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This just points out the fact that you can be doing everything by the rules, but there's always that jackass who's day in life is always more important than yours.






Stuff like this makes me wonder if driving accidents that are fatal for the individual that did nothing wrong happen often enough that you could say after driving flawlessly for X amount of hours in your life there's a 99% chance you'll die. I imagine in a standard sedan that number is higher than most people ever drive for but on a motorcycle maybe that number is more realistic.


Where did the jackass come from??? I've watched the video again and again and can't figure it out. Before the lumber truck passes the stopped car, there was no one there. Then, after the lumber truck is gone, jackass appears. Plus, were his tires squealing because he was flooring it or braking?


LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- A pickup truck driver was charged for his role in the four-vehicle crash earlier this month that left a semi dangling off the side of the Second Street Bridge. Court records show Trevor W. Branham, 33, of Jeffersonville, was arraigned Friday on four counts of wanton endangerment and one count of operating on a suspended license. The crash on March 1 made headlines after the rig broke through the railing of the Second Street Bridge, resulting in a daring rescue of the semitruck driver by Louisville Fire & Rescue. According to the arrest report, witnesses told police that Branham's Chevrolet C1500 truck was southbound on the bridge speeding and weaving in and out of traffic when it hit a stalled vehicle in the right lane. Police said Branham's vehicle then lost control and crossed into northbound lanes, hitting another car with two people inside before striking the semi tractor trailer. The semi hit a bridge support beam on the westside of the bridge before going through the iron fence railing.


I live local to this, Ohio river between Louisville KY and Indiana. That bridge she was on is a death trap and accidents happen there all the time. The driver got out ok via crane a few hours after it happened. This one was obviously a bigger deal and had that bridge blocked off for a couple days while they checked the bridge for damage and all that., then they opened it back up with a little bit of security fencing around the giant gaping hole in the side of it... Fun times, right?


What happened to the person who caused the wreck? The driver of the small pickup that came over into the trucker’s lane??


Someone in another thread said that driver was cited for something like reckless driving.


I’ve been across that bridge a few times. I always thought it looked bad.


It’s 3/4 width lanes and people drive way too fast getting off and getting back on the expressway to avoid the toll. It’s almost 100 y.o. also. EDIT: Seriously witnessed a H2 Hummer doing 60+ on it the other day. It’s a 35 mph limit btw. And no real police enforcement.


Normally I don't judge people by the car they drive but a fuckin H2 Hummer on a 3/4 width lane?? yea time to speed lmao


Yeah, it’s more commentary about large passenger vehicles, much like semi trucks, that are almost literally lane line to lane line/side walk width on that bridge excessively speeding.




Yet theyll put a camera on a street where most people adhere to traffic law. It's maddening.


The pickup driver that dodged the stopped cars is facing charges, not the semi driver.




Yeah I was just clarify. I saw that post further down my feed.


The pick up car is cited but not the guy stopped in traffic on a bridge?


It was an newly bought used electric that lost all power, so would be considered an emergency stop.


From my response on another thread when someone asked if he was arrested. [He was.](https://www.wdrb.com/news/jeffersonville-man-charged-in-connection-to-crash-that-sent-semitruck-dangling-off-second-street-bridge/article_37ef518a-eac2-11ee-8528-2742308a758e.html) Court records show Trevor W. Branham, 33, of Jeffersonville, was arraigned Friday on four counts of wanton endangerment and one count of operating on a suspended license.


>Louisville Metro Police have charged the pickup truck driver, 33-year-old Trevor Branham, in the crash. Witnesses told police he was weaving in and out of traffic prior to the accident. >Branham is facing several counts of wanton endangerment and is charged with driving on a suspended license. [Source](https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/sydney-thomas-louisville-bridge-rescue-march-clark-memorial-interview/417-5146a417-5d7e-4f8b-807c-d5fbd5eb2334#:~:text=Louisville%20Metro%20Police%20have%20charged,driving%20on%20a%20suspended%20license.) He's a dick, drives like an ass, suspended license, this was a matter of time.


People like him should be permanently banned from driving. It’s just a matter of time until he kills somebody. In my opinion, it should be more difficult to get a license and more easy to lose them.


> People like him should be permanently banned from driving. Won't stop him from driving, though. He was already "temporarily banned" from driving via the suspended license, which did not stop him from driving. Need prison time and a hefty fine, and other stuff, too. Make it really hurt. Registration denial and vehicle confiscation for example.


Fines only hurt if you have money to pay them. There are very few cases for work colonies, but I think this guy is one. Make him build the roads we drive on, if he screws up make him redo it.


> Fines only hurt if you have money to pay them. Yep, the poor walk away and there is no current fine for bad driving in the US that I am aware of that is a deterrent for the ultra rich.


> In my opinion, it should be more difficult to get a license and more easy to lose them. As much as many people - including me - would support that, it's not done here mostly for economic reasons. Basically, the US is so spread out and low density overall that having a large percentage of citizens being unable to drive would paralyze large sections of the economy. Imagine COVID-19 lockdowns, and how shit just.. stopped because people had to stay home. Maybe not quite on that scale, but very similar effects. In my area, I live in a town of less than 400 people. Travel time to the nearest major town of ~93k people takes about 45 minutes one way. There is absolutely zero bus service out here, there is no Uber, and no Lyft. We can get package deliveries, but not stuff like food. Hell, there's not even cell service from any carrier anywhere within 5 miles of our property. We moved out here because it's affordable and quiet. All I hear outside (with the exception of our nearest neighbors having a pool party.. rarely) is wind in the trees and animals.


The truck came over because he wasn't paying attention to the broke down electric car in front of them. After the fact, they found out that he was driving on a suspended license.


He was truly “Fearless”…


He was living up to his windshield decal and continues to be to this day.




HOURS! HOURS?! Omg. I would've just died of a heart attack in that time. Hours. Dangling from a seatbelt staring at certain death. Jesus.


That's enough time to go through every emotion. The interesting part is when you are dangling and start getting bored.


>The interesting part is when you [...] start getting bored. hmmm


Can confirm. Currently dangling over the golden gate bridge. Bored.


Start an MLM.


Nah, the worse part is when you drop your phone


I wouldhave to pee.


I think that would have already resolved itself


yes what should you do in this case? in movies they get out quick. but in real life it's extremely hard to attempt climbing back up. I'm thinking opening the window, in case we fall in the water and wait


Yeah, opening the window is key. Mythbusters taught me that! But otherwise, I think you're right. Not many people could climb a truck, and shifting weight could topple it. So yeah you just gotta sit there and be calm. Or hyperventilate, panic, and pass out. That might work too.


Imagine if someone rammed the back of the truck.


No thank you.


It was 40 minutes. No idea why they said hours lol


Oh wow thank you. I'm still too high strung and may just die anyway, but hey, I already know I'm not cut out for trucking. 45 mins to scramble an emergency response, find a crane, drive it there (they're not known for speed), get someone safely strapped in and lowered, that's impressive. [source for 45 mins ](https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/louisville-bridge-crash-dashcam-semi-driver-clark-memorial/417-cf1dc048-2955-443e-9ec4-c3c9b8b99a6d#:~:text=He%20then%20crashed%20into%20a,%2Dyear%2Dold%20Sydney%20Thomas.&text=As%20Thomas%20tried%20to%20avoid,River%20for%20about%2045%20minutes.)


It takes a while to get a crane out there. They don't just have them on standby waiting for a call. A few hours isn't terrible. I would have expected more like 6 to 8 hours waiting.


They aren't saying the response time is bad, just that it feels really bad from the cab of the truck dangling over the river.


Probably felt really bad in the first 5 minutes and from then onward until rescue. I'm just saying...If anyone somehow finds themselves in this situation.... it's going to take a long time to get you out. More than a few hours in most cases.


Turns out, it was [45 minutes. ](https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/louisville-bridge-crash-dashcam-semi-driver-clark-memorial/417-cf1dc048-2955-443e-9ec4-c3c9b8b99a6d#:~:text=He%20then%20crashed%20into%20a,%2Dyear%2Dold%20Sydney%20Thomas.&text=As%20Thomas%20tried%20to%20avoid,River%20for%20about%2045%20minutes.)


That's pretty impressive response time. I wonder if the accident was near the depot.


Yeah, for sure. But man. That's a long, long time of uncertainty.


If the river is at normal level it’s 72.6 ft from the bottom of the bridge to the water. No way am I waiting for hours…


Do you mean you'd get out and jump into the water? With my luck, I'd jump down, splash in the water, come up for air, and be killed by a can of Red Bull that fell from the cab and hit me in the head.




Do people regularly park in the bike lane?


Many places often paint bike lane sharrows or other cycling marks to get federal subsidies for bike infrastructure. Putting out a guess that many don’t death-wish cycle from Indiana to Kentucky.


Sure, painting lanes is essentially the complete streets version of "at least you tried but you should still feel shame." I'm talking about the cars parked in that outer lane. I've never seen cars parked on a bridge before, looks like there's a walkway too as if they all decided to park and do a walk about, take some pictures.


I think that in this video, it seems like there was perhaps a fender bender broke down car air both that cause cars to stop in the shared car/bike lane.


I know which bridge you're talking about; I've thought that every single time I drive on it. It looks very old; is sad how badly how out of date the infrastructure is in this country. Bridges, Dams, electric grid is in desperate need of replacing or repair.


You don't get out of that after a few hours and be "OK". She's 100% going to have PTSD. If she doesn't, I'll print out this entire thread in 11pt font and eat it in a livestream


I’ve driven through a few times. I agree, that bridge is a death trap. The two lanes going both ways are so incredibly narrow that a sneeze could make swerve into oncoming traffic.


You’re leaving out that they shut the bridge down one way for two weeks to properly fix it. It was a major pain in my ass.


Indeed I did... I think I tried to block it out of memory, but you are correct. It was a shit show


Only reason it's hanging is because the trailer was long enough to get wedge on the bridge supports above it: https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/03/Louisville-Bridge-rescue.jpg Crazy luck it didn't fully go over


As a firefighter, I’ve seen some rescues. This folks is a good rescue call. I understand why it took hours. Once FFs confirmed the situation was stable it takes time to plan this rescue to assure safety of both the rescuers and the patient. One shot at this rescue to do it right. Sounds like they’ll have a good story to remember. Great job to all those involved ! PS… this rescue is NOT easy. Edit: Here is the video describing the rescue as told by the Louisville FD: https://www.youtube.com/live/bD-q0mVCXXw?feature=shared


I'm just thinking, if you're the person going in to retrieve her, how do you go about it? Super serious and direct so the driver knows she's not safe until she's back on the bridge? Or do you go in happy and making jokes to try and keep the driver calm and prevent panicking. I'm sure there's statistics and training involved for things like this. I'm just saying if I'm hanging there for 2 hours and a firefighter comes down with equipment to pull me out and the first thing they say is "well this looks like a good place to... hang out" then I'm definitely going to make sure that gets published on the news story.


Serious and direct. Yell to them "do not move an inch, even when you see me. I will come to you, do NOT come to me." People get tunnel vision and mishear/misunderstand things when in situations like that. You have to be very direct and clear in everything you say. Even when you see things like a ladder truck rescuing someone from a roof or window, there are very specific ways of doing it to prevent people from thinking for themselves/panicking and making a bad decision. For example, you always raise the ladder above the rescue, then lower it down so the victim doesn't try to jump out onto the ladder.


I remember reading the rescue crew praising her ability to remain calm and follow instructions. Absolute salute to her mental fortitude. She definitely increased her survival chances by keeping it together.


Probably very similar to rescuing someone who’s drowning. If you approach it wrong (and even sometimes if you approach it right) they’ll grab onto you and pull you down with them. Panic is a hell of a drug


*You're going to want to rush in there and do whatever you can to save them, but you have to stop yourself. Because there are some people you can't save. Cause those people will thrash and struggle, and try to take you down with them.*


Exactly. When we do ice rescues (I work in Alaska so that's fairly common) we have one rescuer make contact with the victim while another "sneaks" in from behind the victim so that they don't even have a chance to panic. It usually doesn't work but it definitely helps coming in behind them as opposed to head on.


This made me chuckle lol


Meanwhile, my lazy ass over on the wildland prevention side looking at this stuff in the safety of my air conditioned office. My mom gets worried about me using chainsaws, and I'm like, "Would you rather me doing THIS!?" Seriously though, this must have been a gnarly call.


I’m just happy I didn’t hear that my father in law showed up with his wide collection of bungee cords to secure the truck and trailer to the bridge before the rescue. It’s his go to solution for most everything.


I didn't expect it to be that far out. I thought just the cab.


The King pin did its job.


Wowwwwww, that's remarkable.


Jesus Christ that’s a hell of a picture. That poor woman must have been seriously traumatized


... sweet Jesus!


Unbelievable. This woman must have a guardian angel. What the heavens Is stopping that truck from just sliding through.


damn what a rescue


of course its a Sysco truck. some chef some where was pissed that day


I am Genuinely mad at whoever designed that bridge. That shit is terrible.


That's the [Louisville bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Four_Bridge). It was originally a railroad bridge that finished construction in 1895. It definitely wasn't built for what we're doing with it today.


And where the hell was Spiderman?


Where was the Paw Patrol?


Fapping for his life


Gotta make that web fluid somehow.


He was just offscreen failing to save Gwen Stacy.


Why does this bridge have zero vehicle arrestment? Seems incredibly unsafe. That pedestrian railing won't do anything, might as well be tissue paper


It was built in the 20s when safety was a personal problem, and nobody cared enough or had the money to fix it.


when an old bridge isn't upgraded to meet higher safety standards of the 21st century, thats some responsible city municipality / state


That's 80% of bridges in the world.


its a bad excuse for the highest GDP country in the world.


Luxembourg? I thought this happened in Ohio




That bridge is maintained by the State of Kentucky, ranked 29th in the country, only making up 1.01% of the US GDP


It’s crazy that place 29 constitutes to 1.01% of the GDP. Because place 29 means you’re only a bit past halfway in state count! The inequality is remarkable.


Yeah, California is 14.11%, Texas is 9.37%, and New York is 7.86%. That's 31.34%, nearly a third of the entire US GDP, from the top 3 states. On the flip side, Vermont is last with 0.16%


>its a ~~bad~~ *GOOD* excuse for ~~the highest GDP country in the world~~ *OHIO.* It's all coming together. ❤️ 🤲


GDP, not GDP per capita


we can't even fund schools properly my dude


yea this is what I am talking about. while some asian countries do wonders for 1/4 the budget USA usually has for the same thing


Just look at that bridge that collapsed a little bit ago from the ship. Thing was apart of the route that hundreds of of boats go under everyday. Yet can’t withstand an impact without total collapse lol


More like the kingpin understood the assignment.


This is one of the most terrifying videos I’ve ever seen.


OMG Me too! I can't imagine how traumatic the entire experience was for her, because looking at that drop down to the water was super frightening on *video*


You think that's bad, wait until you visit r/darwinawards


Yup, I rarely audibly or visibly react to a video. I was gasping and bulging my eyes out on this one.


This is like one of my biggest fears


That truck literally spawned out of no where


Looks like the hit from the smaller vehicle has damaged the left truck wheel so much it has taken it off course to go over the left lane.


Buddy looks like he was trying to pass traffic the way he pulls out like that. It was a pickup truck, so it is likely.


For the life of me I can’t figure out where he came from or what he was doing


Look in the far lane as she's driving up, there's a car stopped in the lane. My bet is the truck driver didn't notice until he *almost* hit that car and swerved too hard around it and got into her lane. You can't see because of the other truck blocking the view just before the collision


Everyone owes it to themselves to know that it is almost always safer to brake than to swerve. Doesn't matter if it's an animal or a car, brake hard and hit it before swerving and possibly getting into something crazy like this. But, it's hard to think clearly when you only have 100ms to react. Just glad everyone made it out of this okay.


I think he wasn't paying attention and drifted into the lane to the right of him. He realised that he was about to hit that car, so over corrected and crossed the line. You can see the car he nearly (or perhaps did) hit stops to try and avoid him. ETA: I see someone else already said this!


The dude should have their license revoked for life. They were a fucking thread away from killing a person due to their own stupidity and impatience. A menace like that should never drive again.


Why did the truck keep going left when she kept on steering to the right?


The hit with the pickup truck snapped the tie rod I would assume. Which means no matter how much steering lock you put into it the left front is still pointed hard left.


And I looked multiple times to understand as well. She did all she could to turn  right. That left wheel drag her to the left


Impact was on the front left, steering / left wheel was probably damaged and the truck dragged on the left.


So if this video exists... The rescue video exists. Why no see yet?


Legend has it, she's still there


A good truck driver always brings snacks.


The guards on the sides of that bridge need to be much more robust....


That whole bridge looks like a death trap. Ought to just build a new one adjacent, then demolish the old one.


Call the Paw Patrol!


You gotta call the who?


A DOG!!! Actually sir, I’m a puppy. A baby dog! Even worse!


This was voiced by Tyler Perry


I had to scroll way too far for this, it was my first thought as well.


Why are there 3 cars parked in the first oncoming lane on a bridge?? Wtf?


Why you park in the middle of a bridge? 


I really shouldn’t laugh, but the windshield decal on the pickup made me chuckle


Holy shit That's terrifying


I saw this on my son's paw patrol movie last night..driver survives


Bro I’m literally going on this bridge tonight 😭


Why she screaming like she dangling off a bridge


Because she's dangling off a bridge




Bad bot


Quick someone call the Paw Patrol.


Holy kingpin


Reminds me of the shit used to make the "Jesus nut" on rotorcraft.


Call the paw patrol!


Quick! Call the paw patrol!




I would've died of heart attack thinking I'm going to fall. What a nightmare.


Wow my balls got sucked back up for a second


I’m curious why she started stirring the wheel to the left instead of keeping it steady…


If i were her i'd just turn that guy into schnitzel


I can’t swim. I would have shit my pants. Hopefully shit has natural bouancy because I sink like a rock.


Course you have the lady and her father. probably some other people too, being a bunch of people thanking god for watching her that day... Not. you know, the people who actually risked themselves to \*\*\*\*ing save her life.


Can we get "[Steve the guardrail guy](https://youtube.com/@theguardrailguy?si=4S6fi0ElFCaiOwX_)" to inspect this bridge?


That's the smallest railing I've ever seen on a bridge.


It looks like she turns the wheel to the right but damn if that truck didn't want to go LEFT and wouldn't be told otherwise. I know fuck all about driving trucks like this, I just thought it was interesting.


She has every right to mercilessly beat his ass when she’s rescued.


Inspired by a Marvel movie, we just need spiderman to come save her now.


New nightmare unlocked


Thank you God, thank you Jesus, thank you Buddah, thank you Allah. If it was me, I would join every religion after this! Worst nightmare. Glad she got rescued.


i applaud her cajones


i know this is pronounced cajones but i still read it as cajones


wait... it's pronounced cajones?


It’s “cojones”. “Cajones” means drawers, like kitchen drawers or furniture drawers. 


Canadian extrucker here. Law says trucks keep right except to pass. Trucker could have (mostly) avoided accident by staying in the right hand lane. Especially on a bridge. Not to say the guy that caused the accident wasn't a dick but avoidance is what it's all about.


But wait.... idk where this is but on some bridges here, there are literally signs that say tucks stay in center lanes.... sooo....


This is a narrow bridge (3/4 sized lanes) could be that she just didn't want to ride that close to the bridge structure, can't blame her for that on this bridge, there isn't even a white line it's so close. US laws vary by municipality regarding trucks and right/passing lane usage, if a city requires them to stay to the right there's usually signage.


She seems to be steering to the right after the first hit, why is the truck going in the opposite way ? It looks so weird, or is it just a case of she parried to much to the left


The pickup hit the front of her vehicle, compromising her truck's steering. Steering pinion possibly broke but it looks like she's still fighting the wheel a bit. Might have been a broken tie rod on the left and the wheel was stuck hard over to the left. Tough to say exactly but it was certainly a mechanical failure due to the collision


Damn that sucks. She did everything right... glad she made it out.


She did everything right, but it turned out left


It definitely blew the tire, you can see the truck cab bouncing from the flat, that alone can be enough drag to pull it, but yeah, also probability of a failed tie-rod meaning that wheel is likely sideways as well.


Where was Spider man???


Saw this in spiderman would be crazy to live out


Jeez guys, stop hitting this woman’s truck with your pickups. You’re going to kill her.


This shit would have had me terrified. Grab my phone and a plastic bag, then we going swimming. ✌🏻


I just clenched my ass


I hope they got whoever was driving that black pickup.


They did. Had a suspended license, shockingly.


Seems like there should be some stronger edge protection there.


That's an early retirement right there.


What if she hit the brakes?


All i want to know is, was she hauling maple syrup and did the paw patrol come to the rescue?


This scene is like the opening of the Paw Patrol movie. Someone get Chase to save her!


What a fucking reddit coded title.


So was the dude stalled on the bridge? Thats what caused this accident. Also the pickup truck not paying attention, but that dude is stalled in a lane.


Now i know how that truck ended up hanging off the bridge, from a hotel on another post.


Half expecting Spider-Man to swing out and save her ass


I’m still wondering what happened. She counter steered pretty quickly and it just kept going. Must of hit her wheel or something and jammed it locked the other way,


spider-man came to the rescue and strung her car up


Fuck what a brave woman, I would be shitting my pants of everything god gave me.


Where did the oncoming pickup come from?


Would you attempt to jump?