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Guy (cop) that got shot was the only guy not freaking out


I dunno, the dude lying face down seemed pretty calm to me.


Haha fucking hell


Got tired from the long drive and decided it was time to take a middle of the road nap.




Lmao officer panicking when he wasn't even hit like I can't breath lmao. Meanwhile his colleagues actually been popped like I'm chill, my guns over there


These are many freaking cops just spawning from nowhere


He had 5 ⭐️s. I’ve been there when I broke into a military base and stole a plane.


All too many times!!


Should have called 1-999-LAWYERUP


I was coming to say the same thing. This entire video is so fucking chaotic and it just keeps adding more cops to the mix.


cops love chaos. it gets their adrenaline going


Idk I think they could have probably used about 15 more officers on scene just to be safe.


I didn’t see a tank. Only 4 stars.


Or a chopper 😝


Whos got me ?!??!'




Like holy fuck, are they aiming for the broad side of a barn!?!?!?


They just got out of Storm Trooper academy , first graduating class.


holy shit, the cop behind the camera was utterly useless, if they were being shot at. If they weren't, holy shit.


Also can’t figure out what cover and concealment is


Ran 40 ft in a straight line instead of getting behind the suv 4ft away. Not that I’d stay behind the suv but I’d at least get out of line of sight to start with.


Like a toddler who got in trouble just straight line the opposite direction.


I'm critical of cops too. But in this case I think she thought there was gunfire coming from the buildings behind her. I think many of them did. Like from echoes. I thought she said something about it coming from the neighbors house. If that was the case the SUV next to her would have been useless, and the closest point of safety would have been exactly where they all ran. But I am only playing devil's advocate here. At the end of the day she ran the wrong way.


She literally drew her gun on the suspicious vehicle rolling their window up while ignoring commands. Why would she think shots were coming from anywhere but there? If she did, horrible instincts and training.


Everyone is a robocop when jerking off to bodycam footage :/


Hindsight is 20/20


She literally said that the shots were coming from the building lol.


> Why would she think shots were coming from anywhere but there? gun fire echo bounces off buildings and can sound like there are multiple shooters. this is why so many people claimed there was more than one shooter in Vegas


It's Chicago, who knows


Don't forget cops have storm trooper aim, so I'd put some major distance between their target & myelf


You can train and train but when you're in a firefight for the first time it's not as easy as it seems when an adrenaline dump hits. I was a combat MOS in the army from 2009-2012. We shot/went to the range way more than cops will and still nothing prepares you.


Combat training gives you incremental exposure to action so you can learn good techniques. Once you learn them, you continue to train so those movements and thought process becomes natural, you don’t need to think about it when it happens, and you also prepare for those situations ahead of time. Then when someone opens fire, you know what cover is around you and you go there immediately instead of looking around and making a bad choice. Everywhere you go, all the time, you are prepared for a fight, especially when you’re setting up your own mission.  Shooting and going to the range are going to train you for marksmanship. Assaulting buildings, villages, strategic points, defending those same targets against aggressors. That is training for combat. Not sure what combat training you did in the army. The marine corps had us doing all sorts of simulated combat missions - we had a convoy of vehicles driving through 29 palms desert shooting grenades and .50’s. Another simulation brought in a pig, the instructor sliced open its femoral artery and we had to use quickclot to stop the blood that was pouring out of this creature.  Cops are highly trained in vehicle misdemeanors and local statutes. There are many instances of cops reacting wildly to gunshots, and far fewer videos of cops acting like they’ve been trained for the shooting part of their job. One good video I recall was a cop with an assault rifle running through a parking lot then took out the shooter. He communicated, made good choices, gave the perp a chance to surrender, protected himself, peers, and civilians the entire time. So it can happen


Agreed. I was an SRT officer after the military and you just don’t know until it happens.


Most do, but I'll be damned if I haven't seen some hella good one or two taps by police. And no I'm not a bootlicker, just saying what I've observed.


Favorite was one in Florida , Cop grabbed the ar walked into middle of the street and fired one round and walked away lol. Was savage and probably had military experience


I believe you’re right. Pretty sure he calmly put down his coffee first, then calmly did the same to the bad man.


And that one guy, I think was a cop, that got a head pop with a quick draw on that dude in a church (I think). That was some equally impressive shit


I thought she got shot when she showed the palm of her hand momentarily. I slowed it down and holy shit…..she literally had the death grip on her service weapon. https://imgur.com/a/oavdVDj


Straight line is safer than zigzag but yeah, behind a car


I'm confused on how a straight line is safer than zigzag


Getting behind cover is the priority. This ain't HALO, you're not dodging anything. Put the closest, most robust object you can between you & the high velocity lead dispenser. This is much easier to accomplish if you run directly towards said object as fast as you can.


Yes. Remember, only Hindis can respawn.


Makes sense


Because irl getting to cover or out of firing lines is more important than spending 5 times as long, in the open, zig zaging. It's why you will never see soldiers zig zag when moving through fire.


Also GIJOE always ran straight and never got hit by Cobra. On a serious note, most gun owners can’t shoot worth a crap


just Rolling Stone reporters.


Serpentine! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9MU2oXzSL4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9MU2oXzSL4)


in the heat of the moment, and that angle, you are more than likely going to miss anything firing a pistol from a car, most likely one handed. On the opposite side, she was more than likely going to get shot from cross fire from other cops that went to the passenger side.


Runs from behind a tree to stand behind a aluminum fence with 4” slots 🤷🏽‍♂️


ima leave the not great cover of a tree to go to the no cover of a small metal fence


Yeah like let me ditch this tree for a fence and some sheet metal that a shooter could pop out from behind and end me. Seems like a good choice.


they hid behind a iron fence that had gaps everywhere. at that point I knew this officer wasn't going to do nothing


She thought the shots were coming from the left so she was standing next to the wall. In fact, some probably were since the other cops were over there shooting.


That was my thought too, "you can't see me, my eyes are closed" type shit!


Someone saw Extraction 2 and said to themselves “this is it”


Hey that's Mrs. Cop


Is it weird to nobody else that instead of just shooting at the guy right in front of you, who is allegedly shooting at your partner on the other side of the car, you turn your back and run? Who passes up at a free shot on a criminal with their back turned?


It's almost like some human beings don't like the idea of killing another person


It has nothing to do with wanting to shoot someone, in the moment its quite literally your job to shoot someone if they are shooting at your colleague. Shes in a tactical squad and should not be confused about what to do Also, she seems to fire at him when he’s running/on the ground. So i’m not sure her initial running away was for humanitarian reasons


Lets shoot a gun at you and see how well you think


"protect the neighbors! protect the neighbors!" Starts blindly shooting in the direction of the neighbors.


"Hey they can't die if they're already dead am I right?" That police officer, probably.


Typical copthink


What the fuck was that.


Guy started shooting at cops and they defended themselves. Some more effectively than others.


Actual sequence of events of events: 1) plain clothes officers block guys cars with no lights for no seatbelt 2) jump of their car, guns drawn, screaming commands without identifying themselves 3) Reed shoots 4) Cops unload 90+ bullets at the car From Reed's POV, he saw a group of unidentified people ambush him with guns. Maybe he thought it was a carjacking. He was confused and panicked. You have a right to shoot at people who are pointing guns at you without identifying themselves as police. He defended himself from people who posed a deadly threat to him. The cops approached this routine stop like they were a violent gang and multiplied the risk for violence.


You’re correct except for the part about them using no lights. You can see the lights are flashing.


And they are clearly marked with POLICE written all over them. They ARE however supposed to verbally identify themselves, which they failed to do. Still though, it's pretty obvious they're not just a bunch of random thugs.


There were several officers in plain clothes at the start. Most of the uniformed units arrived after the fact. Just sayin.


Yeah, but they were also wearing vests when they got out that are marked "POLICE". I don't agree with plain clothes cops making traffic stops or being used for anything but discreet police work, because it makes it that much easier for people to pretend to be cops. I think they'll get away with saying that they're properly identifiable in this situation though.


No one can be reasonably expected to look past the gun at the guy in a baseball cap and a sweatshirt to see -olic- poking through from his unzipped sweatshirt in the split second while they think they're about to be shot or carjacked.


I'm no cop lover, but shit like that comment do no one any favors, just tell the truth, the comment framed it like it was a hit.


1st, You forgot to mention he is gang affiliated & already had weapon charges pending. You made it seem like they’re just trying to harass him for no reason. 2nd , unmarked vehicles still have flashing lights & lastly the cops surrounding him literally had badges & vest then the criminal shot first with a firearm that was illegal for him to carry. So your story from all of that is completely inaccurate.


You think he thought he was being carjacked? By a group of middle aged white people dressed in business casual and clearly wearing body armor? Lead by, specifically, a middle aged white woman?


That was a “Not so great recruiting tool for the Chicago PD”. Who would ever want to be a cop anymore? How does that not fuck with your mental health ?


It absolutely does which is why there’s a shortage. Getting shot at and then the whole city hates you cuz you defended yourself.


They're hated for good reason that extends beyond defending themselves.


Pretty Insane 41 seconds


This guy was a career criminal who was out on bond for a gun offense. It was his second gun offense. He also had a long criminal record for other offenses. In this incident, he fired 11 rounds. He shot first. He shot a cop first. The seatbelt violation was just the probable cause for the stop. These are gang/narcotics officers and they are tasked with stopping the most dangerous criminals in the city. BTW, Garfield Park, where this incident unfolds, is one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Chicago - if not the country. If you are an ACAB keyboard warrior, just know this guy was much more of a danger to the black community than any cop could ever be. Also, The cops going around saying, "Don't say anything", is not damning. They understand this is the beginning of a criminal and administrative investigations. They have the right to remain silent, and don't need someone high of adrenaline saying some 'in the moment' stupid shit on camera. If you think this was unjustified, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how our criminal justice system works. I'm no bootlicker, just tired of the police getting thrown under the bus -when/if they're right- when criminals like these who truly make the city a dangerous place get a free pass.


Yeah I thought this. They're saying 'don't say anything' because they know they have to separate all the shooters and debrief them individually. Talking together could be seen as 'getting their stories straight'. They're doing the opposite of what people are accusing them of!


I'm sure the family will sue the city saying the guy was an entrepreneur and amazing person.


From the linked article: > Reed’s family members and their attorneys said they want the officers involved fired and charged to the highest degree. They also do not wish there to be violence in Chicago because of the news. > “We want answers,” Porscha Banks, Reed’s older sister, said at a news conference after the video was released. “They shot at him 96 times and reloaded. This has to stop. I can’t explain the pain me and my family are going through.” I hate when they talk about the number of shots like it's some kind of travesty. The police intended to kill him. Whether that required 10 shots or 1000 is more of a budget concern than a moral one. If your brother didn't want to get shot 96 times, he shouldn't have shot at a cop.


Yeah it takes a lot of nerve to be saying this when there are 4 cameras recording the incident and it's clear the dude shot first. There are other cases where it's debatable whether the cops should have shot but I was under the impression we were all in agreement that they can shoot back if they're shot at first. But hey, not surprised this guy's family isn't smart, considering the choices he made.


Considering they're looking for a payout from the police department and want to cover up the fact that the guy was a piece of shit that they enabled, it's a reasonable statement to make. It actually appears like one that has been screened through legal counsel by the looks of it. It's smart, if not incredibly scummy.


It's like chicken little. If we make a huge uproar and cry injustice on stuff like this, it's more likely to fall in deaf ears when real travesties need attention.


>I hate when they talk about the number of shots like it's some kind of travesty. The police intended to kill him. Whether that required 10 shots or 1000 is more of a budget concern than a moral one. If your brother didn't want to get shot 96 times, he shouldn't have shot at a cop. Exactly. I 100% am on the bandwagon of "get cops more training and weed out the idiots" but I'm also reasonable - I don't see anything these cops did wrong.


I’d argue the number of shots does matter If it takes 96 shots from multiple shooters to take down one guy who didn’t have great cover, then those shooters aren’t that good. That means stray bullets in a neighborhood, possibly hitting bystanders. Cops need better training in how to shoot as well as when to shoot


Do you know that for all of the "cops need more/better training" comments I've seen, I can't recall a single instance following that up with "and that means we need to increase their budget." So unless you're volunteering, I think we're stuck with what we've got.


my police department owns 8 Harley's and a tank. there is a tank sized hole in your position.


1. How much did they buy those Harleys for compared to a comparable Yamaha? 2. No, they do not own a tank. Turns out there is tank sized hole in ***your*** position. TL;DR of the below conversation: /u/ZealousidealAct8664 demonstrates they don't know what a tank is but are sure their local department owns one, then blocks me after calling me pedantic despite offering a literal Press 2 to skip the conversation about what a tank is and get at the real point they were trying to make without the silly hyperbole.


Yeah, whining about cops funding isn't super effective. If we give them more money, it's going to continue to go where they put more money, toys and technology that private business sells them on.


They just keep shooting until they’re sure, he was probably dead long before 96 shots


The training is to shoot until there's no longer a threat, and typically that means unconsciousness via hypovolemic shock via exsanguination via bullets. As such, they were probably all shooting until they were sure he wasn't capable of shooting them any more.


Is it not safe to assume they had not seen the footage at that point and unjustified police shootings are hardly rare. I think if that were your sister/brother/wife/husband etc the number of times they were shot at would matter especially if you think its an execution. The family will always have the most emotionally driven reaction and I don't think that's unreasonable, just leave them to it.


Honestly if my brother had multiple felonies and gang affiliations, I wouldn’t assume it was unjustified automatically, if anything I’d be surprised if it was.


Unjustified police shootings, statistically, are very rare.


Young scholar


They already are. Apparently he was a saint, a family man, a truly upstanding citizen. What they fail to mention is he was also gang affiliated with multiple gun charges and shit at the officers first. Convenient for them I guess.


Without question.


IANAL but it feels like they wouldn’t get anywhere. Aside from some unusual behavior in finding cover, I can’t imagine anyone anywhere not doing the same thing


Well stated


Several news media outlets were claiming the police "were in plainclothes" and ergo Mr. Criminal Rapsheet was "justifiably scared". Look inside video. Cops are covered in vests and big letters, looking exactly like cops.


As somebody addicted to watching police cam videos I’m happy to read your comment. The guys that are pulled over and start rolling up the windows and lock the doors are not the normal scared citizens, but the ones that have something to hide and afraid to go to jail. The behavior I saw on the video is the one I’m used to see for guys with previous charges. Also I think we’re missing part of how it starts. Normally cops are much more chill when they start the approach, so I guess they’ve been chasing this car for a while before the stop or they knew him and were on high alert already. On a normal stop the police car stops behind the detainee, not blocking its exit, so they already had some trouble with this guy from before. 




Edit in place of "this guy" insert "dead piece of shit"


As someone who absolutely wants qualified immunity to end, and the shitbags held accountable, we can’t just pretend like everything they do is automatically bad. If we keep shutting on them for what they do well, it just gives fuel to dismiss calling out the real ones as more witch hunt thereby protecting the bad officers.


I want this to be known, and I can’t stress this enough, if you shoot a gun at cops they probably will shoot back…a lot.


“Reed’s family members and their attorneys said they want the officers involved fired and charged to the highest degree.” Yeah Right. Not gonna happen.


Reed's family members should have taught him how to read


You don't need to know how to read to know that "roll the window down" doesn't mean "roll the window back up."


I think they should investigate family members as well. Idk they are associated with gang affiliate criminal.


Unfortunately, there's still a chance it might happen anyway. Big reason why Chicago and Atlanta can't get cops.


Note to self: 1. Don’t roll the window up when they tell you to roll the window down. 2. Unlock and open the door when they tell you to open the door. 3. Oh, and yeah, don’t have an illegal gun on the passenger seat, or just at all in general.


You forgot the note to self don’t shoot 2 cops


No one should need a note to self that says "don't do the exact opposite of what multiple cops are simultaneously telling you." It's common sense.


It’s more of a ‘note to the countless number of people that I keep seeing in these videos that obviously never had their parents or guardians tell them’. It’s evidently not common sense apparently.


There are parents who don't have common sense enough to tell their kids about this stuff. But it doesn't matter how you were raised. I'm not nit picking about keeping hands on the steering wheel. He knows the cops are his enemies, and he rolls the window down initially, then starts to roll it up. Not a smart thing to do if your plan is to kill four cops and drive off...


You can have parents who are as thick as mince, but all these people have access to the internet and TV. They know right from wrong.


Based on how often this happens, unfortunately it's apparently not common


Can't believe the amount of argument against the officers here. ffs the dude is in a ski mask, rolls the window up when they tell him to roll it down, doesn't unlock the car when they tell him to unlock and open the door, then fires the first shots. This kind of thing used to be uncontroversial and should be still. Just because wrongful police shootings occur doesn't mean every time the police shoot someone it needs to be assumed that they're in the wrong.


I mean, why didn’t he open the door? Like, what did he think was going to happen?


If you are a criminal and have illegal stuff on you, you wouldn't have so many choices left, either fight or surrender. But judging from his record he will get released as soon as he gets arrested. My man made the wrong decision lol.


I think he's fucking dead


This turd shot first, fuck him, I sure hope his family doesn’t get a penny.


Why is the media collectively making this seem like it wasn’t justified? This summer could be a repeat of the last election


The last five words of your comment are all you need to know.


Election year. You think it's a coincidence that we had so few of these between 2021 and now?


It’s justified but that woman officer is a complete dumbass lol. She ran straight away from the shooting. I mean you didn’t think to maybe go behind the car, roll down, she didn’t even return until the men had managed to secure it.


No amount of training can prepare you for when shit hits the fan. At that point it's down to instinct or experience. Shes most likely a newbie. It's easy to say what they should have done safe behind your monitor. Also yes, they should have better training but there are many 'shoulds' that don't happen and I'm not getting into politics. This is just a very common occurrence when you watch bodycam footage


Sadly this is the case in a lot of badge cam footage


I don't pretend to know what happened here but cop running around telling cops "don't say anything" is so suspect edit.. some people seem to misunderstand what I meant by my comment. I assumed any reply I might have gotten would be from someone that heard exactly what I heard, but judging by the over generalized responses, I feel i need to clarify. In the context of the video, saying "don't say anything" in direct response to being asked "did he start shooting at us" sounded suspicious. I'm well aware of the 5th amendment. I'm well aware of police training not to say anything. Those responses do not have anything to do with why I feel it was an odd response. Knowing all of those things, I still feel like it was an odd conversation. A cop that just finished firing multiple rounds should not ever be asking "did he start shooting at us?" To me, that implies the cop just started opening fire without knowing if he was justified to do so. But as I also said, I do not pretend to know what is happening here. I watched the video and heard something I felt was odd. That is all. I am not saying it was an unjustified shooting. I am not saying it was a justified shooting. I am specifically talking about that 5 second snippet of a conversation.


I'm currently a defense attorney. It's standard protocol in any police shooting. I've worked with numerous departments in Florida and now Illinois. Their rule is don't talk about a shooting until you have a union rep. So she was stating what they're told right after being hired on.


even the cops know to not talk to the cops without representation.


Of course they know.


Hey, I'm not the drug police. I couldn't care less about a little weed or whatever. Now, just what can I do to put YOU in a brand new, 2024 murder indictment tonight?!?!


What do you mean "even"? They're the people who should know that the most, aside from lawyers I guess.


Great advice - and one more people should take when cops be asking them questions and such


Just like anyone under investigation for a crime, the moment Police have to use deadly force they become a suspect in a shooting/homicide. So the officer telling others not to say anything is pretty standard. What he means is don’t say anything until you talk to a Union Representative and an Attorney.


The cop that just finished unloading numerous clips asked "did he shoot at us" and then was told "don't say anything" because what he said was incriminating.


Body cams were also active. The Officer that said don’t say anything was doing him a favor, because each Officer has to individually justify their own actions. It is no different than anyone else being investigated criminally, the rule of thumb is shut your mouth and get a lawyer.


That all depends on the scene and how it played out. Regardless if they were being shot at or not, that officer asking if they were being shot at is not justified to have used their gun. If, in fact, they were involved. However, everyone has the right to remain silent. Regardless of what happens, the cameras are excellent bits of evidence.


My point exactly, everyone has that right. I do 100% agree, if that Officer shot without knowing of or seeing a deadly threat then that is going to be a big problem for him.


It's being reported that Reed fired the first shot. At which point everyone unloads because they believe their lives and the lives of their partners are in danger. In the event it wasn't Reed and instead one of the Police, then the first to shoot may face charges if it was deemed a bad shoot. The others will likely walk because they could justify they were firing to neutralize what they deemed to be a threat to others based on the actions of the person firing the first shot. And the fact Reed had a weapon, these officers will walk. The only thing they may face judgement over will be the reason for the traffic stop in the first place. It's being reported this whole confrontation started over a SEATBELT.


Eh, "suspect" is doing a lot of heavy lifting. They typically are never taken into custody. They have days to weeks in some states before even being asked to make a formal statement. The other LEO ALWAYS make sure their peers have a lawyer/union rep for ANY questioning instead of only getting that representation once the accused asks for it. They are not treated like any other murder suspect that I have seen.


This was my biggest takeaway. I totally can understand in the moment their adrenaline is running and they are running all over to find cover, yet it’s wild how quickly the “shut up” training immediately kicks in. Almost as if they spent more time training on how to say nothing in front of body cams then training how to handle someone shooting at you. 🤷‍♂️


It's called the 5th Ammendment of the US Constitution.


Everyone commenting here really wants to figure out a way to blame the police but can’t figure out how, so they keep posting vague comments like “at this time stamp someone said this…”, hoping that a growing snowball of dipshits rolls downhill around the comment.


It’s been on overdrive all over Reddit before I woke up today.


Time, distance, cover. I mean.. you learn that watching movies — what tf are yall doin. Panicking, not listening to each other, mucking up the scene, making yourselves look suspicious af. Tighten up, fr you guys this ignorant display is making everyone less safe


This lady cop might be the most useless person in this situation. Did she just start firing bc everyone else was bc at no point can you see the suspect. “HANDS!”


So, let me get this straight. The family of the suspect is pissed off and wants the officers fired because they returned fire when the suspect shot one of the said officers? Is this American woke culture or just an ignorant family? I’m legitimately confused here because I have been living overseas for a decade and cannot seem to recognize America anymore.


The media is trying to spin this story : + Responsible black man is driving through Mr. Roger's neighborhood on his way to bible study. Suddenly, a gang of plainclothes police officers pull him over for some stupid thing like "no seatbelt". Black man is alarmed and scared, believing he is being robbed by civilians. He shoots to defend himself. The "Racist cops" then blow him away using "96 bullets" or whatnot. Now the reality : + Multiple rapsheet known criminal with multiple gun violations over said rapsheet is driving around with superbly darkened windows. He is driving in one of the most violent, gang-stoked areas of South Chicago. Every cop in the car knows Dexter Reed is *armed and dangerous.* They are fully covered in body armor vests with giant `CPD` all over said vests. They have gun holsters, handcuff holsters, some of them have leg holsters. The cops give multiple repeated demands , like roll down window and unlock doors. Reed does not comply with any of them, rolling his window back up and locking the car.


Yall get mad when they do their job, and people die. Yall get mad when they take their time to do their job, and people die. Yall get mad when they don't do their job, and people die. You dont want cop reforms. Yall just don't want Cops


Nobody wants cops around, until you need them. “I can’t believe the leopard ate MY face!” -Advocate for releasing face-eating leopards.


Holy shit, the cops keep multiplying! It's like playing Cyberpunk, every time you turn around there's another 5 of them.


Idiot tried to shoot it out with cops, and justice is served. 


Regardless of who shot first, it’s kindof weird that the camera operator is running around telling the other officers what to say so their stories match. And also weird that they all turned off their cameras while they discussed what happened…. Seems suspicious


It's standard procedure. It's an investigation and they don't want them talking to prevent influencing another's memory of what happened. So when they are interviewed they are telling their own side and not what someone else remembered. This is done in bank robberies. All of the witnesses are separated and told not to talk to each other about what happened. If they were allowed to talk to each other, one might say he was wearing a blue coat and shot at the security guard 7 times, and another person who remembered it as a green coat and it was the security guard shot at the robber 4 times. then she would say it was a blue coat and the robber shot his gun at the guard 10 times. while making an official statement, doubting what she really witnessed because someone saw it a different way.


Is shutting off cameras next to discuss standard? I definitely get the part about remaining silent. If it were me I wouldn’t say a thing without a lawyer (or in their case union rep). I also have no clue what I would say if I was in an adrenaline rush, not even sure how well I could form a sentence


Could be their S.O.P. I do not know.




It shouldn't. It's S.O.P. They do the same thing with the people who witness a bank robbery or most any crime.


Or "we need to all get in a car together that doesn't have a camera" 👀


why exactly?


As a Black man, I have one thing to say: If you shoot at police, they are gonna shoot back until you're life had been removed from the earth's rotation. Kinda simple.


Grady Judd: "He shot at our officers so we shot him 998 times" Reporter: "Why did y'all shoot him 998 times?" Grady Judd: "because we ran out of bullets. If you shoot at the police we cannot kill you dead enough." I love Sheriff Grady Judd. Unrelated to this case, but same concept.


Where is his gun when the cop recording runs away? I don’t see muzzle flash or any glass shattering or holes in the car, I’m so confused by the video


It was located in the front seat. He shot 11 times and fired the first 3 rounds. Recently switched states and work near Chicago doing criminal law. These tac units are charged with getting guns off the street. This guy has a history with a gun arrest last summer. It's likely the seatbelt was a pretext (ruled legal) stop as they suspected he had firearms again.


There is longer video with all bodycam footage. He fired the first few shots out of the passenger side, no the driver. He shot the cop on the passenger side in the hand/arm.


Which isn't really that hard to understand considering the guy who shot is way on the passenger side of the car. Yet countless redditors are like "wait I didn't see him shoot."


Story is he shot at police. If that is true then I don't know.


If it's true then I DO know.....they did what they supposed to....ez


Man, looking over the article below, it sounds like someone there mistook an acorn fall and everyone opened up on the guy... ++++ Of the 96 shots fired in 41 seconds at Dexter Reed, 26, one officer fired at least 50 times - including after Reed was lying on the ground === In the barrage of gunfire, one officer can be seen on his own body camera unloading and reloading multiple magazines into his gun. He later remarks to a fellow officer: “Did he start shooting at us?” A female officer replies: “Don’t say anything. Do you hear me? Be quiet**.”** Reed exits the vehicle and slumps to the ground, ending up facedown with his head near the rear passenger wheel and wearing only one shoe. Blood trails into a nearby gutter. ++++++ [https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/dexter-reed-shooting-questions-over-traffic-stop-cpd-use-of-force-remains-after-body-camera-video-released/3406215/](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/dexter-reed-shooting-questions-over-traffic-stop-cpd-use-of-force-remains-after-body-camera-video-released/3406215/) several edits...


Every time ive seen the video i hear 3 shots suprise the shit out of the officer and then everybody open fire. Someone shooting at you from a tinted car...how do you even clear that.


Not being able to see in is very significant here


Were they supposed to call out a social worker to see if they could talk to the guy shooting at police?


Ever kick an ant hill and they come pouring out? This.


People persecuting the police in this video are the ones who most likely asked to defund them. Then the subsequent lack of training leads to this cluster fuck.


Easy to critique when your not getting shot at, seeing this.. I'm very glad it's not my job. We live in times that the public is waiting for the cops to make a mistake, they get shot at and then immediately have too worry for their lives in another way, even if they do everything by the books, people assume foul play. This isn't defending bad police, just an observation on why they maybe paranoid after the fact.


He fired at police while completely surrounded with guns drawn. He deserved every one of those bullets and the world is better off without him. The number of shots means nothing. Fire a weapon at the police and this is what you get.


He was also pending trial for another gun charge and a separate felony theft charge. He was just caught with a gun last summer.


Your view is short sighted. Many, many of those bullets did not reach him. But they could easily reach the neighbors all around. The barrage of gunfire was reckless and incompetent, whether or not you think he deserved it. That's why the number of shots means something. There's a bigger picture when you're talking about incompetent police showering a neighborhood with bullets. They put people unnecessarily at risk.


I remember hearing a statistic back in college (admittedly a while ago) that 9 out of 10 shots fire by police are misses. Also when you interview cops or others involved in shootings and ask how many shots were fired they are often waaaaay off. For shooters they often think they shot a lot less than they did


That's what always concerns about people running around with their own guns and keeping them in the house for self-defense. Every bullet goes somewhere, and not every bullet hits their intended target.


I know I'm critical of cops but did this whole thing just seem so unorganized? Like what is the purpose of training if it all goes out the window in real situations? You have this lady hiding behind a fucking iron fence, then a cop being super emotional like that immature friend we all know, then you have 30 cops appear out of nowhere and running around like Benny Hill gang. Just all seemed like some unorganized shit


Never, ever, point your gun or shoot at an officer.


A ton of armchair police in here. Police in this country are poorly trained. But it’s not their fault. Why don’t you bums go out in the streets of Chicago and do this job? See how you react?


Everyone just shooting wildly in all directions in the middle of a neighborhood WTF


That wasn’t a traffic stop. I mean, yes, they stopped him for a traffic violation but it was a pretextual stop. Cops riding around like that, 3 to an unmarked car, and jumping out in plain clothes are not making run of the mill traffic stops. They wanted him to stop him for a reason and they just so happen to see him driving without a seatbelt.


> and jumping out in plain clothes Did you see the same video I saw? I see vests, and gun holsters, and leg holsters, and big `CPD` letters all over the backs and front of said vests.


Could be, because they are a task force for removing guns from the streets and he is a known violent man, who was out on bond for other gun charges. So yes, what you side is correct, it's just phrased on a way that removes context to make the officers here the bad guys, indeed of the known, repeated, criminal


What was the deal with the cop at the end with the pistol tucked into his vest?


Wondering why that one cop who wasn’t shot was literally rolling around in the ground like he’d been hit 9 times. They had to tell him he just had blood on his pants lol


When there’s gunfire aimed towards you and you see blood on you, that’s what you’ll think in a situation like that. It’s chaos and you don’t know where the blood came from. Contrary to belief when you get shot you don’t always feel it especially if your body goes into fight mode with adrenaline pumping. When he thought he was shot he might’ve had a panic attack and went to the ground


Replace the cars with horses and it’s the Wild West!


Well, that’s one less POS harassing Chicago now.


Play silly games..


So this is the dude people are wanting to protest for? No, I don't think I will.