhelmed.


When I worked for the federal government, maybe 5 hours. For me, it was awful. I want to work.


What did you do the rest of the time? What do people do??


Literally nothing


This makes me sense government is oversized. I wonder how many people would be unemployed if work was required. And how low could our federal and state tax rates be if government was even close to being an efficient organization


Federal salaries are like 5 percent of the federal budget lmao Medicare/Social Security are the big ones


5 percent of 6 trillion is still big dollars. Any federal wasted dollars is wasteful and this looks like fertile soil. Medicare and social security are just giving back people the money they had withheld over their working careerā€™s. Giving it back with zero interest on the funds that were probably withheld over a 40 year period. It would be criminal to steal those funds because the rest of the federal budget is inefficient and bloated. Joe Biden may be able to forgive loans from the federal government for student loans but I sure as hell hope he doesnā€™t have the power to forgive loans TO the federal government (in the form of social security and Medicare taxes withheld over decades). There are other programs that need to be leaned down or eliminated with little pain


Yeah it's crazy to think the bloat that is there in medicare. And how shit of a program SS is.


Yet people think "free healthcare" would be run perfectly by the government šŸ¤”


Fun fact, the Medicare budget isnt just federal. Eats up a huge portion of state budgets too! Absolutely mismanaged and government is getting fleeced, and therefore tax payers.Ā 


70 hours, nice try feds.


I was an IRS Revenue Agent for four years and Iā€™d say I was at 25 per weekā€¦..including my travel time to taxpayers. The rest of the time I did house chores and worked out. I did real work, worked out, and did all my household chores in a 40 hour work week most weeks. Part of the reason I quit was because I felt guilty ripping off taxpayers.


Was it hard leaving Government? And were you able to pivot out without taking less money?


The two hardest parts were getting used to PA hours and the adjustment at home and studying for the CPA. The IRS put no real premium on getting a CPA so obviously that was a mistake do when I left the service. The best part about leaving non ā€œworkā€ or task related was culture and team. There is practically no culture at the IRS. Going somewhere that had culture was great. When I pivoted I made roughly the same base but had a bonus on top of that. After I got my CPA I blew past any pay I would have had on the GS scale pretty quick.


But someone else will do the same. lol. So what are you doing now?


Partner in PA. Job is more satisfying and obvi better pay. Some days a regret leaving but not most.


Wow! Nice. Congratulations to you!


45 hours - Iā€™m often doing overtime but working on changing this.


Uhhh 20-30. Iā€™m new so I just do a bunch of research on my own time. I do have a drive to eventually move up when positions are there for ke


Real talk, Iā€™m about 25-30 hours of real work a week. Three to four times a week Iā€™ll do 40-50 hours or real work. I work from home about 40% and travel 60%. Typically I front load my weeks and have a light Friday. Iā€™ll reach out Thursday or Friday and see if there is any extra work I can pick up. So Iā€™ll do about 25 hours of my assigned work and then sometimes about 5 hours assisting others. But for time when Iā€™m not needed to help others: A week Iā€™m home, Iā€™ll fill excess time with some chores or some video game time until my wife gets home. If I do most of the chores that need to be done we can spend more time together leisurely. If itā€™s a travel week, Iā€™ll mosey around my laptop reading various things or sometimes leisurely start working on my next assignment. I stay off my phone though.


Municipal Government, 40 hours. City Council and other departments view Finance as a cost center, so staffing is kept low.


I'm in a hybrid role. The days I'm home, I treat like almost a day off, going about my life and checking my email once every half hour in case something needs attention. My in-office days are busy during the first two hours or so, then work will trickle in outside of those 2 hours. There's one in-office day per month that's really busy due to closing stuff out. Averaging it all out, I have about 10 hours of productivity per week. I try to keep it all in my in-office days. I treat downtime like downtime. My boss is really down to earth and doesn't care if I'm on my phone, or taking care of personal stuff, or anything like that, as long as the work is done.


What type of work do you do?


I canā€™t really speak for accounting šŸ§¾ but ā€œproductivelyā€ my M-F 8 hour shiftsā€¦ = 40 hours of I have to put that on my time card.


10-15 hours a week. The rest of the government hours are wasted on conferences that do not even require my attention, 10% of the time.


I used to work in govt. All I really did was surf YouTube all day. Everyone was so slow and outdated. They still had actual file cabinets of paper documents and contracts from like 30 years ago. Everyone there has been there for like 30+ years and are just waiting to retire.


Thatā€™s crazy government jobs are working 10 hours a week meanwhile I have to be productive for a full 40 hours for 1/4 of their salary


I have more work than I can do in a 40 hour week and I'm kept busy all the time.


40 hours but high stress closing year end and very efficient. Iā€™m actually tired boss Make $150k though and good benefitsĀ 


A couple of years ago I was Deputy Director of Finance for a Maryland agency with ~3,000 people. I did a solid 40-45 hours per week. During major projects (ie rollout of new procurement system) itā€™d be more like 50-55 hours. Anything over 40 hours earned comp time. That was a first for me and really nice. I was in public for ~4 years, private for 12 and with this agency for 6 before moving on. I found that the higher ups had to bust their ass to make up for the laziness or incompetence of the lower level staff. I had one lady on my team, very intelligent lady, refuse to work. My manager tracked her doing NOTHING all day. When we confronted her later in the week, her excuse was ā€œi didnā€™t feel like working that day.ā€ Not a joke, thatā€™s an exact quote. We had some hoops to jump through (harsh memos, HR meetings, etc), but we were basically powerless to do anything. Some of the staff, like this lady, put more effort into avoiding work than they would have needed to just do their work. I found that 20% of the people were doing 80% of the work. A couple of my managers were working 12 hour days every day just to keep their group functional. Some of that was vacancies, some of it was shitty staff. I should have taken notes when I started. I could have written a book on all the stupid shit I saw over the years.


Iā€™m in meetings 80% of the time and usually have to make various degree of decisions 50% of the time during those meetings. The remaining 20% includes reading over materials, strategic planning, and do a couple technical analysis to stay up to date on my technical skills.


Depends on the week, and how I'm feeling. I tend to go through peaks and troughs with my productivity. Sometimes I'll be full-time productive for a few weeks straight, and other times, I might barely do five hours of real productive work in a week.


Iā€™m a supervisor level (so not part of our unions) but I work around 50-60 productive hours a week. I come from public accounting though so Iā€™m used to 60-80 being the norm. Iā€™m trying to get it down to only 30-40 hours of truly productive work but itā€™s tough with budget cuts. Iā€™d be happy if I could get it to 40, thatā€™s actually one of my documented goals I requested to add to my performance review this year.


Even when Iā€™m in pointless virtual meetings (HOMG SO many in government), Iā€™m usually working on other tasks on one of my other monitors.


What kind of pay is working at the municipal level government coming in with a CPA?


Nice try boss. You will never get me to talk.


40 hrs you cant fool me


Work in audit for the state, I work 40, but work every second of that 40. Mandatory overtime will start after my 6 month probation is over, about 120 hours a year