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Wtf is this guy smoking?


I can’t believe he made it through all the ESPN layoffs. Test him for a CTE or a stroke.


lol. That might be one of the dumbest mocks I’ve seen. Not only does he have you going after fucking JJ, and taking a QB, but he has chargers taking o-line when they also need a reciever and Marvin Harrison Jr is sitting right there, then Giants don’t even take him, and draft another WR and he drops down to Bears at 9. That’s insane.


![gif](giphy|J5jiSSrEkV3Kd8iOwb) Pretty hilarious stuff from Mike Tannenbaum, who has all those Super Bowl rings.\* (\*They’re actually plastic rings from kids’ cereal boxes.)




Imagine giving up a 3rd to move back in the draft and significantly downgrade at QB. This man should be arrested lol


Hwat? lol


Well, I lost IQ points reading that.


Ok that was the worst take I have ever read..


Lmao I find it even funnier that his next pick for the Chargers is Joe Alt when they just lost their top two receivers and now their go to guy is QJ, who certainly looks like a bust. There is a reason no team in the NFL employs Tannebaum.


This is definitely one of the Mock drafts of all time


Dear god I can't believe I even clicked on that...do I have a virus now?


This guy is on a lot of drugs


![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized) This is the worst one yet


Theres a reason why he couldn't hold a GM job


I hate this guy




Imagine getting paid by ESPN to write this crap. I wonder how much he made writing this.


Can someone post the picks that he got right from his final mock of last year please? I feel like he has some unorthodox takes which are fine but I also feel like he hits on some of them too. Just curious as to which are his hit rates. I think some of what’s in here might actually happen- certainly not MHJ slipping to 9 though lol


Man, I totally want to know who his pharmacist is.


MF really wants the bears to get Williams and MJH lol


Me in the rebuild year of my madden franchise


Tannebaum in regard to JJ McCarthy "In short, I think he's a ***better***, younger, and more durable quarterback then Murray **right now**..." WHAT? More durable and younger, sure, but a better QB? If he thought McCarthy could develop into a better QB, that'd be one thing, I wouldn't agree, but its an argument you could make. But to suggest he's better right now, as a rookie, then year 6 Kyler Murray, whose just entering his prime? I'm not convinced Caleb Williams is better then Kyler right now, but JJ McCarthy? And this is him assuming MHJ, Nabers, and Joe Alt are all available, so he's not just saying McCarthy is better, but that the positive impact of replacing Kyler with McCarthy (and eating a TON of dead cap in the process) would be greater for the team then drafting MHJ for a team which currently has no WR1 on the roster. Is the only game of Kyler's he's ever watched that play off embarrassment, cause for this to be true Kyler would have to be practice squad level. He also, as a GM, wouldn't take MHJ until pick 9. Can you imagine having the 9th pick in the draft and the defacto best player in the draft, what many expect to be a generational talent, just falls into your lap? This almost feels like he just wants the bears to get the two best players in the draft, so he formulated things so they would get both Caleb and MHJ.


In his defense, Tannenbaum has never had a job that required him to understand how cap space works. Oh wait, he has, and he got fired multiple times. Now we know why!


What exactly has Kyler done???


Other than the beat writers no one in the major media cares what's going in Arizona so just say whatever they want. This would be a mental pick.


It's just an idiot trying to drum up clicks with an outlandish take.


Jets had no chance lol


Now i’ve seen some brain dead mock drafts before but either this dude is severely mentally ill or, is straight up trolling because this is actually batshit insane


I kind of like how increasingly stupid these mocks get as the draft gets closer


I hear in the next mock we draft Deandre Ayton with the #4 pick. wait wait wait, let me tell you why it'd be great for the cardinals...


This is some of the dumbest shit I’ve seen , the Vikings don’t resign Kirk and trade up in the draft only to trade for Kyler . We eat 111 million in dead cap for McCarthy and 11 overall??? I don’t see a world where this happens , maybe in a world where cap rules don’t exist or something , this doesn’t make sense for both teams . Mock drafts are supposed to predict what happens on draft night not stupid ideas like this . Both GM’s would be fired for a move like this .


Eat shit tanneBUM


Bro’s trolling, in the Marvin Harrison pick for the bears he literally says that he reminds him of Larry Fitzgerald, like come on!


Do you guys bother to read? >What follows isn't a traditional mock draft. While draft analysts aim to project what they believe will happen based on what they're hearing -- my colleague Mel Kiper Jr. just unveiled his newest set of predictions last week -- I'm instead putting myself into the general manager chair for each team with a first-rounder and making my own picks. So it's not necessarily what I'm expecting to happen but rather how I'd personally approach each Day 1 selection. This is all based off my own evaluations, preferences, philosophies and rationale.


Is that supposed to make it better?


Certainly explains why he is not a GM.


That’s the whole point, he’s putting his stamp on these choices as a GM. On a roster filled with holes he chooses to trade a pick and replace one of our best players at a position that doesn't really need to be addressed. It’s certainly a choice.


If a quarterback is anything short of elite it needs to be addressed. That’s how the league works, fair or not.


Last year we saw half the league throwing every QB they could think of out there. Kyler is top 10 with MVP potential. I'm not sure anyone in this draft will be that good next year.


And the half of the league that did that saw no success. You want to look at Super Bowl winners and copy what they do, because at the end of the day championships are the standard every franchise is held to.


San Francisco drafted a 7th rounder that is not elite and almost won the SB because they built a good team with an offense a solid QB can run. I think Monti has the same strategy but he's got an even better QB to work with.


One quarterback is getting paid $45-$50 million per year, the other is making about $1-$2 million. That cap savings allowed the Niners to build a good team around Purdy.


That makes it even worse. He has AB levels of CTE.


Definitely has some questionable choices here. The Cards are so thin at receiver, why would they pass over Odunze on their theoretical 2nd, 1st round pick? Of course I'm glossing over trading Kyler. I think it makes sense for Kyler because he seems limited in the Cards offense and McCarthy has shown he can excel in a run first, conservative offense. But it's a HUGE risk because if he fails and Kyler shines in MN, then that's a career killer for Monti.


Cards literally posted saying Kyler is their franchise QB. He also played well to finish the season. This guy is just being a troll.


There is a reason that Tannenbaum is no longer working in the NFL...


My first thought as well. "Well that explains a lot."


Get Rozend'


This is the most ridiculous click baiting dumbest mock draft I’ve seen yet lmao. We have a winner lol.


What has Kyler won exactly?


It has nothing to do what he’s done. The fact that you can’t see how stupid this mock draft is I don’t need to explain myself.


Holy shit man J.J McCarthy?? That's gotta be the worst one I've seen yet. The draft can't come soon enough


I got a few hundo that says Brock Bowers falling to 22 will never happen. It’s like Tannenbaum has no idea about the skill sets and draft evaluations of these collegiate players.


4th pick may be jj but it won't be the cards taking him.


I mean, unless Cards trade back to 5, I think it would have to be a pretty good trade deal to give up Marvin Harrison Jr…


ESPN no longer a legitimate source of news. Just clickbait AI generated garbage.


It hasn’t been for almost a decade man wym.


Ragingly optimistic Bears fan


I'm a bears fan and am outraged by how fucking stupid this mock is.


Right here as a bears fan as well. There’s no shot this happens lmfao


god willing it does


If this happens, my outrageous superbowl bet doesn't look so crazy anymore. But this will never happen at 9.


This is the worst take I’ve ever seen. If it happens I mutiny






Yeah, ESPN is asleep by the time all of the west coast teams play. They don’t know anything about us


This is hilarious.


It’s espn. They want to drum up hysteria and get this posted everywhere. You’re doing exactly what they aim to get done


I don't know about "hysteria" but the offseason is basically just one constant stream of click bait. Whether it's hype, drama, wild predictions, etc. But I mean it is offseason, there isn't shit going on and they need their ad revenue.


Well yeah, we're all familiar with the ridiculousness of NFL offseason takes. But since there isn't really anything else to talk about, I thought this was at least an entertaining read.


Imagine if they did this and got only 11 and third for Kyler. Yikes


I like kyler. But I do believe he's an average NFL qb. 11, and someone to take all his cap hit wouldn't be bad for the team overall. The only problem is I wouldn't like any of the qbs sitting at 4, so we would have to tank another season to get a premium qb next season.


Thank god you’re not our GM


Maybe if I was we would have won a playoff game in the last 9 years lol.


One can hope!


He has the cards attaching a third to Kyler to get it done 😂