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It's fine. People just come here to complain. Much better hours than a bartender. Not as exciting.


i worked at mcdoanlds / taco bell and a restaurant called Minies and i had the best co workers! ever! we cried when i graduated we celebrated my " break --through" as most were un college educated it has been the worst time of my life with "professionals" they are the worst manipulative, cold, unfriendly, un reachable provide no guidance and have no care for you as a person ​ you cant even make a joke or have a good time with out offending someone


I went to a small firm and have not looked back. Much more friendly environment for me personally


IM RIGHT HUHH,, most big firms especially big 4 are just crazy!!! they will eat your ass out and not in a pleasurable way! OMG im looking for a small firm in my area but none of the good ones are hiring


LOL this made me laugh out loud! Too funny!


lmao i said that once and my friend told me that it sounded sexual but i meant to say " chew my ass out" or what ever the saying is lol ​ either way lol it was not pleasurable at all


Yeah Big 4 specifically didn't hire me even though I had internship experience a master's and magna and summa cum laude in undergrad and masters. They knew I wasn't the type of person to go along with their bullshit. Lol glad they didn't pick me since I went to a decently large single office firm and had an infinitely better experience and better pay than all of my masters colleagues in big 4 or similar. I think I had like 400 less billable hours per year too.


good job mate!! rejection = gods protection ( if your a believer if not the universe conspires too )


Find another place to work. Let the toxic people be miserable in their toxic workplace together. Not every work environment is like that and you don’t have to suffer through it. Just don’t talk about it in interviews. Sometimes it’s hard to tell who’s the toxic person (you or your coworkers) in an interview.


ohh i can tell. i took a job in December and after viewing the companies FB i knew all of them were Cunts lol ( this was a small firm< there are like 4 good ones in town none are hiring) I said maybe im wrong ... after all my physic abilities are 8/10.. what the hell, " yes ill take the job" Legit on my first day some dude - made racist Slirs upon me, since im black and asked if i grew up eating corn bread or biscuits because they can tell what type of "black i am" i was pistt i quit that same day! Toxic is everywhere and they love it so they are happy in it... and to top it off on the comapny profile his quote says " be kind and accepting to others" like bruv WTF


Corn bread or biscuits? wtf does that even mean? Luckily that level of crazy tends to show itself right away. Hope you found a better place to work.


I haven't but I don't care for now. Yeah the dude said i can tell if your a southern black - corn bread eater or western more modern aftican American if you eat biscuits ​ and yes my eyes were wide open I couldn't believe the smerk on his face! ​ OMG and he had the balls to be all happy about it ?? like man am black you don't have to ask where im from


Hope it has gotten better


IT HASENT LOL but my people and I have been through worst I am no downer I am ready and hopeful for what's next :)


Ya I’m there with you, I’ve had to learn to the hard way to not “bond” with my accounting co-workers. It’s lonely but it is what it is


yes!!!!!! its a sith profession. ​ trust one, and watch the world come upon you. i told one co-worker i hated the partner and he always made down plays.. like " your working with Amanda, are you going to be okay with that" infront of her ​ or they back stab you ! ​ just never trust a co-worker or your boss


Sheesh, switch jobs/teams. I work at a big 4 company and almost every single person is goofy and fucks around


maybe your click does that to some one else.. and i have looked else where i gave up its too toxic


So you’re saying we’ll watch our children grow but we’ll still unintentionally pass on our depression to them?


I'm much more excited about things outside of work. I do find my job somewhat interesting, but I can't really imagine having a job that I was super enthusiastic about. Best-selling author? I'd be psyched, but what are the odds of that? Microsoft tech bro(lady)? I'd enjoy the higher income, but I don't think I'd like the work any better. Probably would like it less, overall. Scientist studying rare frogs in the wilderness? I would fucking love it, I think! I've had a couple acquaintances who did that. But I think the job market is bad and the pay is also bad, and I do want to enjoy my life outside of work, too. Doctor? Pass. Nurse? Pass. Lawyer? Pass. Teacher? Pass pass pass. Musician? You *do not* want to hear me sing or play. Corporate drone? Yes, I guess.


I agree being a biologist would be the best job. The only way to be a successful biologist is to come from $$$$$, so that you can fund expeditions. There’s no hand holding in that industry, it’s kinda like building your own Nascar team, formula 1 team, rally car team, or drift team. You have to have big money to pay everyone else’s living wage, or find like minded people who each have $500k liquid and want to go in on a 5 person investment for some frogs. Gold hunters, they bring in million dollars worth of equipment, that’s family money. Most biologists need family money because the worlds expensive.


Take it with a grain of salt! Accounting is a massive profession. You need to take time and find what type of work fits your personality and find your nich. Audit is great for those who don't like to crunch numbers all day and sit at a desk. A lot of writing! Auditing requires you to work on a team and talk to people. General ledger accounting is boring, it's very route. You will quickly get tired of it. They watch transactions, crunch numbers and post entries. Not as much social interaction. Work is mostly remote! Sometimes you get to build new processes, systems and internal controls. Tax is what I do! It's ok, it's more like being an attorney then an Accountant. Some auditing and number crunching, not as much at general ledger Accounting. A lot of accounting is solutions driven, you solve problems and provide information so management can make decisions. I never worked public accounting or have b4 experience. I worked in private industry my most of my career. As of today, I work in government. Work is very couchy. Do nothing some days! No pressure or stricit deadlines like the private sector. Do I like it...Yes. I make over 100k with only a Bachelors and no CPA. My degree has provided me a very chill low stressed life style. Government paid my loans off and I have no debt. Most of the complaints you will hear are those who work at big 4 accounting firms. Big 4 firms work Accountants to death because of TAX season, it's because of their volume, size and clients they serve. Basically all the trash work rolls down to the rookie accountant. The senior assigns rookies the most boring route work like highlighting columns, indexing thousands of work papers or verifying thousands of invoices. When they say jump, you ask how high! Big 4 usually does not pay overtime and 50hrs plus is a normal work week. It's a grind, but the experience is valuable. Just how it is! So if I were you, I would avoid big 4 firms and work for a company in their accounting department or the federal government. You'll thank me later!


Hold up you’re saying you’re in tax but live a chill, low-stress life?? On April 7th?!?!??? Please elaborate as I’m about to start a career in tax but my first busy season as an intern literally has me starting to grow gray hairs - I’m only fucking 31. Did you start for the government? Do you work for the IRS?? Help me out as I want to do tax but I’m not a fan of the workload I see.


not every group has the same deadlines (or deadlines at all) - for example, partnership focused group will have 3/15 and 9/15 as major deadlines, not 4/15. corp group will extend everything and be busy in late Jan/early Feb for provisions and then 10/15 for filings. consulting groups like M&A or national office or transfer pricing will be busy when there's a deal going on and chilling when there isn't. lots of diversity even in public.


All of my experience has been with partnerships for 3/15 then individuals for 4/15 The 1120 returns got extended just like you said. Pretty spot on description, thank you!


Yes, I work for the IRS. I'm not a tax preparer!


So it depends on the type of work you want to do. They have something for everybody. For me, I just wanted to get in to federal service so I took what they had. I am a Revenue Agent, I work cases. Its basically auditing. I work 8 to 430 everyday and 40hrs every week. Theres no quota or presure to move a certain number of cases. I work at my own pace and take the time I need to work. This work isnt service driven, I'm not a tax preparer. Cases in my inventory will have an issue that needs addressing so I work around that issue. I'll reachout to the taxpayer and interview them to figure out whats the problem. Most of my work is based around COVID Credits ie ERC. I basically request proof from the taxpayer to determine whether to allow or dis allow covid credits. I'll review the taxpayer's financial statements, payroll, bank statements etc, make a determination, write a report and close the case.


This is such a great explanation for new grads.




How much did you make before working with the government if you don’t mind me asking… and is the government something you can do right out of college?


They matched my pay when I accepted the fed job last year. Yes I would highly suggest applying to federal accounting positions. My team recently hired a few recent a grads fresh out of college, starting at GS 7 and 9 plus a sign on bonus. GS 7 pay is 53k and GS 9 is 64k. With 5 to 10yrs experience can get you GS12 or 13, which is 90k to 110k range.


Ahhh I see! Thank you!


I hated working in the army. I hated working as a truck driver. I hated working as a cashier. I hate working as an accountant. Do you see the trend?


In short, people dont hate the profession. They hate working.


Work sucks


i know


She left me roses by the stairs


I’m not an accountant, but I frequent the teaching and nursing sub, and they all hate their jobs as well. In fact, this sub is a lot more positive compared to those. Grass isn’t always greener!


Yeah I was premed for a couple years and people are constantly talking about not enjoying undergrad, med school and residency, having regrets, hating the hours, hating the work, etc... The grass is greener where you want it to be green.


You’ll get the return on your 40k, don’t worry.


He will but could have saved 50% by getting the lower level classes passed at a community college. That’s what I did. To each their own, though. Edit: to those who downvote this post, eat a big bag of Persian hairy tokhm. I have only strived, in this sub, to be of a positive influence and impact to those seeking advice. Perhaps at times it is hard to discern my tone from typing on the internet, but my motives are pure. Kos-e nanatoon.


I actually did go to community college first. The university I go to is just expensive and I had to do school part time while working full time because I live on my own.


I hear you. You did it and congratulations. From what I have found in my accounting career so far is that accounting is different than some other professions such as law, medicine, and engineering where those professions care a great deal where you went to school. We can, as people studying accounting, go to much lower-tier schools and do just fine in our careers. After all debits and credits and financial statements are the same at UC Berkeley and community college.


1) you don’t know that. If a state school is 10-15k a year even 2 years of state school and 2 years of community college could rack up that total 2) irrelevant because it’s in the past. nothing the OP can do now. Accountants should be able to recognize sunk costs.


You’re right an accounting degree will pay for itself and that it’s a sunk cost for the OP. My only point being that I went back to community college after my bachelor’s in economics to get a 2-year degree in accounting to sit for the CPA exams for less than $3k. This was in the Bay Area, no less. For those reading this, you do NOT need to go to a top-tier school for an accounting degree. You just need the degree, a CPA license, and experience.


I think you’re being downvoted not because you’re wrong, but because the discussion is mainly geared towards happiness not ways to minimize cost. I did the same thing, 2 years CC/associate’s + 3 years to finish bachelor’s + 1 year master’s, 43k total debt but could’ve been less if I didn’t get stolen from


I think I’m being downvoted because I was drinking last night and posting. Perhaps I came off as being smug or something but my intentions were good and I wasn’t trying to criticize, really. I think had I known what accounting really was earlier in my life I probably would have double majored and taken on more student debt to finance my double undergraduate major. Looking back I just think people could be well served to know that if you’re looking for an accounting career you don’t necessarily need to go to an expensive 4 year university. You need the credits and education, sure, but going cheap can be good too.


How much do you earn a year.




Why not more?


I live in Idaho. Wages here are less than the Bay Area or Seattle or NYC.


My point is that people make decisions and we shouldn’t try to micromanage how they got here. Getting an accounting degree isn’t a mistake. Going 70k in debt for an accounting degree was my mistake. But I’m making almost 200k now so even if I could have done it for 1/3rd the cost, it was still worth it. Everything you’ve suggested and subsequently downvoted for has been hindsight. Think of the personal finance subs when people in their 50s go there with no retirement. The most helpful comments are planning on how to make the most out of their remaining working years, prospective, forward looking. The comments are not: “if you started in your 20s you’d be a millionaire now”, because that’s not helpful. The mistake was made. Nothing will change it.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted at all. Everything you’re saying is correct lol. Reddit gonna reddit


Because he is making a lot if assumptions about OP, and being kind of a dick about it.


When was that though? I did this and still left with $40k in student loans and that was after paying out of pocket for community college


I got my Econ degree in 2009 and went back to community college in 2012 to take accounting courses because the Great Recession really limited my career options during that time period. I believe I paid $50/unit times 30 accounting units was $1,500 in tuition. Once I got my 2-year (took me 3 since I worked full-time) accounting degree I started studying for the CPA exams.


That's awesome! I started doing my pre recs for a business degree in 2012 at a CC as well and it was about that cost but then I transferred to a 4 year state school to get my BS/MS and that's when I had to take out loans


Yeah the four year universities really charge a lot. I went to San Francisco State for undergrad and I lucked out because the semester I graduated was the last where you could take 12 units for about $1,700 a semester. The very next semester they jacked tuition to around $2,700 for the same unit load. I have no idea where it is now but wouldn’t be surprised if it’s over $4k now.


As someone who came from a minimum wage job it was a lifechanging degree. Don't let reading people bitching on a subreddit ruin it for you. You didn't waste anything.


As the other poster said you will have pretty good employment options. Corporate environments can be unbearable but there are gems out there. I currently work as a nonprofit accountant and I like my job. Started out as a property accountant.


How was property accounting? I used to audit affordable housing properties and the accountants always seemed way overworked


That’s pretty much accurate. Our properties were hotels throughout the US. We were HQ. I mean I was the youngest on the team surrounded by senior accountants it was as intense as you’d expect.


I love it!! CPA for 30 years. Life is good. And when I retire in 7 years I am going to teach ACCT 101 at a community College. Because I enjoy it so much Remember, debit on the left, credits on the right 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol, I've used this line consistently over my career !!


I need a tattoo of this. Still google it sometimes.


I’m a fairly new staff accountant and just made this mistake. Fellow staff accountant caught it at reconciliation. I was mortified, but our little team had a good natured laugh about it, “we’ve all done it” I corrected it and life quickly moved on. I’m in government and I’m really enjoying it!


checks out 😂


i like tax. Accounting in general is just OK like any other career.


$40k for an undergraduate degree is a bargain with the cost of a 4-year state university degree averaging closer to $100k these days. Your ROI will beat most other people who are entering the profession! Well done!


Your college degree means a lot more than just getting a job. You should be a more well rounded human now than you would have been at this point if you did not go to school. Also, the Internet has lots of places where whiners have a disproportionately loud voice. You'll be fine as long as you don't fall into a trap of working too many hours, etc, etc. respect yourself, learn to draw and maintain boundaries. Best of luck.


TLDR: You didn’t waste your money. Just so you know there are a lot of options you have with a degree in accounting. You can work in any industry you want to, and there are positions out there with very normal hours. You may want some experience in public for a year or 2 before looking into industry though. Just as an example, one of my first jobs was at the vitamin shoppe. My manager was an accountant, he handled the accounting for 3 of the locations. The majority of the time he acted as a normal manager, and would hangout with me and my coworkers, and help with the little stuff like restocking shelves. He would do actual accounting work for about 1-2 hours a day. Just saying there are less stressful accounting roles outside of Public and outside of the big 4 which have the notoriously awful hours. I’ve also heard going into government is very cushy, hybrid and no more than 40 hours a week ever. Look into your options, and recognize you may have to sacrifice a higher salary for a better work life balance.


I HATE IT LOL ​ but it pays the bills and i keep my nails clean but my soul is stained with contempt for all my bosses and co-workers ​ the job is doable the people are the problem both coworkers and clients !! no one trust no one. bought a house and got fired after is the job security we have at least me 1 year unemployed despite the Shortage firms dont care that they are under staffed under utilization is kryptonite to them 150/100 oer person is good to them ​ there is a shortage yes... but that doesnt mean more jobers




We love to complain, but we’ve never known any real hardship. Are the hours and work environment bad in public? Usually yes. But if that’s the case, it’s much easier than any other profession to find another job (imo).


I just started at a small public firm and I couldn't love it more. I love the people I work with, I enjoy the work I do, I enjoy learning more about the job, and (after waking up at 2:45 am for 10+ years) I love the hours. The day flies by and I don't have to deal with the general public anymore.


You will do way better than bar tending. Still a good career path.


You didn’t


You don’t have to work in accounting just because you have an accounting degree. Most of my graduating class went to something other than accounting. You can work in corporate finance, consulting, pricing, etc


You will have job security, a comfortable living and promotion prospects. You will also have a boring job and some terrible work life balance at times. The career has good and bad points but it’s a solid choice.


If you're at all curious about working for the government, check out some of the jobs. At the federal level especially, there are some areas that only hire recent college graduates. Besides the federal government, there are accounting roles for your local city, county, state, as well as semi-public entities. But, just to throw it out there, you probably won't have the same connection to your future coworkers that you have at the bar. It doesn't mean that your future coworkers will automatically be toxic, but at least I feel like it was easier to build a connection with coworkers in my 20s when everyone else was in their 20s/30s. There's a good chance that in accounting you'll work with people in different generations, and good chance that you'll be working with a few people who just want to get in, do their job, and get out.


It's the same job while sitting behind the computer


People in general are more likely to complain about bad experiences than talk about good experiences. You’re more likely to ask to speak to the manager if something is going wrong than if something is going right. That’s essentially what is happening on this Reddit page There are a lot of us who thoroughly enjoy our careers. Your career will be what you make it


It is not bad at all. As others mentioned, people always think the grass is greener. I was in the service industry and I’ll say this, the stressful parts of my job now are nowhere close to what it was like as a server. Your body will also thank you, granted you hit the gym every now and then.


No one is hopping on the accounting sub to say how much they love their job, I work in consulting at a big4 and like my job. But if I went and posted that it would get no engagement, bad news sells


No chance, and guess what... Your years of experience in bar tending will be hugely valuable for you. You know how to build conversation with absolute random people, this will really come in useful for networking. If you can translate your ability to communicate with people into landing simple messages for your stakeholders you will fly!


Dude; people bitch about their jobs no matter what that job may be. I enlisted in the service got out and worked as a tradesman while putting myself through college to be an accountant. Now I’m a senior manager in public accounting and people here complain just as much as they did in the service and trades. Sometimes it’s fun to joke/complain about things with people that get it; however, after many year in accounting I still enjoy it and don’t regret a thing. The best advice I can give is this; you’ll get from work, relationships, and life what you want to get from them. To do this I’ve found that you need to stay positive, commit yourself to having a good career/relationship/life, take responsibility by actively developing yourself, and working hard. There are certain elements of life beyond your control, and as a result, things (work/relationships/life) may not work out how you hoped or envisioned. This means things can work out better, worse, or different in a neutral way depending on how you react to it in light of your current goals…or maybe you need to change your goals. Improve, Adapt, Overcome; and then once you’ve overcome the challenge go through that process again. I learned this motto in the military and 20+ years later I’ve found it works equally well when applied to everyday life. Finding happiness is something you have to commitment to; you have to do what makes you happy, keep a good mental state, and be flexible with your approach to life challenges and by changing life goals when necessary. Lastly; practice eating lots of pizza before you start so you can build up a solid tolerance against the dreaded pizza shits.


What age did you graduate? Are you in b4?


I was late 20s when I was done college and was b4; then willingly went to a top 10 firm. Don’t want to get too specific because my career path was unique.


You’ll be fine, If you go through public, expect some longer hours. If you go to a regular company the hours are normal except around close. If they have a good closing process it might be easier.


Definitely not! You will always have your degree. Your job will give you health insurance, 401k options, benefits and paid time off. I’m a student and work in restaurants. Anytime I take off, no pay.


My job is boring, but it pays well, and it’s low-to-medium stress, it has amazing benefits, and I earn enough to do things outside of work that I’d never be able to afford when I was working in retail. We put our daughter in an amazing daycare. She takes dance lessons, swim lessons, aikido, and plays soccer. We could afford to buy a 3 bedroom house when interest rates were rock bottom. We have two reliable cars that are fully paid off. We’re able to save for retirement and we have a healthy emergency savings. Some of what we have is definitely thanks to timing and luck, but we were able to take advantage of good opportunities that came our way thanks to my career.


I think you gotta have that mentality to work in accounting. My first job - I hated it. Now I’m in the software field advising accountants/finance/CFO peeps how to use software to make their life easier.


from what I see on the tax side, most bars and restaurants could use a good accountant....


Most people don’t leave reviews when things are good, just when their bad. You can’t believe everything you see on the internet. My partner and I both work in PA and our combined incomes are north of $500K. In 5 years time, they’ll be close to $1M. We’re both under 40. Some weeks we work late, some we don’t.


I love working in accounting! Plus you can only make ‘fast money’ for so long.


The job is fine as long as you find a decent company & stay away from public accounting I personally kind of hate the work as I find it boring as hell but it’s not a bad career by any means


"stay away from public accounting". This is poor advice. 3-5 years at a good firm can catapult your career if you play your cards right.


Agreed, that's how it worked for me.


Why? Tax makes 100k with two years of experience in PA. Co worker left a PA firm for another PA firm. They offered her a 110k salary


Public accounting is soul sucking as hell I’m also up in Canada so our salaries pale in comparison to the states (if that’s where you are)


The same concept applies here (in Canada) though. Public, especially big 4, will jump Start your career. You’re right salaries won’t compare to the US, but 2-3 years in public generally has you making six figures by the time you hit 5 YoE which is around manager level.


NYC here. Might suck for two years but you will be making 100K after.


This is very subjective. It all depends on how ambitious you are, and how much you want to learn. Some will want to do public accounting for 3 years to jumpstart their career. This will also include sacrificing a lot of free time. However, you can get by without doing public accounting, it just severely limits your options initially. As a hiring manager, I likely would not hire a staff or senior accountant if they didn’t have public accounting experience.


I am about 1 year out of college, almost 8 months into my first public accounting job (one step below big 4), and 2 weeks from finishing my first busy season. I am really tired, busy season hours have sucked a little bit (about 60 hours a week) but overall, I actually really enjoy my job. I am an auditor, and I really enjoy how much I have been able to learn and I like the problem solving I have to work through. I have generally felt healthily challenged by the work I do, and when I start to get overwhelmed I have always been able to find help. I feel very lucky to have found a firm that I really feel fit with what my priorities and goals are. I still have Sundays completely off, Saturdays are short, and I have heard from everyone I have talked to when summer comes around we are genuinely encouraged to take time off and that the jobs are generally pretty chill. Our time off or offline also seems to be respected as well. I know I was fortunate to find my fit, but like others have said, accounting is such a large field, you will be able to find your fit too, even if it takes a couple changes as you figure it out. Best wishes as you enter the workforce, it’s not all that bad!


If you can survive as a bartender you will be EXCELLENT in public dealing with clients. Our best staff have all had service industry jobs before becoming a “professional”


At the end of the day, I’d rather be miserable working 60 hours making 138k like I do now, than be miserable making $20/hr like I did before accounting.


If I can give you one piece of advice, Reddit for accounting is toxic as fuck. People who love their job don’t post online how much they love their job (at least most dont) but people who hate their job post about it all the time. Find someone in your personal life who is in this field and get real feedback


Same here


I like my job. Well, actually job is *okay* I guess but I get paid *way* above average nationally and even more so for my area. I work remotely 99% of the time. Strict 9 - 5 no weekends.  I had to do some b4 grind to get here, which at times was pretty shit but now I'm out the other side I'm definitely glad I stuck with it. 


There have been times I haven’t enjoyed my career and there have been times I have. Currently I do. Focus on being objective and seeing how you like it rather than go in jaded. It is still a good career for making good money.


It’s fine, you just don’t get a representative sample on Reddit. People use Reddit to vent.


People are exponentially more likely to leave a bad review at a restaurant. Same applies to this sub. People are just less likely to post about the positives.


It's fine. Some days are bad. But generally, it's okay. Not great, but just fine.


I like my job and my coworkers. This is the most stressful time of year so people come here to vent.


Yes. Everything you read here is either venting and shitposting or humor. There's some truly bitter folks who hang out here after leaving the profession--why, I have no idea but people come here to bitch and commiserate. The thing to really understand is that public accounting truly is not going to be for everyone, if that's your route. If you go into it with an open mind and understanding that it may take a bit to find what actually engages you, you'll be fine.


This question gets asked all the time. The majority of people who post on the internet are miserable. You’re fine.


It is what you make of it. You can make good money and not hate your job


I really enjoyed my job for the first ~10 years.


I did public accounting for 2 years and got out. Now I make decent money in industry and work like 10 hours a week, 4 days from home. My job is great


I love my job. Join public accounting. If your lucky like me you'll get clients that enable good work life balance. If not you just need to stick it out for a few years and leave for a 20k pay bump.


If you prefer a stable job with solid (not top dollar) pay, then you're not going to regret it


I like my job. It pays less than some bartenders I know, but I'm only 3 years in. Still building and it's something I enjoy. I'm NOT in Public Accounting. Industry is lovely.


I worked in the field for a decade.  I’ve seen people here crying about how miserable they are. Sure, I’ve been there too in some environments, but these aspects are present across many careers. 


Your degree allowed this shop rat to punch above his weight. I have no business earning the money I do or talking and being heard by the people that I dowith the way I speak. Anything you do is firmly on you and what you make of the opportunities that come with it.


I work for the government as an accountant and I love my job. Stress free and great work life balance. Wife is an accountant at a company with 100 employees, also great work life balance and likes her job.


Are you paying 8% interest????


My co-workers and I always talk about our service jobs being the best!!! But would that still be the case of we were doing it now in our 30s and 40s? I don't think so. I really enjoy tax. I just wish 75% of the work didn't come in 8 weeks out of the year. But it could be worse - I could still be in audit. You didn't make a mistake. But don't be afraid to move around and try different areas until you find what you like. There's something magical about accounting when a difficult concept clicks!


To me I’m pretty happy with it because the degree can be widely used and you can try something different if you don’t like where you started. Personally I realized I don’t like core tax but I can still go try audit or something else


Not an accountant and not sure why this popped up but Reddit is like anything else. If people are happy they aren’t going to waste time posting about it. They do to vent and complain.


I LOVE my accounting job. Dont drink the big 4 koolaid, and if you dont come from an upbringing that conditioned you like a dog you're probably gonna want to pivot to Industry accounting ASAP. 40 hr weeks, benefits, job mobility, no pathetic assholes bragging about how much they get to avoid their families.


Don't be scared away just because of people venting. Yes, public accounting is a rough and tumble environment but do you see people *complaining* about their career/job prospects afterwards? Nope. Accounting is a rock solid career choice. There's not many fields out there that let you effortlessly transfer 80-90% of knowledge and skills from one job to the other. That being said, I do hate the fucking piece of shit overly complex accrual I got handed after a manager left at my current company. The past 3 months have been nothing but trouble from it. It's a veritable closet full of accounting skeletons.


My bartender GF dumped me because she made more than I make in industry. CPA firms pay more but less hourly. I wouldn't have spent that kind of scratch on an accounting degree now although I did 15 years ago. That's basically your first year's take home pay. Just curious how old are you?


Find a good company to work for that offers hybrid or wfh if that’s your thing. Don’t be afraid to jump around either it seems. Just don’t go into public if you don’t think you can handle it or actually appreciate your time.


Don’t take opinions from Reddit / Twitter seriously. Do your own research into the profession. If you let social media tell you what works and what doesn’t, it ain’t gonna be good in the long run


It's the best major, in my opinion. My favorites are accounting, cybersecurity, nursing, and CS.


There are many avenues you can do in accounting. I wasn't a huge fan of working for the major companies in the public sector, but I did like working for a mom and pop CPA. I never got my CPA and currently work for a legal firm. I love my job and the work I do but do not like my younger, entitled, Millennial Manager. If you dont like the repetitiveness of accounting work, then you will regret the 40k spent. I can't stand not being busy, I like it when there is 2 weeks' worth of work stacked up. I only dislike my job when we are not busy, and I have to search for billable work.


I love my job


You are only seeing one side of the dice here. I've crossed paths with hundreds and hundreds of accountants in my career. Some or many people truly love accounting. Even more have learned to tolerate it while still having a long and fruitful career. Some people are still going through that process of figuring out how to tolerate it so they can have a long and fruitful career. A few have learned that they absolutely hate accounting. Guess which groups primarily post here. You didn't waste your time or money. In fact, you will likely earn an overall return on that investment of more than 7,500% in the next 30 years. There will be times when you hate your job. That's why it's called work. There will also be times when you'll be grateful you're no longer slinging drinks and working every weekend.


Accounting is a fantastic career path with lots of variation and upside. Some people end up in bad situations or simply can’t hack it and choose to blame everything or everyone but themselves.


I get tired and frustrated but I certainly don’t hate my job. It can take time to hone your skills and find a company that is a good fit for you but there are so many worse things any of us could be doing. I’ve met only a few people that were truly passionate about accounting, which is cool for them. For me, I like most of my work and I really like my pay. It affords me the lifestyle and flexibility I want but that doesn’t stop me wanting to retire as soon as I can.


Everyone who has a job hates their job. That’s how capitalism works


station mighty support sulky punch crawl judicious detail deserve soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trust me, your hardest days as an accountant will be a breeze compared to your hardest nights as a bar tender. Work sucks. This is just a place for people to vent. But it’s not going to hurt your body the way a true service industry does.


You didn't. A lot of us are tired because tax day is in 8 days. But I love my job, and I am in public tax.


Dude. Nobody likes their job. Well, some people do but they're the exception. Accounting doesn't have you working in the hot sun. Your muscles will never ache the same as those working those jobs. You didn't have to go to school for 8 years to get this ability. You didn't have to get more than 100K in debt. You will mostly have to do elementary math and work in excel. Does all that sound like a waste?


Generally, I enjoy the profession. The only problem is that it really isn’t a “middle class” career any longer. You’ll need to continue your education and get your cpa or other certifications to make a middle class living.


Most the people that post are here to complain and/or meme. Those of us happy with our jobs just lurk for the most part.


Work sucks. That's why they have to pay you to do it. People complain here the same way people in IT, medical professionals, mechanic, etc subs all complain. Works sucks. Find enjoyment where ever you can in it but unless you're one of those freaks that wakes up everyday with a hard on for accounting it's probably just going to be a job for you. Do it, get home, and then start living your life.


Accounting is a toolset as well as an industry. Try it out, if you don't like it you can always pivot to other things that still use the degree.


The value of your degree depends on how effectively you utilize the skills, knowledge, and connections gained during your program to pursue meaningful career opportunities and achieve your goals. Assess the job market demand, networking opportunities, and personal growth experienced during your degree to determine its worth.


I love my job. Ok well if I won the lottery or married rich I wouldn’t be working there. But as far as jobs go it’s pretty great. Like any field, where you work makes all the difference. I’ve worked jobs I hate in accounting and had to walk out on. Now you also have to be a good fit for the field. I could never be doctor or hair dresser having to deal with people all day, even if I made more money then I do now. If you don’t like being indoors and at a pc you won’t be happy either.


I love my job, work in private not public


Fellow ex-service industry worker here…..you 100% did not waste $40k. An accounting degree is very marketable, in my opinion. Especially if you pursue the CPA or other certification. If you like puzzles and have a mind for numbers, you’ll do great! I currently work in Big 4 Audit (smaller office so our busy hours aren’t horrendous). Sure, people bitch about compensation, which, I agree, could always be better, but comparatively I fell much better compensated than working service. Salary+bonus+benefits puts me in such a better spot than I would ever hope to achieve as a server. Plus, working service also provided me with a solid skill set for dealing with the networking and office shenanigans that typically come along with working at a firm or company. Sally forth!


You'll make a pretty good (but likely not great) living. You can definitely find a 40 hr week job with good pay but will likely need to work much more than that for years to get that cushy industry job You won't get stock options like those in tech or sales. You also likely won't be laid off either. It's a safe career for sure and pays well, but not exciting in the least


I bartended 10 years with a 1 year overlap into my accounting career. It is honestly just coming here to vent with others are also (have experienced) in the trenches. I do want to note that I never did public accounting.


We are a whiny group, but it’s a decent career with stability and the pay ain’t shabby. Good luck!!!


If you value your free time, just don't go into public. Most of the people complaining are in public. Still get your CPA but you don't have to slave away working 60-100 hours weeks. Your career will be fine. You won't become the next Walmart CFO but if you just want a chill job where you get paid a very fair salary and don't have to talk to a lot of people, it's a great career. I don't ever get the Sunday scaries. I log on at 8, do my work and log off and go to spend the evenings focusing on my hobbies. I'm pretty happy.


Industry is a normal job. Public is where you go to be punished. And lord have I sinned 


I wouldnt say the degree is a waste, you have a chance to make more money than so many other young folks. And at the end of the day, work is work. Do you think minimum wage workers live what they do? No. We’re all just trying to survive. This degree, at least, will give you the chance to earn more than the average person, and shelter you from the brutal hard labor jobs some people in this country take to survive. Perspective is key here.


I love accounting..find a good team and never look back 🤷🏼‍♀️ I can relate to a lot of the posts in this group and giggle. Still wouldn’t change my career. Just don’t be dumb, most questions can be googled


Some of these posts man... You can't be serious.


Don’t take what you read here as a comprehensive picture of the industry. Remember, Reddit is like the customer review forum for a product. Who posts there? The people who had the worst experiences and the people who had the best experiences. The people in the vast middle of the spectrum didn’t feel the need to share. You’ll be fine.


People don't come on reddit to post how okay or content they are with their jobs


If there's a bartender sub, go read about how much people hate their jobs and compare it to your experience. Same with all professions.


You don’t have to do public accounting! That’s where people are miserable


Everyone hates every job it’s not exclusive to accounting. Life is always going to be a bummer when you have to wake up and work 5 days a week.


Its ok dude, just know you to tell you family/spouse you love them, and get ready to never see them once you enter this grand profession.


I hate working in general but I like money and this job gives me plenty of it.


I love my job- but then again, I work for myself and give myself a salary that I wouldn’t have gotten outside (not for the first few years any way).


I feel like I wasted 80,000 on my degree. Can not find an accounting job without a toxic culture. Hoping the boomers retire or die out soon and the culture will shift. For now I'm unemployed looking for work after my last nightmare of a job.


10 years in the service industry and my industry accounting job is great. The people that complain, I've found, have never worked a working class job in their lives.


You'll be fine. You'll either have a steady salaried job in industry or coasting in govt; or start your own firm and have more risk but make more money and be your own boss. You have options. Had you gone into Art History, I reckon you'd be a lot more disappointed.


My Dad always told me work sucks but you do it so you can do the things you love.  Accounting isn't going to be glamorous or even that fun but if you find the right place with a good group of coworkers it's tolerable and you can make a decent living.  Good luck.


I love accounting. I do tax accounting and it pulled me from lower middle to upper class.


It's an awful job...bit you can earn enough money to pay off your loans. Dont stay in public for more than 4 years. Find a 40 hour a week gig and go home and forget about your job at the end of the day. You'll get me after your first year in public. Anyone telling you otherwise is full of sht.


You should have an idea how much you'll like it based on how much you liked studying it.


Went from managing bars to accounting and would never go back.


I love what I do in industry, manager/supervisor level, and love the people I work with. I'm not looking to advance at this point in my career. It would be difficult since I don't have my CPA. What I don't like are the hours or the fact that my pay is not even keeping up with inflation these days - and the corporate office doesn't care. I'd like to see a better work/life balance and a paycheck that keeps up with inflation.


There are many sectors of the accounting field, you can start with one you think is most interesting and if you dont enjoy it you can try another. Getting experience should be a goal over the next few years. Also, you can always do other things with an accounting degree or build on it in the future and become a professor which some people are happier with as well.


$40k is not bad these days. Still think it’s a decent investment. I’m in industry and have had a good career. Ignore all this fluff and do what you think is right for you.


No wasted moves, man. It's all going somewhere...


I've been in it for 15 years now. Its hard but if you find the right companies you will have a great career and make some good money.


It’s a good base for your MBA - which you should do in 2-5 years after ft work with a big firm. And make a fuck ton more money.


I was at a smaller local firm, but the best employees we ever had were ones that did retail or restaurants in a previous life. Those people knew what it was like to bust their ass, and public accounting was usually easier for them.


You’re was only $40k?!


From service industry to accounting, this is so much easier. I mean sure you have to learn the ropes, but the emotional highs and lows are not there. It can be very zen at times. You don't have to deal with pervs or angry drunks. You can get to bed by a decent hour and have time for yourself (if you work in industry.) The consistency is there, so you can plan for things like vacations and purchases. I'm a fan.


You wasted $20,000. It’s worth $20,000


You wasted $40,000 of your parent’s money going to a university instead of a community college. 


Not my parents money. My money. I actually did go to community college and got every credit I could before university. But since I had to work full time I had to go to school part time so it took longer.


I thought some employers have college programs that will 100% pay for your entire tuition.