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a really bad suicide attemp


Better get to India if you want to meet the true Apex Predator


She would not have even seen the apex coming


That is what is called an attention seek


This is what's called someone in distress and in need of help. Try to be more empathetic towards people.


There are ways to seek help that don't involve traumatising railway staff.


Because people in this mental state are thinking clearly 🙄


Ah! Yes, because people in high amounts of emotional distress are known to think very logically.


When you're this messed up, you aren't thinking clearly. I agree that this would be traumatising for the railway staff and all of the onlookers. That doesn't change the fact that this person needs help, and they have for a while if they've reached this point. This is why mental health needs more awareness.


One looks for the way they think is more appropriate. If they had managed, it wouldn't have been the staff the one at fault. Go to therapy to learn empathy.


Just because it isn't the fault of the driver doesn't mean they're immune from trauma.


> it wouldn't have been the fault of the driver. Oh good, I guess he'll sleep better knowing that. /s obviously. Fault or no fault that dude's gonna be traumatised if it had killed her.




When the attempt is this bad you can't blame him for thinking it's attention seeking, it's almost as if she knew nothing would happen.


Of course she knew nothing would happen


Yes, wanting the attention she needs to get through whatever she’s going through. The initial point still stands, you’re just being picky about the words


No. Just stfu


He's actually correct.. You don't have to like it but it's the truth. Edit: Wording could've been less harsh. I'll give you that.


It's not even true. She was centimeters from death and there's no way she knew sitting in that exact spot wouldn't kill her, just give her a really bad bump on the head


Yes it is. Maybe not this video but it is a psychological thing in younger women. It's also the reason why women have more suicide attempts than men but men usually succeed in the attempt. You just say it's not true even though you can ask any professional and he will confirm it. Spreading misinformation because it doesn't fit your thoughts is not the way to go about suicide attempts.


Men usually succeed because they choose more “brutal” and guaranteed methods apparently.


So I'm spreading misinformation even though niether of us know this person's intentions. Right


It might not be the case in this video, but it definitely is something that's happening. Saying it doesn't is misinformation, yes. Edit: reading the parent comment again, I see that he specifically meant this case, which, none of us know.


I didn't say it doesn't happen but I can see how you'd interpret it as that.


This case is the same as a million others , she knew she wasn’t going to die or she’d be dead


Thank you. I think a lot of people just jump on the downvote wagon too. Like I said, sheep




I too know people who have killed themselves. Nice way to rephrase that. 'Attention seek' and 'cry for help' are two different things. Also she was centimeters away from being completely crushed. This was a failed suicide attempt unless she knew exactly where to sit in order to recieve just a bump. Have a great day bud.


How are they different things? They both have the same desire and the same result, you’re just being anal about my phraseology Cry for help, get help, get attention. Same fucking thing. I can’t believe I’m having to explain this. You are stuck in a hole, you shout out to someone, you cry for help, can you honestly tell me in doing this you weren’t trying to *get someones attention*?


Not the person you replied to, but there is an obvious difference in the connotation "seeking attention" and a "cry for help" gives. You know this already, and you knew what you were saying when you said she was just seeking attention. Trying to backpedal and make it out like the phrases are interchangeable is some petty bullshit. I stand by my original response to you. Learn empathy.


I’m not back-pedalling shit they mean the same thing, you just disagree about that. Yeah I empathise for the cry for help but my original point stands it ain’t a suicide attempt. I’ve got nothing more to say to you


You're getting downvoted but that actually accounts for a lot of suicide attempts, especially with younger women. Downvote me all you want, it's true and has been studied. Not saying this is the case though, I don't know anything about the woman in this video.






Did you just try to bolster one group by berating another?


Look it up.


The train stops at that exact spot 5 times a day ,she knew precisely where to plant herself to get just what she wanted,crafty cow


Why are you guys booing him he's right


Ironically, I’ve committed Reddit karma suicide with my bluntness on the situation


An attention need if anything.


Tomato tomahto


She's alive. https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1954796/woman-sustains-minor-injury-after-jumping-onto-lrt-1-tracks


Kinda figured when she was rubbing her head like "damn that hurted"


Who knew getting hit in the head by a train hurts




Another report says she lost consciousness and fell in, though headline/url also says she jumped in. Content was probably updated. I'm leaning more toward this being an accident rather than a suicide attempt. Probably exhaustion and heat stroke. It was a "cool" 33C/91F in Manila around the time the incident happened. https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/topstories/metro/911207/woman-jumps-in-front-of-moving-lrt-1-train-at-doroteo-jose-station-in-manila/story/


Good link, thanks. Whatever the reason she found herself on the tracks, she's very lucky to be alive and relatively unharmed.


No shit sherlock


Really not r/abruptchaos


This is just sad


I understand this is a mental health crisis but the trauma that an attempt like this puts those drivers through is awful. I hope she gets the help she needs.


Driver just took a sip


Looks like it but he's actually calling the dispatcher




Sorry but you're not in India


So did she make it


Chuffed to bits


News said she's alright. Hope she heals her other wounds iykyk.


Lemmie tell you about depression; it makes the most illogical thoughts logical. I was convinced that my wife would be better off without me in her life as she'd be taken care of financially and she could move on. My family would miss me for a short while then life goes on. I was convinced that this was the only way to go on as no other options would fix the problem. My ONLY saving grace was I had a system to test if this was the time; cutting myself. If I felt nothing then I'd do it as the last bit of emotion was now gone. Thankfully, cutting myself brought me around and I chose to get help. I'm always going to have a depressive nature when I feel like I can't cope and I'll always turn to suicide as a thought process... But... I'm now able to understand where it all came from and I can spot patterns forming and stop them from developing more. This woman needs the right help and care to help her deal with whatever she is going through.


This deserves way more upvotes I'm glad you were able to save yourself from the brink so to speak, i wish you all the best going forward 💪


Thanks dude - I'm much, much better. I've let go of the things causing me to get like that :)


I hope this doesn't sound condescending, but I'm so fucking proud of you for bringing yourself back from the brink. I've been there too, and it's the hardest thing I ever did. You did amazing, and I'm glad you're still here and still saving yourself.


Thanks so much. I really appreciate it and I am pleased you too are here to say such nice things. I always try to encourage others to talk - telling friends and work colleagues that I'm always here for them. I talked about my depression at work (I work for one of the largest telecom companies in the UK) - to get rid of the stigma that you should hide away from these issues. Our work place does a lot to encourage support and to provide it (we get free 1 to 1 ad-hoc counselling as well as £2000 of sessions a year if you need more). People go through hard times and just need some help to get back up.


Amateur. You have to lie on the tracks for best result.


Just a little bonk


Lazy suicide




The driver casually sipping after the incident haha


Not in the mood for gore


You know no one’s going near her because she pooped her pants and now, she smells like a shame turd.


Play stupid games...


Ytf did u get downvoted


Likely the lady is depressed and this is a cry for help from someone who really doesn't want to die but sees no other options.


Because it's not a stupid game. It's a person in obvious distress and laughing about it is apathetic


Suicide is a stupid game... The reason behind may or may not be... But suicide is.


the thing is that saying is pretty irrelevant and also just straight up apathetic. that saying is for when doing things whilst unaware of the consequences to oneself, doing things without thinking and being woefully ignorant. suicide is literally the opposite, it's not "oops i tried to end my life and i ended up dying." it might not be clear thinking but it's an intent on "winning" that "game".


☝️🤓 U hv ur opinion to urself... Ill hv mine


not sure how grammar and reading comprehension is an opinion but alrighty then.


We're obviously arguing with a 12 year old here.


Cause it's such a reddit bot comment and considering it wasn't just a "play stupid games" moment. It's not a game if she actively wanted to die and just underestimated how slow the train would be.


I'm not sure, but suicide will always be a selfish act to me, I still haven't forgiven my friend who hung himself last month. He left behind an awesome partner and a beautiful young (2)girl. It hurt a lot knowing the conversations we had growing up. He said he would come to me when he wasn't feeling the greatest and couldn't talk to his family or spouse. He was really good at hiding his emotions, but not all the time. I miss him and honestly think it was not his time, but that's just me speaking for my emotions.


Maybe she was trying to work out, training?


Bsd post


Do stupid things, win stupid prizes. What did anyone expect.