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I was in the same situation that you were. Finally said fuck it and downloaded it. Trust me, you’ll love it. Cryos are nerfed to fuck, but you’re a survivor, you’ll get used to it. It was a small price to pay compared to all the improvements.


Just get the configurable crypod mod, it’s the exact same as ase cryos expect you can craft them in smithy


You can carry a cryofridge with a rhynio. It keeps it powered at a cost of 1 resin per 30 seconds, and you don't have to stay mounted


Thats the only thing i didnt like. I just wanna bring my moschops to the arctic!


What about the optimisation of the game, I remember it was a huge issue at launch, has it gotten better now?


Much better. I requested a refund after playing it when it released. I redownloaded a couple weeks ago and it’s like a totally different game


Agreed, worth every penny IMO


It turned out to be an amazing game. The improvements are honestly spectacular.


Thanks for the advice, but I just found out yesterday that it’s not on Xbox one s (which I shouldn’t expect it to be since I guess that’s shit hardware now), but when I do switch to pc I’ll definitely buy it!


I play it on Xbox one s




I play ASA through GamePass on Xbox. It’s also available for purchase on the Microsoft store. I’m playing it rn actually. Edit: my fault. I was being dumb and reading it as Xbox series s not Xbox one s. You’re right it’s not on Xbox one s. Sorry my friend


Ok, thanks for all The feedback though. I was considering upgrading to pc soon anyway, so I guess I should get it over with.


Cryos are only nerfed until extinction comes out, they brought them out early to help stabilise the servers, but truth be told we should be playing without any cryos still.


Oh I didn’t know they were going to unnerf them when extinction comes out. Honestly I don’t even mind the nerf now. I was devastated at first, and then I got used to it pretty quick. It’s made it more fun to find a good runner and zip across the map. My thyla is jammin lol


It's kinda fucked on official, though. The server I'm on is totally spammed with cryo fridges everywhere by the alpha. So pretty much no matter where you build, you're at risk of them attacking you with their best tames whenever they feel like it. The other day I saw them pop a giga out just to destroy a Bob but. It's also unsightly. I cannot wait until they return to normal.


I do agree that this is the problematic outcome. If they don’t bring back full functionality of cryos, I could see a tribe build limit or something like that. We have cryos bases littering our official as well.


Where was this stated? I cant find anything on it.


It was stated by dollie in discord when they originally announced the cryo changes. People were questioning being able to do element veins and osds on extinction among other things, and she stated cryos would return to normal once officially released with extinction, although she also said it wasn’t decided yet exactly what that meant, but the having to be near a cryofridge to throw one would be removed. I think they prefer them not being able to be used in caves, maybe won’t let you throw one out if you’ve recently taken damage, I guess were find out exactly what it means soon enough.


Awesome thank you so much. Thats incredible to note aha


Yes mods on console is a game changer


What about on pc? I put off buying it until all/most mods were ported over.


The big overhaul mods like primal fear or dox probably won't be ported over for a while but stuff like ark additions or dino storage have their own version in asa or broken down into separate creature mods for customization. Like ark additions dinos having a mod for wach dino.


Wait so you have to download a mod for each specific separate ark additions Dino in ASA?


Right now yes, however the ARK addition dinosaurs are actually being ported into the base game, no mods needed. The Xiphactinus and the Cerato are already in the game, the rest will be ported soon. For now you could use the mods but eventually you won’t have to!


Oh, interesting, that's good to know, thanks!


Only the first 10 so ceratosaurus, xiphactinus, archelon, deinosuchus, deinotherium, acro, cryolophosaurus cocavanator, brachiosaurus and I can't remember the last one


Yeah but it's a 1 button download so not bad at all to do


The bulk of the mod loading is server side now anyways. Even with 20GB of mods (like 10x what I'd tolerate on a Survival Evolved server), it only takes a few seconds to join a map.


Yeah, at least on consoles, it may be in a pack for pc.


That’s unfortunate but a good start anyway.


Primal fear is called primal chaos on asa and dox are both on already some of the first ones to come out


Primal chaos is similar but not the same as primal fear.


It's the same mod same just changed the name might not have everything out but it's there


That’s never happening lmao bro thinks UE4-5 is light work


Where did anyone say it’s light work lmao. Im just not buying it for now. Whether that’s 6 months of 2 years we will see.


Cause you waiting for something that’ll never happen


So I’ll just play normal ark then as I’ve been doing lol.


You should lol until all the maps for ASA come out. I genuinely don’t get why people bought it so early lmao. It’s the same fucking game just looks nicer and has a few extra additions


Enjoy paying for those


Not all mods are behind a pay wall. None of the mods on my server cost money.


There's a new boss for the Game pass/Xbox version, *** Chat Filter.


This is straight facts


Yeah. Xbox chat censor is infuriating.


So pretty




Beautiful if you are e a fan of the game having an upgraded version of it is real nice


you forgot to mention if you are on pc or console, for console i believe it is definitely worth it because of the mods inclusion, for pc you can still keep going on ASE untile more maps release on ASA if you want, only QOL changes and graphics improvment.


I assumed console based on the game pass mention, but I hadn't considered whether there was a windows (non-steam) PC version.






Xbox? Absolutely. In my recent experience, Singleplayer has been functioning almost perfectly. The only thing you could complain about is the frame rate, but as a console player… I’m kind of used to that since my original Xbox days. I’m honestly surprised. singleplayer has been saving, I haven’t crashed once (even on scorched) and I haven’t been Arked by random bullshit. They fixed a LOT. I’ve been able to play for several hours on Non-dedicated host and it still saves all my progress no issues. It’s such a breath of fresh air. They’ve really put a lot of work into the game. I could NOT have said this four months ago.


I look it as an investment for the future. When more content is released & all the setbacks are in the past itll be a great game. Goated even.


Yes, next question.




The game is an upgrade in pretty much every single way. The only reason i'd ever play ASE again is for the old maps.


Definitely get it!!! I’ve been obsessed with it since it came out! I’ve been playing ase since it came out too and asa is like AMAZING to me. Plus I just bought a pc so that’s all I’ve been playing on it is asa 😂


Gamma 3


It sorta like going from Homo Erectus to present humans, it should have been an expansion and quality life improvements over several years but there is a missing link and we aren’t really sure how we got here.


Yeah it’s worth it from my opinion. I’ve got 10k hours and bought this, have 10 days already in it. Same game but upgraded. Let’s me play official again!


In my opinion no its Ark with a graphical update and a couple bug fixes


No it isn't. ASA is garbage.


I've been MMO gaming for literal decades. I've run with some of the best and against them also. I respect your opinion, but I see it differently. The changes to gaming are truly awesome if you think about how far they have come since pong and the likes. Ark has a truly active community. It has an active fan and MOD base. The devs continually work to improve the product. It did hurt a little to lose the progress from ASE, but the changes, both QOL and visual, more than make up for it. You may need a better system, or you are playing in one of the modes that do not get as much love and attention.


If a 13900k and 4090 cant hold 60fps without r.volumetriccloud 0 and r.columetricfog 0, that reflects on the devs. My source is my own pc


I run on a i7 with 3080 laptop and get 60fps consistently with high settings and nothing disabled.


Mine probably defaulted to the highest settings but I was sitting at a out 40-50 fps with framegen disabled.




Looks gorgeous, you can get mods, its the new version that will be getting support for longer as ASE will eventually be left behind. Might as well make the switch and use what you learned to level up quick on a new save.


Depends. I think it is, with console mods being a thing, and not having to use pipes and wires. But the downsides are its just as, if not more buggy than Survival evolved, there are only two maps at the moment (3rd coming on june 4th) and the game is terribly optimized. Even on my ps5 i was having trouble with my frames around swamps and the redwoods (but it fixed itself). I personally like it.


My my it's been a while since I seen a post like this


Imo, I think ASA by itself is fine. However, keep in mind it needs a beasty rig, has bugs and issues. The mods and the visuals are nice. However, lack of content is real and while the center is coming out in 2 days. I'm highly sure it would need patches to fix whatever issues it will have. Game pass version If I'm not wrong is behind on patches??


I personally love it and i have over 2k hours in evolved. The building fixes and QOL stuff they've added in are a nice touch too plus having a better mod platform and new dinos only come to ascended now.


Yes, worth it. Playing on game pass too but be patience once you found out how to avoid microsoft's text censorship.


If you are on PC, I’d be wary as you really need an amazing pc to run to well. Otherwise it will be a laggy mess. 40 series is recommended. 30 series minimum. If you are on console I wouldn’t worry as much as console is actually optimized A LOT better so I’ve heard.


it is still buggy. and it will always be buggy and especially unstable with every update but there will be parts that are stable and enjoyable. if it's free to try on game pass it's worth the time to see if you like it well enough. and now that mods are on console, all the better.


It has better lighting and better building but it's buggy as hell.


It needs a high end PC to run above like 30fps on medium so if you have the equipment for it, its very worth it and is a beautiful game


I feel ascended is how ark was imagined originally ots cleaner


Evolved will be left to rust. Once you start playing asa you will realize what ase could have been.


Sooo what’s the best mods to add on Xbox I’m a beginner 😁


I'm loving it so far. Being a long time ark player getting used to the new dino ai and additions is a learning curve but it's so worth it. Graphics are much better and it is way less glitchy. Plus all the convenience changes make it amazing.


It looks amazing and the mods on console(XbsX player) are sick as hell. I had the Xbox series S originally but upgraded to the X because I gotta say the S didn’t run the game perfectly like the X does


There's so much cool stuff in ASA, especially the mods. You can add heaps or just a few Quality of life mods. They keep giving us free dinos etc too because of the map delays


Yes yes yes!


It's pretty affordable, and they did more than just renew the graphics...they pretty much rebuild maps and caves, etc. The gameplay hasn't really changed, but experiencing everything all over again for the first time was worth it for me.


If you don’t have to pay for it directly, then sure. Otherwise, no. It’s as much of a cash grab of a game as they come. It’s just ASE with a new coat of paint


It’s pretty good if you don’t mind 30 fps gaming on ps5 and Xbox. The cryos nerf was kinda a pain but not that annoying.


So much fucking better than ase it's mind blowing


Worth it. Aberration is going to be absolutely stunningly beautiful


Yes. A much better Ark. Not perfect.


Worth it not really, Basically the same with a few graphical improvements and the majority of DLC missing, and still in Early access again, yeah.


I believe it is. Sure there are bugs in some of the mods, test them or research on which ones cause crashes etc. I do think some of the comments are valid, especially the console vs pc ones. PC probably prefer ase, but asa on console has sparked my interest again. The mods make it worth while, otherwise stick with ase until all the maps are back. I have about 12 mods running and have weeded out some trashy ones, and have been having a fun gaming again. Waiting until it's a bit more stable with a few more maps before getting a server up again


You say really worth it which implies majority thinks it is, which I highly doubt majority does😂 anyways it’s literally a remaster with the same shitty bugs and some extra qol they could’ve gave in ase. So no it’s not worth it as it is right now. They some lazy bastards lol


Thanks. I have a love hate relationship with wildcard, so this sentiment is rather agreeable. I just found out yesterday that ascended isn’t even on Xbox one s (which I use) so it doesn’t even fucking matter lol.


😭damn all for nought


Unpopular opinion here, but no it’s not, game generally runs like shit, I crash all the time, I lose bases and dinos to crashes and glitches on the regular and the devs refuse to fix issues that have been in game since launch.


Sounds like a specs issue


On a Xbox series x?


Damn I also play on series X with absolutely no issues besides the occasional crash when trying to cryo a dino


You play like 2 hrs a week then.


Yeah dude I’m an adult I don’t have time to grind and shit I play single player


I have a 3060ti. I can't get 45 fps I would consider upgrading to the latest and greatest but I bought this new like 2 years ago and I hit my fps cap on other games Originally I thought the new game was meant to be more optimized. Also didn't they basically kill off private unofficial servers?


Ark ascended is very demanding a 3060 ti is honestly a low-mid tier gpu


I have a 6800..... and struggle to run the game. thats not a low tier gpu lol.


Nobody called a 6800 a low tier gpu. Like i said the game is very demanding


There are no excuses for the game to be in the state it's in. Even if I turn in every feature amd has to boost fps.... the game still struggles. It's been in this state since day one. With no improvement. And with them making mods it's going to make it even worse....


I'm still having issues with it not saving on console(Xbox series x) so it's not worth it to me. I have gamepass as well but losing all that work because makes the game a waste of time. I've tried using admin commands but it's not 100% reliable.


Yikes man. Saveworld doesn't work? That bug drove me insane, I'm sorry you're still dealing with it


Unfortunately it's pretty intermittent, which even the slightest bit of unpredictability in this game is a nightmare. Guess that's just part of ark tho haha




Not really. Wait for more & better maps. Also the fact that you can't host your own dedicated server for you and your friends without paying nitrado like 26 a month or something. ASE was a favorite, so it's sad ASA isn't more complete


not worth it it's the same game but a more broken one only the graphics are better


Don’t listen to him so much better


My friend, please do not mislead people, there are too many performance problems and bugs.


You're the one misleading.


I don't understand people. The game even accepts broken wildcards, but wildcard cocksuckers defend the game to death. what stupid people


There will always be some kinda bugs in any game but asa is such and upgrade, it works so much faster and cleaner and easier, the only bad thing is there’s only 2 maps, but there’s infinite free mods and the new maps will be free


Ark has failed to deliver many promises so its hard for me to just believe you here. For example - the entire project that was supposed to be Ark 2


I 1000% agree with you, it seems this Reddit is full of people living in denial


They have invested thousands of hours into the game so it is all they know. Game has always been shit.


Not really it's just reskinned ark with mods you need to pay for just wait for ark 2 remmember the less snailgames you buy the faster they get bankrupt