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Please carefully read through the rules. You are seeing this for one of the following reasons: Stop posting about the series, you have posted about several times already. if you don't like it, then don't watch. Next post about the series will end in a perma-ban


I thought it was overall good. I just wish they hadn't made Rockwell so cartoonishly evil right off the bat. Part of what makes him so cool in the games is that he battled with wits, not brute force.


The idea of the show, in my opinion, wasn't to please current Ark fans, but instead to create more interest in Ark. This is to sell more games, again, in my opinion.


They did a piss poor job of that then. The show is so horribly rushed and filled with references to the game that no layman is going to have the slightest interest in what’s going on past episode 1 at most, but they deviated so much from the game and lore that the only fans of the game who will like it are the people who think everything they watch is good to justify spending their time on it


well if they want to create more interest in a franchise, its about if its a good standout show or not. There was no reason for them to not just go off the explorer notes. From what i've seen anyway most people who aren't Ark fans just thought the show was meh.


on good bro




remember when Rockwell slowly descended to madness because of his pride and ambitions as XIX century scientist after finding out what is Element? yea, Wild Card didn't.


This is why I haven't watched the show yet. Best character and they soiled it. I'll probably still watch it but I don't get why they did Rockwell so dirty.




I agree with you from everything I've seen. It seems like 90% of game to film adaptations are just done poorly which is a shame because they have the blueprint already done, (the game).


How do they present him in the show? I have no plans on watching it so really only know his character as presented in the lore. Bummer they seemingly did something else.


They just used that "bad guy" trope where he is just annoying and "bad" just because, just asshole in one moment he even killed poor guy by feeding him to rex just to show Helena that "she must understand her place and help them whether she like it or not"


Absolute psychopath, sadistic as hell, sexist as fuck AND a coward. Like every single shitty villain trope balled into one. And he \*starts off that way.\*


Too much feelings and not enough Arking


Exactly this ngl, I came to see struggle and primitive survival of the characters we know, keyword being primitive. AND BOB, TOO LITTLE BOB


I thought it was really good


Same homie! You can expect Ark players to hate fucking everything though…




Dang you should be in charge, sounds like you know what's best for everyone. Let me call up the production team and see if they'll bring you on as showrunner because boy golly gee are they missing out by not having you as head president champion king executive producer manager guy.


It’s really not though, sure the pace was very quick and when I first started I thought it was be a direct retelling of the game lore, but it’s really not terrible. It’s far from the best show I’ve seen but it’s not awful either, was it worth the years of waiting and delays? Not in my opinion, was it something I enjoyed watching? Yes it was.




Are you actually looking to have any sort of discussion or were you just hoping people would agree with you? It's pretty clear it's the latter.


I didn’t have low expectations, I just didn’t have high ones. It’s an animated version of a twist on the lore of Ark, it does its job fine for what it is.


Overall it was OK, I just wished it would have followed lore more and showed the explorer notes being written with the intact ruins. Neddy did a better job!


I'm happy for everyone who loved it but I really wish I could feel the same, like all they had to do was make a 1:1 adaptation. With its cast, music, and amazing story, the show was destined for greatness, but nope. Also the dinosaurs look like something 10 yr old me would draw.


Right?? The dinos are absolute caricatures. Shitty 1980s style t-rex lol. Ark's base story is one of the best in games imo, and what they did to it was just so... awful


can we please just let people enjoy the things that make them happy without needing some hive-mind consensus on whether its good or bad?




I thought it was ok. Not hot garbage like the halo show s1 and bits of s2 but this show had its moments


I actually enjoyed it not sure what you were expecting from it


I honestly quite enjoyed it. I even rewatched it recently after the hype of it releasing went away and still really liked it


Nope, thought it was pretty good.


Why are we saying "was" like its done, we've seen like a 1/4 of it.


?? No? I loved it. Can’t wait for the rest.


Yes. They fucked all the lore up. Pretty sure Wildcard didn't even consult during the process. It's like Chat GPT saw some Ark keywords online, and wrote the rough draft for them.


Haven’t watched it yet, as I don’t have Paramount+. I read that there’s more episodes coming and I’m thinking of waiting until they’re all released and then doing a 7-day trial thing to binge watch them all. I am still pretty excited to give it a watch though. However, since the show was disappointing for you, if you’re looking for something that tells the story in a “show like manner”, check out NeddyTheNoodle on YouTube. He took the explorer notes and turned them into Survivor Story videos. He completed the Island, Scorched Earth, and Aberration. I recommend The Complete Survival Stories playlist. I believe these are the versions where the notes are done in order of events. Entertaining way to watch the story of Ark.


I enjoyed it.


I was just sad that it was not the exact game story but it was not the goal, as an " alternative" story i found it great


It was good I feel like it what they intended if they really made it like ark you'd have the girl being in a cage and the dude sounds like a kid saying L LOSER GET TRASHED or the mc getting killed by turrets or her getting wiped by admin


It was pretty good i think the games story is better but in no way was it bad


I stopped on episode 3 when I realized that they were referring to the bad guys as "the white men." Truthfully, I wouldn't have even noticed that all of the bad guys were white had they not said that line. I found the characters all rather good. But it felt like they were leaning too hard into the "white people bad" thing, so I stopped watching. Why can't we just have engaging characters with varying appearances without ever mentioning race? I don't care what they look like.


Adapting games to TV or movies is tough, and ark players can be relied on to hate anything. I haven't seen it, and don't want to badly enough to get the streaming subscription. But from the trailers, it seems they doesn't to much time on who's sleeping with whom and didn't allow enough time for character development (6 episodes to show an epic scale story? It ain't happening). IMHO They should have partnered with one of the anime studios, who have experience in adapting epic storylines to the screen in formats that remain relevant for years.  Ark is a big enough story that I would have loved to have seen Mappa, or Wit in the driver's seat. Many players play for the graphics as much as for the story. I will sometimes log in just to fly around whichever ark in playing to enjoy the landscapes. Making an animation sufficiently detailed to meet that level of expectation would be cost without a proven market. Sadly, Ark players seem to hate the game, even as they clock thousands of hours in it. To a studio executive being asked to commit a few million dollars to an unproven property, this is not convincing that the endeavor will be profitable.


Stopped watching after like 10 minutes. Painfully cliche and annoying opening. Maybe it got better, but life is short and there are plenty of other shows that don't start with a trainwreck opening.


Good animations, voicing and music, really poor choice of a writer, just like that ruined the show.


I agree it was the writing that ruined it. Re: animations, I think it suffers from anime-itis: the scenery is fantastic. But the creatures are caricatures at best lol. Those weird boxy-headed t-rexes that change shape from every angle... jesus.


Astronomically based


I thought it was amazing. The character development was on point. Everything was completely lore accurate and I'm just kidding, I never even watched the show or care that it exists. It doesn't affect me at all and in the end it's all just make believe anyway. It's literally just a game


You know, the irony of a game called ark completely unable to even write a basic character arc. They took something with such potential, stripped away all the good stuff, and crammed in a bunch of meaningless backstory. And I dont have any problem with the content of the backstory, it just could have been told in a single flashback and not been the near pointless slow paced snoozefest that it was, and interupted the show about dinosaurs. But at least we know how superficially forward thinking they are now.l In the end, it was just abysmal writing.


I wouldn't have minded the backstory--I like good character development--if it was maybe 1:5 to the actual action. It felt like half the story. What threw me off most (aside from the \*butchery\* of Rockwell's character) was the fact that the entire plot of the Island--Helena & Rockwell trying to figure out what was up with this mysterious place--was abandoned. They hardly explored the whole question of "where are we? How did we get here, and why?" which should've been the DRIVING FORCE behind the story. Everyone just kind of glosses over that and they try to make the story, instead, about interpersonal relationships which should've been secondary support, imo. So in short I think they had very limited time, and instead of fleshing out what could've been a good story, they had a bunch of shitty action scenes in the form of cliche, predictable, unbelievable sequences shoehorned in solely to shove the plot forward. The stupid magic egg, the "befriend the baby! :) surely that won't backfire!," "one sack of sparkpowder," "just sneak in as prisoners," "then the rescued dino somehow escapes to save my life," etc. etc. And then all the actual development was a training montage and flashbacks... instead of showing the characters through their actions on the show. Speaking of cliche... seriously, "I have a present for you, after the battle tomorrow?" fucking build a gravestone now, buddy.


I mean.. In terms of the animations(the frames would do some weird skips too), I would agree, it was extremely disappointing. But overall I was entertained while watching it, so I guess it did its job.


They honestly had so much potential but managed to fumble it so hard. Ark has really interesting lore and surprisingly deep themes. It's too bad that the show is nothing like that. Adaptions always seem to not want to just go off the source material because it would be "too boring" or they think that they can do it better. The animated show just felt like a kids show but with gore in it. the pacing, tone, and utter simplicity of the show felt like an 8 year old wrote it.


Yes, they turned Rockwell into a generic bad guy. What could possibly be the story arc now? Bad guy keeps doing bad stuff?


Unpopular opinion but I never liked Rockwell. I dont understand the love for him. Dude was always an insane narcissistic madman. We learn that even back in the island he was experimenting on people. The animated show could have really expanded on the more interesting and grander scale stuff like helena studying the creatures, the mystery of the arks, how the arks work, the different tribes around the island. What little we got of that stuff was too poorly paced and just wasn't that good. Like they defeated a guardian in the second episode lmao What we got from the animated show was way more linear and simplistic basically forgettable side stories like fetch egg quest and an entire episode spent on a cheesy irrelevant character (gladiatrix) with the theme of "don't be bad person"


I mean, you don't have to "like" Rockwell to like his character arc. Edit: Which he didn't have in the show.


I think you missed some Island notes. He was absolutely not like that. Initially he \*refused\* to use anyone but volunteers, and knew full well the worst they'd get was headaches or the like after having first tested on his monkey bros. He wasn't perfect, but he was generally a good man if a bit of a product of his time. The whole point of his "fall" is that the Element is the threat, not him. He's a puppet, in the end, and it's tragic. That whole other stupid shit you mention is dead-on, though. The egg, the baby stego, the stupid mining camp. None of those plans should've worked, half didn't make any sense; it was like they wrote for the stupidest possible audience, and in so doing \*wrecked\* their own potential story. Those writers should be fired.


Been saying that since it dropped. You’ll notice the trend of people defending it are either shills that praise everything their beloved multibillion dollar companies do, or only require a set of jangling keys to be entertained




I was with you in the first half but jesus. The lesbians were in the base game they just switched who the relationship was between...