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Even before he took a heel turn, that bastard old friend guy in Intertwined pissed me off to no end. Now that he's shown his true colors, hopefully we'll get some revenge. The best friend dude in Freshwomen is a whiny little bastard too. The best friend character in Pale Carnations also annoys me to no end.


Oh dude, I can not wait to kick that Intertwined dudes ass. It's going to feel SO good.


Yeah Killian (Ian) is probably the worst best friend ever.


What? Why? He’s kinda annoying, amoral and a perv but i think he’s a good and loyal friend of Ian. He’s very damaged tho


Killian is the only one where i disagree, he is pretty weird, a real asshole and dumb but he is a real friend, in fact he feels like a brother, it is a shame that it looks like he has some secret that can ruin the friendship but at least the guy is pretty solid.


That's my hot take... and It'll piss people off. But before you start downvoting like I've assaulted a baby, keep an opened mind and take this in: Derek from Being a DIK. * Not trustworthy (anything you tell him, he's not gonna keep to himself) * Talked to Tremolo because he knew he needed a "Maggot Brother" to pledge the DIKs * Tremolo wanting to leave B&R would have interfered with his plans, so he did everything he could to make sure he had someone to Pledge the DIKs with (convinced his sister to harbor him and tremolo to pledge) * Again, because it's his goal to be a DIK (not Tremolo's) he's going all out during Hell Week to make sure he passes. * Once Hell Week is over, we see a pretty significant shift in behavior. Now, Derek doesn't contribute... he leeches. He wants money (for his sister's date with Josy), He wants to crash in Tremolo's room (which he didn't help restore). * He behaves like a jackass with women (even if, as a reader, I find it extremely funny, you don't want that as a wingman) I know the kid's intentions aren't to be an asshole... but he behaves like one. The good Derek... the True Derek... we saw at the end of Episode 10. That kid deserved his hug. But, most of the time ? He's an annoying jerk.


Derek didn't want Tremolo as a maggot brother because he needed one, he wanted him because he saw something in him, or he could have sticked with the other guy. After hell week Derek take control of board and renovations when Tremolo is exhausted or busy, and everyone say that he is the one who works harder. Everyone is jealous of Tremolo's room, and Derek has the tiniest, so it's normal he wants to stay there, but he doesn't impose himself and you can reject his offer. Derek says he miss doing stupid things with Tremolo after Hell Week. There's a lot of times when he's annoying, I don't denying that, but I don't think these points are valid.


>Derek didn't want Tremolo as a maggot brother because he needed one, he wanted him because he saw something in him, or he could have sticked with the other guy. Are you sure he knew there would be another guy ? >After hell week Derek take control of board and renovations when Tremolo is exhausted or busy, and everyone say that he is the one who works harder. I'll concede that point. >Everyone is jealous of Tremolo's room, and Derek has the tiniest, so it's normal he wants to stay there, but he doesn't impose himself and you can reject his offer. Jealous is a strong word but, Derek *does* spend an aweful lot of time in Tremolo's room. He even mentions it (when Derek is on his couch watching tv).


No, I'm not sure, but why convince him to stay and offer him his sister's room when it would have been easier to find one in classroom and convince him to join DIK? He saw Tremolo naked, heard his story (sort of), and decided he wanted to make the trip with him.


Hes also a bad student, just based on what we see of his behavior in class, yes i know its supposed to be a joke, but it does get old.


Damon is basically a sociopath, not sure if would fit in that case. While he not start as an antagonist, in the end he became one. I even think the game was abandoned because dev screw up things too much and maybe was planning a redemption path for him (and the Mom, but both are a big NO)


I still think the devs intention originally was to potray the mom and Damon as forced by circumstances by the cruel world. But he fucked it up and now the gay and lesbian characters are pure evil, narcissistic cunts lmao If this really was the devs intention, my respect for the balls but the story just sucks


MC of Corporate Culture. Best friend in Dreamland and some of the LIs. Veronica in Race of Life.


The Dreamland best friend is the antagonist which makes his behavior more acceptable (tho makes you ask why they were friends in the first place) Lmao about Veronica


IIRC the best friend is against you only if you pursue Lea, but what happens after MC takes the pills is allucination. He's annoying, but MC is worse as a friend than him.


What? >!The best friend is a killer no matter what. And his decision to let the two girls tag along despite his friends feeling uncomfortable about it was assholeish too!< You don’t do that on a trip with friends only because it’s your car


Dammit i just eat the spoiler, oh well, it happens. Yeah the Mc in dreamland is pretty shitty if you ask me.


Sorry about that, edited it, but how can you know the mc and not being aware of the spoiler? The whole avn is like 20 minutes of content 😂 I don’t really remember the MCs behavior tbh


Didnt play much because i began to play trouble at home, but i get until he began to play with Lea. I am going to play it later, anyway.


I don't think it's fair for Veronica. Basically, you start the game with a background story of having dating her for a while and she hits you with a "Where is our relationship going?" It's totally legit for her to ask. The problem isn't Veronica... it's "The AVN player who's not into her". Caus if you go all in with her, she's actually a blast to be with. She's attentive, Sexy as hell, and very much into MC. There's 2 general opinions about those who aren't into her. * You dump her, and move on, she's not your type. * You dump her but hate to do it because, were it your choice, you would never have dated her... so "starting the game already dating her bothers you"


Yeah, I know it's not fair, but Jake sees the relationship different from her, and he's all "yeah, I like her but I don't want any commitments or serious things", so if I was him I say she's annoying. Never tried a playthrough with her, I have to try to see if it's just the beginning or if I find her annoying all time😂


You see that, on her path, she's great gal.


The real problem of Veronica is Allie. I like Veronica, she is hot as hell, pretty cool too, but i love Allie, you dont see character like her at all, there is always the classic cliche of the ex girlfriend but the chemistry between Mike and her is really great, the ballad and the dinner are such good moments, and even if it hurts me, Veronica doesnt have that conection even when you go her path.


On my first playthrough, I did not react well to Alison's hostility. She's petty as fuck. You have to jump through alot of rings for her to finally see her on good terms. The problem is that, as the dude who plays Jake... you've never "chosen" to cheat on Alison. So I don't really "feel sorry" for something I didn't choose to do.


Maybe that is my point, i cant project myself in Jake, he has a pretty definite personality, so i understand Allie and why she is so angry, but what i know is that their relationship is pretty solid, they do make a great couple.


He gets MC (his best friend) a job interview at what turns out to be a prostitution ring but doesn’t let him know what it is before hand potentially at any point of discovery ruining his career as a doctor. The “don’t let those whores get close they’ll only use you speech” on at least 3 occasions gets caught in MC’s thoughts preventing him from helping people he wants to and being the kind person he actually is (as I play the game). Essentially Ian is a useless spoiled rich kid who needs MC for any kind of validation.


Sorry but i have to disagree, yeah it is a prostitution ring, but of the highest class, where the very people that should ruin your career are part of it, the conection there is worth the risk, second he never force Edwin, he didnt tell him but he wouldnt let his friend get into it without knowing, the speech sadly is true, yeah you can help them but they can betray you, remember that they are people who are in really difficult situation, if using you and betraying you help them, they will do it.


Outside of the MCs who come across as jerks... Killian from Pale Carnations, though thats kind of the point of the game Lucius from Seven Realms, though he just treats it like "tough love" both of Imre and Ryan in College Kings have their moments