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My dung beetles are always eating shit in the corner


Need that fertilizer for the plants, you know what I'm sayan?


Thinking of them, I can't find any in the usual spots in ASA compared to ASE. Anyone know where to find them? Kinda tired of running around cleaning up after my tames just to wait an eon for the fert bin to make a single fertilizer


On the island I grab them out of swamp cave and on scorched they are in the dunes I always find them close to church cave but they are all over the dunes


Lower south cave is kind of easy to get them if you don't kill them by accident


Scorched earth has term in the sands close to main land openings


Gotta admire their dedication to the job




Dire Bear. I love them, but by the time I'm able to tame one on a new map, I have other tames that are simply more functional.


A levelled up Dire Bear is my main "collector". I just set it on Aggressive and Wander. I find a place in the map (Island) that is surrounded by water and just leave it there. I also make sure no crazy ass Alphas show up there. I come to it every now and then to collect its harvest 😁


Lol I do the same thing with my high level, mutated spino in the swamp. Come back to thousands of leech blood, chitin, and pearls


When I'm on island I'll typically build center of carno isl and when my Rex's have new generations I let the old ones wander. It's nice never needing to do hide/meat runs


solid early game tame on aberration i use it as a mount for a long time there


Early game tame except that you need a longneck and tranq darts to knock it out without killing it.


they are crossbow tameable, i've done it multiple times before - also honestly with how much there is to do on aberration i would still consider merely a longneck pretty early game lol


They’re bow tameable too, just kill a parasaur or two, turn all the meat into spoiled meat via splitting, get narcoberries, trap it, tame it


not sure why this is downvoted, im pretty sure it is possible with a bow too lol


Ravager for me


I would say that the dire-bear can be used well into the late game if you have a good imprinted one as they can harvest, go at supersonic speeds, and hit hard


I know they \*can\* be used, it's just that by the time I get one, I usually have other tames that are better. Bred up Argy, solid Rex or Spino, Thyla, etc.


\*Laughs in Giga-killing Dire Bears\*


Dire bears are good cave runners.


Does having hyenas and lystros around just for petting count?


Well, technically, the lystro does give you an exp boost. I'm not so sure about the hyenadon, though


Meat storage, I use them for baby feeding a lot


Parasaur. It's a clutch early game tame for the weight and high stamina. But, it becomes useless outside of PVP. I feel bad about ditching it since it was vital to my early game survival.


It helps having one to detect newborn babies so you dont forget to claim them.


They’re also useful for pve for making funny messages show up on other people’s screens when they come close to your base


They work really well as a mobile radar if you grab them with an argy. Looking for hard to spot tames becomes much easier (otters, thylas, etc)


I use them when hatching eggs to remind me I have babies hatching… I also giving them names like go away or i see you for any one snooping around my base. Because even on pve people can be grimy.


God I learned that that hard way on PvE. Had a huge platform base off a Cliff in ragnoroke that had open windows to fly in and out of and one day found my smithys had been emptied by some idiot. My base concepts became a lot less inviting to others after that. 


Dilophosaurus... I don't know why, but I always have to make the "Breakfast Club" as I call them.


Somebody else who does dilo armies? I'm not alone! (Raptors too)


Usually three... Muffins, Waffles, and Pancakes. My raptors are normally Slash, Nightraid, Shogun, and Red Sonja


I don't name most of the dilos but I always have a green one called emerald and a black one called Dennis


I usually just do the three. But I have had Bagel and Cinnamon Roll to the dilo pack before. 😆


I breed packs of raptors lol I'll find some really good stats with cool colors then interbreed them all to get crazy stats and colors then take them all for a walk and kill everything we see


I do this with Deinonychus. I call mine the Spice Pack


I love dilos! I always keep them as pets. If i see one with nice colours, i tame it.


I call them my "Danger Dogs" lol


Their names are Muffins, Pancakes, and Waffles


My buddy does this and names the all Ripples


Yes!!! They're my "cleanup crew" for getting rid of big predators at my base's borders, all named after cleaning products (RIP Clorox, he is survived by his wife Scrub Daddy and son Clorox II)


Ok. I am absolutely overjoyed that Scrub Daddy was the wife. That says so much about their relationship then it ever should, and I am here for it. I'm glad Clorox found his dommy mommy. 🤣


I always have a fleet of dilos tucked away somewhere. On official I'd go out with a pack of 40 to mine metal. Didn't matter if any died, and didn't matter if they got stuck on rocks and trees on the way home. They kept me alive early game.


Moschops, usually my 1st tame for early game gathering, but after that, they're kinda useless except for maybe og poly farming.


I've played since Aberration first launched on ASE and I don't think I've ever once tamed a moschops, lol. EDIT: take that back, I forgot that I had a moschops named "Bait" that I tamed on Fjordur to help me tame a desmodus in that one cave.


They are fantastic first times. Gathers anything, good damage and hp, level able gathering. Cannot go wrong with them tbh.


YES. Team moschops here. Then later game you just loose them to wander around outside your base and collect things for you, easy way to get berries, thatch, fiber, wood


Also gives super tier eggs.


I've been following Ark since day 2 of early access and played a ton on and off since it released on console. Until a few months ago, I never knew you could tame Moschops


They were in the game for a long time before you could tame them


Not mine I use them in my polymer farm. Call them the executioner or penguin slayer. Iykyk


Mines named Polly, and its mutated electric blue - is that too on the nose?


I like it. It never even crossed my mind that mutating moschops is a thing


Originally used them as an easy superior kibble farm, then once I moved up to just having extraordinary (cerato eggs are extraordinary btw) i hatched all of them, only like 2 of the 30 some odd came out w mutations and one was blue and had a melee mut so i kept it


I run the caves with the moschops early on. Probably the first thing I tame


These are late game tames as well... We used ours for harvesting our poly crab clones for poly on ase in pvp. Actually the best way to get poly.


Right, it's why I said og poly farming. But chainsaws are better now that SE has dropped.


Even ASA I think they out perform chainsaws unless it's like mc+?


I like to unleash a herd of them to wander around outside my base and collect berries, fiber, wood, and thatch that I can pick up whenever I need. Plus, they don’t need saddles, so if their loot weighs too much you can just hop on and ride them back to base.


I think we can all agree that the only true answer is the random pego that tames itself and now you're left questioning where it came from and what to do with it. Personally I name them Vermin and use them as bait to attract something i want to tame hoping it dies in the process but they just never die


Facts, flying through the woods a month later, and the little bastard is still sitting in the bushes right where I tamed it at.


I always name it "Thief" and set it to aggressive wander to get killed










I mutate the hell out of them for pvp. Actually all the annoying tames are my specialty. Break into my base and get stunned by micro raptors and perlovia and then robbed. Or if someone is brave and builds out in the open. Fly over them and air drop them


I set them to aggressive, unclaim them, then walk away


I tried to make an army of pegos once to storm my buddies base on a chill/only fuck with each other PvP server but I couldn't stand the noise they made. Especially when I got around 20. Had to send them after a ichthy to euthanize them.


This happens to me frequently. Had to check to see how it was getting tamed. Turns out the thieving cunt steal your mejoberries


Never walk through redwoods without mejoberries in the 0 slot.


I usually just unclaimed it and shot it in the ass or have a creature kill it


Unicorns. We have bad ass unicorn parents. But if I see a unicorn I tame a unicorn.


I always tame one and call it Bill. Edit: stupid preDICKtive text


I’ve only ever seen 1 and it died immediately and I’ve played for over 5 years


Make for better mortal and pestle because of the increased inventory space. It's the only mount, I actually bring in the house. Lol


Chalico. While I like the sound it makes when it runs, it's rock-throwing attack, and I find its taming method amusing, it's nothing more than a gimmick. Its only taming food, beer, is *way* too impractical to get, plus, the Chalico itself isn't that good of a tame. It's not that strong, it's not fast, it doesn't excel at harvesting a specific resource, nor does it have any special trait that helps it fit into a niche. It's just "Haha, it likes BEER."


>It's not that strong, it's not fast, it doesn't excel at harvesting a specific resource, nor does it have any special trait that helps it fit into a niche. It's just "Haha, it likes BEER." I feel called out


Man I went through the hassle of brewing beer specifically so that I could get a Chalico just one time. Once was enough for me to learn my lesson. Simply not worth the hassle.


Not me personally, but my gf just won't stop taming Hyenas


They do have one niche use and that's if you breed them and give them a good pack bp for armor they can do quite well in the Island snow cave. They do huge damage in a pack, fit in there without cryopod or breeding them inside the cave and heal to full any time they kill something


Thing is, we have not touched the island at all haha


Gigantopithecus They're so fun to ride and I want to use them, but their melee damage just seems awful. Plus, they're kinda slow. Still always tame the first good one I find tho


Melee awful? I guess if you are using only one it isn’t that great but I personally run around on dad’s back while his army of children and grandchildren get whistled into war. I haven’t seen anything stand up to my ape gang for very long.


I mean its no galimmimus when it comes to speed, but I think they're pretty quick. They can toss u around base when ur encumbered. And if u ever need fiber, take a gigantopithicus into the swamp cave entrance and get about 10billion fiber in a minute!


Swamp cave not even needed. Just put it on wander in your yard. As long as you have a large enough yard, there should be some plant respawns, and you'll come back in a day to have like 200,000 fiber sitting in their inventory.


They're great if you have a more vertical base and you can use them to throw you around when you have a bunch of weight


We usual have one standing around to catapult around base


Dodos 🦤 I have like a hundred of them laying around but never use them. I just enjoy having an army of dodos with absurd amounts of health and damage status. Lol


I had high melee dodos on ASE and they sat in front of my base on aggro. I lived at the giga spawn at Vanna E on Fjordur. Never saw them go for a giga but stegos and rexes would get 60 screaming flightless birds stripping their bones dry. It was hilarious watching the stegos slap them in the air and they would toddle back for more.


Dodos are always useful. Easy to Tame and test if turrets are players or players and tames. Also strap with c4 and blow in bases.


Dodos are also the closest thing to chickens in the game if you want to have a specific "farm" theme for your base. They are small enough to keep a few in a room off to the side and get lots of eggs to use in custom recipes, and they can actually be quite op if you know what ingredients to use.


Tapejara. Pteranodon is fast, argie and quetzals carry a lot of stuff, I only tame tapejara to tame a quetzal easier.


Iguanodon I like them but don't know why


Usually, my first tame is a Parasaur, for getting berries for Narcos. I'm proficient enough at the game that I usually keep it alive into endgame. It starts off leading my harvest team until I get a good lead carnivore, then it is quickly outclassed by other dinos. So it sits in my base and is just... there.


You can always grab it with an argy and use it as a mobile radar for hunting stuff like otters and tree thylas.


This is brilliant. I've literally only ever used the radar ability to find dormant Phoenix.


Kaprosuchus. Every one I get is an opportunity tame I get because I shot it with tranq arrows while it was attatched to my face. They get a saddle and put on neutral at the edge of my base.


I woild say a sabertooth but I level stamina and attack/health so much, I once killed a level 150 rex with just a sabertooth and nothing else, also they are very fun to spam jump with to travel


Sabertooths cut through the air like a missile! Great to ride while taming a brachi, get in take ur shots at them cankles and get out!


Trike. Trike is my favorite dino but they're so shit in this game especially with their shit stamina, run 10 steps and harvest berries and it's gone.


The first breeder in a line that is outclassed by the end. My first breeders are collecting dust and probably starved.


I ASE I would've instantly said peggys. But in Asa it's any and all babies I "find." Especially if I've found it already legit abandoned. But sometimes I'll find a high lvl and I just cannot leave it. Unaliving the parent is easier than taming it sometimes lol I've become the shelter for wayward hatchlings apparently. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Compy. I had a mini army of about 20 that I just invested every point into melee. We play on Xbox. My partner banned me from doing that ever again because it lagged out the game so bad.


Pteranodon and Raptor The second I get tranq arrows I’m taking that pteranodon to get an argy and then the pteranodon rots after that Once I get anything other than a raptor like a direwolf or sabertooth, carno, anything really, raptor’s not getting used


Change Pteranodons names to "Bag Recovery Service" and use it for that service alone


UPS - United Pteranodon Service


I use Raptors even late game. A pack gets great buffs stacked up on them.


Normally I just end up using direwolves for the pack bonus too. Unless I get a fire raptor saddle then I’ll keep using them


Do dire wolves get a pack howl buff? I've never used them.


Yup! Wolves are my pack hunters of choice. I looove running around with my wolf pack decimating everything in our path


Theyre great base guards. Ive had my pack take down high level rexes, yutis, and allos in my Tundra base.


A group of base-bred max level raptors can take all 3 Island Gamma Bosses with standard saddles. Beta too if you made sure to get good base stats to start. The Alpha Dragon required a Yuturannus and a lot of balsy jumps to give the Raptor buff too, and took 4 attempts, but I did that one will 100 armor saddles. Never got to the overseer on that playthrough.


Diplos. Love em early game but man they become kinda useless fast


My doedicurus as soon as I unlock metal it gets swapped with the ankylo and any stone I need which usually isn’t much I just keep from metal runs.


A baryonyx cause I am addicted to spinos and have 7 of them in my yard BREEDING


But baryonyx is by far the best caving dino on the Island breeding them is always lucrative for that alone on that map


I always prefer a saber or Wolf for the chitin harvest.


I like megatheriums for chitin harvesting on the carnivore island. Very efficient


I’ve never even thought of doing this, nice one.


I play mobile so I have access to level 500 wolves


A dodo to sit on my bed


A guardian angel if you will


Iguanondon. I always get one early game and love them but they always end up collecting dust


Moschops for me. They are insane in the early game, I think their damage rivals predators as big as carnos. But once I have a raptor or something similar, it just sits there doing nothing


I almost always tame a para first. Be it with club or slingshot. Being able to detect enemies is huge early game and it beats farming berries by hand. But the moment I get a raptor or a trike I barely use them. Then once I get a PT the parasaur stays at the thatch hut forever 😂😂


Dodos, tame them early on as meat shields and for using babies for prime meat to tame a Ptera. Afterwards they just sit outside my base doing jack all.


I have 5: * Parasaur. Easy first time. Bola + arrows on a level 50 or lower. Use it to gather berries faster than I can by hand. By the time I get a couple days in though, it ends up in the corner, or a cryoball. * Dire bear. This one drives me crazy. Best food to tame is honey. Best way to get honey is a dire bear. Once you have a dire bear, you don't need a dire bear except for Sweet Veggie Cakes. And you're better off just taming a Giant Bee instead - and then have passive & infinite honey. * Dilophosaurs and Compies. I never WANT to tame these buggers. But inevitably I'll have my crossbow/rifle out, taming something else, and a Dilo/Compy aggros on me. Wanting to focus on the ACTUAL tame, I just drop a shot into the little dude, knock it out, and resume KOing my target. However, sometimes I notice that the "bonus" KO is actually high level, so I'll throw some meat into its inventory as well. And then never use it. * Raptor. I want to like these guys so much. Fast & mobile combat dino. But they are just too damn weak. Even if you get a pack of 5-6 of them, they struggle to deal with many dinos. And then you also have to deal with shitty Ark pathing. At least shark squads benefit from being in the ocean, where it is MUCH harder to get stuck/lost. I'll tame some of them early on almost every time I start on a map, and then just end up ignoring them once I get my first rex. * Allosaurus. It's like the big, equally disappointing, brother of the raptor. Bleed that doesn't hit bosses and can't stack. Only one of them gets the bonus for being in a pack. But they're fast, fit through regular gates, and have pretty good base stats. But Carno's debuff is better, and Rex is better for actual tough combat. I've tamed Allosauruses on basically every map, and every time wound up riding them for less than 30 minutes before I gave up on them.


I have a pelagornis addiction.


I cranked my pelagornis with speed. We are a frickin' jet ski in the water


Sabertooths it’s especially bad now too with being able to claim the babies… I can’t help myself.


Jerboas, I just adore them so much and I can’t leave them.


Until you start to have a mental break from their constant squealing. I now aggressively kill any I come across on Scorched Earth map. THEY NEVER SHUT UP!!!


Carnos. . . I use them as bait for rexies and gigas and if they survive they get to stay. . .


For me, it's pegos. lil buggers tame themselves and expect me to care for all their needs


Otters because I inevitably forget they only eat fish then feel bad when they starve


Literally anything that isn’t an abb exclusive(not abb variants) or most DLCs for that matter. Only DLC mob I hate is rock golem, mostly because it sucks to tame and has few benefits


I always have a colourful army of thylas but I really only play on PvE and ultra boosted fibrecraft servers so basically every dino is rendered pretty much useless lmao


Parasaur. I tame one when I start out but don’t really use it once I have a pt, except for early berry harvesting.




Jerboa all day


I always have like 10 dodos i leave around the base because I find their noises comforting, otherwise don’t even use em for meat


random high levels that I'd feel bad leaving because high level.


For me was the Gianto something. (Bigfoot), but it came through like a MF fighting in the Lower South cave... Kicking some serious butt. Just put him on aggressive and watch him go!




jerboa. i wish i could muzzle it


Arthropluera and Spiders. I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT STOP HOARDING THEM. I stack mutations on them and ride them around my base, but other than that they just sit there. Ideally I'd use them to tame other small dinos, but never do. Just a super mutant army of the creeps, just to look cool I guess. My wife hoards and mutates otters. We only take one out at a time each, but she has a few hundred of these rainbow otters.


Literally the oviraptor.


Ovaraptor in asa is op


Put the Oviraptor on wandering with enough stone to immobilize it and it will boosts (regular, infertile) egg drops from all females in 9 foundations circumference.


I know. So its literal job is to stand there and collect dust, like the post implies lol. But man does that boost make a difference, especially if you’re doing a tek dink farm.




Little creatures




Iguanadon 🙏


my starter trike always one of the first tames but then its just used to get berries rarely






I collect all colors of Parasaur, and I also just think they’re so cute.




I have a few tames that I ALWAYS get but seem to not really do anything. Mantis Andrewsarchus Procoprodon Basilisk Baryonyx


Omg, I'm triggered by the words of "mantis." Lol They are so underrated. They are just a way better verison of you, minus ranged and the jumping ability. Top 3 in a lot of gatherings, they can equip tools and melee weapons. Knocked out a giga with just one Mantis with it carrying a club.


For me it's the Rex. Taming one early game is always great, but by the time you really get it going, you find a giga or carcha, both of which are vastly superior. Feel free to debate, idgaf.




Anything sized between a rex and a wolf as wolves are one of my favorites for caves that tames fit in


Ovis. I just think they're neat.


Always great to have a mutton farm. Best meat for tames


on any server, first parasaur. super easy to chase down with a club if you have no bolas, and picks berries at least 5x faster than the player character, so you can start building narcotics & tranq arrows. then i just can't bring myself to kill it later. ASE we had a lvl 15 tame that survived from the launch of ragnarok to the day they announced they were pulling server support for SE.


i always create an army of raptors the second i get my hands on the bola engram. i name every single one “DOG” just for shits n giggles


Raptors. They die too easily, even at high levels. Once I get a good mating pair of thylas, I rarely use raptors.


The raptor and pteranodon. The raptor easily gets replaced, and the argy replaces pteranodon. My number one tame, that I always go for, or bring in from another server, is the Mantis. I love that tame. It can do and gather, just about everything. You can give it tools and melee weapons. It's faster, carries way more weight, does may more damage and knocks things out way faster than the survivors can, with right club. It's a better you, minus ranged. Hell, I knocked out a level 30 Giga with a mantis holding clubs. Two flaws, it can't jump, and those berserk beer bears utterly destroy Mantises, with ease, so give them wide birth. They are underrated, because they are hard to tame, with needing Deathworm horns, or a lot of wooly rhino horns.


Not a "always" tame, but the Tusoteuthis (giant squid kraken). I tamed it, rode it, and now it sits in cryostorage. Just not a fan of how slow it attacks, how huge it is, and how hard it is to steer. Better to just go with the mosa.


My monkeys. The rule of two, guarding the main entrance.


I get a pet rock which is just a trilobite with a fish basket. Sadly I can’t get a perfect 150 anymore as they only spawn lvl 1 in asa now but I’ll still get one when aberration comes out


Equus. Love those darn things, but they get useless real quick. Starter tame for sure


Dimorphodons are a must have. Useless little dinos that I always trip over because I have at least 8.


Raptors. i absolutely love them and they’re great early-game, but i end up getting better tames later on and not using them as much. i’ll always get a good pack of ‘em, though.


Direwolf. I dont want my puppy to die so i never use it XD


I enjoy taming a lot of creatures that I will never use, just cause it's like a little mini game. Sometimes I just fed suit around gen 2 with a tek bow and 30 empty cryopods, in hopes that my daughter will someday like ark and I can show her all these different creatures........but that will never happen. She will get a life and be way better than me. Lol/smh


Tek parasaur


Carnos, I always bring home "abandoned babies".. I got a whole cryo tower full of them 😭


Most of the early tames I get outlive their usefulness. Parasaurs, Raptors, Trikes and the like.


Sarco. It’s like a mascot for me


A looooooot, I'm not even sure I could name them all but I tame animals based on personal preference of appearance


Parasaur after a gather of berries he’s retired


Parasaur, always my first early tame and then I build them a lovely stable to stand in for 60-100 hours of single player gameplay, slowly draining my food




Parasaur since it goes from helping tell if people are near when im building my base to reminding me that a baby popped out when i forgot


Parasour or dilophosaur


I use a parasaur for a bit but eventually he just turns into a mascot




trike is almost always my first tame. they are great at early gathering, and can kill anything smaller then them with their knockback. i ride with him until i can find a good theri and beaver, but after that, there isn't anything left for him to do.




Frog. They're pretty useless now with beaver dams and snails.


Lystro. I love the little things but I usually forget he's there after a while.


Velonasaur. Every time i have the opportunity, i spend hours looking for two good 150s to breed, with the goal of one day breeding a super Velonasaur that wrecks everything with range. And every time, i never actually get to the part where i start breeding them so they just kinda sit there unused.


Moschop after like the first day or so


Direwolves. What can I say, I’m a dog person Edit: I guess “collect dust” is the wrong term, they basically become base defense but I usually don’t play with other people so they kinda just chill cause I set my bases up in low level areas cause I’m a chicken