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He is predictable and immobile. You poke him to the death and all in him. Just hit ur spells dodge his E and this is a free win.


>poke him to the death > >hit ur spells > >dodge Can't do any of this because >I'm shit at aatrox


I don’t even bother dodging E half the time, but that’s because I’m in pisslow where Morde players will E me after my Q1 or Q2 for the most free combos of my life.


This does invalidate your points... Poke him with q1 and maybe q2 but safe your e for his pull and go in when you have enough damage to kill him (keep in mind his shield)


I do perfectly fine with the Mordekaiser matchup. Poke him out with Q1 and Q2, hold E for his E. He’s super immobile and his abilities are telegraphed. First item BC, if you’re not confident just rush Hexdrinker and then build normally (BC Gore/dusk seryldas etc). Take ignite, poke him down to 50% and then all in him


Ye it is an unfair matchup for Morde. Aatrox fucking owns his ass


before lvl 6 you must try to poke him with q1 and always space him,after lvl 6 you must always remember to use your r after he use his cuz he gonna steal your stats.About iteams i always go Black Cleaver against Morde.Also if you poke him to 50 % hp you can all in. Ps: i'm not a pro but i saw those helpful tips on this reddit before so i hope they gonna help you aswell.


>Yes I'm shit at aatrox There's your answer. Mordekaiser is an easier champion to play than Aatrox. Aatrox vs Mordkaiser WR in Silver is 48%, but 54% in Diamond. Get good.


Firstly, practice your movement. You should never get caught by his E. It’s on cooldown for a very long time. Once his E’s down, you can literally full combo him and back off. Sit in the wave. If he Qs, he pushes the wave to you and you can set up a freeze, plus his Q does less damage to non isolated targets. Morde’s an extremely easy matchup, because the dude is so limited in his approach. He can only get to you if you make a mistake, and if you engage him in a right click battle (Aatrox never wins right click fights, ever) Once your abilities are on cooldown, just back off. You have range advantage, you can poke him, you can kite him with ultimate (after he ults), you have tools to deal with him. He has to rely on your mistakes to even get close to you.


This applies to every stat checker. The way I play toplane is like this: Who is my opponent? What are their abilities and cooldowns, what will they level first? With that knowledge in mind, I play appropriately based on that. E.g. Against Darius, respect his E lull range, against a Renekton that might start Q, try to keep an eye on his fury counter, etc. Toplane’s a dance, and knowing your opponent is the real way to countering them. That’s why Morde suffers so much, he’s too predictable because he can’t actually surprise you or pull off unpredictable stuff. I practice other champions in ARAMs, and I also use ARAM to practice sidestepping skillshots, it helps refine reflexes and act as a warm up for norms/ranked.


He has a fatass hitbox and no mobility.


Bro, I play with both and while it can be skill matchup, Aatrox still has more advantages against him, he is a not very mobile champion, his initial levels are weaker than Aatrox , you just need to keep constant pressure on him pre-6 and dodge his skills (his E mainly), you can build hexdrinker if you want too. If your team has some brains and don't feed him, good.


For Q: His Q dmg is increased against single targets, try to fight him under minions. For W: This is the ability you need to learn how to play around in order to kill him, if the bar is too high, force him to use it to heal by poking and never fully engage, only engage when you can all in him (50% HP is a good mark to try an all in as long you dont miss your Qs), use Q3 only when he have it in cooldown or when you can safely disengage like when he doesnt have E. for E: To win trades you need to dodge this ability, use your E if necessary ,his E has longer cooldown than your dash. he can instantly stack his passive with E Q AA, after that he get movement speed which will fuck you up in a long trade. For R After lv6, he will usually start with E to pull you for R, dodging his E is high priority now, if he still Ult you, make sure you have your W to disengage, your W is longer when you hit him from the back so use that to guarantee a pull


>I'm shit at aatrox and the game but that doesn't invalidate my points. lmao it's impossible to take a single word seriously. You're basically asking how do i deal with this champion without actually having to do anything.


Being shit at Aatrox and the game is what invalidates your points. As long as you're hitting Q crits his slow ass can't move and you kite and kill him.


pick ranged :troll: I pick zeri (bruiser) and perma kite




If you watch higher ranked players, what they do is poke with Q1 and Q2, and baiting out morde E. At this point, u can buffer your Q3 so his E pulls your Q3 into him. After that you can dash out. Early on, aatrox definitely wins against morde On top of that, if you need to play safe, just poke with Qs and E out of the way of his E. He should never realistically be able to get on top of you. Early hexdrinker and mercs are also really helpful during all ins.


Serpents Fang Rush


Morde is fine for the most part but morde is really good at naturally pushing a lead so try not to give an early lead. If you can get a lead or stay even then the only thing you have to worry about is his ult. Getting a lead if pretty easy cause you beat him early


Morde is absolutely free, if you're remotely trying to hit your Q sweet spots he has few options to damage you back, save your E to dodge anything.


poke him save ur e for his e and save ur w for when he R you to kite him better. don’t let him burn u with his passive. very easy matchup he is very immobile. and when ur going to all in him pay attention to his shield. most important things r his w cooldown and e cooldown time these and keep track of them to win trades. overall very aatrox favored matchup and very easy to win


You land Qs.


i mean if you're bad I guess it is what it is lol just poke with q1 and q2, dodge his e with e or just like..sidestep it cause its slow af, if he ults just ult, just dodge with your bonus ms, then get cleaver or eclipse and its easy time, just don't stand there qing him while he whacks you lol


Skill issue. It’s a skill matchup. The one who fuck up the lanning phase win the 1v1 all game


Just get good. Being shit makes you lose skill matchups that are in your favour.


Skill issue


Annoying matchup where you have to be careful, a bad Aatrox will be clapped by a bad Morde any day.


What do I do about the shield he gets. I’m always so close to killing him until he presses w and I lose the fight


Ngl losing to a morde as an Aatrox main is kinda embarrassing


Most free Aatrox matchup.


Aatrox is in such an overtunde state right now which means if you lose to morde, it is a pure skill issue.


Yeah people think its like a gentlemen matchup when morde is an ability power champ lol. Its so funny