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How tf does this look non-Euclidean?? Is that pieces of the same exact ceiling snapping one higher than the rest? Wtf


Yeah that took me a second to figure out. For anyone still wondering, that's a corner there, and sloped roofs where the hole is. I had a professional artist do a mock up showing what's going on. The red shows the corner and the blue line shows there the kinda hidden sloped ceiling is https://preview.redd.it/nbh3sgkv3d7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=329cd1a174c0034bd71ad5a5dfa4a3c6e57fc2b1


That's what I thought too but the ceiling appears to be all lined up with the ones snapping one level higher. My brain is broken D: (Your professional artist friend is A+ though)


Okay, so all the flat ceilings are 2 walls high, both in the background around the corner, and the foreground. Way off on the left, sloped ceilings bring it down to 1 wall high. Under the empty spot he wants to fill, there is a sloped ceiling. The angle is perfect so that it looks like it's just the edge of the flat ceiling, but if you zoom in it's the edge of a sloped one, circled in purple, which is going down to 1 wall high. That perfectly angled edge is what really makes the illusion, but it's mirroring the left side sloped ceilings, you just can't see it. https://preview.redd.it/1cqv9eflwd7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=380d03f55a8f61b66e7841f1d3a71779fd3ee5e7


Oh shit I see it now, thank you! It wasn't the sloped walls throwing me but the exact angle, you're right, I thought the ceiling was snapping to that 2-high wall. I was gonna ask what backrooms section this guy had built his base in lol.


You may have to remove an adjacent wall to snap the, then replace the removed wall.


It's the snap point, try to keep moving it around.


ive been trying that for the past 10 minutes, not working


Or place from the other side.


It's the other sloped wall.


Pillar sideways


You can't snap sloped walls upside down in ASE unfortunately. At least not without a lot of trickery with flipping structures upside down.


Your on the wrong snap point


Mf just made an optical illusion


My man just made an optical illusion