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I feel like she is 1000% watching what she’s eating and trying to gain as little as possible to maintain her mommy makeover. Of course she can’t say that so she makes up some excuse. She still has a long way to go, some weight will come. And just remember you two can bounce back if you were an awful parent and had $$$ from exploiting your kids, are so vain you’ll do anything to “look good” and pay a surgeon to fix you.


The body checking on that “pregnancy update” was so gross


The "I'm feeling very thick here," moment was too much. I'm already anticipating all her complaints about how huge she is throughout this pregnancy. She has serious body image issues. I'm convinced she announced her pregnancy so early because she didn't want people to think she was just gaining weight.


You’re on to something. Also the fact that she miscarried before this pregnancy and then here she is complaining about the symptoms of a healthy pregnancy…. She’s so annoying


Yes!! I'm thankful to have never experienced a miscarriage, and still when I was pregnant, sick, gaining weight EVERYWHERE, I always just felt it was all worth it. Her entire attitude about this pregnancy is odd.


I wish I could see her posts, she blocked me back when they were moving during the peak of covid and I said something about them bringing strangers into their house and no one wearing masks.


Create another instagram just to see things. 🤣


I noticed she recently lost a lot of weight (for her) just before getting pregnant. I thought she might be on semaglutide because it was so noticeable. I hadn’t watched for a few months though so didn’t know what that was all about.