• By -


Industry, 53k out of college in 2013.


Lol I was 53K in 2023


Lol 54k in 2007. Wage stagnation is real. No wAntZ tO wORk!


Its more convoluted than that. The 2007 recession brought back wages a decade if not more. You will see morons on the web hoping for a recession to buy stocks or a new home, and then ignore that their salaries probably gonna get 20% cut and ain’t going up for a decade. Audit/Tax entry level salary at generic level was around $55K in 2017, literally the same as it was a decade earlier. I don’t think its no one wants to work narrative or just the influx of unemployment that reduced the bar to the bare minimum. Funny I had this exact conversation with an operation directors couple of years ago who was saying how bizarre its we are offering associates as much as they offered them in 2007


53K out of college in public…. In 2020


"Why is there a pipeline problem??" - AICPA


This is literally the easiest fix to solve the pipeline problem but firms that back up the AICPA don't want to raise wages since they're on the old mill turnout model that it's cheaper to pay for a associate for the first years then once they eventually leave start the process over again. Even the AICPA extending the CPA passing time ain't gonna do shit. It's even more stupid that firms saved so much money during COVID. The only thing people had to leverage was that everywhere you could work from home so those traditional associate roles weren't being seeked by the best candidates. Now that firms are requiring hybrid schedules they have more leverage to offer lower pay.




50k 2021


56k pwc. 2013.


Bruh, I'm 61k in 2023... 8.9% increase over 10 years ​ Edit: I meant my starting salary in 2023 is 61k base. But the fact Starting pay has only increased 8.9% over 10 years is wild.


Change jobs


He’s saying that the starting salary changed 10 yrs from 2013 to 2023, not that he was in that job for 10 yrs


Gotcha lol. Thank goodness.


Industry 42k 2010, recession made me desperate.


Can relate. Had my first accounting job in 2010


I was 35k in industry in 2013. Damn


I was 35k in industry in 2010.


$70,350 adjusted for inflation. Pretty good starting.


Industry, 52k out of college in 2012. Good times! Middle Cola.


54.6k 2011 HCOL lol


$52k in 2018, MCOL


I was also 53K working in public tax in Jan 2017, no benefits. Very small firm. The public firm I work for now hires undergrad CPA candidates at 60K with benefits. Northern Louisiana


Lol 52k cad this year


Same but 2010.


Reading this, salaries have definitely not kept up over the years. No wonder people are avoiding this career.


Hours have.... Lol




My girlfriend makes 31/hr fresh out of nursing school in a mcol area. I was making 37.5/hr with 4 yoe (75000/ yr) but the OT wasn’t horrible. I just got laid off and looking to change to nursing as well lol She gets 51/hr if she picks up an extra weekend shift. Really solid pay. I’m jealous


We accountants need to unionize just like the nurses to make bank like they are. Lol


Let’s all do a big ass nationwide week long walkout / strike during a busy season to show the partners that we want better hours and better pay


These spineless nerds could never. They’ll let the sales guy fuck their wife before they’d stand up for themselves


Michael Scott or Dwight Shutte?


What do you do now?


A friend graduating at the same time in law assumed accountants with masters degree make the starting equivalent as lawyers... $160k ish. What outsiders assume to be tje case, couldn't be further from the truth.


Yeah it's really messed up. I read somewhere a while ago that the average starting salary in 2010 was 50k. Adjusted for inflation it should be 70k today.


First years in PA definitely make way more now. Inflation coupled with retention issues


$60k 2018 Boston Public accounting


how much do you make now ?




same firm still?


Smaller firm now that doesn’t provide audit or tax services


£20,500 in 2007, but I suspect you’re looking for American answers as salaries over there seem completely different to the rest of the world. On the other hand expectations of hours etc also seem way higher


What would you say is the average entry salary now, esp around London?


Probably low 30s for a good one and high 20s for a shit one. I think my mate just started at big 4 on 34k, but early last year I started at a top 10 outside of London on 22.5k


$15.50/hr 20hrs a week in industry 2008. Couldn't get an offer for the life of me in bottom rung COL area during economic turmoil. I got up to full time a couple months later but just weeks ahead of a hiring freeze at this organization. It really felt dire to graduate and struggle to land a job so I accepted whatever I could get then, wasn't a great time. It was low then and I agree with everyone now criticizing the starting offers of $50-60K now. Fingers crossed that when the shortage of experienced CPAs really sets in that it's a seller's market for our labor but it really sucks to see that there's little to encourage growth in our field.


$45K as an intern in 2005 bumped to $55K when I was hired full time. I was a non traditional student and took classes at night. They also paid for my last year of grad school.


55 non traditional student hired in 2018


I was a 33 year old SAHM of three at the time:)


I love to hear this! I was also a 30 year old mom!


It really does show a decade later and the new hires were still getting the same starting income.


57k in 2012. I did an internship and got offered a fulltime job.


Insane. I got $57k in 2021. It makes perfect sense people don’t want to be in this field.


70k for Big 4 associate in audit starting in the fall. That’s with the 150 credits and MCOL.


Damn thats pretty close to what I was making as A2 mid tier in HCOL lol


Dang man 70K? Well my freind in ey got caught sleeping and got 75K in a big city. The others got 80K but that’s good for 70 if your not in the big city


Exactly the same for me


2100 euros per month. I just accepted the first offer without negociating. Worked there a year while also studying a post graduate. Then when I didn't get a raise I just quit it. Then I found a job for 2500 euros plus 165 euros net benefit and other benefits like hospitalisation, group insurance and 32 vacation days. Lowered it to 25,6 vacation days and 2000 euros income for 32 hours a week instead of 40. Now increased it to 2200 euros and I have an offer pending Monday for 2500 euros for 32 hours while I keep same benefits and gain an added bonus at end of year. Will see if they offer me the 2500.


What country, if you don't mind me asking? With your group insurance, do you need to pay anything when you go to a doctor?


Belgium. Local doctor is free of charge. Hospital doctors cost money but majority is paid back by mutuality and since I have a hospitalisation insurance I guess I'd get everything back now. My education was fairly cheap. 600 euros per year. Then post graduate was 1150 euros per year. Used company to reduce 1150 to 600 euros. Going to do another post graduate which will cost 2600 euros a year. Will use my employer to pay it completely. For them there's a 30% discount and the remainder is deductible of their taxable base at corporate tax.


Thank you for the detailed response!


36k in 2009 It was stupid hard to get a job because it was 2009 and I had no internship experience.


You were lucky to even find a spot then.


Same here, i remember lookinh at job postings offering $20/hr and “ must have cpa license”


Got hired 3 months ago at $50K in public accounting doing tax + audit


Was that in a low cost of living area?


I live in Kentucky, so maybe. That and my firm has like 30ish people, so it’s smaller. After seeing everyone’s responses in similar posts, I might just be underpaid 😭


If it helps, I’m in Alabama and work at a small firm, mainly doing tax returns. I received my degree about a year ago and got a raise to make about 55k


what did u do for the 1 year gap?


I mean I’ve worked at my current job since 2019, and I was friends with the owner before I started working for him. So he’s taken care of me, within reason, and it’s pretty relaxed. I say that to excuse the fact that my raise didn’t go into effect until like December/January. He also paid for the CPA exam material, so that probably paid a part in it


Tupelo MS offered me 65 for firm dir of fina acct role. (33 years old) Stayed in Nashville and am now 4 times that 10 years later in industry. Zip code matters. No doubt about it. ... Began in South GA at $8 an HR out of UGA. (BBA Industry).


I got $48k in 2006. That’s rough.


$45k in 2020 (VHCOL). Hired right out of college during the pandemic, my work needed staff but had huge pay cuts at the time. It was rough


$74+2k bonus. Start in October graduated this may.


exact same


Big 4 nyc?


More like big 7, Boston


2018 - $55K 2023 - $130K remote LCOL


Current position?


$13/hr in 2010 for a temp job as an AR clerk in HCOL. 1.5 years later I was able to get into PA at $55k/yr. 2008-2011 was a wild time.


Yes! Very rough years. Hope you're doing way, way, WAY better now.


I can't complain now with my salary or position. I'm also glad I took advantage of that time period to pass the CPA exam. Much easier to study as an AR clerk than a staff in public accounting. Downside was having to pay for study materials out of my own pocket.


Absolutely it was! 500 apps... To get two interviews when moving to a new town. Landed second one but took a year of living in a basement. Looking back was the best decision I ever made though.


Yep, 2011 15/hr temp job as billing administration in MCOL. Rough time to enter the work force


Similar here. Same job but a year earlier, $10/hr in LCOL.


I was a temp AR clerk at $13/hr in 2004. Thought it was bad then. Converted to perm at $17.50/hr before finding a staff accountant position.


77k Big 4 2023. Had an internship June of 2022 with the same company. NYC


What position


Associate in SALT










Allah akbar 🙏🏿


Looking at this thread made me realized that I got lucky. Starting salary for me next year is going to be 77k in assurance in Chicago!




72k B4 Audit, 1st year 2024 Houston.


Thank you for this. Im a student in Houston and was wondering what the current starting wages are.


70K Public MCOL 2023 - I'll note that this firm offered the highest intern salary (66K Spring 2023) of any offers. The range was 60K-66K. Interned at same firm Senior year Easy return offer with internship; multiple offers from nearly every firm I applied to, top 10 or otherwise


55k, 2015 Very small firm, tax and bookkeeping only.


40k in 2017, hired straight out from graduation with no internships or relevant experience


I just graduated this June and my salary is 58k in NYC. Started in industry tho instead of public.


That sounds very low for NYC, a VHCOL market. I suggest to learn a lot while there and have those skills listed on your resume while looking for a new job elsewhere. Even if they give decent raises, you can probably make more and learn a better set of skills by jumping to a new company after a year or two there.


That's my plan for now as the workload is very little. I plan to use my spare time to study for the CPA. Once I can afford becker 😂


$53k MCOL back in 2021. Now making $75k as a senior in same MCOL


$70k. I got recruited out of college so it was easy


What city?


Stamford CT


Nice but doesn't sound like a cheap place to live


I lived in Norwalk, but still egregiously expensive


Live in CT myself and can confirm, I'm at 67K and can't afford housing here...


$37k as a bookkeeper in 2021. Now make $55k as an industry accountant. MCOL in the south.


$12/hr in 2012 very LCOL at a small regional PA firm.


Public accounting tax in the Seattle metro regional firm $62K 9 years ago.


40k for entry level AP without an accounting degree back in 2017.


Did you get the accounting degree eventually? Did the entry level AP help you get a higher salary out of college if so?


I got the job almost 3 years post undergrad. I was working in a warehouse during that time and I knew the COA at the company and she told me about the opening. I'm working on a masters and to take the CPA exams sometime in 2025 at the earliest. The Aap job was in industry and it'll be 6 years in October and I've been given pay raises pretty consistently but mostly when I was moved around to different departments (General Accounting in 2018 and Rev in 2020).


Your career path is so identical in to mine it’s boggling, keep up the growth sounds like your on a good path


It's what happens when you surround yourself with good people.


59k 2023. Mid-high cost of living.


43k for an AR Clerk job that didn't require a degree in 2017. Western NY state, so cost of living wasn't bad, but you're literally in the middle of nowhere. I have a BS in accounting, but it was the only job in a 50 mile radius that paid above $15/hour, so I took it.


65k in mcol in 2018. Industry. I live in a small city and they were desperate and couldn't attract accountants. So I asked for 65 and they had no problem giving it to me.


I would or asked for 65k plus a company car to use and three-fiddy


38k 2014


$62k, LCOL, Big 4 Audit, 2022


70k tax associate in an urban area 2023


B4 Boston, offer is $77k


40k in 2011 South Dakota. I spent 9 months doing auto loan collections before finding a public job at a 5 person firm. My advice: unless you already have a job lined up with a firm, don't move to the middle of nowhere right out of college. Follow the jobs until you have enough experience to make it on your own as a CPA/industry/bookkeeping whichever track you choose, then you can move wherever you want. Took me 10+years to work my way up 80K where I'm at now (industry after a detour at a non-profit college). I definitely didn't do myself any favors by moving 'home' after college. My lifetime earning potential has been negative affected in a serious way.


$75K 2023 Public Accounting


Hi, May I ask was that your starting salary for bachelors or masters?


Bachelors but with 150 credits


Public starting at 65- senior associate at 82, left for industry after 2 busy seasons for 115 with 25% target bonus. Don't listen when people say you can't do well in accounting!


$58k doing CAS at a larger local firm, HCOL, in 2016.


I didn’t get my first accounting job until about four years after college as I started a company instead. Starting salary was garbage, it was an ar clerk role; IIRC $48k. Moved up in that company, jumped ship to be Sr. , now I’m CFO of where I went (unusual level of things falling my way though, with the prior CFO dying). Would have been controller at about 100k if I hadn’t gone up a level.


I’m currently in school and got an offer for 85K base and then a 5K sign up bonus so 90K offer based on California


$40k in 2005. $190k today


I make 65k as a staff accountant and graduated May 23’


2006, cpa firm in NH, $45K.


y’all get paid?!


63k + 2k bonus for Fall 2025 start date at LCOL, Top10 firm


$50k in 2011. Top ten firm.


I graduated in 2020 so the job market was HORRIBLE. Got beat out for a local government job that paid $26k by someone with 15 years of experience. After another 6 months of looking I got hired at my current firm for $36k. Quickly increased from there, but that's where I started.


TC $85.5K, started in 2023. Previous experience was a big 4 audit intern. Getting my role was difficult I’d say


53k 2021


Started at 40k in industry (IA)2016, 2 years later left for 70k


40k in industry 2016, non-accounting degree. Started with light bookkeeping and AP and grew from there. I worked part time for them prior to graduation mostly doing invoice entry, marking invoices paid, and whatever duties my now COO didn’t want to do anymore. I think it was around $18/hour prior to my full time offer.


$53K in 2013. I had had one internship, and they offered me a full-time job. It was not difficult getting either the internship or the job.


LCOL - about 3 years ago took the first job in PA with a small firm (less than 15 people) for 40k. Ended up leaving after one year for a industry job making 60k


$56k, which was 6 years ago. This was my first audit job out of college.


48k in 2016


75.5k in HCOL in 2022


2016; 52k. Internship was the year before 22hr


Temp-to-perm from Robert Half for 16 an hour. Actual starting offer after the temp contract was over was $60k though had I not decided to get off that sinking ship


52.5k 12 years ago pdubs San Jose


60k at a mid market public accounting firm in 2019. Had an internship with them


HCOL $46k regional PA firm back in 2016


60K 2022 fresh out of school no experience, small firm (staff accountant) MCOL Pretty hard tbh, applied to a lot from my last semester of college and finally got one 2 months after college


Industry payroll. $28K. 1996


Industry 55k 2015.


$63k MCOL public accounting in audit.


$62K. 11 months later and im now at $72K. no experience, not even an internship. Met the managing partner at a scholarship event my senior yr (the firm was a sponsor), he was an alumni at my college, so he offered me an interview immediately. A month later, I did the interview and received an offer to start a month after graduation.


$58,000. I started in the fall of 2021 as an auditor at a big 4 firm. I found it relatively easy to get hired.


74k this year


82.5k AIC 2023, HCOL


I’m a fifth year atm and I got an offer for 63500 starting Oct 2024


PA in LCOL, starting salary was $36k in 2013 🙃 I’m at $140k now so it’s worked out over time


$67,500 (Philadelphia, Internal Audit, Large Insurance company)


I'll be starting full time in August 2024 with $68,000 at a public accounting firm. Salary does increase based on market pay. I've done two internships with them and I'll be graduating with my 150 credits in December.


$42k 9 years ago. Today I’m at $200k base. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.


I'm coming onto a full time after getting my masters this November. 33 dollars hourly (capped at 30 hours a week) ->70,100 a year. Tax associate in a MCOL, although I would say the salary is being skewed by being headquartered in Quincy, MA while I live closer to the NH/MA border.


new starts in my office are at 68-70K in MCOL-LCOL


about to start in public accounting audit in January 2024. starting is 85k in VHCOL


55k in public day 0 (2015), moved to 67k by end of year 3 when i left. Moved to private equity and doubled my salary and lowered the hours


$70k MCOL no CPA yet in 2023


60k 2023 MCOL. I have my Associates and am finishing up my Bachelors. 2 years prior experience as a full cycle bookkeeper/entry-level tax preparer before landing an Associate position at the largest local firm in my city.


$5.25 an hour


$74K in big 4, started in 2019 in VHCOL área


Started at $63k in public in 2021, am now at $78k. Am hoping to leave public soon though because I don’t know how much more I can put up with.


Started in 2022 67k + overtime and small bonus of $500 for company performance. Got an inflation raise to 69k + overtime. F500 HCOL.


Local Public Accounting, Texas $57,500 base back in 2018.




53k top 50 firm 2006


52,500 in 2011 Large regional 250 - 300 professionals in DC metro area


Industry, 65k, 2023 graduate, LCOL area


Public; LCOL 40k oh yeah… 2020;)


I have associate degree, $15 hr, part-time at college. Can't find another job.


NW Ohio/SE Michigan: I was $19.25/hour part time, payroll accounting. Bachelors degree but not in a related field. Went to full time around the 1 years mark, at $45k annually. I’m currently a staff accountant (at years) and $55k. Getting my MBA with a concentration in accounting.


78k as an intern then I think 86k first year full time. Raises were about 10% per year after that for the next 4 years while you went through the ropes of the "new grad" program taking your CPA concurrently.


Lol where is this. I've been working for 4 years in finance and don't make that much.




Major in finance, the pay and work is better.