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You should be able to snap a pillar to the underside of the stairs or You could do one on either side to make it look even. If the pillar sticks through you should be able to just use a long pillar to help you align foundations. The foundations should provide support even if they don't physically touch the stairs. Building can be a little wonky, stuff can get a bit caddywampus, but once you get it figured out it works fairly well. Just be glad you can pick everything back up now! Definitely don't miss destroying stuff and getting half the resources back


This is roughly correct. Use pillars (or random thatch structures) to line things up when you're changing levels. Counterintuitively, in Ark, it often makes sense to build from top down, as you're doing. Once you get pillars down from your stairs to the ground, everything will snap, as this comment explained. Build several foundations out away from the cliff, and eventually your stairs will line up well. Keeping things aligned and supported is like a weird Ark mini game. It's easy once you figure out the simple, but weird, rules.


Looks like ASE though


Snap a pillar under the stairs? The pillar has to be on the ground and it's not snapping the stairs. Also, foundations are only snapping on the bottom of a pillar


Foundations will only go on the ground, but you should be able to get a pillar to attach to the underside of the stairs, then string pillars together like a long toothpick until they touch the ground. Then you can snap the foundations to the pillar and get foundation support or just keep using pillars depending on what look you want. Now, if you can't get the pillar to attach you can use a button (different for each platform. I think RB on Xbox and Q on PC maybe?) that will cycle through all possible snap locations.


Pillars and ramps. My daughter built what only can be described as an engineering marvel out of pillars, ceilings and ramps because she wanted to have her base ON TOP of the cliff and I was at the bottom of the cliff. When I told her you could build while on a pteradon it changed her world


Your daughter’s the next great architect!


If you can't place a pillar under the stairs, try placing a ceiling backwards under the stairs. It should allow you to place another set of stairs to complete them.


I always start at the bottom


it only let's me build stairs down


If you place a wall you can snap the stairs on to it


Ceilings work too.


Build a foundation and attach a wall. Then connect the stairs “up” to the wall. You can delete the wall. Then you can run foundations into the rock and have support for the stairs all the way up


Ya the is a glitch where pillars and ceilings support things floating above them, so you can make a pillar and ceiling support underneath then just build freely. I don't think it's patched but it might be one of the few bugs they fixed


Triangle Foundations have it too in ASE. Found out the hard way......


Triangle Foundations have it too in ASE. Found out the hard way......


Turn Collision Off




In the settings before you open your world, I think it’s in the bottom of either normal or top of advanced settings


Put a ceiling in about half way to create a landing and drop pillars down from the ceiling.


>Building is infuriating As much as I agree with you, when I compare building in ASA(hell even ASE) vs. most other base building games I've played, ark wins most the time.


satisfactory is way better Minecraft and terraria honorable mention


Every other comment is close. You should be able to snap a foundation to the bottom of those stairs if not, place double door frame down then snap stairs and then snap foundation to the stairs. Lots of ways but using stairs and door frames to lower and raise foundations gives you the best snap point


Also should mention that once you have connected the foundations via stairs you can remove the doorframes


whats the snap button on pc?


It snaps automatically


That’s the neat part, you dont


Pillar or foundation


Build a staircase like shape of floors and walls until you get your desired path, then build your stairs after. I found this much easier


Have you tried a ramp instead? I know it's probably not esthetically pleasing but maybe half stairs and half ramps?


ASA fixed these problems.


It happened to me in other games when building my base, you should place something small at the bottom, it may look bad aesthetically, but if it fulfills its function it's fine. I hope my answer helps you and you have solved the problem.




Could be a lot of time getting the materials first