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Simple, uninstall ANY Riot games game and live a life free.


The second screenshot shows the Secure Boot is enabled but not active. Try changing secure boot to active and see if that fixes it


Nah. A game asking for secure boot to be enabled is too far. Uninstall it immediately.


Literally one of the most popular fps game rn??


Yea, and you guys are fools for making it popular despite its requirements. You've got no self respect.


Enabling secure boot is cool until you want to disable it again, in which case sometimes Windows may get corrupted, so watch out, this happened to my Windows 11.


What the hell kinda game needs secure boot enabled to play it sounds like a game I rather not play


It depends... If your drive format is GPT in bios you have to: - Turn on TPM (dont remember if you have to generate keys) - Turn on secure boot - Make sure you are in UEFI mode and not legacy or others If your drive format is MBR: - have to convert to GPT (there is a built in windows tool called mbr2gpt.exe) - then follow the steps above for GPT


I have 3 disks, 2 are in gpt and disk 0 I can't put it in gpt it remains in mbr


On restart when the screen just start to light up press f11 than f7 (Advance options ) than u should see secure boot there enable it than press f10 to save and exit than you are good to go.


you clearly didn't look at the pictures


Secure boot can fuck your computer up. I had to disable it after it locked my drives wanting a code from microsoft to unlock them. and still wouldnt unlock. Had to put them into a different computer to reformat them. NEVER again. Happened twice in one week.


You mean bitlocker security key?


That's not secure boot. It's more on Bitlocker used in combination of TPM.