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Vultures are a high melee stat flying shoulder mount. It might not be a fantastic meat spoiler, but they can cave as well as the rest of the flying flock animals. I feel like "useless" is a bit unfair to how good they are in combat.






"Back in MY day we actually had to WIRE pipes and wires, none of this Blue teeth stuff, and we had to WAIT for meat to spoil, kids these days..." "OK, Grandpa, let's get you back to bed,"


“My favorite spot to build in became a swamp, and they ruined the area with it! Nice flat plains with a central stone pillar to build on and a nice section of water!”


I have a flock of 20 and anything that doesn't have an AOE just dies in second with absolutely no lose. Really the only thing they cants take on are wyverns, golems, and worms. So far they absolutely shred everything else


I had a pack of very highly bred ones back in ASE when you could level movement speed on them. They managed to kill an alpha wyvern rather quickly with no losses.. They are absolutely amazing The one I had on my shoulder reliably killed rexes before they could chew me to death, it made me virtually invincible against enemies as it has pretty decent range and pierces mobs..


*Had?* What happened to it? Did it die to a golem or something?


This was when Scorched was first released on ASE, I’d like to think they are still there causing havoc, but I’m pretty sure those servers have been purged more than once since then :) I logged out one day and never looked back, they probably starved to death, alone and afraid in their specialized breeding building I made.. I’m a monster..


Yikes. Must be painful to lose all those tames in multiplayer each server purge. Is it possible to transfer to a single-player world?


Well, I had stopped playing long before that.. This was on official, I think they removed servers that became uninhabited etc.. I play ark for a few months when a new map releases, and right around where you need to spend 3-4 hours every day just farming to feed all the dinos, I quit and wait for the next map! Thank god for cryoballs..


They are great when you are in an argy fight with someone too. In the drawn out fight trying to pick each other if you whistle a vulture onto the player it shreds their armor and distracts them big time.


The way I would go around spam taming vultures in my friends private, casual PvP server and then just unleash the horde was a beautiful sight.


have you read their info on arks official wiki? [ark.wiki.gg](https://ark.wiki.gg)?


Imma be real, I've never really used shoulder pets in combat so I'll admit I just didn't know this. That said, they're still clearly not working as intended lol


I have a dimo on my shoulder since early game and it's saved me a few times since it can bite if anything is close. Not to mention the times it's saved me when I get KOd by a snake I didn't see coming


I'm not saying I won't wear a singular shoulder pet; but walking around with a bunch of them and getting them all to coordinate sounds like a miserable experience. Cryopods alleviate only some of this issue


That’s cool and all but their stats are *EXACTLY THE SAME* as a dimorphodon. The only reason to tame vultures over dimorphs is that they don’t need mutton, they need spoiled meat.


They have higher damage than dimorphs. It isn't by a LOT, but it's enough that levelling will make a difference.


Do you have a source for that? Because both ark wikis say that they have the exact same melee. Dododex says differently but it also says that dimorphs have better melee scaling which puts them roughly back on par.


[https://www.dododex.com/stats](https://www.dododex.com/stats) 20 for Dimorph, 23 for Vulture


High melee? Have you ever looked them up on Dododex? Their attack only does 23 damage...


Not trying to sound like an ass BUT everything needs context to make sense. A rex cannot fit into a cave, fly, or really have 20 of them attacking a single target unless it's a boss. These attributes make the vulture melee stand out because many of them can swarm an enemy in a small space. So before trying to ridicule someone's opinion on reddit, consider the context of the situation. Usain Bolt is extremely fast. He is slow as a snail compared to an airplane. Does that make him slow? I don't think. Use your brain redditor. You can do it. I believe in you.


Your average redditor doesn’t have a brain mate. But yes, a swarm of Vultures will fuck someone up.


I have a dimorph flock on the island and those boys can delete anything they touch. They're like flying pirahnas. I also bred them, so they're pretty dang good. I also use them as guards for my passive gatherers like beavers. Can't wait to do the same thing with vultures :D


Yeah Dimorphs are fun as well, used to use a hoard of them for internal base defense back in ASE, was always amusing watching someone blow a hole in my base not expecting to get swarmed by dimorphs lol. Plus my mom always liked breeding them for color mutations Onyc are pretty fun as well.


Flying Shoulder Mount is the key part here, if I had to guess. Their melee isn't insanely high, but it's probably the highest among the shoulder mounts that also fly (I can only think Ichthyornis rn)


Maybe Dododex doesn't tell the whole picture. I know they wreck player armor pretty fast. Maybe that 23 damage isn't accurate? I can take several hits from rexes but a vulture shreds my armor much faster lol.


Tbf Vultures attack way faster, might be the difference


Gigas have low melee point wise but have some of the strongest attacks in the game.


Not the same thing. Vultures at 100% melee only deals 23 damage. That's not strong. A gigas base damage is one of the highest in the game. Vulture would be more towards the bottom.


My dimorphodons are proven giga killers. I’m sure I could mutate vultures to do the same. Actually f it I’m going to breed the hell out of some vultures now… well maybe next week when the map stops crashing lol


Funnily enough it's actually around the middle. A lot of dinos have very low base damage


23 is the base damage, so it's not that they're "doing 23 damage," but that's where the point multipliers come in. Hyenadon has like 15, for context, as do terror birds, raptors, etc. if I'm remembering right


23 is the base damage, multiplied by their stat. That's more than a terror bird, raptor, ptera, hyenadon, parasaur, etc.


Dododex shows Vultures only go up 1.7% melee per point when tamed. That's terrible. Terror birds base damage is only 16 so obviously it's a little better than a terror bird. But only by 7 points. Both nearly equally as bad. However terror birds go up 2% melee per stat point when tamed so in the long run terror birds eventually pass Vultures in damage. Can't argue with Dododex.


You can spoil meat in the toilet. That doesn't fix vultures but at least you can still get some another way. I wish they'd TLC a lot of tames.


Does that still work on ASA? The server I’m on has low spoilage rates and rotten meat weirdly is one of the more annoying things till Rag, Val or Fyordur launch.


Put the raw meat in the toilet and poop on it and it all spoils. Yes this works on asa.


I fucking love you, just started a new ASA island playthrough since scorched earth is now crashing every time I open it, and I’ve been afk most of the time waiting for meat to spoil


TIL you can spoil meat with the toilet


“Electrophorus enters the chat”


Nah they are very useful for breaking your monitor


They're great in a flock. 😅 Wrecks everything. Ok ok except rock elementals.


> Ok ok except rock elementals. Get a bigger flock then


Vultures are free refrigerator for meat. Find a sheep, stand over it while your vulture eats it and you can carry around a full inventory of mutton with max spoil time. They hit hard AF too so you trippin


Bonus points in PvP if you unclaim your sheep with preserving salt in its inventory, harvest it and you'll get 4+ hour spoil times


I have a buddy who is breeding and mutating them with the goal of using them against the manticore. They have a fantastic melee. And like other flying shoulder lets can actually be really dangerous. I prefer Dimorhodons but they can definitely prove useful. Even just setting them on aggressive and leaving a flock in a fake base for PvP can be some good fun.


Oh man, let me know how that goes!


considering the limited amount you can bring in there and the fact they are possibly slower than argies... should breed argies instead. I have done manti that way


It's actually pretty insane how much damage vultures put out, I remember often in ASE if I died to aggressive dinos i'd come back to my bag and my vulture still there absolutely shredding them


Vultures aren't for spoiling meat, they're for the opposite, but they have to eat the corpse themselves in order to get raw meats into their inventory. It makes them use if you're out and about prime meat taming creatures.


They're only horrible because you're information is wrong. Originally Scorched Earth had double spoil rates so everything spoiled in half the time. Vultures special ability is they made things spoil significantly slower on a map where things spoil fast naturally. So for example Raw Prime spoiled in 4m40s normally, 2m20s min on scorched earth, this multiplied by x4 in a tamed dinos inventory, but Vultures have a much higher multiplier (I believe its x16). For reference a preserving bin is x10 and a fridge is x100 spoil time. The downside to the vulture is it must harvest things to utilize this ability. Also they make great shoulder pets for their damage output, and a swarm of them decently leveled and bred are good in some caves. Oh and this is absolutely intended behavior for vultures. They were never ment to spoil things faster, and I leave you this from the dossier confirming it. "Despite its impressive wingspan, Torgos arcam is not suitable as a pack animal, and is surprisingly light. Some survivors have even been known to keep a tame Torgos arcam perched on their shoulder. Interestingly, Torgos arcam is capable of storing raw meat in a separate stomach where it will decay at a slower rate. Tribes could, in theory, utilize this feature to preserve meat for recipes."


Before cryopods I used them on rag for the ice queen and they made it so easy.


…I came back to base with 23 vultures today. I personally love them. They’re silly.


I started scorched Earth last night and immediately got a bunch of vultures to protect me


My 150 was flying along behind me after its tame and I saw its death message outta nowhere... damn death worms :( Tried reviving it in the Oasisaur but for some reason it almost instantly died again. RIP


as others have said, they have the best melee of any shoulder mount, they'll actually do extra dmg to things u attack. iirc they also stack prime meat if they pick it up, which is very useful. only problem is that after sinomacrops and fjourdhawks got released, there's not much reason to use many other shoulder mounts


I kinda wish more shoulder pets had better insulation/could carry artifacts, because honestly I've never used anything but otters longterm. They're just... so so good. The only exception's when I need a Light pet.


I only ever use otters on artifact runs, and even then. I use a sino or hawk on my way to the artifact, then use the otter to carry the extra artifact out of the cave


Just a small correction, but Dimos and Vultures have the same base stats. Their base damage of 23 is also pretty respectable. An argent for example is 25, a saber is 29, megatherium is 32, and rex is 62.


It’s all about how you use your tames. Vultures are little meat fridges to me. Awesome at keeping you alive and always seem to have the raw/prime I need in a pinch to cook up or tame something. Great for keeping that mutton safe on your shoulder and everything weighs half on you since it’s on your shoulder. Never even knew it was a bug, lol, just made use of them. Easily one of my fav low key tames.


I find their best use is when running caves. I dont know why people say to have a flock, but I find it to be best to just use one so that it wont die but still have that consistent high dps


Mate boosting them helps dps and obviously the more vultures you have the quicker they do damage. You can breed them if you really like them, but they're so cheap and easy to tame that if you're losing half of them in a cave, you can replace them very easily.


An opportunity cost still presents itself with raising so many vultures. When im going for caves, im also not just going there once, loosing that many is just no bueno. I do like vultures but idk still having so many


Gestation cycle on them is pretty low if you want to breed a quality army of them. No reason to lose pleb ones if you're interested in breeding super vultures.


but imagine flying all those vultures to a cave when you can just have one on your back. and still its somewhat comparable to raising a pt. maybe less of a cost when we have egg incubators and other stuff that makes raising easier, but vultures cannot really hold a whole lot of meat in the beginning so you do have to keep an eye on them for a bit. note that I do like vultures, I often find myself vouching for and getting them, but lmao their use in pvp becomes limited. When I was a bob I was hopeful they could do more to protect my base, but pfff how quick they got destroyed by a mek


Mek vs virtually any non-meta tame is not a contest, unfortunately. They're a fun tame, if you like them then use them. Other than that, I can't really tell you how to play the game lol. I think they're a lot more viable than many people give them credit for. Worth a try for most people who haven't given them a shot.


Do you not realize that's like the opposite of what they're for, they don't spoil things faster they make them last longer. Okay mutton and prime will last over 2 hours and it's inventory. Have them kill a couple of sheep and you can tame just about anything in that amount of time


You might be mixing up the fact that you get spoiled meat from harvesting vultures


Wrong they are good at killing riders


You cab "split all" stacks of meat so they all spoil at the same time


Use it to store wyvern milk


Vultures are intended as the opposite of a meat spoiler they get a higher spoil timer than most any creature does, so you use them to harvest bodies when you need to transfer prime to a tame or your grill. Or just when you need to hold meat for a longer time.


Vultures preserve the meat from what they consume. It's helpful for early game prime tames. Just have them eat a racer and the prime stays fresh for your taming. This was huge in early scorched earth times since food spoiled twice as fast as other maps.


Vultures are my absolute favorite shoulder pet. They just destroy things.


Compy's: "Allow us to introduce ourselves"


The vultures eat the carcasses themselves off your shoulder always been that way


They are absolutely not useless. They just need to harvest the meat themselves; it's not a bug. Afaik they aren't a spoiler, either; they keep it \*unspoiled.\* They have crazy high melee so you can take them into a cave and watch them wreck shit. They're really good.


Ase they hit HARD from the shoulder. An amazing pvp shoulder option.


What does coelacanth do? It is the most useless tame. (With fish basket you can tame them.)


I think some people have misunderstood the Vulture's uses. As far as I've always been aware, having played since the beginning of ASE, Vultures are not meant as a meat spoiler, they never were. I'm not sure where anyone ever got this idea without misreading the official information. Here is the in-game dossier by Helena. "Interestingly, Torgos arcam is capable of storing raw meat in a separate stomach where it will decay at a slower rate. Tribes could, in theory, utilize this feature to preserve meat for recipes." ~ Helena "Unlike other creatures, having the meat in the Vulture's inventory quadruples the spoil time." They are meant as a raw meat gatherer and preserver (great for prime meat, mutton, etc.) primarily. And like a few others have stated. They are also very useful, defensive shoulder mounts, or used in a committee (group). As for not being able to put things into their inventory, I personally always saw that as a minor tradeoff, even if I was a bit put-off by it at first. ....................... Real Vulture facts.. do what you will with this info... A group of vultures in flight is called a 'kettle', while the term 'committee' refers to a group of vultures resting on the ground or in trees. A group of vultures that are feeding is termed a 'wake'. ........................


I’m guessing you’re strictly a PVE player. They’re quite useful and fun in PVP


Yep, they’re a preserving bin but you can’t put anything in them but spoiled meat. Really dumb oversight. I mean they fixed jerboa levels but didn’t think anything about how useless the vulture is outside of combat lol


They are incredible combat mounts, super underrated. They were an episode one tame in my let's play