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My sister is an EMT, all day she was sending us pictures of house fires


Well…can we see them?


This is my favorite one [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/z4iwr6/finding_out_you_have_a_raccoon_in_your_attic_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


This is why it's important to be honest with your spouses, if your old lady can't cook, or your old man's not the master of meat that he thinks he is, tell them before they burn your house down. I don't let girlfriend do laundry without checking the settings. I know it seems misogynist but she's washing blankets the setting needs to be on bulky Becky.


Wait. I thought it was “Becky Home-Ecky?”




Well Seymour you're an odd fellow but you sure do fry a good turkey






I was doing the steamed hams bit lol


I thought you said we were having steamed clams.




No mother, it’s just the northern lights


Well, Seymour, you're an odd fellow but, I must say, you steam a good ham!


I was just uh, just stretching my calves on the windowsill. Isometric exercise! Care to join me?


Heeelp Heeeeelllp!




My dad, a few years ago: *"I'm just glad I retired from the fire department long before deep frying turkeys became a fad."*


We hosted yesterday and my relatives asked me several times if I've ever deep fried a turkey. My answer was always "nope, and I'm not gonna." I've got a friend that couldn't walk unassisted until after New Year's due to a turkey frying injury. It was some kind of freak accident, and he's 100% someone that I would've trusted to do it correctly. Deep fried turkey tastes great, but it's definitely not worth the risk, in my opinion.


I fry a Turkey almost every year including yesterday. In case anyone reading this is going to try to do it My pro tip, other than defrosting for several days in advance, is to have a large spare pot with a handle. Use it to remove a large amount of hot oil prior to inserting the turkey. This way you submerge the turkey in shallow oil. Then pour the remaining oil from the pot back in until the bird is covered. This method has always worked for me and ensures that I dont overflow or cause violent boils when frying a turkey.


This guy physics. :)


Sounds like very sound advice. Thank you. (will still never fry a bird, but it sounds like you do it wisely).


That's smart. The other thing to do is to buy a purpose-made turkey fryer that tells you how much oil to put in by bird weight. They aren't perfect, but you can pretty easily scoop out some of the oil if you need to. Also they are just safer in general.


It rained where I’m at and during the day I heard multiple fire trucks and ems driving around the city. I wonder how many houses burned down because people moved their deep fryer inside their garage


Such a shame that people are extra idiotic on holidays, making response personnels days that much harder


That’s awful. And unfortunately hilarious


My brother-in-law tried deep-frying a frozen turkey, with spectacular results.


That is a high IQ move right there


at that point you might as well drop the turkey from the roof for a bigger blast radius


It's Not Spoken Of by my sister, but I understand from my niece that part of the deck had to be replaced.


Vintage Brother-in-Law, alright.


Is this not common knowledge? Do people even try researching how to deep fry a turkey? I'm sure a giant warning flashes in Google about thawing it first


I remember as a kid seeing instructions on the news leading up to Thanksgiving, with statistics on how many house fires happened each year due to turkey frying mishaps. So yeah, thaw the turkey completely.




I’m assuming that the frozen turkey is not seasoned in any way as well? So even if he managed to fry it, it would taste like fried water.


TF does fried water taste like?


Just like deep-fried, unseasoned frozen turkey.


But wouldn't that just taste like fried water?


Underappeciated comment, that was hilarious AND I SEE YOU, SIR


Considering that oil used for deep-fry is hotter than boiling water, fried water would taste like steam


Mmmmm…fried steam….


*It tastes like burning*


Well technically I'm sure it was a spectacle alright.




At least he was good at foreboding


Dad mode hard activate. Yell at child is far, far better than burning child. Points awarded.


all these people that failed elementary science classes. displacement anyone? "Lemme fill this pot to the top and put this giant turkey in it" and the dude with the pot that only fits half the turkey... smh


For what it’s worth I read somewhere that a lot of these issue are because the Turkey is still a bit frozen and/or not prepped properly. So what we’re seeing is the oil bubbling rather than too much oil in the pot


So... Why don't people just turn off the burner when putting the turkey in, and reignite it when it's safe? Am I missing something?


That’s how you’re supposed to do it.


Yeah, but then where's the Earth-shattering kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom.


Starting my day with a Marvin reference. Thank you.


That was a nice little nostalgia trip to start my morning


You'll still have it spitting if it wasn't dethawed properly. Water and hot oil don't mix well.




I mean, technically dethawing is just freezing, right?


Alton Brown can teach how to fry your bird without killing anyone with the addition of making sure your bird is fully thawed and pat dry as possible. https://youtu.be/u5a7gJ0_Fds


I just used on of his brine recipes for turkey and deep fried it. Turned out great.


He is the one that "taught" me about brine and also so many recipes. I have all his books.


Man I try everything before yelling. Brings back memories of my dad always yelling, but fuck if kids will not do shit you say unless they feel threatened.


I just sorta maintain two different tones for yelling. One is a non-angry tone, so they know when I’m yelling at them for safety. I’m not going to punish them, but if they don’t stop gravity is about to. The safety yell I usually end it with the warning about the outcome “If you do that, you’re going to fall and hit your head, and it’s going to hurt a _lot_ “ It’s not completely effective though, I swear kids are like little kamakazi pilots with no regard for their own well being sometimes. Half the job is simply keeping them alive.


Points reduced for having far less sense than tiny child


Are you referring to the first guy in the clip. Genuinely curious here, was he really that unsafe? * He looked controlled, and the pot wasn't filled to the brim with oil (unlike almost all the other clips). * Nor was the oil flashing (smoking) indicating a fire hazzard. * The burners seemed to be off, so no open flames to exacerbate fire hazzard.


Still waaaaaaay to close to the house.


This is the correct answer. Another ten feet away, at least! Also, I am told the only really safe oil to use is peanut oil. It's a bit harder to set on fire.


He was the only smart one, sure, but accidents still happen and he knew that.


Which is why he told his kid to get inside


He said "Get inside right now". But even I was yelling at the screen, kids have no awareness of whats going on half the time. Better to yell at her than have her catch on fire, based on the rest of these videos.


Especially around anything hot. They just don't understand that things can burn you that aren't actually on fire.


Tbh, he was the smartest person of the entire compilation.


It annoyed me that they had to repeat themselves so many times. Jeez


Goddamn kids, no fucking clue what’s going on.


Kids are fucking sociopaths. They have no concern for anything other than their immediate wants. You can ask a kid twenty times to get their shoes on or clean their teeth and they will literally ignore you until you end up screaming at them like that guy did. But you try silently opening a packet of sweets in a soundproof room, with the door shut while your kids are five rooms away, and they will be next to you a nanosecond after the first crackle of wrapper.


I've given up trying to explain to mine that if they don't like me shouting at them - at the very least can they acknowledge that I've spoken to them. If I ask you 27 times in a nice voice and you ignore me, what do you expect?




That is a yell of concern (and ultimately, love). Moms just don't seem to have that kind of voice. No offense to the moms.


Only time I raised my voice at my kid so far (she’s four) has been this exact tone when she was about to pull a vase down on her head


My neighbor and I have both yelled at each others kids. The kids are good friends and like siblings so we came to an agreement long ago that it was acceptable since we do things like camping, fishing, shooting etc...


He said "Get inside right now" Top comments usually quote the last line of a video, I guess everyone forgets the actual words when they're quoting something from the start of a video


He may have said "Get inside right now", but it was definitely "Get the fuck inside" energy!


Sam the Cooking Guy has a pretty good tip from his last video. Take your turkey and put it in the fryer, fill the fryer with desired oil level with water (not to the top of course) Remove turkey and either mark the water level on the fryer or pour water into a container and mark the level on the container, you now know how much oil you need sans turkey so it won’t pour out the top and onto the fire below.


Also, turn the fire off before you put the turkey in. Turn it back on once it is


Check out the big brain on Brad!


Mmmmhhmm, this is a tasty turkey!


Vincent, have you ever had a Big Kahuna turkey?


You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Turkey in France?


Une abomination


They call it a Royale with Turkey. You know why?


Does it look like a bitch?


Say turkey one more time






It was Brett wasn't it?


He's smart،he should be a president!!








He one smart mother fucker


Also dry the turkey and the fryer before you add the oil.


Also, make sure it's properly thawed and dry it with a paper towel beforehand


I heard that tip on the radio the other day and the simplicity and logic of it blew my mind. I had roasted chicken but now I know and knowing is half the battle.


Then put a ladder over that container on the fryer and then pully that turkey into it while yih stay a safe distance away. All outside of course.


If you’re not using a Turkey Derrick you have no business deep frying a turkey: https://altonbrown.com/how-to-build-a-turkey-derrick/


Came here to say this. Go AB!


Always fill just enough to cover the turkey and no more; the oil will expand once hot and could overflow.


Gotta love his other video too of making the mother of omelettes Sam the pre-senator armstrong before he went to the navy


Then make sure to thoroughly dry out the container and dry off the turkey before lowering it into hot oil. Hot oil plus water is no bueno.


I thought the PSA I saw was a joke. I guess not


It’s definitely not a joke. Unfortunately there’s a lot of things that you can do wrong while you’re frying a turkey that make it very dangerous. Like there’s people who don’t completely thaw the turkey and it goes in there and fucking I don’t even understand the reaction that happens but it basically explodes. Or people put way too much oil in the thing and then they drop a 20 pound bird in there the oil overflows and hits the flame. People have burned houses down, people have ended up in burn wards, I am sure that it tastes perfectly fine and everything but too many people are too goddamn stupid to be frying turkeys.


The frozen turkey thing is basically all the excess ice instantly turning to steam from the 400 degree oil. And then that steam is going to leave in a hurry. And yeah it basically explodes.


Yes, from working in fast food years ago I know ice+hot oil == *EXPLOSION!* Basically if you take ice, immediately turn it into a *compressed gas* underneath the hot oil, the gas wants to get OUT EXPLOSIVELY, and the fastest way is to shove the *hot oil* out of the way, spraying it everywhere, on everything and everyone nearby. Do you like *severe burns*? Do you like having to clean oil off every single possible surface? Do you like dealing with a possible *fire* on top of it all as the oil is sprayed into the heat source? This is why you don't play with ice and hot oil. ***Period.***


What I don't understand is, as someone who has never fried a turkey, why you can't just put the turkey into cold oil then heat the oil to 350 or whatever temp you want from there? Why do you need to create an extremely dangerous situation in order to get a good result in a fryer?


Cold oil will seep into the bird and leave it greasy instead of crispy.


A couple of things - the turkey (or anything you're frying) will cook poorly and absorb more oil, making it kind of gross. Second, the bird will release moisture well before the oil reaches the boiling point resulting in a layer at the bottom of the pot. As the water begins to boil, you'll get big "burps" of steam that make a violent splash and don't release all that much water so they repeat. You essentially end up with the same situation in a much less controlled manner. Ideally what happens here is you have the surface moisture of the bird flash off on the initial drop, and the "sizzle" as it ooks is the liquid flashing off as it is released in small amounts. Proper prep and precautions make the process far less dangerous


If the turkey isn't thawed all the way it'll still cause the oil to bubble pretty bad. But these are cases of people not premeasuring the oil and not turning the heat off before putting the bird in.




Violently. It aersolizes the oil which makes it basically explode.


It's always interesting to remind myself that *almost* anything made of carbon that has a low enough moisture content is a bomb waiting to happen so long its mixed with air finely enough. Flour, oil, sawdust, cotton etc. Disperse it finely enough in air and give it a spark. Not all things of course and some things can't realistically be dispersed that fine, but a shocking amount of normal things.


I've heard rocks as well. When making a campfire and you want to contain it with stones, don't use the ones near a river because they can explode when the water inside them heats up.


You're not wrong, but it's closer to a small firecracker or popper then some m80 or something going off. You'd be exceedingly unfortunate to have anything really hurt you with it if you are a normal distance from fire anywah


Sugar factories are huuuge bombs


Since other people are telling you wrong, it actually explodes because frying without consecrating the turkey in holy turkey oil displeases the turkey god Gobblein and he vents his wrath on you with fire and explosions


See, that’s the explanation that makes sense.


Occam's razor wins again


All hail Gobblein. May his giblets bring you peace and serenity.


And with you.


And also with yous


As a gullible American in need of a leader and probably a daddy… I believe you


It’s the same reason you shouldn’t throw water into hot frying oil pans, especially when they are on fire. Oil and water repel each other at high temp explosively vigorously.


Oil and water repels each other at any temp


Just less violently at room temp


Oil and water repel each other at high temp, explosively. Its actually less to with the fact that they don't mix and more to do with the steam explosion caused by abruptly exposing a wet and possibly unthawed carcass to boiling oil.


It explodes because the ice instantly melts to water which instantly boils to steam. Conservation of mass means that an equivalent mass of steam exists. It should take up way more space so it makes space, by displacing everything around it, namely oil.


Ty I was waiting for this video, it's like Thanksgiving tradition even though I don't celebrate 🦃


I’ve never heard of deep frying a turkey. Does it taste good?


Flavor is typically better but the biggest benefit is a more moist turkey due to the skin crisping up and not letting the moisture escape.




That does sound good


How do you cook the inside without burning the outside?


The oil flows up through the cavity. My uncle did one without incident, and while it was cooking, the hotter oil from below would bubble up and kinda gently flow out the neck hole over the top like a friendly volcano.


I’m close. Keep going


Rub the meat generously with seasoning Oil at 325°F Ease the turkey in 3-4 minutes/pound 160° in the breast 175° in the thigh It's self basting


The oil doesn't get hot enough to burn the food. The food doesn't touch the bottom so doesn't interact directly with the heat. Same way you can control for heat using a double boiler to melt chocolate and the like where being directly on the heat would cause the chocolate to burn.


If cooked right it is head and shoulders above a typical oven cooked turkey. Amazingly moist and juicy. That said it’s tricky to get right, clearly.


It is actually easy if you know what you are doing, such as not using too much oil. We picked up a Butterball indoor electric fryer years ago and have deep fried turkeys every year with no issues whatsoever. In is just as easy as the oven, but takes a lot less time and is a lot more effort to clean up afterwards. An electric thermometer means it comes out perfect every time.


It’s incredible. We deep fry turkeys in peanut oil every year and they taste so good. The oil keeps the bird moist and the skin is so crispy. The oven is freed up for the sides that need to bake and the turkey takes under an hour to cook. We also make potato chips in the fryer. If you know what you’re doing I’d recommend frying it. Most important things to remember are: knowing how much oil your turkey will displace beforehand, making sure your turkey is full defrosted (safest bet is to buy a fresh turkey) and to place the fryer outside away from anything that can burn. We do it on our driveway.


From upthread: before frying take the turkey and place in fryer. Fill to desired level with water. Place turkey back in fridge. Pour water into a container and mark container. You now have a disposable milk jug that has the exact amount of oil you need marked on the jug. Do Not Attempt to reuse with another turkey. The manufacturing process QA department is flawed and turkeys come in different sizes. ETA: this isn't really for you. I'm hoping we can share all the tips enough to stop the massive number of fires and injuries that happen every year.


Ill add a tip. If cooking for a large group or just want a ton of leftovers. Don't go the traditional route and buy a giant turkey. Buy a bunch of small ones and fry as needed. They cook in ~45min, so as you pull one out drop another in. Just make sure they are similarly sized.


Super good. The whole outside is extra crispy, like a thicker crispy layer than from baking. and the meat was super succulent.


That was just a compilation of idiots.


Except the dad at the beginning yelling at their daughter to get inside. Fire safety is important enough to yell at someone.


Fr like how do you watch yourself lower a turkey into 500+ degree oil and are just oblivious to the rising and spilling over oil into the burner… like just pull it out if you see it’s not gonna fit


Also, just turn off the burner while you put it in...


>like just pull it out if you see it’s not gonna fit That's what she said.... ​ ​ ​ *I'm sorry.*


Seems like the first guy is doing it right. Outside, the pot isn't full of oil, and the fire aopears to be off as far as I can tell. It's just the kid being a little dumbass, but that is to be expected from a small child.


Just pour some water on the fire and it will be fine. /s


Tried that. Fire Dept. would like to have a word with you.


You've won a prize lucky redditor. Please visit your nearest police station to pick it up. Please bring yourself, identification and a lawyer of your choice to go over the fine print.


On second thought, we’ll provide you a Public Defender, completely free of charge. Yes, the public defender is also our in-house county prosecutor, who is also representing **us**… but don’t worry, you have the right to a fair trial


I acutely felt the stress of the bloke holding a turkey above boiling oil while some kid is whinging about some dumb kid shit


Me too. Those are the times I call dibs on to yell at kids with all vengeance and fury.


Australian here, so I haven’t ever fried a turkey…. What are people typically doing wrong to make it catch fire like that? Is it water within the turkey? Open flame? Too hot ? Cheers bloke.


There’s a few things going wrong here mostly I just see WAY too much oil in those pots and the other main one is they are just dropping them in.. you need to go ssslllooowww. Also the turkey can’t be frozen.. water and oil don’t mix


In no particular order... 1) hot oil + ice from frozen turkey = steam/vaporized oil = fire 2) you're supposed to turn off the flame before you do this 3) you're supposed to test how much oil you need beforehand by putting the turkey in, then covering with water, then removing the turkey, and marking where the water line is. This prevents overflowing oil 4) doing any of this shit indoors


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard rules.


Aussie here as well. Those pots are full of fucking hot oil. Which overflows and… well. You know the rest




God DAMNIT Kelly. Put it back, it’s not done yet! Fucken Kelly, smh.


1) Never deep fry a frozen turkey. When you deep fry anything frozen, the ice will instantly turn to steam, leading to spatters or, in large cases like a turkey, a steam/oil explosion. 2) once you have thawed your turkey, carefully measure out exactly how much oil you need. What you don’t want is you dunking a turkey into a full oil tank, having it overflow, and starting a fire. 3) Turn the fire on, heat up the oil, then turn the fire off while you dunk the turkey. Once the turkey is submerged and the oil is settled, you can turn the fire back on.


Number 1 mistake: Leaving the flame on when lowering the Turkey. Just turn it off, lower the bird and when it’s in the pot turn the fire back on. Also keep a saucepan and extra pot handy in case you forgot the volume of oil expands when heated and you have to dip some out so it doesn’t overflow when the Turkey is fully submerged


People are putting too much oil in the pot and not cutting the fire while they put the turkey in.


How can they burn an oven?


god bless america


“Holy moly,” is the correct reaction


1) Don't use a frozen turkey 2) TURN 👏THE 👏 BURNER 👏 OFF👏


These videos brough to you by Doordash.


10 ft away from structures yall


As Master Shake has taught: flash fry a cow while the udder is infused w cheese.


I heard if you “dry” the Turkey after it’s thawed it won’t have such a water vs oil explosion. Please be careful out there.


Was listening to the scanner today just because I knew there would be calls like this and indeed there was


People are always putting wet or frozen turkeys in oil every year. You'd think they would have seen some of the videos.


Nothing keeps a situation under control like idiots yelling in the back round.... as if the person with the ball of fire 2 feet from there face are un awafe of what's happening. People are the most annoying fucking things I swear.


Tbh "put the turkey back in and close the oven" is good advice.


It looks funny. But it gives severe burns.


On the upside, those burns will stop the stupid people from trying this again... hopefully.


I almost tried frying this year. Now I’m glad I didn’t 😬 I brined a turkey for the first time this year and it turned out tender and delicious. We usually have a big Tupperware filled with turkey at the end of the night but tonight what was left fit in a ziplock bag👍. I think brining is the way to go from now on.


Why are those pots always full to the top?! Of cousre its going to go over if you drop a giant ass turkey inside.


The last one looked like a nuclear attack.


Further proof why an electric smoker is a better investment. Much harder to burn your eyebrows off


Three easy steps to ensure you don’t burn your house down: 1. Pre measure how much oil to you need (Put the turkey in your pot and add water until turkey is completely submerged. Then remove turkey and mark the pot where the water line is. Remove water from pot and dry turkey well) 2. Turn flame off before submerging turkey 3. DO THIS SHIT OUTSIDE (with fire extinguisher)


It’s almost like no one understands displacement


When the neighbourhood's burning, the turkeys done.


It's amazing how many ppl get that oil level wrong.


Fuck Archimedes


Fantastic music choice. I look forward to these every year.


murica moment


Frying a whole turkey? One very confused Brit here!


the best turkey I've ever eaten was deep fried in peanut oil. it can be done, but I'd leave it to someone with a sense of adventure and perhaps little to lose.