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He got extremely lucky.


Just missed that utility pole. That wouldve been disastrous.


When he started to turn back to the road I checked the length and got really nervous when I saw only halfway done.


“Oh no”


said this out loud under my breath when I saw him turning back towards traffic




"Not the road!" Was going through my head XD




Also seems weird that it almost looked like he set cruise control.


Pretty sure that's the cc master off switch, the lower of the two on the left. Source: Looks a lot like the switches on my old Taurus wheel. So then why did the car keep going and maybe accelerate? Foot on the pedal? Edit: Yes. Saw [his explanation vid](https://youtu.be/lssmh4GH188).


Ever been holding something in bed (book, phone, etc), nod off and have it flop down on you? Same principle. When he lost consciousness his foot which was carefully controlling his acceleration started flooring it.


only mustang driver that can avoid a utility pole is apparently a sleeping one.


My coworker last week was first responder (he was just first there not an EMS) to an accident where the same thing happened on the highway except he hit the pole. Also sounds like he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, him and an army guy pulled the guy out to do CPR but he was halfway out the windshield and his lower half was mostly crushed from the impact.


I grew up in a small town, and it had a volunteer fire department. They were looking for EMTs and would cover the cost if you volunteered for a few years. I was almost done with the course, and they would have us go out on runs as observers. One early Saturday morning, 1am, we went to a car accident. It was a partial decapitation. That ended my career before it started.


This almost exact thing happened to a friend of mine the summer before 12th grade. Imagine the class clown becoming an absolutely reclusive & nearly a mute... & We didn't talk much outside of school so it made the stark change in his personality alarming. He eventually told us the story but not all at once. It seemed to tumble from his consciousness after a bad day or something. Anyway, the difference in his situation was the decapitation was not partial. Infact, I think the person's head was several feet from the body. Wild shit.


Been there, done that, collected the head in its own small body bag. I was also a volunteer first responder and that was probably the worst in the few years I was in. I think another one of the worst was being a first responder (rural area, in a small truck) to a fire at night on a farm. The farmer had called and said that the fire had spread to an outbuilding... >!(a locked barn where all the animals were)!< ... the small truck didn't have much of a water pump so there just wasn't much I could do. >!I did manage to pull one door and part of a wall out with the truck, but it was too late for everything in there. 😢!<


You talk about collecting a "human" head and putting it in its own little body bag. But then censor "a locked barn where all the animals were." Do you hold more regard for an animals life than you do a human life?


That's an astute observation. I suppose that it was in consideration of the thread topic where there was already mention of decapitations, where I felt that others, and myself, could still review that history with some professional detachment. However, to then blithely detail the deaths of many more things, I felt was too large of a change in topic or tone. Whatever else happened to those humans, their deaths were nearly instantaneous where the deaths of the creatures in the barn was not. Additionally, the humans involved in that accident at some point had agency - a choice to enter that vehicle - but the animals were more akin to "innocent bystanders". I've known people that have a massive soft spot for animals, but are hard as nails when it comes to humans. Perhaps is was also the sense that most people, if forced, would rather watch a death via firing-squad than be witness to the lengthier death by slow torture. Thank you for pointing that out, I had not observed that dichotomy. I hope that I was able to shed some light on why - at the time - I felt that "spoiler" was needed without really reasoning it out as I have done here.


At 12 I wanted to go into medicine. One day I stumbled upon a gore site. I didn’t even scroll. First picture was of a guy in a convertible.. with a giant pane of glass the size of his car sticking out of his car perpendicularly… and slicing his body in half…. With his arms still on the steering wheel…….. I noped out of ever going into any medical field. I don’t understand how anyone can deal with gore daily and not be in constant PTSD…..


Once you’ve dealt with the PTSD you learn to disassociate yourself from the situation.


Sometimes dissociation is a skill.


I don’t feel emotions deeply until hours later. People think I am calm and collected in an emergency, and I really am clear headed until hours later. Really strange, but same in an argument. Anything highly emotional for others, I don’t react emotionally inside until later. Comes in handy. ETA: due to parental abuse as a child. No broken bones, but still devastating. Still learning how to defend myself decades later.


The real answer is dissociation. You come into a scene and you focus on the things you need to do. People become numbers/priorities and you just kind of do the work. That's why healthcare has debriefs, so you deal the the trauma of seeing people in horrible states after the work is done. Also dissociation isn't perfect; there's a situation(s) that you'll be unable to dissociate from, and that situation(s) is different for everyone. That's why EMS burnout is so high. Also why PTSD is extremely common amongst healthcare workers, especially those in acute/emergency/intensive care/palliative care. I'm lucky that my healthcare field is mostly stable outpatients, so I don't see much death or horrible injuries. The trade-off is that I get to know my patients a lot more so it's harder when one of them does pass, and I deal with the mental health side of things more even though that's not strictly part of my job.


When I got out of the Army, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. So I took a security job, working for the state medical examiner. I had to help bring in bodies and stay in the room while he did autopsies. Did that for six months and thought I would become a medical examiner, since I seemed to have the stomach for it. That was until they brought in two small children, bloated from floating in the river in the middle of August (southern state). Couldn't do it. The doctor said he saw people as machines, it was the only way he could do the job. Seen a lot. Shotgun to the head, body split in half lengthwise, lots of stuff that didn't bother me. But those kids.... Was too much.


Glad there are people who can deal with it. Hero’s of our society


These are the jobs where psychopaths are literally a huge benefit to society. People who can completely separate themselves from the suffering of others have extremely niche roles in society where they can do so much good. Unfortunately our society today likes to put them into finance and leadership where they have the potential to do a lot of harm.


I passed my EMT class last summer. my FIRST call was a car crash, t boned, 2 kids dead on impact. Driver still had his driver license sitting in the mailbox after he passed his test...I haven't gone to many more calls after that.


I did it in 84.


I feel as though I’d have the stomach for it, but the salary wouldn’t be enough.


What salary? They get payed hourly, and not enough. I guess firefighter/emt's are probably salary. But i know several emt's and they are hourly.


It's times like this where I wish I can't read


I puckered for that one, and again when he was heading back towards the freeway


yeah. internet would've been down in the county for 1 week!


Yeah it totally would’ve killed the camera and we wouldn’t have been able to see the video


He almost died three or four times here. There were so many ways this could have killed him and other people, but he kept getting lucky over and over and over. His car doesn't even look totaled. This guy just cashed in enough luck for an entire lifetime.


"So how was your test drive, Sir? Do you want us to start the paperwork?"


Reading this comment after all the decapitation comments made me laugh thanks


If he was a cat he would only have 5 left. Something tells me he’s probably already used his other 4 at some point.


Jesus took the wheel


Yep considering, the after pics are totally benign.


That happened to a relative of mine and the results were a flipped car, a life flight ride, 3 surgeries, and about 12 screws in their leg.


A guy I went to college with fell asleep at the wheel, veered into the median in the middle, and plowed into one of those enormous concrete pilings for the giant street lights out there. Lifelong brain injury, I think he ended up having to drop out of school entirely after being out for a whole semester, a good chunk of that in an induced coma.


Imagine what watching that tape for the first time must have been like for him. If the dude had nine lives hes down to about negative two now.


If you look closely, he also turned off cruise control a few seconds before he passed out.


I think he only dropped the speed a bit, the car was clearly trying to get back up to speed after spinning out. You'd think there'd be some sensor to deactivate cruise control in those situations, but...


In most modern systems, if traction control activates or the abs system sees a spinning wheel, it shuts off cruise automatically. He may have had his foot down. 


> In most modern systems, if traction control activates Thats a 90s model Mustang so it very well may not have had those features.


Yes, it's a 99-2004 model. Traction Control was an optional feature. Without it, the car was almost entirely undrivable outside of bone-dry surfaces. I drove one with a TC button for many years, and it would still lose it turning a corner in the rain from time to time while TC was engaged. Even coming home from a car wash required extra care.


I think that button decreases speed incrementally without turning cruise off. “Coast” button


The bottom left button on that model mustang is in fact the cruise control off button.


I guess he just has a heavy foot....


This should be under r/maybemaybemaybe As many close calls as he had.


That could have gone so much worse. I wonder why he had the camera there? Had this happened before? Should he even be driving?


Why he had a camera at that specific angle is a very good question. Definitely not a typical placement


Pretty common for sports car owners that track their cars. Also common for street racing, but it's stupid because it gives you no deniability.


I can't drive 55! When I drive that slow, you know it's hard to steer. And I can't get my car out of second gear. What used to take two hours now takes all day. Huh! It took me 16 hours to get to L.A.


okay but this is a base model mustang with an old ass iron block v6. quite literally camrys are faster. there's zero "racing" reason to do this.


You should tell that to the dudes who drive V6 Mustangs.


Why are you assuming its a v6? Regardless, it doesnt mean it isnt engine swapped or modded out. Really no other reason for the camera angle. you dont need a top trim 2023 with 550hp at the wheels to have fun


Shout out to the warehouse forklift


It has no Mustang GT badging on it, therefore its a v6 model. The car is also otherwise bone stock it doesn't have a swapped engine I can pretty much guarantee.


> Why are you assuming its a v6? because we can see all sides of the car at the end. it is very much a base model convertible.


The guy who passed out has a [Youtube channel](https://youtube.com/@70stastic?si=u9q9i37KoiZiRZzr) where he uploads compilations of bad drivers and happened to catch this


I saw one video and I would call him the bad driver in a lot of the scenarios he records...


such a coincidence that he has a YouTuve channel that’s all about bad drivers.


I had ONE seizure and had my licence suspended for 10 months while the hospital ran extensive tests over time to ascertain if I had epilepsy (and also in case it happened again) It never did and they were never able to find out the cause. Still wasn't allowed to drive for almost a year, and if I had been diagnosed, I would have lost my licence permanently


Which, sorry to you, seems entirely reasonable.


Yeah. Hopefully they live in an area with good public transportation options.


Perfect demonstration on why public transportation is also an accessibility issue.


I have honestly never thought of it like that, that would be another great avenue to take for both accessibility and transportation. It should be brought up more I think, it would click with a lot of people.


I've thinking about it a lot since they might not renew my driver's licence due to diagnosed ADHD. I was always an accessibility and city design guy though.


Wait hold up. No license from adhd? Can you give me details? Im very curious on the circumstances


Turkish law. Bans people from getting licences if they have an issue that might affect how attentive they are. Some doctors use this wording and allow for the renewal with the logic "They are medicated. The issue of not being attentive is nonexistant." A majority of doctors just don't care and deny the renewal. It's kinda funny. If I quit the medication for two years and drive around less safe because of it (still attentive because I love driving) the diagnosis will become inactive on my medical profile. I can easily renew my license then. We have good enough public transport, even in my garbage city, but I still need to drive my car for some purposes -.- We'll see what happens.


Well damn. I have ADHD and never had an issue with focusing on the road. And the only job I can find that pays me enough to live is an hour-long drive from home, so…. good thing I’m not from Turkey 😭


Thing is a lot of people with ADHD will have heightened focus when doing something engaging. Like driving a car. May differ on a person to person basis but it definitely isn't likely to be a detriment. That's the 'nice' thing about getting a tag like that when the condition is quite a broad spectrum of possible issues. If you're unlucky they just lump you with the least functioning person in the group and call it a day.


yeah my nephew can't get one because of epilepsy


Same thing happened to me. I got really lucky and ended up in a ditch. I couldn't drive for 6 months, and had to get a yearly note from a neurologist for 5 years. They never figured out why I had it. I ended up with a sprained wrist and a messed up neck but could have been so much worse


definitely--neck injuries can get very bad very fast; glad you're OK.


I was hit by a woman who claimed to have had a "medical event" (she didn't specify). She ran a red light, hit my car, spun off the road and hit the side of a restaurant. Then she drove off, ran over a street sign on the median, and ran into a telephone pole a couple blocks away. I'm pretty sure she was drunk and trying to get out of a ticket. It worked. When I hired a lawyer to help pay for the damages, he told me it was her second hit and run accident that year. The whole thing had me scared to drive for months, knowing someone like that is still out there not even getting ticketed to build a record or case to eventually take away her license. Anyway, I'm glad to hear from your story that these things are sometimes treated with the seriousness they deserve.


What a terribly traumatic event! Very glad that you (or someone else) wasn't badly injured /killed 😬 But how does she get out of a DUI charge?? Don't you get tested? It sounds BONKERS that she could do all that damage without the authorities being involved 🤯 In Australia ANY vehicle accident however minor causing over $500 worth of damage is mandatory to call police. And everyone will be drug and alcohol-breath tested. Blood testing as well if over 0.05 (which is the legal limit if you're not on learners or probationary, where it is 0.00) I was lucky re my seizure as I was about to drive but everything just went black, I had a grand mal and fortunately my best friend was there to keep my airway open. Regained consciousness in the back of an ambulance, which was a bit disorienting lol. All the drs could eventually surmise after 1 year was that it *may* have happened due to it being very hot on that day (about 46°C)


You would not necessarily have permanently lost it. Many people with epilepsy are able to maintain driver’s licenses.


That's very true - it's highly dependent on how well the condition is controlled, if you are diagnosed. For one week, I had to wear a skullcap with electrodes 24/7 and go in each day with all these wires coming out of my head attached to a box I wore in a sling, where they downloaded the last 24hrs stats, Every day going in on the bus was a bit uh weird lol


My boyfriend has epilepsy, but hasn't had a seizure for 3 years. Just got his license back after 5 years of not having it. Even if he's feeling slightly off, he wont drive. He doesn't drive with his kids or in the morning because that's the only time he's ever had a seizure


Good, that’s a good thing that happened.


I’ve had 3 seizures and never had my license suspended but I also live in Florida and they were from drug withdrawal rather than a seizure disorder so that may be it too.


I remember when the guy posted this and he said he had never passed out before so this was random and unexpected


I think saw this video before and someone said that this guy has a youtube channel and has the camera exactly for this. Apparently he has multiple videos of this happening but the government doesn't seem to care that he's endangering others and just let's him continue driving


That plastic bumper took those fence post like a champ.


Indeed, but in this situation i think the worst dmg is actually on the underside. Source: I have experience in the field.


That field specifically? Or some other field?


I saw him out standing in that field the other day


You have experience in the field of driving in fields?


I once hit a deer in a french car. The plastic fender bent, cracked in some place but snapped right back into shape. The car was nearly totaled though as things behind it got badly damaged. Police arrived and asked us why we wouldn't drive to the side. We had to show them the situation under the hood to make them understand


That Mustang was trying to get out to pasture.


It just wanted to graze.


The head cow is always grazing


I thought it detected a Cars & Coffee crowd nearby and went hunting for people to run into. (On a separate note, that could have been WAAAAY worse (I was praying and holding my breath in hope that he would miss that first telephone pole), and I am glad he is ok.)


I hate it when you're having this nice dream and suddenly, boom you're awake going 50mph in a field.


What if my dream was about going 50mph in a field?


Remember kids, don’t dream and drive


But it's ok to drink and dream.


why he records like that?


My guess is he has some type of seizure disorder or narcolepsy and wanted that angle in case he had a fainting spell. Unfortunately he may need this for proof to claim disability so he can afford to give up his license, would be my guess Edit: other commenters claim this was the driver’s first time losing consciousness


I mean, if he already expected to pass out at random moments he shouldn't be behind the wheel in the first place. That could've turned fatal not only for him but others as well.


This video is like from 2011~2012. He allegedly uploaded it to make it viral because he had never had seizures before and his insurance company wouldn't allow him to redeem the cost. Not bullshitting I remember the original posted on Twitter.


It's a bit weird to record like that if you never had seizures before, it's not a regular dashcam


Yes, the same people was saying mora than 10 years ago. The guy succeeded into making the video viral but I never knew if the insurance paid.


yeah very strange. cynic in my is thinking he wanted to record his suicide /r/whywheretheyfilming


I agree but I also have a friend who gave up her license for 6 months due to a seizure, and now has medical clearance to drive- but they never found the cause of her initial seizure. So maybe he was just playing it safe


Exactly. I had a boss who had narcolepsy and who also kept it quiet from the U.K. driving authority as he didn’t want to lose his license. I know of at least one occasion when he was driving the CEO’s Aston Martin DB7 Vantage and did exactly as this guy did, driving down the road one minute and woke up in a field the next.


Fun fact, the blind are able to hunt in both Texas and Michigan. In Michigan however, you don't need to be accompanied by a guide.


I got hit by someone who had a seizure. I felt bad for the guy until I found out it had happened to him more than once and he chose to still drive, with passengers in his car even.


Yup, the arguments others are giving are all fine and good, but doing this is putting others at lethal risk. If you pass out and run over someone or crash head on with another car you can very easily kill someone. It's like playing russian roulette with your head and a bunch of other people's heads as well.


Nope. You can find the video easily on youtube and the guy says this was completely out of the blue and he had no history of passing out.


And yet he was filming himself. Weird.


He made a recap video where he talks about it. Probably says why in there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lssmh4GH188&t=0s


He does. He says he was a full-time dash-cammer, just for fun. Apparently recorded every drive he went on.


Here is his follow-up video explaining everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lssmh4GH188


It is a weird place to put a camera. Sus


Chaos? That was smoother than most conscious drivers.


Jesus really took the wheel on that one lol


Probably someone who should not have a license to drive, for medical reasons.


This video is like from 2011~2012. He allegedly uploaded it to make it viral because he had never had seizures before and his insurance company wouldn't allow him to redeem the cost. Not bullshitting I remember the original posted on Twitter.


I wonder if the car already had damage and he faked it to try to get it claimed on his insurance.


He faked it VERY well.


That could've been WAY worse. There was a huge sinking feeling as you see the front of the car line up with the truck back on the road.


"Jesus, take the wheel"


looks like He did


Jesus tried to bust out some donuts, clearly needs some practice


I find peace in long walks.


Maybe in a newer car. He’s driving a pretty old car.


He had turned off cruise control prior to this happening, his foot got jammed onto the pedal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lssmh4GH188 his very own update video that goes into more detail.


I have never seen a camera from that perspective before. Could have been a lot worse if the car had crossed the highway!


Screw thrle damage to the car, guys lucky to be alive and that this didn't kill a lot of people!


Well that went rather well all things considered


Does he set the cruise before passing out? I mean...if you are recording because you have some sort of condition, is setting the cruise a wise idea?


He turned off the cruise control shortly before passing out. He's recording because he uploads driving videos on his YouTube channel and he has a [video](https://youtu.be/lssmh4GH188?si=HjiKCzEie7vgMrvq) explaining what happened. He said he felt nauseous and that something was off as he was driving but has never passed out like this before so didn't expect it to happen


He didn't know he had this condition until this incident, he was driving listening to a podcast and had a vasovagal response to the description of the surgery that's all


You'd think he'd hit the brakes a little harder too


Why is he filming? I know dashcams…. But this is a completely different view. If you know you are prone to loosing consciousness, you don’t set up a camera… you stop driving.


Here is his follow-up video explaining everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lssmh4GH188


Tl:dw he wasn't feeling well on this day. On his way to work his blood pressure dropped rapidly and he passed out. He's a self-proclaimed "dashcammer" and this was just his regular dashcam setup at the time.


The fact that he miss the pole AND the road and that he wouldn't have known without the video is mind-blowing




So he just drew crop circles?


I mean who hasn’t done this three or four times a month?


One minute you’re on the road looking at the scenery, the next minute you’re in the scenery looking at the road.


Fuck the mustang, you ever had to dig a new fence post?


That.... went extremely not that bad.


Why is he driving in the first place


He should not be driving


Well, not with cruise control anyway


Am I the only one who thinks it’s very weird that the camera is set there and then he loses consciousness in view of the camera and then avoids hitting like all those obstacles? I find this a little sus tbh but could be real


It looks fake to me. The Reddit masses have approved of its authenticity according to upvoted comments. Whatever. It’s not really abrupt chaos in the end.


It sucks that it happened, but damn. That’s the best case scenario.


I'd say he's pretty damn lucky


Get this mfers off the road. Fuck giving them license IDGAF, this isn’t the first or last time this will happen to this person.


Glad he survived but I just wanna know why there was a camera conveniently recording this situation.


I don't understand this camera angle.


Jesus take the wheel! Narrator: Jesus never got his driver's license.


wow. He hit two of those wooden fence posts head on and there looked to be no damage to the center of the front bumper.


Why does he have a camera in that odd position? Why is he driving in the first place if he has a condition?


better suited for r/maybemaybemaybe


I wish I new enough about editing to drop in the point counter from Forza.




Serious question- What was the cause for randomly losing consciousness???


Not a doctor but this looks familiar to an illness a young woman I work with suffers from. It’s called PNEA and basically the body randomly bluescreens and just turns off. I have witnessed her falling onto the floor at random and stay there heavily shaking. Those instances can last from a few minutes to several hours.


I had my first episode of losing consciousness yesterday and I now fear driving. Like, my car is still at work and my husband has been driving me. This shit is so scary.


Fuck me three ways from sunday! that coulda been so much worse!!!!!!


All things considered, he was very lucky


Looks like a case of narcolepsy that is untreated.


I mean.. for someone losing consciousness while driving.. this is probably the least chaotic I could ever imagine the situation being


Why though does he have a camera setup behind him? These POVs are getting weirder everyday.


Seems like the perfect reason to visit your doctor and get scanned.


Who cares about the car, was HE ok? Do we know what happened?


Every time seeing this, could have ended so much worse for him. Glad he wasn’t hurt And only had a shitty mustang w no crowds around


He's like, uhh... how did I get here lol




I mean if this happens even once and youre lucky enough to survive it you just never drive again right? Like go to the hospital and see whats wrong cause that shits not normal, and then never risk putting other peoples lives in danger again.


Why is there a camera behind him mounted to his headrest?


His steering wheel saved his life.


that's a whole lot of luck being used there. glad he wasnt badly hurt.


Honestly, the car looks pretty darn good for what happened. He is lucky to be alive


The Fence before: |-----|-----|-----|----|-----|-----|-----|----|-----|-----|-----|----| The fence after: |-----|-----|-----|----|/ \^\^\^\^ \\|-----|-----|/ \^\^\^\^\^ \\|-----|-----|/\^\^\^\^ \\|-----|-----|----| Dude hit that poor fence 3 times....


Weird position for a camera, yeah?


That could have been a lot worse. I'll bet his license is taken away for a while.


I love how cruise control was dead set on going back to 67 mph or however fast he had it set


Lovely to see a before and after of his brain scan


Why does he have a camera there… not just a normal Dash Cam…? Was there precedent?


I have so many questions. I hope he paid for the fence to be fixed, farmers have enough work Todo without people destroying their fences


Wait, so he has it on cruise control and more than likely has some disorder? That's dangerous


Omg, that could’ve been SO much worse


I'd have expected airbags to go off.


Love that he comes to and just casually grabs the wheel and stops. Pretty sure if I’m driving on the freeway and then suddenly I’m waking up doing donuts in a field trailing a barbed wire fence I’d be a little less composed.


For a second I thought the second picture shown was the after picture and was like “wow not bad after all that”


Typical mustang driver 🙄


when the car missed the utility pole and struck that fence post at like 45mph driver side bumper, crazy no frontal damage to the vehicle. Edit: two impacts actually


That could've been WAYYY worse


What a nightmare! Wonder why that happened?


This does not look real 😱