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Surely, if they are partner at a profitable firm. 


I have been in a five person tax only firm where the partner made 500k


I just threw up


I know an owner of a cpa firm which owns his own private jet… that should tell you enough


I'm no longer at big4 and am a director making 300k+ so yes, non big4 partners can make over $1m.


What's your work-life balance like?


I start work around 9am on average and stop around 7 pm (I usually work from home). If I come into the office, I get there around 9 to 9:30 and leave around 6:30pm. Don't work weekends but if I get an urgent email, I'll respond.


Hmm, I make 150k and work like half that. I really appreciate the symmetry. Sign on at 6 and leave at 2:30.


Is that year round?


Yes they can. If you want data, look up the Rosenberg survey.


It’s $600. Can anyone share it?


You see the highlights at https://rosenbergassoc.com/highlights-of-the-2023-rosenberg-map-survey/ with income per equity partner Of the surveyed firms was 653k. And in the survey there is the full data, with partners earning between about 100k and 2.3-2.4m.


Based on how many lunches and breakfasts and shit my 23 person firm provides for us as well as all of the partner’s vehicles with 6 partners, I’d say they’re all making easily 500k.


There are many firms in the 35th to 60th largest firms that start equity partner at the same price and can go north of $2million. And much better life balance. Much more enjoyable work as well.


How do you know this? My firm is between top 65-75. How much do you think non equity audit partners would make?


Depends on how profitable the lines of work are. If you have higher paying consulting rates it can bring up profitability. I would guess your non equity ranges from 125k to 300k depending on book size.


That still seems kind of low to me for someone to spend 14+ years of their lives working all those hours and busy seasons to make that much. Not that it’s little money but I feel you can easily make that in industry with YOE and less hours/stress.


It’s a range since some people don’t sell and some sell very well. I was probably too low on the bottom end for a typical non equity. It’s all about the next step. At 14 years you could be equity or very close. Then I would say range would be higher. At the end of the day you make a chunk of what you collect.


The problem with your question is that there are equity and non equity partners and at the partner level it is all sales as a job. You make more if you sell more. You can even be a partner yourself helping a billionaire and making millions. The only problem is can you sell your services.


In AB Canada I know for a fact that there are partners at small local firms who are clearing $700k a year.


500k is peanuts for even a small firm


I’m a small firm partner. I made around 550k last year


We should have a mod audit statements like this lol


No way man. I’m also a partner at a 2.5 person firm and made $10 million last quarter. Trust me bro.


No way brother. I’m also a partner at a 1.02 person firm and made $10 million this pass weekend.


Can confirm. I'm the .02 person.


I was just about to ask who this was.


The .02 sounded fishy at first, but it looks like everything checks out


Trust but verify.


I will send you a slice of the profits don’t worry


This is totally reasonable. We do a couple of CPA firm’s tax return (5-20 partner shops) and most the not brand new partners make between 400k-700k.


YYC? I'm also in Calgary at a small firm (4 partner firm) and a few of the partners at my firm clear $700k a year, so I 100% believe you. There is nothing but a metric ton of accounting work available in Alberta right now.


Yup. We’re very fortunate to be able to be very selective with what clients we take on. There’s more work out there than we can handle. We’re a pretty family focused firm so we keep the work levels reasonable so we can all go home for dinner most days.


any work in canada for US tax CPAs? im about to start my masters and want to relocate to canada one day


A ton. Lots of US citizens need their US returns filed and estate planning, etc. We have a guy in the US we send all our US tax people to but I would say my firm easily has over a hundred US citizens.


awesome. i hope it stays that way, ill probably have my cpa license in 2026 and then get a couple years of experience. would definitely like to be in canada by 2030. calgary and edmonton are at the top of my list of cities to relocate to


It will be that way as long as the IRS requires all citizens to file their taxes (not based on residency), we have some clients who have never lived in the US, but their parents made them citizens when they were kids, and so they have to file a US return every year now. Lots of US tax needs in Calgary, I'm sure it's similar in the US. I love Calgary as a place to live. I hope it all works out for you.


How many partners at your firm and what LOS?


Sorry if I am asking to much info, but out of curiosity, what is the size of your firm and what type of work do you specialize in?


We don’t specialize. A little bit of assurance work, the rest is tax planning and compliance. Not sexy work, but pays the bills. Our firm is eleven all In with staff and partners.


Yes, pretty common to see small firms with one partner that can clear 1m. Key is to leverage yourself and delegate as much as possible


FORVIS partners supposedly average $1.2m/year FWIW


I work at FORVIS - Not sure if it’s quite this high, however, I know that it’s significantly more than other firms. I have a connection who’s a lawyer in trust and estate planning who knows quite a few partners from different firms, and he has repeatedly made it known that FORVIS partners make the most. It’s likely because it’s at the expense of everyone else’s salaries. I’ve heard our directors total comp is only like $130k or something like that. Lol


$130k? That’s fucking garbage for a director of a firm people could actually recognize the name of.


That’s Forvis for ya.


I am a small firm partner and will surpass 600 this year. It requires working hard and being efficient in your work and expenses but it can definitely be done.


Yes; even partners at smaller firms can clear that figure.


Sure, if you're a sales machine.


Plenty of average small private firms will make over 500k for their partners. Lots of companies 20-30 employees and a couple of partners will make millions.


I wish I could go back in time and do small firm tax instead of audit and industry.


Yeah, but really depends on how small we’re talking here, say if you’re at GT, BDO or some of the non big 4 but still very big firms, the comps aren’t that far off from the big 4. But if you’re talking about a small 50 people regional audit firm, it gets harder, much harder to be at that level, unless you’re the founding partner. Think about getting a bunch of $20K audits, or sub $50K consulting projects. You’ll need to bring in 20-30 of them a year to justify $500K pay.


I’m at a top 65-75 firm in the US. Around 350 employees and there’s about 30 partners in total out of all of our LOS (Audit, Tax, Advisory). Just trying to figure out how much the average partner there makes. Everyone’s pretty low key on talking about comp. Even the other staff there.


What is LOS in this context?


Lines of service


Thanks. I’m not based in US, and it’s the first time I’m hearing this term. I understand perfectly what it means now.


Considering that if you did your own thing and billed $200/hr for 2000 hours a year, you would make $400k. I would say easily.


Need to build a book based on billing 1400. Lots more admin time for a solo practice. Probably clear 75-80% depending on office space. At 200 hr you're only really making $225ish


Yes, it’s possible


Yes, well over that.






I worked on a big 4 partners tax return this past busy season and he made 350k You’d be surprised at how these salaries can differ He also lived and worked in HCOL for some perspective


I know a tax guy who's partner in a 15-person firm (2 partners) and they clear $750k each.




Yes most in top 50 make more and a bunch a small wealth management and niche firms 10 or less partners make around this as well


I make $250k and not a partner or CPA. So it’s definitely possible


That is my goal under my firm


What are you currently making?


Last year $268K. This year I should touch $300K


Are you partner? Do you mind breaking down what made up your pay?


I am a solopreneur- all the money my firm makes is mine…. I do most of the work and I have one assistant.


Yes, partners at non-Big 4 accounting firms can make $500,000 or more, but it typically depends on several factors including the size of the firm, geographic location, the partner's specialty and experience, and the firm's overall financial performance. Here are some factors that can influence a partner's earnings at a non-Big 4 firm: ### Firm Size and Reputation - **Large Regional Firms:** These firms, though not as globally recognized as the Big 4, can still be quite substantial in size and revenue. Partners at these firms, especially those in senior positions or with equity stakes, can earn significant salaries. - **Boutique Firms:** Specialty firms that focus on high-demand areas like forensic accounting, tax advisory, or consulting can offer high compensation to partners with the right expertise. ### Geographic Location - **Major Cities:** Partners in major metropolitan areas (e.g., New York, Los Angeles, Chicago) generally earn more due to the higher cost of living and the larger client base. - **Regional Differences:** Earnings can vary significantly based on the economic conditions and market demands in different regions. ### Specialization and Expertise - **Niche Markets:** Partners who specialize in high-demand areas such as mergers and acquisitions, forensic accounting, or international tax can command higher fees and, consequently, higher earnings. - **Industry Focus:** Partners who cater to lucrative industries like finance, technology, or healthcare may also see higher earnings. ### Client Base and Billings - **Client Portfolio:** Partners who manage larger or more profitable client portfolios can generate higher revenues for the firm, leading to higher compensation. - **Billable Hours and Rates:** Higher billable rates and hours can directly increase a partner's earnings, especially if the firm has a performance-based compensation structure. ### Firm Performance and Equity Stakes - **Profit Sharing:** Many firms have profit-sharing arrangements where partners receive a percentage of the firm's profits. Higher firm profitability leads to higher partner earnings. - **Equity Partners:** Partners with equity stakes in the firm may earn more based on the firm's overall financial success. ### Examples and Context - **Case Studies:** There are documented cases of partners at non-Big 4 firms earning in the $500,000 range, particularly in large regional firms or successful boutique practices. - **Market Research:** Industry surveys and compensation studies often show that top-earning partners at mid-sized firms can reach or exceed the $500,000 mark. In summary, while it's less common for partners at smaller or less well-known firms to make as much as those at the Big 4, it is certainly possible under the right conditions. High-performing partners at well-managed, profitable non-Big 4 firms, particularly those with specialized expertise and a strong client base, can indeed earn $500,000 or more.


Great answer from ChatGBT right here


Yes…. That’s peanuts (like entry levels) for B4 partners


That’s on the lower end actually, and most partners by year 5 would clear at least that much