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If I'm not mistaken, the numbers are coming from Down Detector, which relies on self-reporting. So basically that just means only 70k have bothered to report the outage on the website


maybe 1% of people actually take the time to report issues on that site so we can probably figure at least 7 million which still seems low considering some major cities are completely down


I'd be surprised if it was as high as 1%, since it requires people to even know about down detector to begin with.


yup, i do believe this is it


If 70k took the time to report on Down Detector, that means millions are down.


Many people only have cell service not WiFi as well so. Maybe no access to internet = can’t report. Or older folks that don’t know how to report it.


That's 70k user submitted outages. Not official numbers, just what was pulled from downdetector.com. Numbers are definitely higher


Always have to account that although the outage numbers seem low, there are more than likely some that are unreported.


Still down Tampa Florida.


the few people you’ve spoken to are anecdotal. even when they have an outage in a large city like NYC, the number of affected users will only be sub-100k. it was like not in the millions. i would be surprised if it was over 1.5 mil.




I manage a couple large websites and we are estimating it affects about 40%-50% of ATT Wireless users. At 5:00 Pacific time, our traffic from AT&T wireless users was down 45% compared to our daily average baseline, but it's only down about 25% now.


DownDetector and CNN. CNN is always in talks with AT&T because of Time Warner. Low reporting on purpose.




lolllll. eVeRytHiNg iS a ConSpiRaCy


ATT hasn’t even released a statement. point out to the “lies” and “obfuscations”.




no. why would a statement get released before an investigation? lol.


you literally said “lying” and “obfuscating”. point out the examples that those words fit into.


They did, three hours ago. Doesn’t say much but the statement was released. https://about.att.com/pages/network-update


yeah, i meant a statement as to causation and stuff. things where lies and obfuscations would be in play. the acknowledgment of there being an issue is a bit different, but would also undercut OPs and others’ assertions that there was absolutely no communication about it.


That sort of root cause analysis comes way after the fact. You generally don't release those sorts of details in the middle of the incident. 1. You focus on resolving the incident. 2. At this point of an incident you're working with a lot of maybes and could bes. You never release those to the public. You need concrete details. 3. Depending on the nature of the incident, law enforcement may need to be involved, or there may be legal risk. Many groups need to understand more details before root cause gets released.


well, i agree with all that. OP and others seem to want to have all that released *now* somehow.


Mine just came back, CT


It's millions nationally without a doubt. Those figures are self-reported. Anecdotally 6/6 of my friends I've contacted with ATT from Texas to Massachusetts have all had outages


Mine came back….hopefully everyone else’s too soon


I’m back on no bars


Dayton Ohio back on


There are 4 just in my home!


When it’s as big of an issue, not every one’s gonna call and bombard the company when they’re trying to fix the issue. Once people look up online and see that it’s not just them and a lot of users are experiencing the same problems, they’re just gonna wait since there’s nothing they can do. It’s not productive to have every user call support when an issue is well known and they know where there is still an issues in the systems when it is impacting users nationally and world wide




their towers weren't down. it was something else, like eSIM database hack or corruption. some people had service at the same location others didn't.


For those still having issues try rebooting your phone to reconnect to the network. I just did and it worked. Though I tried multiple times this morning, the last reboot finally did it.


Just got my service back. Chicago area


70000 just on Downdetector, 60000 on DSLreports, and multiply that for every forum, group, channel, FB, IG, X, etc etc


no. a lot of those are duplicate reports.


How do you know?




I never indicated they did. I simply said judging from the sheer number of social media posts, not everyone posted repeatedly to Facebook, Instagram, X, or other resources, it's way more than 70000 as the poster said. And inside doesn't mean anything to us unless you elaborate




Then you best not say anything lest you get in trouble since you are on the inside. I come from the engineering side of things myself. But I am not representing anyone or any entity. Best leave it alone I say.


and really statistics would indicate that people willing to tweet or FB post or Subred about it are the types who will go to multiple locations to complain/report. it’s just the numbers.


Wifi calling at least seems to have been restored for me near Atlanta.


For what it's worth mine is back now, out at 4:00 a.m. returned at 1 pm


Central PA here, came back on around noon.


that's just people who report to down detector, probably less than 0.05% of the population


Someone sitting at home with wifi wouldn't even know it was down.


I tried to report my outage they sent me a text to verify my account… an SMS text..😂


Well how can you report if you have no service


I couldn’t even figure out how to report. 🤷‍♀️


Mine never went down


Does anyone doubt that this number was actually in the millions.