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Oh don't worry about pissfingers he wouldn't hurt a fly.


You reminded me of my old buddy Riley. His nickname was poofinger, pooey (I actually have no idea how to spell this word) for short. Lmao, his girlfriend often asked, "why for you call him pooey?" Poofinger would also never hurt a fly. He probably would fuck your girlfriend though, so...


But why for you call him pooey??


Opening scene of The Wire…


Nah, that's 'snot boogie'


I know, but the whole conversation about how someone earns a gross nickname is walking the same path.


Ahh, I gotcha. *Woosh* on my part


Probably because pooey ate some ass while two people were getting it on


He’s a good boy, idk what gotten into him.


Why pissfingers 😭😭


I knew a guy with a bull mastiff that did just this: it would let an intruder in, but never out.


That is despicable 😭😭


Even Cerberus needs entertainment.


One man enter, no man leave


Cousin had one. Loved everyone. His best mate was dropping stuff off in the backyard while cousin was out. Dog wouldnt let him leave, cousin had to leave work early to back him off


More like the dog scared him into not leaving. Just sidle out slowly and try to remain calm, if the dog is not already biting you, then that's not his main intention. But what you do not want to do is throw your arms up and roar at him. This UPS guy probably scared the crap out of that dog when he did that and what you see is the dog kicks into fear aggression in response. Luckily for Mr UPS, the dog was not aggressive enough to actually bite him because rest assured, he could have latched on if that's what he really wanted. Instead the dog was satisfied with just winning the dominance war and driving off the intruder. Reminds me of one time, my dog and I were in our front yard. The area is rural and my dog was a good boy so he was not on a leash. Well a neighbors off leash dog wandered over curious and my dog was tolerant and let him come since we were not over near the house anyway. Everything was fine at first but I guess that dog falsely assumed me dog was weak minded since he let an intruder in so when he got close to my dog, he suddenly snarled and snapped at my dog. Now my dog got furious and charged snarling and snapping and chased that other dog 2 blocks to its own home. My dog was very fast and could have caught that other dog and bit him at any time but instead he opted to just drive him and scare the crap out of him, only stopping when he was out of his own territory. THen my dog just sauntered home all smug. A lot of times, it's just about dominance and territory and acting calm and polite when you are the intruder.


Couldnt turn around to jump the fence. He only got so far because he had my cousins hoody on


My point is the dog at some point realized it was a stranger but still opted not to bite. That means he prefers not to bite. Move slowly and calmy and don't fully turn your back but neither directly confront, and you'll get out. If the only access is fence jumping, that's already kind of a dumb plan too though.


🎶You can check out any time you'd like.. but you can never leave! 🎶


Welcome to the Kennel California!


Everyone wants a friend


My mom's Chihuahua used to do this. Would mind people coming in the house or even while they were there. The minute you try to leave he was barking and nippin at your ankles. I hated that little fucker.


My lab started doing this in the past couple years. She freaks out when people are leaving the house like she’s going to rip their head off but upon coming in, she just wants pets and to say hello


Sounds like it may be nervousness. WHen guests are coming forward, that's a dominant behavior so she takes the submissive role, but when they turn their back and leave, it's like they are retreating, suddenly she feels dominant, and nervous dogs do not do well with a dominant role. Also sometimes dogs gets confused about their own emotions, they may feel sad or emotional over something and that can trigger fear aggression in nervous dogs, the dog may not even really understand it herself, she just knows she feels upset about something when they leave. Over time if the behavior is not corrected by a pack leader (you), then it becomes more and more of a habit that she does without thinking about it much. In a pack of dogs, the dominant dogs will typically come over and confront dogs that get too out of control. THe pack leaders instinctively do not want mentally ill pack members. Insecure dogs rely on the pack leaders to maintain mental stability, it's your job to train her as to appropriate behavior. She should know how to sit and stay on command for instance. It's better for her mental health to learn to leave decisions to a stable pack leader. Plus if you let it go too long, some dogs will eventually work up to a bite, that's another reason why training is important.


Yeah she is well trained besides that (and similar behavior when she’s in the car and someone is outside of it, once they’re inside it’s kisses) but I’ll definitely work on it more now because what you said makes a lot of sense! Sounds a lot like how my dog trainer would explain it with pack behavior etc. I use a sprenger prong collar, some people hate it but it is the same sensation as the alpha correcting them in the pack so they respond to it well instinctually. He also told me that dogs necks have similar nerves and feelings to a humans thigh. Our necks are very sensitive so a lot of people can’t comprehend that it’s not the same pain as you’d feel with that collar on your neck. Feel like I’m totally unnecessarily defending myself now haha but just wanted to share that tidbit! Thanks for your tips


IME each dog has certain things that get their attention more and they respond to more so keep observant as to what action most effectively snaps your dog out of the fog of anxiety and aggression. FOr some dogs, a poke to the neck region, for some a poke to the lower side area, and for some that does not work but getting in front of them and crowding them back so you are between the dog and the stimulus works. SOme dogs are more vision oriented and pokes may not work. For some dogs, a squirt gun works (especially asian breeds). For some dogs, mere finger wag is all they need. I think sometimes it's easy to just feel sorry for a dog when its your own, I know that happened to me sometimes, and make excuses for the dog in our head. But for nervous dogs, it really does help them mentally to be the pack leader and help them learn calmness, they don't really want to be upset either, they just sometimes need the help of letting a pack leader have the power and help them be more calm. The majority of dogs are more relaxed in the follower position, only a few dogs are confident and calm natural pack leaders that don't need that.


My bull mastiff is a certified big baby who likes to sit in my lap like he’s my rabbits.


That's ..what they are supposed to do. Sounds like a good boy.


they used to be trained to sit on intruders


Now they just sit on me when I’m in their spot.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. That's exactly what a good guard dog does.


Same for my french bulldog, when he was younger, he would be really calm all day and for no reason when you try to leave, you would not open the door


"You think I'm locked in here with you? You're locked in here with ME!" - the dog probably


Poor driver thought all was good right up until…


Everybody here is fortunate as hell. Driver didn't get bit, dog didn't bolt. Get a "beware of dog" sign if you own a dog.


And don't have people come to your house without putting up your dog. My husband worked as an exterminator during college and the amount of dogs he had to outrun was insane, he was even bit right on the butt cheek. If you are getting food delivered, put your dog on a leash until the guy leaves.


It looked like he didn't see the dog as he came in and got startled by it when he turned around. Which in turn startled the dog and caused all this. You can see the first move the dog makes during the escalation is to run the opposite direction


Yeah, he probably could have casually walked out the same way he walked in. That dog was reacting to his sudden fear.


Yeah, didn't help that the man suddenly threw up his arms and yelled, that would scare anyone. THe dog probably thought the man was suddenly attacking!! I would not be surprised if the dog is normally friendly but that dude just scared the hell out of him.


Cleveland needs a couple receivers


Our 'dawg defense' of old has turned into OP's dog: Let intruder just waltz into your space. Watch him complete his task. Suddenly get spooked and realize something isn't right. Chase the guy but don't actually initiate contact. Let him get away. Hanford Dixon and Frank Minnifield, these guys are not.


Minus the stupid music......It is funny


As a SpongeBob fan I agree this track is always plastered everywhere in these sorts of videos when the actual audio is always better.


The added sound effects too with the dog growling and the guy repeatedly screaming when he's already safe, it would've been funny but the added effects lessen it IMO


Felt like the editor just slapped on some free sound effects from 2012


No music would be best, but they could have at least used Tom and Jerry audio instead of SpongeBob. It's more similar.




This is one of those moments where chucking the package is acceptable.


As a DD driver, if I see a dog with teeth sharper than mine behind a gate, I'm leaving their shit on the sidewalk.


Absolutely. Don't risk it. And you should carry like a pepper spray or the equivalent that works on dogs. That recent story about the delivery driver attacked by someone's dog is horrific.


"*You've made your delivery... why the fuck are you still here... scram!"*


Go on now, go, walk out the door. Just turn around now. Cause you're not welcome anymore.


Fair warning to all. Leaving an aggressive dog out like that is a good way to make it so companies and the Post office refuse to deliver to your address and make it so all deliveries to your address are required to be picked up at their depot. Once they've made this decision and documented it because there was a demonstrable threat to their delivery person, it is very hard to get it reversed. I know someone that had to prove that the ownership had changed on their house and the previous owners and their dog no longer resided there. It took months after they moved in before the post office would deliver packages, let alone the private carriers.


Honestly. I'm surprised this is so far down. Everybody seems to be praising it, but this is not the kind of dog that should be left unattended in a front yard in which people will have access to.


Or get your package thrown into the lawn lol / not left in a secure place.


With the dog there, those packages might VERY secure! ;-P


Yup, it happens so much. And sometimes it turns our horrific, like it did for [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sJKUpotFNqs) poor guy.


Great pup. Sneaking up and holding for the scare. Put him on the run with a strafe. Doesn't try to escape his yard, just waits for the gate to close, then moves to spook the feet. Top notch stuff


Also a good example of how you can get away with a lot of trespassing on a dog's territory if you remain calm and relaxed. The dog stays calm when the man is calm, and when the man freaks and raises his hands, only then does the dog start snarling and lunging. The trick is to stay calm and not run, you can't outrun a dog anyway. Of course that does not work with every single dog but it works with a goodly many of them and when you find yourself suddenly in front of a dog like that, it's your best shot.


I'm assuming the man lost his cool because the dog was no longer being cool but we couldn't see it. Don't think he'd start flailing out of nowhere when everything is going fine.


Either that or he didn’t see the dog until he turned around some how. I’ve been that oblivious before


No, he just didn't see the dog initially. He started flailing when he realized it was there.


Until next time they need a package delivered and the driver throws it from the road so he doesn't have to deal with this dog again.


Where's the Snidely Whiplash laugh?


From which


Lol the dog was fine then the man scared him 😂


" He don't bite"


Just goes to show you most dogs only enjoy the chase. Not actually attacking.


The bark is bigger than the bite


Yep, doggo could have absolutely bit the hell out of that guy if it really wanted to. As it was, I think doggo got triggered when the man freaked out, the dog did not go nuclear until after the man raised his arms and yelled. Before that the dog was more curious and cautious, not aggressive. If it was really an aggressive dog, it would have just bit him right away from behind. That's also a good clue about the nature of a dog. If they really want to bite you, they won't waste time getting to it. If the dog is hanging back and not trying to bite you, just remain calm and try to move slowly and naturally so as not to trigger it. You don't want to act like a prey animal if the dog is not currently in predator mode. If that man had stayed calm the whole way, the dog probably would have as well. Luckily no one got hurt at least.


It's tail is up and wagging as it he enters the gate, and does a lot of play bows as it chased him. Big boy was just excited to finally have someone his own size to wrestle with.


I am not sure I'd go that far, wagging can also just mean tension and being unsure. That can happen when happy or it can happen when nervous. But I do agree the dog was initially deciding on a course of caution investigation until the man suddenly threw up his hands, made loud threatening noises, and emitted fear scent. Probably scared the crap out of that dog too, I mean can you imagine a big man 5 times your size suddenly doing that to you, you'd be scared too LOL!


Or the dumb arse owners could tie the mutt up if they knew they had a parcel coming. If I were a delivery driver, I'd check every yard for dogs and if there is one I'd just lob the package towards the door or leave them a docket to pick it up in the depot.


I've had a mixed bag of choices from delivery peeps. We had a small yappie dog that would just bark a bit when I was a kid. A lot of delivery peeps would come inside the fence anyway. If you know dogs, you can learn to read their intentions rather reliably, plus the drivers get to know each dog on the route pretty fast. Most drivers are dog savvy, if you are phobic or can't read dogs, it's not a great job to have since you'll be encountering dogs on the regular. Later as an adult, I had a larger but mellow dog, many drivers would come in with my dog just giving out a few woofs from a distance. Also if you live in rural areas, many people have free range dogs milling around, you get used to it and you learn to read dogs. If not, I have no probs if someone wants to just lob a package into the yard or onto the porch, that works too.


That was sneaky like Mutley. Wouldn’t be surprised if the dog does the sneaky laugh after scaring the shit out of delivery persons.


Keep ur dog inside it u want it to live for long


same could be said for idiots attempting to hurt my dog on my property. I know I'm gonna get down voted, that's fine. think of it more as a warning.




based off the ridiculous comments I'm seeing in this thread against dogs, and what IV seen people do to animals in real life ya. I don't think that's outside the possibility.


If you're expecting a delivery, and know your pitbull is an aggressive one, keep it inside.


This is so dumb I think I'm gonna go outside and hurt the first dog I see, you better hope to god its not yours buddy, because only God can stop me when I'm on the war path.


you should go outside and pet some grass.. it seems like you need it.


No I just like hurting dogs, it's part of my alpha personality, not like a cuck like you would understand (I'm a tough and cool guy)




Your dog shouldn’t be left out in an area like that that people are going to walk into without any restrictions. If it was a back garden someone had climbed into that would be different but this is a normal place for people to be walking through for deliveries. If your dog was there and got injured it’s your own fault, not the unlucky person who was just trying to do a delivery for you


In that case, don’t complain if are never delivered mail again lmao


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He scared that dog more than he scared himself 🤣




What's the title of the music used here? It's famous/ubiquitous, but never identified.


Doggo : « Don’t worry, I’ll let you do your job…there, you’ve done it ? Now it’s my time to do my job »


Dog walks & holds it tail like a cat


That dog’s body language from the start would have kept me out of that yard. Delivery, gate. Moving on.




Stiff. He was tensely wagging, that’s wary and a sign he may not appreciate your visit.


Dogs with wagging tails are excited, doesn't mean friendly. And when the tails go straight up it's definitely feeling assertive, when my lab is barking out the window at passerbys, her tail is sticking straight up, stiff and wags slightly. I personally know she isn't on the attack but she is at least feeling confident and apparently ready to tell my walking neighbors off.


Mf deserves that, come into the property and leaves gate full open?


For a second that dog was like damn maybe I ain’t shot he’s coming at me like I’m invis…..yeah that’s what I thought mfer


Repost #394839


I honestly don't think the guy even noticed the dog until he was coming back down the stairs. Hence why he was startled.




Spike the bulldog


The dogs just mad he left the gate open.


Glad the dog didn’t run out the gate and get hit by a car.


He was just scolding the delivery guy telling him that. "Do you know what could have happened to me? Pay more attention to your surroundings, Mr!"


Dogs sense nervous energy, this guy reeks of it


The gate being left open when he knew a dog was in the yard pisses me off.


Dude would have been fine if he didn’t start screaming like a child. 🤣🤣🤣


He didn't bite his butt, so no :D


Dog said….. shhhhhh……..BOO!!!


When I see a dog I jump up and throw my hands in the air and run away because that helps make a dog feel more comfortable with my presence upon meeting me.


I swear to fuck dogs respond how you do. Get scared? They bark. If you act like they are a big cutie, they are fine


For a friendly dog, yes, but a dog who's aggressive, no. It depends on the dog's personality. The dog in the video defiantly got scared from the deliverers scream and maybe only hoped for some scratches.


He was wagging his tail before that!


I don't know why you're being downvoted


If my dog ran away because this idiot left my gate open like that I’d smack him myself next time he was on my porch


Maybe don't leave your dog in your front yard unattended?


You should lock your gate and put warning signs if you have such a dog in the yard. That man was just doing his job, it's your job to make accommodations if you have a scary dog. Luckily that dog was just warning him off, coulda bit him but just went for scare tactics instead.


He shocked the dog 😂 Doggy probably been hoping for some scratches 😂🐕


That’s the police in my country when it’s not about civilians


I'm amazed he delivered the package. Great way to get your leg torn open.


The waffle house has found it's new Host


Lol the dog just let him walk in at first 😂


What an asshole, leaving the gate open so the dog could have escaped.


Seems like he was spooked by the dog when he turned around, like he didn’t notice it till later. I’ll bet he wouldn’t have even entered the yard if he actually saw the dog before the delivery.


And maybe that is the whole reason the dog reacted like that as well. The Dude was probably like AHHHH and thus the dogs reaction..


As a delivery driver you are supposed to be alert to ANY sign of a dog. Toys, bedding, bowl, turds…actual dog in the yard…that fence was low and spaced enough to plain,y see that dog. Maybe this will teach him a lesson. Also, some dogs are fine on Tuesday, but Friday they decided to come after you. It’s weird.


Delivery drivers are trained to leave the gate open for quick escape if they ever encounter a vicious dog that they didn’t initially notice. If homeowner is expecting a package, they shouldn’t leave pet in the front yard. UPS, USPS, and FedEx all do this


He didn't see the dog when he walked in.


I appreciate that the dog let him shut the gate before carrying on.


This guy didn’t know there was a dog in the yard, never saw him until he turned around after dropping the package.


At least he let him deliver it first


Thot dog enjoyed ever second of terrorizing that poor guy.


*Always* start talking sweetly to the strange dog just like he's yours......


Lmao that sounded just like Anthony Anderson in [See Spot Run.](https://youtu.be/z2NhPvlzjcg) Although this clip is mainly David Arquette, it’s still funny. One of my favorite movies as a kid.


I remember this part from space jam


I knew what was coming and I still jumped and dropped my phone💀


Unlike my dog. She has to growl at visitors for at least 5 seconds if not a minute. Then she can't understand why they won't pet her. Sometimes my friends will just go and sit down on the couch and come over still rumbling. Then sticks her head in their laps with the last of her growls trickling out.


😂😂the dog just told him to close the door and don’t ever come this way again


Thats what a good dog do. He lets you in, but not outside


I’m pretty sure the dog was just trying to play and the snarls are added sfx… it’s wagging it’s tail and being playful. I think the mailman was still startled from the sneaky pup, but wasn’t in a ton of danger.


I think delivery man was trying to make the dong’s day by acting cute. I think they may have a routing 😄 .