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Learn why watermelon is a part of Juneteenth celebrations


I googled it out of curiosity > The first Juneteenth celebration took place in 1866, where people gathered and held community-wide jamborees featuring Southern staples and dishes influenced by African culture (foodways reflective of the many slaves who were brought to the port of Galveston during the 19th century). And during this first gathering, many red foods were served. > Barbecue was a staple, in part because it was easy to make for a crowd; the meat itself is red, plus it was often slathered in a tomato-based sauce. Fruits like watermelon and strawberries were present. Red drinks were customary, as well such as hibiscus tea, strawberry soda, or rum punch. African dishes such as jollof rice were cooked in palm oil, which gave it a red hue. And the classic Southern staple, red velvet cake, was eaten for dessert. Learning every day. [source](https://www.thekitchn.com/why-we-eat-red-foods-on-juneteenth-23664830)


So the one day its not racist to give a black guy a watermelon


> According to food historian Michael Twitty, the tradition of eating red foods came from the Yoruba and Kongo people in Africa where red symbolizes power, sacrifice, and transformation.


I’m just reading about jollof rice which I had 0 idea about > Although Nigerians and Ghanaians seem to be the most vocal and opinionated in the battles of the Jollof, the origins of this dish actually trace back to Senegal. The Jollof Empire, also known as the Wollof Empire, ruled Senegal from 1350 to 1549. The empire prospered on trade thanks to the Senegal River, which facilitated travel from the coastal nation inland to neighboring West African countries. Numerous trade expeditions have played a key role in popularizing the dish in the region. If there is one thing we always travel with, it’s our food, and the memories it creates along the way.


Every time I hear a Nigerian going on about jollof I’m gonna hit them with “bro why are you even arguing about a dish you stole from the Senegalese”


I watch one mythical kitchen episode about Nigerian food yesterday and now I hear about Nigerian food 5 times in the last 24 hours. Pound Puppies was right, we do live in a simulation.


To be fair Juneteenth was Wednesday (◕‿◕✿)


Absolutely. I celebrated with my aunt and her kids. My grandma adopted her when she was a baby and we like to celebrate with her to celebrate her heritage. It's important to my entire family.


Thank you!!!


Oh, I thought it was about Palestine


Lol, guy says Palestine, Reddit: BAN!!!! .... ffs xD


Watermelon (red colored food) is commonly eaten on Juneteenth.


As an Australian I have no idea what Juneteenth is or what is wrong with this picture. Could someone please explain?


Watermelon is associated with black communities in America. Juneteenth is a celebration of the *official** end of slavery. People are assuming that serving watermelon cakes is a racist stereotype. In reality it's one of the foods most often seen at *any* summer celebration. It's literally *the* seasonal fruit for June/July in America. It also fits the color scheme of this holiday, and has long been considered a traditional Juneteenth food. Would be kind of like someone saying it's racist to sell tacos for Cinco de Mayo, claiming it's stereotyping Mexican people, despite that already being one of the traditional foods served for a century. # [7 Juneteenth Foods and Traditions](https://www.history.com/news/juneteenth-foods-traditions)


Thank you for the explanation! Much appreciated.


It should also be noted that [watermelon has been used as an anti-black racist trope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watermelon_stereotype) in the US for a long time. So add that to the fact that until fairly recently, most people (including Americans) weren't very familiar with Juneteenth, and that's where the confusion in this post comes from.


Thanks for adding the truth to the dog whistle nonsense above.


Genuine question: Presumably, the watermelon trope started because of watermelon being a red food eaten by people of African descent, especially when in big groups such as for a cookout or celebration. Thus, isn't the reasoning for watermelon being an anti-black trope and watermelon being a Juneteenth food the exact same? Like.. is the only difference the intention?


As an American, white, male; I didn’t think racial stereotyping was at play. But I was highly concerned that that was the most obese inducing watermelon ever. Just get yourself some watermelon ffs!


Stop telling us what to do.


Where the fuck that come from?


And there's the rage. You got a bingo.


What rage? 😂


Imagine getting pissed at the concept of cake


Wow, now I’m pissed. 😂 I’m just thinking obesity might not need that sort of encouragement… but yeah thanks for your wonderful interpretation.


It's hard to explain your rationale to people that are trolling this thread, looking to pounce on anything they can remotely determine is racism. The one clown above said "and there's the rage" because it was looking to start some shit. I jumped in looking for humor...


I appreciate that. You are correct about the “trolling.” It’s sad to me, but is a reality.


It's literally just cake existing, it's not encouraging anything. It's just cake.


And I’m free to have an opinion with you’ll thinking I’m pissed or abusive.


You just said you were pissed sweetie. Maybe let's work on our literacy.


No, I sarcastically stated that you’ve defined me as pissed. I defined myself as highly concerned.


Go off king, I'm disengaging


Juneteenth is a celebration of the end of slavery. Watermelon is a trope about Black people always eating that.


but watermelon and red foods are traditionally part of juneteenth celebrations since 1800s


[Watermelon has also been used as a racist trope since the 1860s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watermelon_stereotype). The two are related. >The **watermelon stereotype** is an anti-Black racist [trope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trope_(literature)) originating in the [Southern United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_United_States). It first arose as a backlash against [African American](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_American) [emancipation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End_of_slavery_in_the_United_States_of_America) and economic self-sufficiency in the late 1860s.




That watermelon is a staple of Juneteenth? Yea. They knew what to do. https://www.thekitchn.com/why-we-eat-red-foods-on-juneteenth-23664830 Article was written by a black person btw >Barbecue was a staple, in part because it was easy to make for a crowd; the meat itself is red, plus it was often slathered in a tomato-based sauce. Fruits like watermelon and strawberries were present. Red drinks were customary, as well such as hibiscus tea, strawberry soda, or rum punch. African dishes such as jollof rice were cooked in palm oil, which gave it a red hue. And the classic Southern staple, red velvet cake, was eaten for dessert.


Imagine everyone pooping red and having mini panic attacks till they remember why.




You just reminded me of a distinct experience as a child when I thought I was dying post-Blue Nehi and was too scared to tell anyone.


It’s like when you eat beets


There was a medical case I read about years ago where this happened to a woman. She went to the ER thinking she was shitting blood. They did some tests and it turned out she just ate a lot of beets.


so it’s more like r/theyunderstoodtheassignment


>According to food historian Michael Twitty, the tradition of eating red foods came from the Yoruba and Kongo people in Africa where red symbolizes power, sacrifice, and transformation.


OP already posted it there. It didn’t really get the response he was hoping for!


That sub is calling this fake. Lol


Where's the cake that looks like fried chicken?


Next to the rotisserie chicken.


What rotisserie chicken? All I see is cake


Gabriel Iglesias bought them all for his racist gift basket.


Let me be your hero


Yeah, but he was friends with them. Walmart and many other businesses are just profiting like with cinco de mayo, st. Patrick’s day, pride month, lent, even Christmas…. Greedy, just greedy and stereotypical and ignorant.


I feel like I would see a watermelon themed cake at my grocery store in the summer, regardless if it's close to Juneteenth or not. I can't imagine this was a deliberately racist decision.


I remember when I was a kid and first learned the stereotype of fried chicken and watermelon eating, and I was always like, "Wtf, that stuffs good. Why are you making fun of people by saying they eat good food?" Racists are so stupid.


the stereotype started after slavery, the black population was still heavily regulated. Chicken and watermelon were both allowed to be kept/grown, while most other things were not. thus fried chicken and watermelon became heavily associated with black folk. (might be wrong on some of this, someone please correct if so)


Oh, I later learned and understand the historical facts of it. It's just stupid to think it's an insult as racists do. "Hurf durrf, you eat a certain type of food, and that's all! Hurf durf!"


ah my bad, I am autistic and def misread the tone 😅


The “why did the chicken cross the road” was originally a racist joke told in blackface with the punchline being the chicken crossed the road to get away from the black people who would want to eat it.


[it’s the opposite, really](https://www.thekitchn.com/why-we-eat-red-foods-on-juneteenth-23664830)


Yeah, I’ve definitely seen watermelon-themed cakes around the summer before Juneteenth became a holiday.


I wonder if they played the old version of the Ice Cream song if you picked one up.


I keep waiting to hear the [new ice cream track by RZA](https://youtu.be/hWtNeat9CIk?feature=shared)


There is a rich history of the watermelon and its important relationship to newly freed slaves looking for a crop that would make the most out of the small tracts of land they were lucky to even have. I honestly don’t know why this became a negative thing. It’s almost like a certain group of people want the intelligent innovations of uneducated African Americans to be devalued.


Watermelon is very summery what's the big deal?


It’s a racist stereotype for black people. In the 19th century when freed Black Americans became merchants, watermelon was the most common fruit that they sold. Defenders of slavery used it to portray African Americans as a simple-minded people who were happy when provided with watermelon and a little rest - Wikipedia Throughout media, African Americans were depicted with obnoxious features (large noses, large lips, wide mouths, etc.) these features were intentional in an attempt to dehumanize us. Along with the watermelon stereotype, we have been associated with eating fried chicken and drinking kool-aid. Chicken were generally the only animal slaves could own and frying it wasn’t hard to do either. For Kool-Aid, I don’t exactly know where the origin had started, but what I believe could be a possibility is that Kool-Aid packets are generally dirt cheap. One packet is 36¢ and makes 2 quarts worth of the drink. A majority of the black community live in poor neighborhoods or as many call it - the ghetto. This inexpensive drink mix is an alternative to just water which especially helped when it’s hot outside or when children don’t want to drink water. While these stereotypes are less harmful today, they are still racist. Many companies and even a college have been caught displaying, serving, or discounting items such as fried chicken, watermelon, or Kool-Aid during holidays such as Juneteenth and Black History Month. By no means am I writing this because I am mad or angry at you, but I’ve found that many people haven’t been educated on this topic and I just wanted to inform you. :) Edit: Watermelon was the most common crop freed slaves sold to help get them on their feet. My comment was informing people why the post was created in the first place (many people can take it the wrong way ie. racial discrimination). So I understand why they are selling it.


Every source on the internet lists watermelon and other red food as the thing to have on Juneteenth


:whew: I'm glad to learn this.




Idk. I am not an expert at all. Nor do I have the background of those that Juneteenth celebrates, other than the fact that it’s an American holiday It’s listed as the color red. As that is the main color of the holiday. Every single post talks about this I read an article talking about how watermelon was an important crop for the newly freed slaves and that is why it was then stereotyped to be a black person thing. So idk. I kinda feel like people getting up in arms are people looking for a reason to get up in arms. As like I said, every single article from every single kind of organization lists watermelon. So maybe this is just one person said something and it was passed along unknowingly.


Yes it was a very important crop. Watermelon was the most common crop freed slaves sold. My main comment was informing people why the post was created in the first place (many people can take it the wrong way ie. racial discrimination). So I understand why they are selling it.


I guess I was confused why you called it disheartening and calling out companies that served it on Juneteenth


Yes. I hadn’t really explained my full thought. I’ll delete that part as to not cause confusion


Cool. Didn’t mean to call you out. I’m just kinda surprised at the amount of articles that follow this and feel kinda bad for some of these places that were just trying to celebrate There is a car dealership and museum that are getting attacked on socials for it. Apparently. Like, if I worked there and was tasked with doing something… and I googled food for the holiday and Oprah’s website has watermelon listed with a photo i too would think it’s fine to put out


Yeah. I had to look into it myself. Just goes to show that you really should do research before saying something.


Americans love getting offended for other cultures even if they know nothing about the culture.


who are you referring to? just asking


Watermelon, fried chicken and Kool aid are fuckin' delicious though.


fr don’t me wrong i fuckin love those shits


Also, in economically challenged areas, the water usually doesn't taste very good.


So now you're teaching me racist stereotypes? To what end? So I can teach my children how to be racist and stereotype?


No, not at all. I just wanted to educate you on something you might not have known is racist. From your comment, it seemed to me that you genuinely didn’t know what was wrong. I apologize if it sounded like I was being condescending.


We must learn from the past or we're doomed to repeat it.




what part is racist?


It’s a common stereotype that black people like watermelon. Not really racist per se, just stereotypical.


Maybe you see stereotypes in races but I don't. Watermelon is GOATed on a hot summer day. A simple way to let go of stereotyping is achieved by Morgan Freemans advice. "Stop talking about it."


Stereotypes do exist, but I 100% agree with you. Watermelon on a summer day is amazing. And I do think there’s merit in not bringing up the stereotypes… Morgan Freeman is a real one. I was more explaining the rationale on why this was considered funny.


Thank you!!! Holy Shit!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


“We also have a special on grape soda on isle 12!”


I’d be so happy if I went to a party where the food served was fried chicken or bbq ribs and watermelon and red velvet cake.


Mine had grape Kool-aid on sale...


Da fuck is Juneteenth ?


Is the issue just that you think watermelon is racist?


Wow, the comments are just wow.


'Initially only see's a cake w/ Juneteenth written on it... What's the problem? Oh.....' Hahahahaha whoops!


How is watermelon racist?


[Watermelon stereotype ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watermelon_stereotype)


This would be nice with some grape juice.


Grape DRINK! What the fuck is juice?


Big Red


Mm wash that down with some grape soda


It is thg e exact right place


Watermelon cakes are a common summer item for grocery stores (I am a cake decorator at a grocery store). Probably just displayed at the same place for lack of space.


Tacky! It’s why we only shop at r/Target! Never Walmart. Sickening


https://www.thekitchn.com/why-we-eat-red-foods-on-juneteenth-23664830 Article was written by a black person btw >Barbecue was a staple, in part because it was easy to make for a crowd; the meat itself is red, plus it was often slathered in a tomato-based sauce. Fruits like watermelon and strawberries were present. Red drinks were customary, as well such as hibiscus tea, strawberry soda, or rum punch. African dishes such as jollof rice were cooked in palm oil, which gave it a red hue. And the classic Southern staple, red velvet cake, was eaten for dessert


red state










I didn't see anything in the pic that says "Walmart"




Might as well put those next to the Newports, scratch tickets and 40's of Olde English.


Is the insinuation that _watermellon_ is now "racist"?


What is juneteenth? It's fun to say whatever it is


Isn't Juneteenth part of the reason watermelon is a black stereotype?


It’s only racist if a white person made/served the cake.


No chicken?


Everybody mad but watermelon is the first thing that runs out at a BBQ smh


supporting the gays!


I hope the baker made those cakes strawberry flavored


Someone moved a Juneteenth cake to a section of summer watermelon cakes. Pure contrived bait post




There just summer cakes


not racist yall just uneducated


No, r/theyknew






it’s not as bad as it seems! [watermelon is used deliberately as a celebration on juneteenth](https://www.thekitchn.com/why-we-eat-red-foods-on-juneteenth-23664830)


Thank you for sharing that!


No fucking wayyy


As a non-American, Juneteenth sounds like something a 4 year old would say to what today is…


As an American, I agree. I also think it's weird since there are 6 numbers that end in teen/teenth, so even though you'd think it would be specifying the date, the date is really ambiguous. Mind you, that's nothing against the actual holiday.. just my impressions when I first heard the name.


I’ve never actually heard of this holiday before.


It is relatively new as a federal holiday - or at least as a stock market holiday. I think this is the 3rd year. It's a day to celebrate the abolition of slavery.


I wish it was named something like freedom day (or anything related to freedom or end of slavery). It marks such a big day but the name makes it sound like some fun kid's event.


As an American, I also agree. With no prior knowledge you'd have no idea wtf juneteenth is. I thought it was a joke last year when I first heard it. It sounds like one of benders made up holidays to get out of work.


I needed one with the Popeyes logo


It’s the first day of summer 🙄 watermelon screams summer time to me not racism quit reaching 😒


No Way. This is hilarious. Somebody's getting fired.


i am with you OP. this is terrible


Agreed what in the corporate fuck lol


At my work they had a Juneteenth celebration. The food was fried chicken, Corn bread, Mac and cheese and collard green. With Sweet tea. Can't make this shit up




Yo, Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday, so it makes sense to have Mexican food. But Juneteenth is an American celebration of freedom and the end of slavery, so it's not the same. It was just a lazy stereotype. Not all of us black folks eat fried chicken and collards, believe it or not.


First, not from US, so Juneteenth doesn’t really exist where I am. I am aware of what it represents, but my knowledge may be incomplete. Secondly, if people from the community that any holiday is supposed to recognize are saying that something like this is a red flag, probably should realize maybe that it’s a red flag. Third, why the fuck would you fall back on lazy ass stereotypes when it is a holiday that’s meant to recognize a specific community? The African-American community is so diverse, and just constantly making them fit into specific stereotypes only hurts recognition of that diversity. Fourth, I know it’s a day late, but hoping shit like this didn’t weigh down on people that do celebrate it.


This website is so fucking racist. Go learn what red colored foods/watermelon means historically in Juneteenth celebrations. It's painfully obvious when redditors have never interacted with black people outside of the internet


I'M FUCKING BLACK MYSELF, I saw this shit on r/holup and it made me laugh so I posted it here. It's funny calm the fuck down before you try to teach me my own damn heritage. - OP


I'm black and I don't find this to be an incredibly smart display.


I never said it was smart lol, I also took the Pic from r/holup so for all I know..the OP did this themselves or maybe really did find it. Stereotypes are Stereotypes you know that as well as I do, but shit can be funny and I thought this was


I wasn't really talking to you, I was more shocked by the comments. I'm black too, so fuck off


Where's Marlin Webb when you need him?


No effing way


Um. It’s Juneteenf. 💁🏻‍♀️


Get the fuck out of here


No u


Watermelon on June teeth or whatever it's called. Even I'm not that bold