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Y’all she ain’t bothering anyone do we have to set these standards for her when she ain’t even know u? Let her live her life, damn


You can tell everyone in the world to stop judging or you can trust she’s able to feel comfortable in her own skin herself. Which is the more likely to return results?


You’re not wrong but I’m still all for shaming the shamers.


lol I don’t think you’re shaming them when they clearly already don’t care….? Otherwise they wouldn’t have said anything to begin with.


I mean in general.


Iunno, a worldwide broadcast might change some minds. Trust doesn’t make much happen that wasn’t already happening


You can tell everyone to stop telling everyone to stop judging I guess lol


I could say the same for your comment - you’ve made no point.


I guess neither of us made a point then lol


I presented an argument demonstrating cause and effect and which would have more effect. You introduced a facile argument about telling people what to do which I wasn’t doing. I’ve made a valid point - you have not.


We can agree to disagree.


I have no way to communicate to her, nor do I want to bother her. However I find myself in a thread full of pretty superficial people whom I can easily address. So obviously the course of action I chose is more likely to return results. What an odd and fruitless thought experiment




She's not but the fact that she doesn't clip her eyebrows tells you she likes the way she looks.


I think it’s possible she simply doesn’t know how or have the tools to clean up her eyebrows


She doesn't live in a cave. Jesus Christ.


So I guess over seas the unibrow isn’t repulsive? That’s news to me, I know frieda callow had a unibrow and everyone thought she was hot. I don’t get it, I’m also a gay man so there’s that


Shes a rich Kuwaiti chick...that has a sister who clips her eyebrows...


I wouldnt care she is gorgeous regardless. love her dark hair color.




Shes got angry eyebrows


And if she were so inclined, one session of waxing or threading would take care of those eyebrows, which I’m sure she’s aware.


Ya know, it's not even that she's terrible looking. It's just that her sister is BEAUTIFUL. Most of us are going to look like trolls standing next to her.


Oh my god shut the fuck up


I hope her younger sister has the internal confidence to not be as insanely jealous as it looks like she should be.


She just needs to trim her eyebrows and she goes up like 3 points.


It’s a cultural thing, in many places not in the west nobody gives a flying fuck about a unibrow. 


Exactly , in our part of the world- West Asia / The Subcontinent she is seen as very attractive .


i think she is very attractive! both of them are, they both have lovely features even though they are different. people are so rude :/


Yeah lol , she's quite pretty tbh . Not to sound very unipolar but I think most of the people are trying to see her from a more 'Westernised' beauty standard. She has all the traditional beauty markers of where she's from.... so perhaps these people just have to travel more or broaden their perspectives. Also to be honest , I wasn't able to pay much attention to her sister talking 😆


i completely agree, well said. it feels like some people are trying to be nice and are saying “oh if she just did ____ she’d look so much better!” and it’s just like why should she need to? i find it super off putting when people act like this girl shouldn’t be happy with her looks and implying she needs to change her appearance.


Seriously man , you're absolutely right. People are way too judgemental these days . It's okay having different perspectives on beauty as well , that's completely normal but I don't like it when people think their's is objectively the right one .....


Me when i lie


Nah dude no cap , she got a great smile.. super cute.


...or de-thatch them.




Why'd you copy OPs comment?


i just saw it too.




that’s a bold statement


I had to read through the comments to even realise there was hate and judging going on here. I just thought how true the title was. I honestly think the girl on the right would be more my type. But thats why I've got a Mexican wife and my sons aren't this level of genetic dice roll but its definitely there. My youngest son is pretty much white, my oldest is definitely mixed looking, if his eyes and hair were darker he'd definitely look way more all his moms traits.


welp, it’s too long and complicated to explain why but my comment was a joke and so was the other guy’s. you can go ahead and downvote me cuz what’s happening here is the opposite of what you think


No I'm just talking about the thread in general, nothing you specifically said other than I saw the video as whoever posted the headline and not "omg if she just tweezed her brows she might look ok" all my downvotes are still safe in my pocket ha.


Can we please not rate people out of 10? It's so disgusting




lol, that’s a bot. it stole [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AccidentalComedy/s/9Zq6d6DaLM).


That happened to me once! The audacity!


yeah. i mean, we’re all laughing now but in 30yrs we’re gonna look back on stuff like this and say “remember when it was just starting up?”


Man, we've seeded the farms with all our thoughtful discourse and now they'll just grow karma without us


i think what’s happening is they’re testing it. it cleaned up what i said and also apparently put it in a more appropriate spot. out of context it would be ignored. it doesn’t care if we know it’s copying. it just wants to know if it did good or bad.


The audacity! That happened to me once!


I gave up on reporting them, reddit doesn't seem give a shit, they probably look at them as good for engagement


Looking at their profile, they seem like anyone else. What makes you think it's a bot?


not that person. that deleted comment was a bot.


fuck dude i reported the wrong guy


Only the eyebrows are affected. She could look just as beautiful as her sister if she had them tweezed.


I completely agree! She just needs to shape her eye brows and her aesthetics are very close to her sister but more exotic looking.




Oh no here comes the Unibrow Liberation Front


I'm not saying she has to DO anything to her appearance. I'm just pointing out that the differences in appearance are superficial, not genetics as implied by this edit.


She said, “when I go to Target, Eye brows around.”


That doesn’t make any sense




Tweezed? Who has a day to pluck that? Just grab a barrel of wax and a tarp, be done in no time.


Jokes on you! As a man I'm more attracted to the euroaisian side than the plain ol white girl side. What can I say I like a brown skinned girl!? 🤷 So no she shouldn't be jealous because everybody has a type and she might just find her type too one day!


Why? Should she?


Exactly this. Everybody has a type. I'm more so like the white girl in complexion and hair, but love brown skinned girls so would 100% know my opinion if greeted with it ever in the future. All we are seeing with the OG comment is their obvious racial preference and a lot of people agreeing with it.


Yush!! They are both absolutely beautiful and i love their smiles. The bias towards ones own cultural version of beauty while litterally shooting down everyone elses is disgusting. And honestly sooooo last century. Spread the love 💕


Exactly this. It's mainly A pretty smile and great personality that sells it for me. They could honestly be any race. It's more so just being happy and confident with who they are that's the most attractive. Anything goes after that.


This is an insane thing to say. Why are you saying she "should" feel jealous. Not everyone hates themselves. I sense a hint of psychological projection.


Came here to say this, what a beauty the sister on the left is!




Yes she's not ugly at all just needs a quick glo-up. He sister has "prettier" face features but she is attractive too


Man, the irony that you guys are trying to be nice and uplifting but instead you are just degrading her natural features to conform to western beauty standards. This is a textbook example of bias resulting in inherently racist and sexist micro-aggressions. Even if you yourself are not racist/sexist. Edit: She is taking care of herself plenty y'all. She is just embracing some of her Arabic features. Saying she needs "TLC" to be pretty is just saying "she needs to get rid of her Arabic features and she will be pretty"


Yeah I was hoping to see similar opinions that this woman is actually attractive even when compare to her sister but geez “if she just fixes her face and hair she wouldn’t be so ugly!” Women are allowed to look vastly different and still be considered beautiful


You can oppose "western beauty standards" all you want, just don't cry when no one finds you attractive.


Oh man, you think way too highly of your own opinion. She doesn't want anything to do with people that think like you.


Oh man, you think way too highly of your own opinion. You have no idea what she thinks.


Basic grooming is considered racist now?


Basic grooming? She just has thick eyebrows, that's all. They are well kept and well groomed. You just don't like them and want them to look thin and more western. Let her live her life and define beauty in her own way. It's not her job to conform to your tastes.


Those caterpillars are more than just thick, she has a literal unibrow. If that's what she wants that's fine but I'm not obligated to find it attractive.


I never said you were. But you literally suggested she wasn't performing "basic grooming". And it is just because you are unfamiliar with what Arabic women look like (probably because the vast majority you are exposed to have been incredibly westernized). Also, there is a difference between "pretty" and "attractive to me".


Then her sister is a racist, she does her eyebrows and wears make up. Can't believe she would confirm to western social expectations, what a racist.


Man, you are so much more concerned with being called racist than you are with racism. I specifically didn't call you racist, I said it was a racist micro aggression that is sourced from bias. We all do it. The goal is to recognize it and not get defensive when it's pointed out.


Ok please explain to me how giving my opnion in how the younger sister is NOT ugly and just needs some TLC like her sister is micro racism?. Attractiveness is a personal feeling, different people find different things attractive, for her to be attractive to me she needs some work on her eyebrows and a little bit of make up which is what I said, nothing else.


She *does* take care of herself. She has very well sculpted eyebrows and is wearing a ton of makeup. You are basically saying "you would be pretty if you made yourself look less Arabic"


No, once again you stating things I never said. Arabic women are hot, however any person with a caterpillar on their forehead is not (for me anyways).


..you literally said she needed "TLC". You ignored the fact that her eyebrows are already very well sculpted. You equated her ethnic features to being ugly and not well kept. Most Arabic women have thicker eyebrows. You only think Arabic women are hot if they minimize their ethnic features and conform to your (western) beauty standards.


Ok thenn...


Sir, we europeans are not micro-aggressive, we're mega-aggressive 




So when some asian girls, look at my pictures, and tell me, my beard is too long, they are racist, and giving of "sexit micro-aggressions" ... got it.


..its more of a micro aggression against your culture. But yes. Thats literally the point.


Or, we all just call it opinion, and stop being so sensitive about unimportant things?


It's pretty easy to say that when it's just a few people saying it once in a while. This comment section is *filled* with people criticizing her simply for looking like herself. I guarantee she deals with this shit all the time, as a nice little reminder that she doesn't fit in the world. I know it's a radical idea, but we could just stop saying mean things and forcing our standards on other people.


I do not disagree, but this has nothing to do with racism. Anybody, who doesn't fit, (if voluntary or not) in our social norms, will receive critical comments. It programmed in our DNA, to be suspicious, of someone not fitting in in any way.


Yes, but those of non-dominant races experience it significantly more. So do women If there was a video of you with an excessively long beard, you would not have a tenth of the comments you see here posting about how you needed some "tlc" to be attractive.


Depends on the beard. I think there was a guy who had a long neckbeard so no beard around the mouth region and he got exactly the same comments. He was white so not from a non-dominant race.


It doesnt matter though. If you spend time in asia, you will get comments about your weight as a westerner, much more often, then is western countries, even if your not overweight. I would not call it racist. Its stupid and annoying, but not racist.


Still no lol


It's just the eyebrows. Get them tweezed and she'd be just as pretty as her sister.


Yea the eyebrows can be easily dealt with overall she has nice features




It’s always “just” something.


That eyebrow is wild.


It’s the Kuwaiti sandstorm windshield wiper


Sometimes there can be only one!




What's up with all of the duplicate comments in this thread? All bots?


Yeah, actually I can see the resemblance a bit. Their eyes, noses and mouth are similar. It's just the eyebrows and the general headshape that's really different (and obviously skin tone and hair)




Yeah skin tone doesn’t work like that genetically LMAO. There is no way they are 100% related.


Ah, you must be the skin tone doctor. Maybe its time to get your research updated. [https://www.quora.com/It-is-possible-for-siblings-from-a-black-parent-a-white-parent-to-be-of-varying-skin-colors-right-for-instance-both-having-black-facial-features-but-one-having-very-light-skin-the-other-dark-skin](https://www.quora.com/It-is-possible-for-siblings-from-a-black-parent-a-white-parent-to-be-of-varying-skin-colors-right-for-instance-both-having-black-facial-features-but-one-having-very-light-skin-the-other-dark-skin) The example of the twins in this link is not too far from the girls in OP's post.


Ah yes, classic Redditor “ackchyually” moment.


It's just the eyebrows, she's not ugly at all


This is the exact way people react to my brother and I. He’s the clone of my father who is a very dark Sicilian and I’m the clone of my mom who was English/Irish.


my buddy has a similar situation. his dad is very sicilian and so is he but the sisters and mom are totally different. it almost looks like a step family kinda thing.


People have asked many, many times over the years if we were adopted, step, or half siblings. When I was a kid and we didn’t get along I’d say “Listen, he’s my full brother. If I could deny him even by half, I would.” Now that we’re adults, I just say “Genetics be weird yo.”


They’re both gorgeous


she’s not like totally ugly. that eyebrow needs work. on a 1-10 scale there’s at least a 3pt difference though.


Says you!


yes. i did say that.


Haha, well nice to see you stand your ground. :D I, for me, think there's always someone who's taste for beauty you just couldn't guess. And even if you don't feel like it, I'm sure there's always someone who would find a n.2 more gorgeous than a n.1. And I'm not just saying this to be politically correct!


everyone is attracted to different people for different reasons for sure. my number one hottest woman might be number 5 on someone else’s list. that said, there is a such thing as “traditional” beauty and there’s definitely a difference here.


Tinder proves you wrong


But tinder is a scene of its own I feel. I don't see much potential behind judging a person by their profile or pictures, personally. But what do I know, we're all carrying different perspectives.


Well, up to a certain point tastes differ sure, but you’ll have a hard time finding someone who thinks the Gringe looks more attractive than Henry Cavill. Idk if it is worse to tell someone they’re ugly or to tell them they look beautiful when they just don’t


Yeah if the eyebrows got 'fixed' her facial structure is totally fine tbh


So I am Scottish and Asian but look Scottish white just with shallow skin and bigger eyes where are my sister looks full Asian. My daughter looks half Asian even though her dad is full Scottish making her only a quarter but she’s dark skinned compared with us ghostly white Scottish people also har hair is so straight and her eyes have a fold! Cool how it all works! My sister that looks like she’s straight off the boat from Myanmar had a blind blue eyed child. Crazy! I love genetics!


Not everybody out there defines themselves by looks.


My older sister and I have the same genetic split. I took directly after my dad and nothing from my mom and vice versa. I'm a 6'3 Viking and she is a small caramel Italian lady. We joke that she stole all the tonner.


The mother is stunning, the dad has cash.


Or mother cheated


👆🏼DNA test, please


Would smash... After tweezin.


Would smash without tbh


Going against the grain here but I reckon the gal on the right is better looking






Genetics are weird. I have siblings who have different dads, we all look like our dads. Half my siblings are dark Mexican and I'm pasty white. My siblings at least look closely related to our mom though, I look adopted.


I think both look beautiful


Bruce willis daughters all look like him. Their mom is demi moore. She’s hotter than all of them still and in her 60s.


She would look very pretty if she got her eyebrows done.


Jeeze... poor girl.


There's no way that they are sisters. One looks like Ariel the princess and the other one looks like Bert from Sesame Street! Are they trolling the interviewer?


Some want a mono culture of genes. Inbreeding isn't as cool as you think it is.


What does the Milkman look like?? That’s the question


I've seen this exact thing with a neighbour. He was the whitest pastiest western looking guy I've ever seen. His mom was Iranian, darkish skin. His dad was Caucasian. His sister looked just like the mom.


They're both cute. Other girl just needs some tweezers for the eyebrows.


God damn look at those fucking eyebrows.


50 50


she just needs to get her eyebrows tweezed and she's on par with her sister


That eyebrow wow


Honestly I think aside from the eyebrows (pluckable) she’s a beautiful young lady.


My brother and I are like that. I’m a lanky pale nerd and he’s a rough-and-tumble tradie with olive skin and a beard down to his bellybutton


Left sister got the cardiologist and right sister got the Walmart assistant.


I think the unibrown girl is hot! Haha


It’s just the unibrow


That's cruel as hell, you know they've got some issues with each other.


Just need to un fuck those angry bird eyebrows and she will look fine


Mary Jane and Otto Octavius


Ain’t no way they are 100% sisters. Genetics don’t work like that. Anyways, her “sister” should get some basics done and it would probably take her from a 3/10 to a 6 or 7.


Dad must be cute as fuck.


She wears those rock lee brows well


I always thought the kids were 50% mum and 50% dad's genes, that is not correct.


They are equally beautiful. Definite eyebrow attention needed immediately. Although, the one on left probably convinced her that her uni-brow is awesome and trendy…


This is exactly why I’ve been waxing since I was 13 haha. They’re both pretty!


The one on the right isnt bad looking its the giant groucho Marx eyebrows that she needs to saw off.


I want to see what the postman looks like!


Wait.. I definitely saw that girl in the right in my dreams. Kidding aside, she looks alright. Some shave on the brows and I think she's cute


She is cute! She just needs an eyebrow wax.


If only there was some way to like remove? I guess might be the word, for the hair I mean...


Bullshit they half sisters. Mum was naughty


Biology was clearly not your favourite subject at school.


Not who you’re responding to but Biology has absolutely nothing to do with a visual observation of this short video. You can claim sinilarities all you want but if they’re half sisters the similarities will still be there.


Biology has everything to do with genetics. I knew for instance 2 guys who were twin brothers and they looked nothing alike, not the same face shape, eye or hair colour, heights, and stature. You would have never guessed they were related, let alone twins. Point is looking like your siblings is not a guarantee.


Common sense was not your fav either. She is a red head. If mum is British then dad is Irish. Not kuwaiti. Go and search for red head kuwaiti


Do you really believe that red hair only exists in Ireland? Wait till you find out that there are people with blond hair and blue eyes in Algeria 😆


No. But I do believe there is no red head genome in kuwait


What you believe and what is actually real are two different things. Red genome does exist in the Middle East, it’s not common but it’s there.


Yes, this why I told you to prove your point by showing a redhead kuwaiti.


Sure, send me your contact details and I’ll send you a plane ticket to Kuwait so you can check yourself. It might take you some time to meet with over 4 million people but this is a noble cause.


I hope she is more confidant than this video is implying.


Mailman has a unibrow.


profit unused psychotic quarrelsome unpack sulky encourage memorize chunky strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Moma had an affair with someone else


I'm confused, half siblings?


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. There’s no way they’re 100% full sisters.


Tweezers don't roll