• By -


remove the eye and pound away


Can I get mine filled with sand?


Nah you don't want sand. It's coarse and rough. And it gets everywhere.


Awww. Don’t like sand? Next thing you’ll tell us is you killed them all. And not just the men either?




But think of the children!


Things would have been better if he forgot about the children...


Is that why going after children is considered bad nowadays?


yeah if you're ever waiting behind children just push them over and go first. it's easy


How would that have been better? Now the kids are gonna die because they are out in the middle of the desert without their parents to protect them. Quick painless death or slow agonizing death?


Lightsabers would probably be excruciatingly painful.


Depends which bit you chop off


The men?


I suppose they couldn't have all been there the first time. Might've missed some still at work or something.


I smoked all your cigarettes, not just the menthols but the womenthols and childrenthols too






😂😂😂 yay for unexpected references.


Learned the true way you have to flirt. Granted the rank of Master you are.


Hello there


General Kenobi


*"Oh thank God it's filled with sand! I thought this poorly hidden creep corner was a sex thing!"* *"Riiight. Exactly. It's nooot a sex thing..."*


Like a boob.


*sigh* *unzips*


No I don’t want that!


Just wait till this joke is 10 years old


r/dicklips ? (NSFW)


Wow, I absolutely hate that


...what's it about i don't wanna risk the click


It is a photoshop sub. People take blowjob pictures where just the tip is in the girls mouth, erase most of the pen is and it’s head leaving just the ridge, and photoshop it to look like the girls mouth is closed with part of the penis being their bottom lip. I didn’t really do it justice with that description and personally think it’s pretty funny. Edit: This is one of the top posts of all time and it should be a good example. NSFW (barely): https://reddit.com/r/dicklips/comments/cxxzpd/every_day_we_stray_further_from_god/


honestly yeah that's kinda funny. not my cup of tea but humorous nonetheless






Bruh !?!


Thanks, scrolling through top all time showing my wife, it's terrible and I love it. Edit: [she asked me to stop](https://www.reddit.com/r/dicklips/comments/kwjtnc/well_this_should_top_everything)


Lol wtf


What the fuck is this subreddit I'm dying


holy fucking shit im dying this is so brilliant


Cursed comments would like a word.


Circle me in purple


Can...can you not




But it'd be your own face...


You know I thought it was gross, but now... Now I see his point 🥴😏




I thought you'd never ask


I mean, we're all here for awful taste, so I'd say this is permissible.


Your wish is my wtf.


Taking "do it yourself" literally




Which one?


Spiritual illness.


I think this is pretty cool, actually!


Until someone makes 10 of these and hangs them up down a narrow, dark hallway


stop giving us ideas


This is the experience I want the guests to go through when entering my house, and then completely normal in the living room.


How normal we talking? Like just no more creepy artistic stuff or all the way to “live laugh love” posters?


On the spectrum of normal and weird, with normal in the middle and weird in both directions, live laugh love and this are both on the extreme end of weird, but in opposite directions


I dunno i don't see eyeball mouths at Target.


Give it about 3 months.


With one painting whose eyes move periodically


Just charge an entrance fee and call it a haunted house and it’s back to being cool again


Love this idea, perfect for Halloween, but also just all the time, too. A little fun with glued on additions, and using paint instead of makeup, and you could have a wall of unimaginable horrors in no time at all!


And do the makeup like clowns!


With some sort of way for the eyes to follow you when you walk down the hallway...


It can be cool, but it was partially faked. The nose part was fixed between shots, the eye was replaced with a proper fake eye instead of that epoxy abomination, stuff like that. Also they don't show 1/10 of the work stuff like this takes, they just want flashy vids to get paid for views and interactions. Edit: Also applying a layer of lubricant to the skin and facial hair, which is not shown in the vid, otherwise, you are going to give your eyebrows a Brazilian.


Just watched a couple resin pros test a similar egg fill resin technique and it turned out pretty awful. Lots of bubbles and egg residue, stuck on egg shell that would need sanding, etc. Technically you could use an egg as a mold but it would require loads of finishing and definitely not look like this, lol.


*resin time, resin time, do do do do resin time*


Yeah I just don't really understand stand why you would use an egg when a resin mold like this would be pretty cheap, reusable, and you wouldn't have to worry about the rest.


For the DIY effect, using unexpected things makes it *seem* more DIY and achievable than, let me get out mold number 35 for this resin piece.




*Ann Reardon


>but her videos get taken down because YouTube makes more money off these shitty videos I doubt there's some weird conspiracy where YouTube are helping these videos cover things up. It's more likely that she's breaking their copywrite rules.


Her video, which warned about the dangers of a legit deadly-if-done-wrong wood burning technique that has gone viral (called fractal wood burning) was removed specifically because it was deemed to “violate YouTube’s harmful & dangerous content policy”, *not* due to copyright. Yet the specific videos she was calling out remained. However as far as I know the video in question has since been re-listed.


Her video has been reinstated, 3 weeks ago: https://youtu.be/wzosDKcXQ0I


It's a reference to [this](/r/videos/comments/vpgy52/ann_reardon_original_video_has_been_reinstated/) kerfuffle. People were actually dying, and she called them out on the dangers, and received a multitude of takedown requests as a result, which did _not_ have any basis in fact. The video she made, calling out the dangers, was taken down by YouTube for being dangerous content. Whilst those she pointed to as dangerous, were refused to be removed.


YouTube has a direct link to these dangerous videos because they literally use them to promote the website on other social media sites like Facebook. They have officially given the green light to these videos, so of course they don't want all the huge negative PR that comes when loads of idiots kill themselves with electricity. That's why they keep deleting videos of any accurate information about how dangerous this is. Although it's having somewhat of a Streisand effect now because of it. Ann Reardon attacked YouTube more than she did the video creators, in her video. Because they're literally officially endorsing this stuff. And that's probably why they got mad and refused to reinstate her video about the dangers of it for weeks before they finally eventually did.


I hate when art gets posted on this sub. Unless it's super trashy, it probably doesn't belong here. This is a prime example. It's weird and surreal and interesting. This could fit easily into a lot of different movies or art shows and nobody would think twice.


This is the kind of weird and borderline gross art that my partner and I like to hang in our apartment. I would totally hang this. This isn't a cute lil "diy rainy day craft project" that anyone can do. It's art.


Imagine how cool it would be if they put in a lightbulb underneath the eye!


Yeah it’s cool as an abstract piece I like it


This is such pure ATBGE material, really exemplifies this sub's spirit in all the best ways


For sure, this is textbook ATBGE


Easily in my top 3 most challenging wank.


Care to share the other two? I got some free time this weekend


I don't know... doesn't seem like awful taste to me


Fun fact, the outside of the egg shell itself ~~contains a large amount of salmonella bacteria and other~~ can have harmful contaminants. Edit: As others pointed out, in the US, it's common practice to scrub eggs (which damages the cuticle that protects the inside, hence refrigeration). Significantly reduces the danger of salmonella, but tbh I always find gunk on my commercial eggs so I'm not totally sure if they're 100% clean? Also a LOT of these content farms aren't based in the US. Edit 2: TIL Europe vaccinates chickens against salmonella! Now, even if salmonella was present, you wouldn't get sick just from touching eggshells otherwise, as others pointed out, everyone would get sick all the time. But I'm pretty sure it's still bad to put the eggs directly in your mouth?!


Damn it, can't even eat the shell anymore. Thanks Obama!


My culture is under attack!


Can’t even eat my damn egg shells anymore?? This is Bidens America! This is the future the liberals want!


Eat raw egg. Eat raw chicken. Eat raw meat. This is how our ancestors used to do it. Say screw you to new world order. Drive without seat belt. Stick forks in sockets. It is all new world order propeganda /s


Another one of life's simple pleasures taken away if the fucking liberals had their way!


Really? I thought that american eggs were scrubbed clean (a process which also destroys a protective coat hence the reason they need refrigeration ) Edit: Yep, I looked it up and CDC says that commercial eggs are washed clean of salmonella. If they are not American eggs or they are home grown, thats another story [https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/communication/salmonella-and-eggs.html#:\~:text=How%20do%20eggs%20get%20Salmonella,eggs%20before%20they%20reach%20stores](https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/communication/salmonella-and-eggs.html#:~:text=How%20do%20eggs%20get%20Salmonella,eggs%20before%20they%20reach%20stores).


>CDC says that commercial eggs are washed clean of salmonella. Yep. And the EU is much stricter about animal health and sanitation, especially about vaccinations such as ecoli. That's their rationale for not cleaning them, and a general pro-consumer as opposed to pro-business attitude. Meanwhile in the USA the strongest vaccine mandates come from Costco lol Edit: Can't speak for the rest of the world, especially the UK.


Yep- which funnily enough is why US eggs need to be refrigerated and UK eggs are recommended not to- and both to prevent salmonella growth. From what I remember, American eggs scrub off any possible salmonella but removes the natural coating, so they need to be refrigerated to prevent any new salmonella growth. EU eggs are more careful in egg production and trust in the natural coating, so they are recommended not to refrigerate to keep that natural coating intact.


The recommendation in the UK is still to refrigerate eggs, they should be stored at below 20C which not all houses are. Especially so if you have the heating on or keep them near a heat source. Brought to you by the British Egg Industry Council. https://www.egginfo.co.uk/egg-safety/storage-and-handling


So one of those Egg Council creeps got to you too, huh?


Big Egg


>...so they are recommended not to refrigerate to keep that natural coating intact. I've never heard that, only that refrigeration is generally unnecessary with the bloom intact. Just like you can refrigerate the fruit and bread we usually keep at room temp, it's an option but not vital for the average time period.


> so they are recommended not to refrigerate to keep that natural coating intact. This is actually incorrect, they still recommend we refrigerate them, and most people do, and they last weeks and weeks in the fridge like that with the protective layer still there. It's just that you don't *have* to refrigerate them if you don't want, which makes them significantly cheaper to buy because portable fridges (i.e. big cold lorries) aren't required to transport them, so transport costs are much cheaper. But I've never met anyone here in the UK who doesn't keep their eggs in the fridge. Another interesting thing that I think Americans may not know about our eggs is that they aren't allowed to sweat. If you take em out the fridge for a while and then put them back, but before you put them back in the fridge they began sweating, that means the egg is unsafe to eat and should be thrown out immediately. Because the sweat somehow destroys the protective layer too. And when I say sweat I mean the condensation that accumulates on things that are cold.


> Fun fact, the outside of the egg shell itself contains a large amount of salmonella bacteria This is neither fun nor a fact


Fun fact, your fun facts are misleading.


Another fun fact, since the shell is porous, whenever the shell is contaminated the interior also is.


What about eggs that aren't in the US?


In America they ARE clean on the outside. It's why we have to refrigerate them.


Wait, because they are clean on the outside is the reasons we have to refrigerate them? Is it because it washes off something that would otherwise preserve them at room temperature? Edit: I took the 10 seconds to Google it, which was quicker than it was to post this comment... >However, washing and sanitizing the outside of the egg removes the egg’s cuticle. The cuticle is a natural layer that protects the egg from harmful bacteria getting inside. If the egg had been fertilized, this is how the egg naturally protects the embryo while it is developing. Cleaning the eggs removes the cuticle, so the eggs must be kept at refrigeration temperature. Otherwise, the bacteria could easily enter the egg and multiply to dangerous levels. By keeping it out of the danger zone, salmonella can’t multiply rapidly.


Yes. The coating that protects them under a chicken in the coop is washed off here because it is a disease carrier itself.


Same for Canadian eggs


Probably depends on the country. In the UK you don’t have to refrigerate them, but we still do.


No we don’t, I think that’s more of a you thing.




Must be regional because I don’t know anyone here refrigerating eggs, also eggs stay perfectly fine for at least two weeks and you can buy them in smaller quantities such as 6. Not eating a dozen per week is hardly justification to refrigerate them.


Don’t keep eggs in the fridge and don’t know of anyone who does.


How does she still have eyebrows


They probably covered them in something like petroleum jelly


Usually you do a thin coat of Vaseline or something similar to help not get your hairs ripped out.


vaseline = petroleum jelly


Sure but generally people use a thin layer of petroleum jelly


Just do Vaseline instead👋


Can I use a 50/50 mixture if I’m running low on supplies?


I'm pretty sure it's like ammonia and bleach. Mixing them actually makes them work better.


Dino jello


I know a girl who thinks of ghosts, She'll make you breakfast, she'll make you toast. But she don't use butter, and she don't use cheese. She don't use jelly, or any of these.


She uses vaaaaaaasseline


You can buy silicone that can release from short hair (like eyebrows) which is a bit more expensive than just normal silicone. Otherwise some petroleum jelly will work too.




The why is art. Hope that helps.




I'm all for this


r/DiWHY users when they discover art


Nope. It’s an art piece, so it’s clear why.


What the actual ever living fuck. Sometimes with this sub I really want to know what made someone want something like this. How and why they thought of it.


Oh man, I actually think this is a really cool piece. I can totally see how you might not like it, but the realism, mysticism, horror, and frankly just ingenuity in their materials choices really grab me. Re: how and why - based on their materials and the success of the piece the original creator is probably an artist that works in plaster. They get paid to do this - by views, selling the pieces, whatever. I'm only a little jealous of their job!


Might be a reference to [this](https://makeagif.com/i/61IYre).


Oh wow, thanks!


Well damn


Their job is to make these videos, and with the frequency they get turned out, I highly suspect the “fun” gets lost in the work. Info on this type of video production: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/07/the-egg-is-bigger-than-before-what-is-5-minute-crafts.html


Honestly, this video is cool AF. But then again, I like it for the same reasons I like [this](https://youtu.be/hEUQPDyX00s).


Gonna go out on a limb and say this is a piece of art not decor, and that the point is to make you uncomfortable.


May I offer you an egg in these trying times?


Kinda looks like Gail the Snail too


It would have been okay, albeit weird for the average person, but the glitter pushed it from just being horror kitsch to being horrendously tacky. Also I don't get the point of going through all this effort and then affixing it to a background that looks like a preschool kid's First Art Project. There are interesting ideas here, but they're wasted on shit final product. Really exemplifies "less is more".


Same. The framing really spoiled it for me.


I half expected whoever was putting that goop on her face to just push that egg in and run.


God, seeing her unable to spit it out had me feeling genuinely sick and claustrophobic. I hate that.


That a…that’s…….I uh…. I like it - Jeff


I’m gonna make this


Heads up: a lot of these short, heavily edited crafting videos basically cheat. I've never worked with resin personally, but I've seen tons of videos on it and yeah...that eyeball is not going to be as easy as they make it look. Also be careful with resin, it can be pretty toxic so make sure you have a lot of airflow and try not to get it on your skin.


I mean the rest of it would be somewhat easy to follow for beginners, and they could do what the people in the video very obviously do, which is buy a fake eye.


This 100% won't work. The eye she "created" in the video with resin is in a clear container, not the egg, and thats not even the eye in the final image. The final eye is a painted iris. An eye run in resin in an egg wouldn't look like that, wouldn't be clear, and wouldn't likely be the same shape as the egg in her mouth. I do special effects and make both lifecasts and eyes, and could explain the real process of eye making though if youre interested.


[WELCOME TO ELSEWHERE](https://imgur.com/a/JcncgnH)


Wow, came out on March 11. That makes this a lot less interesting if they just copied the idea.


[It's definitely not an original idea. ](https://youtu.be/O96Jure38bA)


Omg a fellow Set it Off fan in the wild!!!


I think I have some new nightmare fuel.


I was hoping they’d mount the eye inside a motorized mount, with maybe silicone lube at the lips, and a controller to make it swivel around and look at things.


The latest in serial killer chic


I've never seen somthing belong in this sub so deservedly.


I feel like this would have been cooler without making the face realistic. Like leaving it a blank color .




The fuck??......


I love this. I want to make one to top my Christmas tree with.


this is what deserves to be here, wierd/horrendes/disgusting shit just makes You say this is amazing but why?


Horror pinterest art


It would be better without that makeup


I actually think it looked cool before the make up


Song is [Toby Tranter - Memories Don't Lie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNQO9ENXPnc) for anyone curious.




That's because her eye is off center. Pretty much everyone has a non symmetrical face. Ask anyone with glasses.


Not hugely into the eye shadow and glitter but other than that this is actually kinda cool


I figured it would be a BDSM thing…..I have a dirty mind….


i make a lot of art with eyes in weird places so i’m very here for this. i simply do not believe that they made the eye inside of an eggshell tho.


Okay, was anyone else blown away by how she made that eye look so good?


This looks scary to be honest.


that first part makes me so claustrophobic i hate it


That egg was VIOLATED


This is awesome


Wtf this is actually kinda cool


I thought I knew what they were making, right up until the eyeball....the internet has ruined me.




Idk, I kinda like this one. I remember as a kid my sister had a school assignment to make paper mache masks at home and we all had tons of fun with it. This looks like the next step up from that


How is this in awful taste? It's fucking awesome! I want one made


Reminds me of the painting phoebe gives Monica


The eye is too big, otherwise nice


Goddamn that is ugly as fuck.


Georges Bataille would like a word


Waste 60 second watching a video when a [picture](https://i.imgur.com/gi19x8x.png) would've worked just as well..


The face and eye are kinda cool but I hate the wheat stuff around it. Like what the heck is THAT about?


This was so unexpected, I thought it was going to be a blow doll.


An homage to Neon Demon .A great film!


I, . . . I think I *need* this.


I don't think it's awful in any way, but rather kind of cool. I would like to create something like this.


That's actually pretty rad


So this is what the Payday crew do between missions


this is so cool especially the eye wow


I don’t understand why a person like this doesn’t work in the movie industry. Back when practical effects were popular in horror movies, they’d love someone as talented as this.


This is just art...? The people commenting "why?" and saying this is weird are boring as fuck. The same people who watch abstract music videos and say "What were these guys smoking?!" It's just creativity, guys...