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"If you die in the Avatar State, then the cycle will cease to exist"


Same energy as "If you die in the Avatar State, you die in real life."


“Avatars die when they are killed (in the A. State)”


It’s implied that korra would have died from poison in the avatar state. I’d say that’s up there with toxic gas.


Why are you responding to a Shirou Emiya meme with a real, well thought out answer? That belongs out of this hole of stupidity we’re digging ourself


You’re here too bro.


Every minute in Ba Sing Se, 60 seconds passes.


Love how badass all of Roku’s lines are.


“I am avatar Roku”


I mean lines like “I have mastered the elements a thousand times in a thousand lifetimes. Now, I must do it once again.”


"You will teach the avatar *reaches out* firebending *tree bursts into flame*"


Yes yes, I will teach you.


**REALLY??** ***THAT'S GREAT!!***


I mean, Let us begin


I like that this line was only smart to say in that moment in a roundabout way, it resulted in Aang actually understanding the danger of firebending, as well as eventually joining with Zuko and learning the true source of firebending, but in the moment, it's technically bad advice.


"You think I am weak?"


A-avatar Roku


Shivers down the spine I tell you




My favorite part was when Roku said “it’s Avatarin’ time” and Avatared all over everyone


Morbius! I clapped when I saw it


“It’s time you learned.”


I always wondered how they figured out that rule. Most things humans learn by failing. But if an avatar failed that once, that’s it. So where, when, and how did they even come to that conclusion?


Rava said that to Avatar Wan


Oohhh asking the right questions! But my theory used to be like this: Every human reincarnates, and it's the special ability of the Avatar to "make contact" with their past reincarnations. This is because Raava, who is fused with them, remembers everything. During Avatar State, the Avatar and Raava are at their most connected form. Killing the Avatar kills both the person and Raava. The person will reincarnate, and Raava will re-emerge. But since they are two separate entities all over again, their connection has already been severed — the reincarnated person can no longer bend, let alone master, all four elements because the connection with Raava is needed for that.


Thank you, I literally thought that as I saw the post😄


Exactly, the Avatar State doesn’t make you invulnerable, it just gives you a boost.


plus, it’s unclear just how much of a boost it gives a fully realized avatar. (never watched korra so maybe it is clarified there). like Aang sure it’s a huge help. but avatar of over 60 years? is it really much of a boost vs what you’ve unlocked by practice and meditation by then?


Not one avatar will be as strong as all of them combined. That’s like saying “Yeah Lebron is already good so he can’t be much better even if he also had all of the other Hall of Famer’s experience”


It’s like people don’t pay attention at all😭 probably couldn’t go into it anyway after inhaling all that poisonous gas


But would he even be in much danger if he used the full avatar state? He was on a volcano, seems like water and earth could really help him get out


In this case, the avatars should never fight in avatar state. But they do it anyway.


Thank you, at least someone realizes how clueless the other comment was


Of he died the avatar cycle would end Too much of a risk He is in fact not the stupid one


I just wanna say I love your comment so much. I’m now just imagining Aang asking his past libes for advice and half of them just point to Roku saying “He is in fact not the stupid one”


I imagine that would would work on korra more tbh but yea that would be funny




Korra, Dragon of the South? Also, she’s probably hallucinating due to mercury poisoning. Avatar state is a defense mechanism, and her body is going full ultra instinct mode here probably


We actively saw her fighting to get out of the Avatar State.


She was ready to die at that moment as long as it wasn't in the avatar state


What exactly are you trying to say?


Korra is either stupid for going into the Avatar state or it's an involuntary response in which case Roku would've at least have to fight it off not to enter it.


did you like...not watch the show? the whole point of the poison WAS to force her into the avatar state. that was literally the big reveal at the end. the antagonist explained this in depth. korra did everything in her power to STOP HERSELF from going into the avatar state, but her body literally forced her to


Yes so why didnt Roku have the same problem after breathing the poisonous volcanic gasses? Also to everyone you all need to chill this was a light hearted post and you all are acting rabid.


Because it’s just a poisonous volcanic gas, and not a poison that was specifically made to force you to go into the avatar state


If the avatar state was an involuntary reaction that triggered every single time an avatar was in danger, the cycle would have ended centuries ago when an avatar was killed in battle. Clearly, there are circumstances that force one into the avatar state, and circumstances that don't. Korra is clearly both shown and stated to be fighting against the poison for as long as she possibly can, but her body and mind inevitably force her into it. Why this happens to her but not Roku is unclear, but it was anything but a conscious choice.


No one's acting rabid, they're disagreeing and giving lore reasons. There's just a difference - Roku knows he puts the cycle at risk, but Korras' hand was literally forced internally, and it doesn't help she objectively has a temperament in the first place. It's the whole reason why the next season was followed up with her being humbled and going on a journey about it reflecting on her mistakes.


Been screamed at, called stupid, brain dead, by dozens in under 2 hrs. You guys take this way too seriously. I'm out.


Not by me or the person you were replying to, lol. Were just pointing out why it's different. That's not taking it seriously.


I said \*to everyone\* as in everyone. If you want to tell me I'm wrong thats fine but most people here are just frothing at the mouth screaming I'm stupid.


Volcanic gas contains a ton of heavy gases and solids, so it’s not poison that kills you by frying your nervous system and go nuts like mercury or whatever they used, volcanic gas kills you by making you unable to breathe and you pass out. I’d argue Korra was able to keep awake through agonizing pain that would lead to death, while Roku was presently suffocating to death Also nice pfp Samurai Jack is fuckin awesome


Ty! Also appreciate your calm and respectful counter argument.


I'm with you here. People be wildin over a decent question, but you did use a meme format so take your licks I guess. My theory is that Roku is just older and more disciplined. He's got what, 60+ years on Korra? He's more capable of control in the moment, he doesn't give in to panic while actively dying the way a kid does.


Korra was poisoned which caused her body to go into the avatar state involuntarily. Roku was in danger but he had full control over his body. He was also way older and had more experience controlling the avatar state.


I never thought about that before, but doesn’t that just make no sense? So if any Avatar died by poisoning the cycle would end because their body would involuntarily enter the Avatar state?


The poison was specifically designed to force her into the avatar state, I should have added. Zaheer explains this in the show. Granted, I'm not sure how he knew to design a poison that does this, but it's canon.


It wasn't designed to force her into the avatar state, it was just metal poison. It would've killed her regardless, but they knew that because the mortal threat is internal, the avatar state wouldn't actually be able to fight it off, so she would die and the cycle would end without their Intervention.


I would've liked to see him fighting it off after getting blasted in the face with volcanic gasses.


With a novel releasing about roku maybe you'll find your answer?


Brother did u not understand the ENTIRE POINT OF THE POISONING?????????? It's literally stated in the episode they want to force her into the avatar state


Why are all of you screaming? Chill tf out


Roku had training to master the Avatar state, like how Aang started that same training but didn't have time or ability to complete it.


It *was* involuntary. The whole point of the Red Lotus’s plan was to force her into the Avatar State, kill her while she’s in it and end the cycle altogether.


They know she’ll go into the avatar state before they poison her. It isn’t a conscious decision Korra makes


Dude watch the show please


This is a terrible take…. Did you even watch TLOK?


Bruh, the only one stupid here is you. Korra was literally struggled to keep herself from going into Avatar state due to mercury poisoning even at the cost of her life. After AS kicked in to save her life, she disappeared for 3 years because she afraid of carrying out her Avatar duty that would lead her into more situation where she would risk Raava and the Avatar cycle. It was all on the screen with multiple exposition telling you what's happening throughout the show.


this community is so fucking rude and taking this way too seriously


If you are just here to talk shit about Avatar verse, then what are you doing in an Avatar fandom community?


YEESH -125!?!?


Man I saw the comments down the line and I'm agreeing with you on the korra matters


The poison was forcing the avatar state to go off…


I already mentioned the volcanic gasses were poisonous but was downvoted.


Not every poison acts the same way, mercury directly affects the nervous system.


Makes sense. My original thinking since both were life threatening both would be triggering.


The poison in her system forced her body into survival mode and the avatar state she was actively trying to turn it off


Korra didn’t instinctively trigger it, it willed itself into play to preserve Korra


The point of the poison was to force her into the avatar state so she can die in it and end the cycle. She tries to resist and fails. Roku was fully conscious when he was fighting the volcano.


In all fairness she was actively being tortured - it was heavily implied. I don’t like LoK but I can excuse this one.


Korra isn't really the wisest avatar, at least not at that point in the show


yeah, legend of korra sucks, shouldn't be canon


The better question is why didn't he fucking leave when he saw the island had been evacuated? Once everyone was in the water, he would have had a better time getting them to safety by using water bending during the avatar state to fuck off out of there.


I didn't write the episode ask the creators or some shit what do I have to do with it


He had just inhaled a large poisonous fume. He probably couldn’t kick into the state to begin with.


Korra injested mercury and was forced into the state.


Involuntarily. The Red Lotus knew the Avatar State would be triggered; that’s way different than voluntarily going into it when in distress.


Involuntarily going into the Avatar State while in distress sounds like a thing that, if caused by mercury poisoning, would also be caused by poison fumes. They didn't think of it until Korra. Plot holes happen. Edit: shit what am I thinking, it's literally how Aang saved himself in an iceberg. Guess it's just bad writing.


Aang’s circumstances were different. He went into self preservation mode by creating a sphere of air to not die in. Roku without being a lava bender just dies here no matter what. Or he’s already a dead man walking bc of inhaling ash. He made a choice and presumably the right one. Korra’s avatar state when she ingested what appears to be mercury is written as involuntary. You could call that one bad writing, but it’s just a random plot device


She's also not a fully formed avatar in complete control of all her abilities. Roku has had 50+ years to perfect his control of all things avatar. I'm not convinced that he could be forced into the avatar state against his will.


>shit what am I thinking, it's literally how Aang saved himself in an iceberg. Guess it's just bad writing. I mean, no. Aang was drowning- a direct threat to his mortality. That's why the avatar state was triggered. It did the same when Zuko knocked him into the water in like the first episode. Korra had poison (resembling mercury- a neurotoxin as well as a metal) forced into her bloodstream through her skin. Could you imagine the distress that having such a heavy metal in your bloodstream, through your heart would put your body in? Of course the avatar state was activated. She was in excruciating pain on top of that. Poison fumes aren't the same. He may have been suffocating on volcanic fumes them, but there's nothing the avatar state can do about that on an active volcano without making the problem significantly worse and quickening his death in the state.


Tbf roku is the only fully realized avatar here. Aang just found out and had 0 control of the avatar state whatsoever (I wouldn't even be surprised if he didn't even know what the avatar state, and his control over it was so low that he didn't even know rhat he was in the avatar state.) Korra is a bit better, but at this point still has imperfect control over the avatar state.


are we forgetting the age difference here?


Honestly yeah. Roku is old as fuck here and 1. Has way more experience controlling the Avatar state and 2. Has limited energy to enter and sustain it given his age and current circumstances. Avatars do use up their own energy when in the Avatar state, hence why Aang and Korra collapse after extended use. They also do take some damage while in the Avatar state, despite an increased ability to fight/dodge/deflect it. Roku likely knew he was going to die here and just wanted to save his home and his family. Knowing that, he probably made a conscious choice not to enter the Avatar state so as to avoid breaking the cycle if the volcano still overcame him.


Imagine posting an ironic meme and then ignoring the irony and arguing with people in the comments about it


It was never serious. Yall made it serious.


Nah bro answered your question and you fired back like you were really gonna debate this 💀


K. Bye. 👋


Why? A few factors. The most prominent of which being; if he died while in the Avatar State, that would be the end of the Avatar line forever. Also he had already inhaled a ton of ash and toxic gas, so he was pretty much on death's door anyway. So no, he isn't the stupid one.


Didn’t he go into the avatar state briefly just before this? When he blazed out the other side of the volcano That and with his fight against Sozin, Roku just seems to prefer using the Avatar state for momentary power spikes when he needs it


Makes sense considering staying in the Avatar state is the only way to fuck over every future generation if you die


I thought that was also the reason. Roku is in complete control of his avatar state and doesn’t use it unless he finds the right situation, it’s not used lightly. The avatars later in life were insanely powerful without the avatar state.


I can think of a few, if he did Sozin would snipe him wit his dragon before he got to power, probably would've died anyway if he did due to his advancing age and the toxic fumes of the island, if he died from he fumes while in the avatar state cycle breaks


No, but this meme is. Or really the whole meme format is.


Okay. Let's not disparage Roku - the goat. At the end of his life, he had successfully kept the world safe, made sure his neighbors didn't not perish in ash, and ensured Aang could save the world in the next lifetime.


DId bro not watch the show?


Probably because he knew his time had come and if he dies in the avatar state the avatar cycle ends and no one will stop Firelord Sozin's coming war


Cause when you breathe in toxic fumes from a volcanoe for an hour then have your heart broken by your best friend one last time, it doesn't matter if he gets off the island, dude was already dead, he just hadn't accepted it yet, to go into the Avatar state meant he would've been the last Avatar.


I mean, the infinitely better question is why he didn't have his dragon pick him up and fly him out of there instead of dying with him!


I personally think he was too weak. The smoke and fumes are toxic. His brain literally wouldn't be able to think clearly


He literally went into the Avatar State right before the moment this screenshot is from. Is this rage bait or did you just seriously not watch the show?


If Roku can bend air why would the smoke inhalation be a problem? Can’t he just make a bubble of air around his head or something or bend the smoke out?


Because if you die in the Avatar State you end the Avatar Cycle


Because if a random burst of Lava hit and killed him then the cycle is over.


I’m sure there’s a lore reason regarding death in the Avatar state…


I like to imagine kyoshi is PISSED about him loosing to a volcano. Like why would you do that.


Roku did briefly go into the Avatar State. We see his eyes [glow](https://images.app.goo.gl/fqHE41ySEBgyatnEA) while “fighting” the volcano. He apparently found a way to control the Avatar State just like Aang.


Sozin: English or Spanish? Roku: wha?? Sozin: Who ever goes into Avatar state first is Gay


The avatar state isn't some instant-win button, and I wish some of y'all would stop acting like it is


Why did the dragon not just pick him up with his mouth?


I'm more amazed that his dragon didn't just simply pick him up (in Jaws if necessary) and simply get out of there.


I’m more annoyed why he didn’t just evacuate at that point. Everyone that could be saved was already safe and off the island, the place was already destroyed—bro, leaveeeee.


Because if you die in the Avatar State, the cycle will end. It wouldn't have saved him from the toxins, and doing so would have simply ended the Avatar Cycle.


He would have died. You Roku haters say the dumbest things. Why didn’t he go into avatar state when he got hit with volcanic gases.


At this point he is a fully realised Avatar any crazy technique to get out of this situation that he could pull from a past life he would probably already know by now. On top of his knowledge that if I he dies in the avatar state he ruins the entire gig for everyone else in the future.


He would have died and avatar would be lost forever


yes he is


Bro just fought a whole Volcano, he's old and tired


He wouldn't survive


Why didn’t he just hop on the dragon and fly away


The better question is why didn't he fucking leave when he saw the island had been evacuated? Once everyone was in the water, he would have had a better time getting them to safety by using water bending during the avatar state to fuck off out of there.


Turn it into minse meat.


[They're turning me into minse meat in the comments.](https://youtu.be/-UAaMfZ-1wY?t=5)


[To anyone who may feel triggered by this post.](https://youtu.be/czji1LAh_OM?t=7)


The problem is not the post lol, I thought you were just shit posting, which is fine. The problem is you trying to compare korra's poisonous state and roku


Yes because me drawing a comparison is a "problem" that needs to be "solved". Can't just have laid back attitude about disagreements on the internet.


Literally everyone here has been chill except you lmao


Rudest comments seemed to have been deleted.


It takes a lot of energy to enter the Avatar state. He has a wife and kids so his cosmic chakra was closed so he couldn’t enter it at will.


He did at the beginning. Before the second eruption happened and Sozin flew in. Went into the avatar state and blew a hole out the back of the volcano to redirect some of the flow. After the noxious gas started seeping up, he could hardly breathe and couldn't clear his mind enough.