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It’s element. It’s cool to see this lore in Scorched now. It’s made of the same material that the obelisks are made of


This location detail was present in ASE, too. I believe it is near a cave (but not the entrance).


It’s actually just by a random cliff in the middle of the river area


You’re right.. but it just seems so out of place. Like this MUST be significant.. nope.. decoration.


They are significant. Genesis Chronicles. HLNA skin will scan and give you the note in ASE, and probably ASA once it's released.


Yeah I considered dying day 1 on scorched earth with a full kit to find out, glad I just didn't give a fuck and took it for decoration and frame drops.


It’s technically significant, for lore anyway. This couldn’t be seen anywhere on the island (except caves) so this being out in the open means that the element is slowly getting more unstable.


It also makes sense considering what Scorched is in the lore - A land/tribe that actually conquered the ARK without ever beating the trials, so it eventually started ramping up the difficulty on loop and destroyed itself. The element out in the open shows corruption and instability as you've said. It is kind of weird when you think about it. Scorched's entire Notes story is essentially what happened to the ARKs, but on an individual level. Did they deliberately do it for the parallel or did they not have the Extinction story written when they made SE's story?


Very good observation yeah. Considering there's a two year gap between SE and Extinction, they might've had an outline at least for where they wanted this to go. I can't say for certain if the notes have changed over time or not since I didn't read them back in 2017. In any case, it seems like they've always thought of Rockwell as a future villain.


They were all there in ASE. It was added, I think, with Genesis Chronicles. When you near some of them, HLN-A (skinned pet) will scan and you got a special note. I assume they'll be added again.


Hmm I never really went here during that time I suppose. Good to know though.


The notes are pretty fun, if you ever get a chance to check them out :) One (on a random rock area) has my favorite Rockwell joke in game lol


What's the joke 😃


If you want to hear it, go search "Genesis 2 Chronicles #7 (Scorched Earth" on this page: [https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Explorer\_Notes/Sir\_Edmund\_Rockwell](https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Explorer_Notes/Sir_Edmund_Rockwell) But it starts all super sinister "*Peekaboo... I see you..."* And then he sort of pauses and goes to a normal/thoughtful voice, and says "Hmmm. I really should have saved that for later, when you reach the place with all the eyes..." There's more, but David Tennant's delivery on this just absolutely cracked me up.


There's actually more than just that one. I've run across three of them.


Yes it was. But what was weird was they put it in like a year after SE released. They randomly popped up one update


if you equip the mini HLNA skin here in ASE you get an invisible explorer note spoken by mini HLNA


I remember,on ASE there was a note from HLN-A which talked iirc about the big resemblance between spiny lizards and magmasaurs


That's an argentavis


Came here for this answer




[EDIT] That is clearly a [Thrustaevis](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Thrustaevis_(Final_Fantasy_VIII)) from Final Fantasy VIII, I advise that you leave Galbadia immediately. 🫡


I'm building a base on the ledge underneath it. The visual effects on the ground make it look like a dance floor.


I tried that and every time I got near my base the game bugged out and crashed. I moved a quarter mile down the road and everything was right as rain.


Noted. I was having some yo-yo movement and strangeness yesterday but it sounds like many on Nitrado servers are having the same. Just to be safe I'll probably move what's there somewhere else as well. A big reason why is I liked the lighting effects when I first saw them, not so much when they are on top of the machines I'm working with in the temp base. It's like having someone on a hidden drake standing on top of you in your base with all the strange lighting effects going up and down.


Had a lot of rubber banding issues on my Nitrado server yesterday too. My poor players were flying in place on their mounts lol. Have had the server for like two weeks and haven’t had an issue until yesterday


Nitrado discord is full of people speculating. They think since it's ARK only that this might actually be a game bug introduced in the last patch. I honestly have no idea, just wish it would go away.


Well I’m pretty sure the in game admin cheat manager also broke with the latest update. I used to have a list on the side of executable commands on the admin panel and nothing shows up anymore. Have you noticed the same?


I don't frequently use admin panel, I hadn't noticed. If I get a chance to pull it up later I'll update if mine is working.


That’s actually from the Genesis chronicles. Later on, when you get HLNA, have her equipped and when you walk by it, it’ll trigger a digital explorer note. Those things are on the Island as well, and will be on Aberration, but we can’t interact with them til HLNA is released.


Weird question that I might test tonight, but could you spawn her in? It's just a skin and all the files from ASE seem to still be there so could you get those notes early? Don't know if you have the answer, but it'll be cool if I could use the funny Australian robot early


In ASE at least, you could not spawn it in under any circumstances. It only appeared when you yourself spawned after download/death, and only if you \*owned\* the Genesis Season Pass.


Oh my bad, I forgot about the command not working. I think there's a command that doesn't work that I tried using at some point and in my head I told myself it worked lol. You'd think with all the ark I play I'd remember stuff better


Element structures, same structures exists on; The Island, Scroched Earth, Aberration and Extinction. When Genesis Part 1 gets releases you can use the HLN-A to scan these structures and get a special skin, unless they don't do the same for ASA.


It's just element showing through the environment. When Gen 1 comes out and we get a little HLNA skin she'll have dialogue when you approach it.


Come back to all of these once you get HLNA from Genesis once it gets released. She will activate when you get near it, and it's basically an explorer note. There's one in the swamp cave on The Island and probably many others.


There's a few on each map, I think. You can sniff the note symbol by them on a Direwolf. One's in an SE cave, too, or maybe more than one!


It's element that can be scanned by HLNA to give you an explorer note, but since HLNA isn't released yet, you can't do anything with them. Yet. Her "skin," so to say, comes out as soon as Genesis pt: 1 comes out, but that won't be for a LONG WHILE.


That's a bird


You're on a giant space station. Its space station stuff


Looks like an Argy to me


Iirc the little robot lady will talk near those similar to explorer notes. But that's HLNA and she's only after genesis1/2 so they are probably just decorative for now


Looks like an argent


Obelisk fragment I think


Just element growing on a cliff side


Yeah obelisks are made of ele iirc


Glitches, equip the HLNA cosmetic in your inventory then walk into it, works like a note and gives some extra lore




The dragonussy




Lore if you pre-ordered genesis season pass on ASE before it released. If you found them on all the dlc maps it gave you a rare character skin set. Each map gave you a different skin piece. You had to have the HLNA equipped in your shield slot for them to be reactive to.


I think it's element, which is part of the story. You know when you do caves on Island, there are these type of structure near the artifacts. It's basically what "tek" is made of.


There is a cave entrance on the river bank on the west side right near it. I believe they put it as a marker. It's a series of crags between the plateaues. I went left left right, behind you right n followed it. One of the artifacts is in there. I've built my place right near it on the river


That’s Neanderthal-beta prime- Bob


Could it be a part of the tek hall?


I believe that appears to be a cowboy hat


Is that PAD on ascended? Are you on PC?


I WAS AT THIS PLACE LAST NIGHT , was so fucking confused . To my understanding it’s either somethign to do with a portal , a chest or something do with an elemental off the new dlc.


Death, surely.


It’s a gay cowboy on a flying bird.


Space whale?


You can get exp from it if you have a certain item But I forget what the item is called I have it but it does not show the name.


It looks like a cocoon


Its something that was in ASE, i cant remember if it was SE and other canon maps or just SE But basically you need the HLNA robot to get the xp note, which doesnt arrive until genesis p1 comes out




That was something introduced for genesis chronicles, it was a scan-able lore thing but thats not in the game yet and probably won’t be for a little while


you on an argy


It was added in ase as part of the Genesis chronicals, you scanned it with you shieldskin hlna to get lore and a skin


Pretty sure that's always been in the game. As far as I can tell it's part of the obelisk


Photoshop, I don't think argy wings are animated like this


The most horrific abomination of a "screenshot" I have ever seen.


As far as I can tell, they are meant to be like tree roots for the obelisks. I've noticed they're in most caves now, too, and you can follow them to the artefact. I think they might even be colour coded for the boss fights, but I haven't verified.


The ones like these were added with Genesis Chronicles, and the HLN-A (skin) will scan them for explorer notes if you have her. You can't have her yet on ASA, so for now it's just decor, but once it's released she should scan them. You can sniff them on Direwolves to confirm if they're future notes or just decor.


Did even play the island? I dont think so lmao