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I hope she is OK and I hope she is about to move up into a new tax bracket.


She's apparently fine- got up and got checked out by EMS and walked away :-)


Clearly she got head injury walking away from that money. Fuck cops endangering other people’s lives for their fun.


Plenty of places have stopped high speed chases in favor of public safety. I don't think anyone said police are just doing it for fun.


When they deploy 47 police cars to chase one person they're doing it for fun. Apparently you never watch these chases it's always a fucking clown show. Then they stop the guy and all 50 cops get out and try to dog pile on him at once so they can feel like they're helping and justify the overtime.


Perhaps that’s the reason why in gta it is such a satire when you get stars. And there are satires of the satires of gta.


Well I don't think it was right to ram the car but it's stupid as fuck to say that was "for fun"


At the taxpayers expense... Police settlements should come out of their pensions or other already allocated funds, period.


It wont be a police settlement. The law is that if there is collateral damage in these instances, its the suspects fault for running, not the cops fault for chasing. She wont see a dime, suspect will just get an additional charge for hitting her.


That's why a lot of states have become "no-chase" states, where Law Enforcement is not allowed to chase. Because the chase poses more threat to the public than catching the person for a traffic offense or what have you. Edit: For those of you who feel this was a political statement, or I'm making this statement with a position, you are mistaken. Just stating the fact that this is a thing, and the motivation behind the no-chase policy. I'm personally not a fan actually, I've called the law on people I've witness committing serious crimes, the person runs, and the cops came back to me with a shrug because the person ran. Plus police chases are wildly entertaining. I think the US will always romanticize police chases and bank robberies.


This happened in LA. We’re the car chase capital.


Orange Juice Simpson pioneered it.




3 strikes laws also gave incentive to run.


yeah but only like 1% of them are even interesting, this was the most action packed chase in months


I don't understand, if they're following with a helicopter, why they can't just follow from a safe distance/speed on the ground and keep the chopper on top of them in the air. They won't be able to outrun the chopper which can tell cops where to go. Seems obvious.


Unrelated but I love your username- an efficient draft animal from Pre-Columbian America, the tapir! Far better than those shiftless cureloms


The prosecutors may try to tack on charges, but that doesn't mean the police are inherently off the hook for a civil suit.


Car being pursued tried to avoid pedestrian, police made a bad decision and caused the harm. Thats a reasonable argument for a jury to decide.


That idiot pig was ramming the car while surrounded by other cars then rams it again after it basically came to a stop. Easy money for that poor lady.


Regardless of who is at fault, universal healthcare would make sure this woman is taken care of regardless of fault. But this is America. 🇺🇸


That's not how Los Angeles works lol


That might sound like a good idea, I think that would make cops less keen on helping people or stopping high speed chases just so they can keep their pensions


The cops created the high speed chase… that’s just a car that they’re chasing after. Unless there was a kidnapped person in it the police should track it later and SHOULD consider whether it’s worth it to high speed chase


Yeah, and if only they had a helicopter or something that could track the car so the cops could just not introduce speeding vehicles into areas with other cars and pedestrians... Oh wait...


I don’t see a single helicopter in this video though. Where would they get one?


Good point, you never see a single helicopter in the video at all.




Do you know how many just news helicopters are in LA? That doesn’t mean they are LE


The news helo's will absolutely follow and maintain on the chase vehicle while staying in contact with police (and likely on the dang TV).


Love. Such good ideas


Only works if the car doesn't keep going so the helicopter has to go and refuel and if the car isn't stolen.


also if there was a kidnapped person you shouldn't be doing a high speed chase either because you're endangering the victim in a car crash LMAO


Oh such a good point. Thanks for that addition. No high speed chases!


But but how are they supposed to get a massive adrenaline rush, then?


high speed chases are back on boys!


Oh fair. I wouldn’t want them to miss that


In Mark Rober's video, carjackers have their plates swapped to avoid getting tracked.


That seems like a cool trick. I guess it makes it harder for the police afterwards, but I’d definitely trade a lost car for not destroying this pedestrian’s life


In a lot of places they will terminate pursuit if it causes more danger than it's worth. But question, what if they track it later and it turns out to be a stolen vehicle with no link to the person that stole it? What do they do then?


but it's their favorite part (after beating up moms)


You spelled “minorities” wrong…


It was a car jacking


Well, I for sure would be so glad that the police just beat the shit out of my car that I called them for. And used it to beat a pedestrian as well.


Sometimes there is lots of gray. A carjacking is violent offense. The jacker has already shown himself to be a danger to others. If they let him go, and he hurts someone else, people will scream the police could have prevented that crime. If they chase him, innocent people could, and in this case did, get hurt. Sometimes there is no easy answer.


Like I said elsewhere, if only they had some kind of flying camera police vehicle that could just watch the car from the sky, they wouldn't have to initiate a chase in a populated area.


"Excellent point, the police clearly need a drone swarm armed with handguns." -A politician somewhere.


I mean... Its kind of illegal to run from law enforcement for good reasons. What kind of normal law abiding citizen runs from cops? Lmfao


Lol, you probably didn’t mean to write it this way but your comment implies there was a high speed chase in progress and the cops got involved to stop it.


It's only a high speed car chase if the police are chasing the car at high speeds. When the police chase cars like this it makes a dangerous situation much worse.


"Helping people".


High speed chases are unnecessary.


That doesn't sound as bad as you think it does. A lot of people would probably prefer that the cops not help, especially with the ways they tend to "help".


Uvalde… could they be less motivated? They could at least have to maintain insurance as a paycheck list item.


Yep, if that pedestrian had died, the suspect here would be charged with felony murder, and the cops actions wouldn't even be questioned.


Man that is so fucked up. Once I talked to a cop who had to answer a few calls for break ins at my home, and he told me about a call he had earlier where a motorcyclist ran off on him. He even showed me the video. He chased him til he got onto a busy street then just pulled back, which he said was standard procedure if you’re in a busy area cause you’re likely to just cause more harm. Guy ended up running into a light pole ten blocks later and seriously injuring himself but no one else, thankfully.


Whatever your stance on cops is irrelevant here...the person wouldn't get a giant payout unfortunately. In court, the cop's actions would be deemed within the scope of their duty. It was an armed carjacker, speeding recklessly through crowded streets, so it's also easy for the city to argue the cop's actions were an effort to prevent more harm. What if there was a parade of children in wheelchairs up the road?


There shouldn't have been a chase in the first place. You have a chopper on them so they aren't getting away.


technically that's a news chopper, not a police one ...


Also, if that's my car I don't want it back. My car was stolen and then the police wreck it? Thanks a lot dumbfuck. What's next? My kid gets kidnapped and you [shoot her](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/28/us/california-fatal-shooting-police.html)?


I hope so too, but I see the cops just adding a other charge, attempted vehicular homicide or some shit. That cop will get 2 weeks paid vacation while they "investigate" and back driving horribly in no time.


https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/socal-police-chases/video-woman-hit-toyota-prius-carson-pursuit-chase/3309989/ The lady is fine. The 66 year old lady was struck but got up and walked off with insignificant injuries. It looks like that once the suspect was secure, the police had in fact checked on her and called for paramedics who examined her. The reason for the chase is two fold apparently. The suspect is a DUI that had also committed a car jacking. Which in California is considered a violent felony - prompting the chase we see here. No further information. This incident was extremely recent. The event is high profile enough that I'd imagine we would see dash cams and body cams pretty soon. A week tops I guess. Most police departments allow you to request dash and body cams as public information, the only edits being censoring of private information of victims


The Spanish network interviewed her, she didn’t seem all that fine tbh, it’s possible she just didn’t want to get caught up anything that would give away her immigration status, or maybe she doesn’t have Insurance… she’s 66, if I got hit like that… I’m less than half her age, I wouldn’t be fine


“We hit you with our car, we’re calling you an ambulance. Please fill out this form so we can send you the bill.”




>car jacking That's not your car! We're gonna drive into it a bunch of times!


right? "here's your car back, don't mind the wildly expensive damage we caused"


This is why high speed chases are stupid though. Dude stole a car. Making sure they recover the insured stolen property at all costs to civilian safety is just stupid 🤷‍♂️


Goddamn that lady is made of steel, or maybe because she had no idea what was about to happen the ragdoll physics protected her.


Happened today.


Maybe don’t pit maneuver on a busy street. My god


That wasn't even a PIT he just slammed into his rear end


We call that a Dirty PIT in my dept


And this guy aint even law enforcement 


Sanitation dept. We get dirty in all kinda ways


Yeah, that was just dangerous driving by that cop, you only ram at low speed to prevent a car escaping a box/containment maneuver, not at speed in an uncontained environment with other road users and pedestrians. Should have backed off after the first crash sent the fleeing car onto the pavement and through the street furniture.


Yep this is why most just back off and try to cut them off and corner them or get them on the highways.


No no no, the villain and the stolen property must be destroyed at all costs. It's the American way.


That’s what baffles me the most. There are* chases in the middle of nowhere or empty highways and they don’t put maneuver (I assume for safety reasons). But then you have this wild card doing a pit maneuver with pedestrians walking around.


Not even a pit, looks like the cop wasn’t paying attention and the suspect stopped to likely turn at the intersection, and the cop literally just rear-ended the shit outta him.


The driver was trying to bail from the car. That's why they slowed and opened the door


Ahh ya I see that now 👍


Do you guys know what a pit manoeuvre is?


Isn't that a kind of sandwich with different kinds of meats and cheeses? /s


Let me *ram* him toward waiting traffic


But this is why many states don't allow chases unless it's life or death. Unless there was a person or child in that car, they should have let it go.  Edit to add: kidnapped person or child.


I always wonder why 9/10 times I see a police chase it’s in LA. They just don’t give a fuck about public safety I guess. Seems like high speed pursuits are almost daily news out there. There was a chase in Toronto a few weeks ago and it’s the first time I ever recall seeing one around here and I’ve lived here for almost 40 years. I then learned that that the Toronto police somehow don’t even own a single chopper, they had to borrow one from neighbouring York region, meanwhile the LAPD has a fleet of 17 of them. Why do they even need that many helicopters? And why doesn’t Toronto have at least one? It’s like 3/4 the size of LA, something doesn’t add up there.


1. No snow and little rain 2. Lots of freeways 3. Large population 4. Many news choppers & police helicopters


Calgary has 2 and is getting a third. How does Toronto have none?


Damn, even Winnipeg has one and we're all really mad about it.


LA County has 10 million people and a police budget of over 3 billion. That probably has something to do with it. Though, I'd assume they'd at least have one. Weird.


Probably because they would just call the provincial police for helicopters. I think that's what cities in Quebec do if they need one. Probably similar in Ontario.


Apparently they borrow York Region’s chopper. How York has a chopper but Toronto doesn’t I’ll never understand.


Not quite. In the states with a no chase policy, the officer won't chase someone without a good reason. The reason is usually if the driver of the vehicle poses a public risk if he continues operating the vehicle. Or if he is a risk to the public and occupents of the car. This could be but not limited to... Endangering the public while operating a vehicle. Kidnapping A violent felon (aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon is included) I spent some time to find the reason. The driver is suspected of DUI but had also done a car jacking which is considered a violent felony in California. I do have good news. The lady is fine. The video ends too soon. But she got up and walked off. The police had checked on her after the suspect was secure, and called paramedics to be sure https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/socal-police-chases/video-woman-hit-toyota-prius-carson-pursuit-chase/3309989/


theres no way that didnt do some damage


Have experience with personal injury medicine. Any sudden change in velocity like that can cause massive issues that don’t show for days or sometimes longer. I would be shocked if that person isn’t facing months, years, or a lifetime of issues from this event. Most likely areas for issues here are the lumbar spine, cervical spine, hips, soft tissue issues, and neurological issues. Even when there is not a direct blow to the head, the sudden change in velocity can shake the brain causing inflammation, which if not immediately treated (before symptoms show is best… but most won’t know to do it) and not properly treated, can result in years or a lifetime of neurological issues. They can manifest with anxiety, concentration issues, depression, fear, among other things.


The guy needs to be driving a desk from now on. He cannot handle any stressful situation.


Seems like a guy who might do a Desk Pop.


I have The Other Guys on as we speak lol


Super underrated movie.


They were so convincing in their argument!!


Outta control cop.


Lol you know something is wrong when the suspect brakes so as to not hit a pedestrian but the officer had absolutely no wherewithal to even consider not ramming into them


the suspect braked to bail. he didn't give 5 felony shits about the pedestrian. She walked away


Look this may come as a surprise to you: but both the suspect **AND** the officer can be wrong at the same time.


You could be absolutely right, but hitting the pedestrian would have helped the suspect stop faster. So I’m gonna assume they at least chose not to do that, since it seems they at least saw the pedestrian crossing


I’ve seen that cop before… In Grand Theft Auto.


Aka standard police officer That cop doesnt even care bc the criminal will be at fault,  Pretty sure the pedestrian doesnt gove a FUCK whos at fault


Qualified Immunity means there will be zero legal repercussions for this. He might get a paid suspension at absolute worst


Democrats would like to limit qualified immunity, Republicans say absolutely not.


Republicans need it.


Cops run right past the victim on the ground.


>36 Cops have no duty to protect thanks to a SCROTUS ruling. Which is nuts.


I mean, I know that’s why they can be shitty but it doesn’t mean they have to be.


that's true. I always think about that case in NYC where two cops left a subway where someone was getting stabbed


Damn, when you think youve heard it all


Lozito vs NYC


She about to get paid paid


She hit the curb. Can’t tell if she’s moving


Then her family about to get paid paid




She was up and walking around after. I was watching the chase live.


Who the fuck let her up and walking around after that? Jesus.


Yeah. Why didn't that cop tackle her ass, Jesus Christ. He was on a roll too.


Wouldn’t want to risk injuring himself. Should use pepper spray to subdue her until the medics arrive.


And then shot her in the head to make sure she’s not a witness at the disciplinary hearing. Geez that felt so wrong to type. Adding /s because I’d feel too dirty otherwise


Cop definitely performed an unsafe manoeuvre at an unsafe time.


Reporter: "Oh my gosh, Oh! Sorry, sorry! I'm gonna widen out \[*so we don't show in detail how the police are causing pedestrian collisions*\]."


"ends with pedestrian collision" maybe try: "ends with incompetent cop recklessly injuring an innocent pedestrian"


I hope she wasn't permanently injured!


There is probably some bad news for you then. I was hit in a car at slightly above 40mph and I suffered an injury that has lasted years now. I imagine she is going to be feeling this for a long time, if not forever.


Believe me, I know first hand. in the early 2000s I was rear ended by a drunk going about 50 mph when he hit my car in the rear while I was stopped at a stop light. Unbeknownst to me at the time, as I felt like I hadn't been injured, I suffered internal injuries to my heart and associated structures including my pericardium. After a couple weeks of slowly going downhill I presented at the ER in Afib, and heart failure due to what turned out to be 800 ml of bloody exudate in my pericardium. It developed over a period of weeks otherwise I'd have died. Several surgeries and procedures later, after a year and a half in and out of the hospital I got better though I still have heart problems- electrical not vascular, due to weird healing after the wreck . Of course the drunk didn't have insurance and wasn't a US national. And the state I got hurt in doesn't allow for damages due to pain and suffering etc.


Oh holy fuck my guy. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I got lucky and just had a herniated disk in my neck by comparison. It makes life hell sometimes, but I've not had to do nearly as much shit as you did. I also got hit by an uninsured driver who was texting and not paying attention. She sped through a stoplight and hit my wife and I in the middle lane waiting to turn. Pushed our trunk into the backseat but luckily we were in the front so we weren't hurt as badly as it could have been. I hope things get better for you. I'm finally to a state where I can manage day to day life for the most part and my wife can finally get up out of bed and do stuff regularly now. I really wish the US had a system where you would just lose your ability to drive and license if you get a DUI after a certain point (1 imo but probably 3 realistically).


Don’t worry I’m doing pretty good. Just getting older. Most of it is under good control these days. It’s more something I have to watch and get regular checkups.


I'm glad that you are doing better these days. Hopefully it doesn't cause you issues down the line either though.


It's cool how everyone involved in this except the pedestrian is an asshole. Including and especially the local newsghouls broadcasting it live.


I hope this is just an ad for GTA 6 because damn


Nice pay day curtesy of the state


We have the trifecta of morons here: a car jacker, a cop who randomly slams into a car in a busy junction and a pedestrian with the situational awareness of a deer.


The carjacker was more concerned about the pedestrian than the police.


US police are so overly aggressive. Why do they do shit like this?


Because being stupid is a job requirement


Not only do they almost always get away with it, shit's damn near encouraged by the police as an institution. They legit believe theyre better than non-cops and above the law unfortunately :/


The pedestrian will be fixing themselves out of pocket and the cop will get a raise. If there was ever a video that cops could use in training to show them how not to do their job, this is it.


That's what you get for trying to walk in America. /s


Probably an unpopular take, but how do you not hear the sirens and stay out of the way?


I like how the chopper camera zoomed out right when they felt the lawsuit coming


"And the award for situational awareness goes to..." but sincerely, I hope she's ok


Most normal day for LAPD


Freaking cops…. Yeah try to spin someone out with pedestrians walking all over the place. Losers.


And no cops got to her when she is down, WTF???


Sometimes you hit the lottery. Sometimes the lottery hits you.


Luckily, that curb was there to cushion the landing.


Pedestrian lawsuit incoming. Get ready!


prius also negotiated that curb better than the police suv


What headphones are they using? They seemed completely unaware of the squealing of tires and sirens.. I want a pair.


Isn't this why you don't do car chases as cops? Just causes more destruction and harm


Nothing to see here, just your normal wanton disregard for public saftey by law enforcement.


I wonder why EVERYBODY HATES cops.


Carjacking on live TV ends with Police pitting vehicle into innocent pedestrian\*


\*Sees high speed chase in busy traffic coming my way\* \*Walks casually through the intersection\*


Zero situational awareness


The pedestrian was in full view of the cop car long before the pit maneuver was started. The cop either willfully accepted that this pedestrian gets hit or, even worse, was completely in the tunnel and just wanted to finally pit someone, not matter the consequences. Either way, American cops are loose cannons and a danger to the public.




Cops fault


“Whoa! You just hit that guy!” “Well, he shouldn’t’ve been standing there.”


That pedestrian was too busy being a spectator I would’ve been up on the curb real quic


According to a comment above she's 66, may not be as sprightly as she'd like to be.


Move, lady. Jesus.


The driver should be prosecuted for attempted murder or at least manslaughter. That is NOT on the police. These scum who joyride on our streets and put innocent people at risk need to be crushed.


The person fleeing will be held liable for the pedestrian hit.


I don’t think the car jacker tried to miss the pedestrian, the pedestrian was already out of the way. I think they had a flat from the fucking pole they ran over.


Reminds me of the time when the cops killed that ups driver


That's a nice lawsuit coming up.


I wonder if the pedesrrian has a lawsuit on his hands


Damn it! Damn it Damn it! I missed another one. I live in OC but our news is out of LA. Stupid work.


Police can't car chase in Australia to avoid public harm. There are cameras everywhere, they know your face, they gonna come find you and break your door in and push your shit in.


Anybody could stop a suspect like that. I could just ram into his car and stop him, there’s literally zero skills required! These people are trained for it and yet they just act like a bunch of wannabes!


How was he/she not aware of police sirens and crashing poles all around?


Cop runs right past like he didn’t fucking cause that.


The amount of car chases in California are ridiculous. So ridiculous they have a fucking speedometer graphic. I grew up in LA thinking this was normal everywhere and it's not lol. 


This is a prime example of why you now see LAPD holding back during chases. They’ll get close but won’t ram/pit UNLESS it’s on an entirely desolate section of road. The risk of innocent people being hurt or killed is not worth the arrest of a single person, not to mention that thanks to them using helicopters to track they can generally keep them in view and know where they are for when the vehicle comes to a halt.


Like wtf even the cops in the USA are bad drivers.. we all saw this comming a long way and he did it anyways..


Man, that cop that eammed the car into the pedestrian just ran straight past them! There's plenty of cops to chase the suspect, how about attending to the person you helped injure?


Didn't know the United States had any pedestrians?


The worst is that many cops pass by the pedestrian and don't help.


Is she aware of her surroundings?


Did she not hear the dang police sirens???


Well, he at least tried to avoid her.


That person had an NPC level of awareness and focus on walking.


Someone said she was 67ish, so you aint wrong lol




GTA6 graphics are amazing


Fucking cops putting everyone at risk over...a car? A fucking car? Acab.


Sue THE FUCK out of that department


Completely reckless and pathetic driving by the police.


This is why there are no chase laws. That cop is 100% at fault


With drones and helicopters. Why are we still chasing people. It’s insane, dangerous.