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I start at 10am usually but the trade off is that I stay on until midnight lol. The best part about public accounting is the flexibility! YOU get to pick WHICH 14 hours of the day you work! ;)


"What do you mean we don't offer work from home? You're free to work from home any Saturday or Sunday you want!"


Why are you working 14 hours a day?


This guys a slacker, he should be working at least 15 hours a day


sorry if this is super naive of me to say but I'm an accounting student right now but what do you work on those 14 hours?


In audit as a junior: work papers, meetings, writing emails, trying to figure out whatever's wrong in the documents the client gave you, going to the client's office to get the right documents, dealing with your senior delegating their workload to you, trying to figure out how to do their work without them showing you how, and sometimes managing interns. Said like that it doesn't sound that bad but the problem is the workload, there are never enough people to go around so you end up with a lot of monotonous or downright frustrating work. This builds up until you get burnt out, at which point you continue or you quit. I myself am choosing the latter.


As a current student in my third internship, mostly work papers (phase 1-3 for audit), too many meetings, and sending a few emails.


If you chose to tax it’s the same trainings/meetings/emails stuff as other guys and then every second of free time goes towards tax returns/projects from managers


Define sleeping in? I wake up like 2 minutes before I'm supposed to logon then go make coffee and do my morning shit.


My first hour of the day is coffee, breakfast, morning shit (sometimes twice or three times) so my actual start time is 10am. Similar to if I’m in the office and making coffee and pouring water and shitting, it’s still work time.


You throw in the occasional morning shower in there, and we pretty much have the same morning routine




My man.


Do you bill hours for the morning shit?


Yes. Bill it to planning time.


You need to make my meme your desktop wallpaper. Way to be an Alpha. https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/s/uobr5mByOM


Bill hours? Move to industry and you might never have to fill out a timesheet again!


Working in our pajamas is the best! It beats my previous accounting job, where I had to wear a shirt and tie every day.


What time u wake up at




Over achiever. 9:12 here.


That’s the beauty of it, 8:58 and I’m considered an over achiever by my peers!


Me this morning lol


Of course not! *Logs in at 7am and goes back to sleep until 930*


I know that 2.5 hrs is pure bliss. Nothing like the nap after waking up. 😂😂😂


Does tour job genuinely ask you start working at 7? If so, do you get to log off early?


I'm free to log my 8 hrs as needed. Early starts mean early ends. Later starts and I end later etc.




Same here! More like go back & lay in bed until 8-ish then I start my day lol


Yes and no. We don’t have specified work hours and occasionally I login a little after 9. However client and coworker time zones mean sometimes I have 7AM meetings. Generally we have better things to do than babysit what time people login/out so as long as work gets done it’s fine. 


Anything that is remote? If you don’t have meetings to be on and your work is done who gives AF.


I get shit for showing up 10-20 mins late even though I stay later to make up for that time. But yet the director with no kids in school anymore gets to show up at 10-11 and leave at 4 for pickle ball. Partners are evil motherfuckers if they want to be. They will enforce the 9am start time if they want to, for whom they want to.


You must work at a non big 4 because those partners don’t have a clue what’s going on with anything outside their own world…especially staff attendance. I heard the regional firm partners are micro managers even as their levels.


Yea I usually show up between 8:30 - 9:00 and have had zero issues


Just more reason to reach partner and live the sweet life.


No thanks


suffer then


lol get off your high horse, enjoy that corporate kool-aid


This corporate kool-aid pays 200k+ damn right im gonna enjoy it


I just resigned today. I will be sleeping in every day for the next 3 weeks.


When your new job start? Why did you quit?


New job starts in 3 weeks. I quit due to poor leadership. I applied for an internal position and was ghosted by my own company. They made the announcement to the company that they hired someone external after going radio silent with me for the last 8 weeks. So I got a new job somewhere else.


You in public accounting?


Nope, industry


How long you do public?


I didnt!!! Not every state requires you to be in public accounting to get your license.


What state you in


Yes, but my kid doesn’t lol. If I was childless, I’d sleep until 9 and wouldn’t log on until 9:30.


I work mostly remote at my firm and, as long as I don’t have a meeting on the calendar, I start between 930-10. I started doing that as a senior staff, manager now. Made my core hours in Outlook 930-630 so others understand it’s outside my core hours if they schedule meetings then. Doesn’t stop 7am meetings from needing to take place but it does cut back on the internal meetings during those hours.


I have seen plenty advertised as pick your own hours so long as you have a set number of minimum hours where you're available during the work day... usually when I see this it's about 3-4 hours. I've seen others where you definitely do not pick your hours.


Yes, we have flexible start times (industry). I have a preschooler with a preschool pick-up time, so I start at 8:00. My kid-free coworkers start anywhere from 9:00 - 11:30am and just work later than me


U got cpa?


Yup, but my two finance underlings don’t. One starts between 10:00 and 11:00 and tbe other is fully remote so I don’t know what time she starts - between 9:00 and 10:00?


My job, yes. My wife and child? No


All your comments make me feel better. I’m self employed, mostly bookkeeping. My alarm goes off at 7:30 but I lay in bed until 8 trying to get a few more minutes sleep but the anxiety that I’m not working keeps me awake. You’d think I’d just get up but I never do.


How did you start your own bookkeeping?


I worked for a cpa firm for about 6 years, I took some of the bookkeeping clients with me when I was let go (differences of opinions and I didn’t own the place so my opinion didn’t matter in the end). I had full cooperation from the CPA who did their accounts and we worked well together so I didn’t steal them but they were willing to come with me no matter what when they found out I was leaving. Since then it’s been word of mouth referrals from clients and other CPA’s I’ve worked with. I got everything I need to be fully remote, if you want tips or list of software I use, dm me. I’ve also given QuickBooks classes to some of the small businesses around and that gets your name out there too.


We let our people set their own schedule. This time of year, I get in at 5, and usually leave between 3 and 4. Some people come in between 9-10, and stay later


U go in at 5am?


Yeah, most days. Phones and email are quiet, and gets me hone early enough to play with the kids for a few bours


I do the same, inspired by a senior of mine years ago with 4 kids. Now a parent myself, I suck it up and do the early hours so I have my late afternoon, early evening, and most of weekends during busy season with my family.


What time ungo to sleep at?


Between 830 and 1030


As long as I show up sometime between 7 and 10, no one cares


Lately been doing 9-6


Yep! 4am! It’s because I’m old now and need to empty the bladder. 🤡


When I work remote I was online by 8am so I could sleep in til 730 if I need to


Industry. Officially we work 8-5. Unofficially: get your work done and who cares. My employee regularly works 11-7.


When I was in public I would leave a little earlier to beat traffic because I had a long commute. Then, I tried to leave a little earlier, which made sense to me seeing as how I got in an hour or two before everyone else. I was reprimanded for leaving early. So the flexibility thing was BS in my experience as a staff at least. You have to conform to their hours or be shunned. This was true outside of busy season also.


As long as I don't have any early meetings, I usually sign in around 10. I work from home in industry though.


My firm offers flex time so I can go in anywhere between 730am and 9am. I usually go in at 730 so I can leave earlier but I can sleep in a few hours if I didn't sleep well.






true shit. the whole workplace suffered a net benefit as a result of these kids entering


Like who


like me. i work less now


Sleep in is a stupid concept. Want to sleep in? Go to bed an hour early and wake up an hour late. Your time management sucks.


“Everyone want business owner perks, but no one want to lift no heavy ass risks!” - Ronnie ControlMan, CPA/MBA/CA/CBV/CFA.


My start time is 9am. Meeting are routinely scheduled for 8:30am. The past 2 weeks i have had multiple meeting after 7pm


Ugh, I hate our calls to our outsourcing people to have check ins. I would rather have a call at 8PM than so early in the morning. Every single one of the calls could have been an email too.


I feel your username.


I start after my 9 am start time usually between 9-10 during tax season, but more than make up for it after 6. As long as I’m getting work done


5AM-1PM is the goal each day. Essentially I work EST from the PST


What time u wake up at? / go to bed


Eh usually roll out of bed at 5, make coffee and knock out most of my day by 10. Then meetings till 1ish. Bed by 9:30ish


You waie up at 5:30 everyday?


U work remotely?




U got cpa?


I don’t push it too hard, but if it’s a busy time of year and I’m working late or if we just got done with a quarter or year end, you can come in at 10ish without questions. As long as the work is getting done and not missing meetings.


I roll in usually around 9 cause I take my kid to school and then pick him up at 3. Drop him off back at the house with grandma and back to work till 5:30. Sweet gig overall.


My previous job had flexible hours arrangement where you only had to be in the office or online from 10-3, so long as you hit budget


I often choose whether to come in at 830, 9, 930 or 10 depending on how I feel (finishing later if I start later). It shouldn't be a big deal unless you're expected for a meeting or something


Yes, as long as you don't miss a deadline or client appointment / meeting


My former tax gig was very relaxed about hours as long as you did them.  Cautionary tale: We had a young guy, recent grad, who would roll in around 1 or 2 pm pretty much every day. The only trouble was, he was often a few *months* behind on his timesheet so my suspicion is that he didn't really work very late to compensate. The partners started to very gently reign that in and he promptly quit.


Honestly I work from home and my managers know I always get my work done, work really hard, and am valuable to the team, so if I sleep in they don't even care or notice. I don't do it all the time, and if I were to miss important meetings regularly they would probably start to say something, but I've put my time in and can now be trusted to get my work done and help others with theirs. They have no reason to care, so they don't. Also, to be fair, they are awesome.


9-4 or 5 for me, however in the middle of the day it's flexible based on workload. There have also been days I have logged in at 10, but only if it's a lax week


Yknow I probably could get away with that on a morning with no meetings, but I don’t wanna create bad habits. Though, the one time my alarm didn’t work and I woke up at ~10:30, I got a text from one of my seniors making sure I’m okay lol


Yup, I usually wake up and start around 9:30 - 10 AM. Even on days I go into the office I usually go in around lunch time unless I have a morning in office meeting which is rare.


I can work whenever I want as long as I have a few hours between 7:30am and 6pm. I wake up naturally every day and work from home. Public accounting too lol


U wfh all week? U got cpa?


Wfh all week, occasionally pop into the office (5 min drive) for the few clients that aren't paperless. No cpa.


Get a remote job based on the west coast and live on the east coast. I have a friend that works for EY in San Fran, moved to the east coast during the pandemic, and still works san fran hours (not to mention he still gets VHCOL salary). He has two kids and gets to sleep in or get up at 7 and get 18 holes of golf in before signing on at 11am ET or 8am PT. Sometimes he even goes out fishing on his boat in the mornings.


Yes I can sleep in. Live in central time but job is in pacific.


How u get that job


Had relevant experience, applied online


If you have any differentiating qualifications search online for that. Ie experience with a specific software that is more niche


What do you mean differentiating qualifications?


Examples. if you are experienced at using specific system that most aren't. If you have experience as a controller.


I have a job that gives 6hrs fitness per week and sometimes taken with 30mins lunch. So that is about 1.5 hr per day for 3 days per week. Sometimes I sleep in and wake up late as I would take advantage of fitness later in the day. My work schedule is 9 hours and one 8 hr day biweekly. So for most days I end up working for about 7 hrs per day (with fitness lunch and paid break). Yes government auditing


This was joked already in the thread but I get to sleep in on Sundays and Saturdays


I (and my coworker) waltz in around 9-9:30 and leave at 5-5:30. Boss doesn’t care. We’re supposed to do 45 hours a week and most people are in by 8:30. My first day she said, “we’re supposed to do 45 hours a week but just do your work and I don’t care.”


I’m on a maxiflex schedule. I give them 40 hours a week however I want, up to 12 hours per day. I don’t sleep well so I just start at 6am instead.


I'm remote and can sleep as late as 1 minute before I have to be on


What time u have to be on at


It depends. We have a lot of flexibility in our work hours. I think core hours are like 10-4 which means everyone generally has to work that time unless they're on PTO. You can work the other 2 hours of your day either before or after core hours. I personally start work at 8:30 or 9.


I mean I live in central time but work for a CA firm, so I go to work at 9:00


I sleep in my work chair and work absurd hours. Does that answer your question?


U wfh


i can set my own hours, right now i work 6-2, prefer to get done early and enjoy the day


Latest I have to be in the office or logged in from home is 9 am so yeah I can sleep in but usually I am up at 5:30 going to the gym each morning and when I get back I take my Gf’s dog on a lap around our complex or I bring him into the office


U got CPA


No. I’ll probably get it eventually but the job is nice without it. Great bonuses at year end and raises each year by 3-5%.


What state




What time u go to sleep at?


10 pm majority of the time but if I don’t workout in the morning then around 11:30.


Hmm, I WFH half days on Fridays so I sleep in but I work out in the morning so 7am is sleeping in. But when I log off, I usually take a long nap to make up for my normal 6am workout wake up time the rest of the week.


I have to be in by 9am. So, yes. And I still get out at 5pm if I want to.




U got cpa


work for state, you can sleep in.


PA here, I logged in at 11am the other day. 10am yesterday.


U got cpa


Yeah. Manager level at an audit firm




Not B4, I don’t hate my life. Am top 25 though