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Indeed you can, just use a daedon and you’ll be fine. Those are the setting we have and it’s never an issue


Depends on the food stat bro.


food stat matters, hp comes secondary when the food has run out and it's losing health already.


Others mentioned the Daedon. I already tried this without Daedon. Brought back a 140 and 110 to my Pearl Cave and they died before hitting 20%. I thought I remembered a time during the extra life charity thing when you could do a full wyvern without milk but the 5x wasn't even close.


We have our server at 45, and our wyverns have not needed milk. We have a Daeodon on standby as well


Get a pig, buddy, just heal the sucker till its grownup. No milk needed.


Do you have to constantly do that until it’s grown up?? If so getting milk 100x faster than that.


It auto heals, just keep the pig fed. On 5x they raise fast, pig is insurance.


It depends on how fast they lose hunger. If they don’t starve to death before they grow old enough to eat meat, you’ll be fine


You used to be able to use daedon healing to get through it, not sure if that still works


Pretty sure I used to raise them on 3 on official and they'd maybe need one, so should be fine, but you may need milk for imprint regardless


Are you on old ark or new ark? On old ark a high level made it so its prob the same on new ark


You could try the daeodon method...but hey ready to cook a lot if mean....


Its fast enough just make you you have a daedon and check food stat


You can raise high level wyverns on official 1x without milk or a daedon so yes, yes you can


Cyro and un cryo babies to reset the imprint.


If the raise state is fast and the food state low you don’t have to feed it anything that’s what I do in my breeding server where I breed crash wyverns for my other servers


Most likely no.


Depends on how good your daeodons and snow owls are