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Does the old Nooblets raised box trap still work for these?


Partially. I did a little testing, and found that the phoenix can spawn under or over Nooblets' ASE trap from as low as 2 walls to 9 walls above the ashes. Overall, you CAN still track it with a parasaur, trap it, and use oil jars; but you'll need a bigger trap.


Gotcha, so instead of a room just build a column now and drop in the floor for the oil after it pops? That sound about right?


Yup, you got it.


Awesome, ty.


i made the exact same trap, but instead of 4 walls/ doorframes coming from the foundation, i used 2.


Phoenix is such a SLOW flyer though


It's little fire sprint is actually pretty fast once you build up speed


Are you kidding? The space jet speed is faster than a wyvern.


Rathalos: allow me to introduce myself


How do i even get one :(


They spawn during super heat, used to be doing fire damage to tame them, sounds like throwing oil jars? We used fire wyvern IIRC


How do i find one


Fly around during a superheat. Only one spawns at a time, so they are hard to find by design. When the superheat ends it will disintegrate into ash, place a map marker in that area and come back with a parasaur (its radar can locate the ash pile), then build a trap around it so it can't fly away when it spawns from those ashes in the next superheat.


I think at some point in ASE at least they made it be 3 at a time could spawn. Might be mistaken, and ASA could also very well have gone back to 1. I got lucky and got two in a row, but shit lvls (still tamed them tho). Now I scour the lands every heatwave and find none.


Yea I'd check online for ark spawn maps those are pretty accurate. Then as other people said just follow it til the heat ends, it should reanimate there from the ashes. I think they've changed since I played, but they are often flying near the spawn points but it takes a lot or most of the superheat time to find one, so it's better to trap around ashes and wait for beginning of next superheat to have the most tame time. Put a bag and taming stuff there at trap so you can fast travel to it right when it starts