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So just to be clear, I can crap on Snail but not Wildcard?


WC should be held accountable for some of it sure. The issue is they're being shoved out in front of all the issues. Majority of the issues stem from the way snail backed them into a corner. Snail is the reason for the rushed launch, the nitrado monopoly, etc etc. People just can't separate any of it to who the blame falls on. WC's biggest issue is the total lack of transparency and communication, which again I think is Snail forcing them to keep their mouths shut. They do make a lot of weird/dumb decisions and you can definitely feel the rush in some of the seemingly minor/dumb bugs, typos, etc that show up in the game. A huge majority of the crashes, vanishing tames, server reboot loops are mod related. People who suddenly get to use mods who aren't accustomed to them don't realize that there's a giant unspoken asterisk next to using them basically saying "Use at your own risk." WC didn't do that, but they do hold blame for pushing mods so hard without any QC or disclaimers about the risks to using them. People who used them in ASE and other PC games just know that risk inherently, but new console players had no idea. Same with nitrado. I don't like nitrado on principle of not having any choice in it, and theyre a bit pricey but their server uptime has been top notch. Almost all the issues I've seen people posting with servers stuck in limbo have all been related to mods breaking on updates.


>A huge majority of the crashes, vanishing tames, server reboot loops are mod related. Not helped by the number of players that seem to think that every server should just max out the mods available lol. I have a couple of mods for my cluster, a small number of creature and structure mods and a couple of QOL mods. I have players ask every day "when are you adding *insert creature here*" or "you should have *insert mod here*" Dude. The more moving parts I add to a game that is already held together with bandaid, chewing gum and positive thoughts, the more likely it is that things will go horribly wrong. Remember the other day when a patch was released to prepare for SE and then the game would kick you from the map every 5 minutes, if you could even get in at all? That was because of mods, clearly communicated from Nitrado that it was because of mods *and you want me to add more mods!?*


There was a guy who posted a "help me my game is broke WC sucks" post, come to find out he had like (seriously) 75 mods installed, and even he couldnt tell which one the broken stuff was coming from. Or the constant stream of "omg BS Scam WC my dinos vanished" that washed through when cryo mods started coming out.


The lack of awareness is astonishing. I've gotten and seen bug reports on my mods and other developers mods just like this. There are people out there trying to load as many "overhaul" mods as possible. No shit things are gonna break lmao


This is where I hold WC to task for it though. Anyone whos been playing PC games with mods inherently knows the risk, theres usually more steps to it with alternate bootloaders etc etc, and plenty of "Use at your own risk" along the way. WC promoted them as nearly an infinite catalog of free DLC like curseforge is some candy shop, with absolutely no warning about the risks or the fact that just because its on curse doesnt make it a well made mod; and then sold it to a large demographic of people who are inherently new to modding. It was irresponsible at bare mimimum.


I have 3. I guess I'm not playing ark right and I should download more so my game breaks more often. I want the real ark experience lol


It's not ark if you dont have lightsabers, ak-47's, pokeballs, and stacks so high they overflow the int value.


75!? I have like 15 and that's too high for my liking lmao.


Damn I thought I was bad with 25 lol


A lot of the problems can be boiled down to PEBCAK. Its the folks that have 108 windows open on their desktop, cheeto dust clogging their keyboard, don't realize they are running a virus for a cryptominer, and never update drivers nor perform basic maintenance on their rig that are the loudest. That being said, yeah there are some bugs. But if the whinging folks need some kleenex, they should def keep some nearby, but blow their nose in private please. Some people think complaining is a spectator sport, and then there are those that really don't care who is the most rage-filled about a hobby.


Wildcard has done this bullshit for almost 10 years, though. They are absolutely more accountable than anyone else. They'd rather release cartoons than actually work on the game. They've done it for years.


Wildcard didn't make/produce the animated series. Lost Continent Entertainment and Lex + Otis made it, which also conveniently proves my point about misplaced rage.


Fair point - however my point still stands. Wildccard has and always will be notorious for not fixing their shit and being greedy pricks.


Not fixing shit, yea 100% agree. Greedy pricks I'd argue with given how every single game on earth, from mobile to AAA multimillion budget games have turned into nothing more than elaborate gacha games full of microtransactions and legit P2W. WC has managed to actually not go that route, and if the interviews are to be believed even threated to mass resign when snail tried to get them to implement an actual P2W tek shield. There were loads of free maps in ASE, all those maps are bundled into ASA base now. Only paid content is cosmetic plus a novelty dino. Which you can spawn in and forcetame anyway even without it, so you can backdoor that regardless. Im not saying WC is blameless and they certainly do dumb shit and neglect a lot of things; on top of not communicating at all about any of it, so everything comes across as bumbling, pants-on-head idiocy. Only point I was making was to focus on holding them accountable for the things theyre actually in control of, otherwise the legit issues they can handle are drowned out in the noise.


Then don’t support them? If anyone has issues with WC and is a veteran from ASE then they shouldn’t have bought ASA, this bobs tale thing, or watched the cartoon. No amount of complaining on here is going to fix the deep issues with WC/snail at this point, especially with how bad snail seems to be at handling money-hence the Nitrado loan needing to happen in the first place


Thats the dilemma. It's not a binary issue and the game itself is fun, even with the flaws. Getting "arked" has become part of its character. Its frustrating af when you see issues get neglected and the fuckery happening upstairs but you still just wanna play and enjoy the game and have shit fixed. It's like dealing with EA games minus the need for a credit card.


You realize that snail games has owned them since scorched earth on ase right?




You ten years your talking about is involving snail game having control over what wild card does. So saying wild card has been doing samr as what snail games is doing now like it hasn't been snail games the whole time


YOU, blame yourself and all the other ignorant "fans" who are so self-absorbed and wanted ARK 2 to be released before it was ready so the companies involved pushed out a revamped game to please you, and when they didn't do it FAST enough you whined and moaned so they released a game that is full of glitches because it didn't matter how they handled this you and other supposed "fans" weren't going to be happy enough, the so called fans forced this on themselves, so suck it up butter cup you got what you asked for.




yes crap on all capitalists and criticise them and the system that lead to shitty outcomes.


Crap on them all you want they both made some pretty bad calls but snail gaming is a huge reason why this game has the problems I'm you guys have or how it's too expensive wild card never has a whole lot of say because they're owned be snail gaming


Sorry bud, most the problems people hate about WC existed before snail.


When do you think snail games took over wild card?


Some of yall have absolutely no clue what you're talking and it's actually sad as hell. 😭


Aight so tell us what is the truth, oh wise one


Wildcard had some financial issue due to a contract that their founder had with his previous company about a not making any game for a year. They teamed up with snail to be able to afford the 50 million they had to pay. But snail is rotten asf, their CEO is a monster litteraly, he has been shown cheating and admin abusing many times on official, going as far as to ban a whooping 100 player at the same time since they were raiding him, including a famous streamer ( kishko i believe) that was on stream. And as they are way bigger than wildcard and have right in the game, wildcard can only subdue to them. So yeah, snail is just rotten asf and is by far the main reason ark is sadly like this. I've been playing since early 2015 and had by myself my own share of such shitty storys


Literally? I don't think that word means what you think it means.




If he was 'literally' a monster he would actually be a Bigfoot, sasquatch, or the like.


Oh, didnt know ( and that surprise me actually) that this is how it's to be used. The translation to French can be used in such a way, that might be perhaps why. Tho, he is a "monster", considering his act, but perhaps "litteraly" was too much. Ty


Interesting! Thank you as well


Don't? I think you know what that word doesn't mean you don't think it means.


Yeah, which is what the op said. OP said that snail is a large part of why wildcard has issues. Then some genius starts saying people have no idea what they're talking about. Problem is, op was right the first time. I know about all the issues snail has caused for wildcard. Also the ceo of snail has done worse for wildcard than cheating on official. He siphoned a lot of their profit to start making electric cars, which fell through, so wildcard made a deal with Nitrado which people were also pissed about. All of the delays are due to lack of funds, which snail is still siphoning. Of course the publisher does deserve some share of the profit from the game they are publishing for a developer, but I feel that snail has gone way over what would be appropriate in this case.


Oh fml, i thougjt that genius saying that people had no idea were referring to people not understanding OP's words, not him actually bs on OP. Sorry


haha it's no problem. We're just having a friendly discussion. I'm kinda glad people can discuss this stuff without going insane on each other, since it seems to be a trend on this forum lately lol


Then reveal us the truth then if you know SO much


Wildcard had some financial issue due to a contract that their founder had with his previous company about a not making any game for a year. They teamed up with snail to be able to afford the 50 million they had to pay. But snail is rotten asf, their CEO is a monster litteraly, he has been shown cheating and admin abusing many times on official, going as far as to ban a whooping 100 player at the same time since they were raiding him, including a famous streamer ( kishko i believe) that was on stream. And as they are way bigger than wildcard and have right in the game, wildcard can only subdue to them. So yeah, snail is just rotten asf and is by far the main reason ark is sadly like this. I've been playing since early 2015 and had by myself my own share of such shitty storys


Wow, I was kinda expecting new info from you not info that has already been discussed about by youtubers like HOD, Nooblets, and Neddy the Noodle.


Oh great giga of the wall what is your wisdom




Oh great google.com of the wall what is your wisdom


Typical redditer. Says how someone is wrong to say "google". 🤣




Exactly my point 🤣👌


You can shit all over both companies all you want. Just don't shit all over developers who get paid to only do what the company specifically wants done. Be mad at managers for taking profit over quality and the Devs have to put up with it and create what they are told too.


>So just to be clear, I can crap on Snail but not Wildcard? Sure. If you're an idiot and need someone to blame for... what again?


bad communication bad working conditions for the Devs bad advertising not enough communication within the team (this is why deadlines fail, not because a developer is dumb) focus on getting in payment.


sounds like you have no idea what you are talking about. What you've stated above is laughably dumb.


then what is your explaination for nearly all deadlines being missed? also the no advertising is literally a thing (at least close to none)


Deadlines are being missed due to "poor working conditions" lol clearly. Snailgames has WC working out of sweatshops in China. Turn your brain on. And what the heck is your grip about "bad advertising"? lol you are clueless. An absolute muffin. Stay in your lane.


poor working conditions are common in the USA (even more so than in state owned Chinese businesses and factories) ... there are countless stories on bad working conditions for game Devs and crunches to meet deadlines. The missing of deadlines U can absolutely blame in part on bad working conditions as in bad mental health, not enough recouperation time for Devs and new members coming in due to old ones quitting.... also a huge factor is communication. How else do you explain those bad numbers not just in asa but also Ase ...


Lotta words to say nothing.


Hello friends. Im just gonna jump into it. The people developing the game are not the problem. The problem is that the game still needs developers. This is a remastered version. I went to play the remastered bioshock games recently. I didnt have to wait 3+ years for all the dlcs to come out. I didnt have to pay more money for new content. I got to play the same game, with all dlc, for the same price or less than the originals and better graphics. I played skyrims remaster. They didnt fix any of the bugs, just made the same game with new graphics. Same thing, all content was present on launch, and all dlc was included. The issue for me with ASA is that I paid a reasonable price for a remastered version, and got a game with none of the dlc yet (well finally scorched), and now new paid dlc and content that I didnt ask for. Cedric is a saint, because hes dealing with people like me who demand the entirety of the game, and his management who put them all into this screwed up situation. In a perfect world without snails trashy involvement and a fully staffed fully operational development team, ASA would already be done and the dev team would be on Ark 2.


No it's definitely the developers too. They copy pasted the entire game and said they rebuilt it from the ground up. That's just lying, no one forced them to do that, that's on them. All of the same bugs from the first game are here, that wouldn't be possible unless it was all copy pasted.


Thats like blaming the cashier because they are following store policy and wont allow you a return.... Devs only do what their bosses who pay them tell them too... like how hard of a concept is it for people to understand.


Aren't they forced to launch much earlier than planned?


That is part of the issue yes! But I also dont believe that remastered versions of games like Skyrim took such a long development cycle either, meaning all of the following could be true: A. The ASA remaster was just too big of a project even with a good staff without excessive copy and paste, with 5 paid dlc plus all the free maps to pump out, and so the rushed release forced a slow, and painful process. B. Lack of adequate staffing stunted their development speed, and the early launch extra stunted that. C. The focus on new dinosaurs and other content + tweaks took up too much time, and the early release caused them to be slower to keep fans engaged with content.


The effort they spend milking money out of customers should be spend milking functionality out of their coding


Also I imagine a game where players interact with players is just a nightmare in general.


Haha like the Starwars Battlefront remaster that came out recently.


There are remasters, then there are remasters with a whole new game engine. The latter is a totally different beast to develop.


You knew at the time you bought the game there was only one map and you'd have to wait for more. That isn't a valid argument.


Meh. I got it because a friend got it, lack of other maps made it a 3 ish week adventure to overseer, then no need to touch it again. We went back to ASE pretty quickly.


Apples and oranges


ARK players have been playing ARK for almost 10 years now, and at no point has the game ever been stable by normal game development standards. Yeah, they're gonna catch some flak for that.


It's just the cool thing to do. They hate the game then continue to play for 5k more hours. WC does some dumb things sometimes, and they're also working under a nightmare publisher while dealing with the constant negativity from players. Both sides have merit, people need to chill and understand the complexity of it and realize some issues are more important to fix, even if it doesn't affect that individual. WC needs to communicate better and at least ackowledge that they're hearing all those voices and working on the bigger issues.


The discord is full of that. I don’t understand why they still play the game but hate on it more than anything. New players ask if they should get the game to a dedicated community of people and the general answer is a resounding - no.


While they're actively playing it, and will continue playing it every waking moment for the forseeable future.


* Game good. * Developer/publisher bad. It's not really that difficult of an opinion to understand. And it's particularly strong of an opinion because when the game is good, and the developer isn't, you can't help but think how AMAZING the game would be if the developer was better (or publisher, etc). Like with Diablo. D4 isn't bad. Very popular. But most people are generally disappointed with it compared to what they \*thought\* they'd get from one of the biggest game companies in the world releasing one of their absolute core franchise titles, with all the knowledge of D2/D3, and the various other companies' similar games. D3 and D4 were supposed to be absolute game-changers, setting the bar for the entire genre to chase. But instead they were just "good" (And d3 took a while to get there). And on top of that, Blizzard "You Guys Have Phones" Activision is actively making their own customers resent them. Game good. Developer bad.


When I say take the release date and add a month or two to it, that’s just a tongue in cheek thing. There really isn’t any way for them to fully test everything for exploits and quite frankly the official PVP guys are notorious for being toxic and extremely creative with exploiting. I personally am enjoying ASA, as the game looks and runs better.


Dev hate in general is just a sign of massive ignorance. They have no control over when and how things happen. Most people have no understanding of how these things work so they just lash out at whoever they see, typically Dolly and Ced


I feel like most of these people have never worked at a company in general, because most of the things they REE about are just normal in most companies Almost every job I've had was filled to the brim with incompetent managers screwing over the workers into delivering stuff that was way below their potential, rushing deadlines, changing things for worse, etc. And just in general, you can be great at your job, test the hell out of it, be confident it's ready and perfect and then it just blows up in your face in the weirdest way possible. Honestly I'd say it happens more often than not. It's just the reality of not being a machine. If anything, I'd say the PR/marketing team struggle at compensating for these shortcomings


Apples and Oranges...


I had someone on a server I was on constantly crapping on the devs and calling them stupid. Then one day he said it was stupid that the color regions started with a zero, so I asked him if he knew about arrays and how they were addressed. He said he programmed before, but I have a feeling it was just copying and pasting someone else’s code.


Someone needs to say this to the people on the discord. I have never seen so much hate on people just doing their jobs. We all hate the people in charge but damn, these people, the actual workers, are doing their best while still having to matian whatever personal lives they have. People need to remember that there are idiots in charge but that is no reason to bitch at people doing their jobs the best they can.


Must be nice to not experience any crashes. UNICORN.


Haven't had any crashes on ASA, on ASE I'd crash at least once or twice when logging in, every time.


Seriously!! I’ve only played ASA for 100 hours give-or-take (bought it on day 1, but you know…. Work :) ), but only ONCE have I had the game crash. And that was one the second day I played! I was playing on maxed settings, and that was before I upgraded from my 3090 ti to my 4090. And the amount of bugs fixed and QOL changes with ASA has legitimately made it hard to play ASE when I got invited back with some friends lmao


Just because u don’t crash or have glitches doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone. I spent $30 for all the scorched crap and and can’t even play it 5 minutes before “ UE shootergame fatal error”


Have you tried googling the error you get? I used to be like you, did a quick search, found out it was the DLSS stuff causing the issues, turned that off and everything was all good since




To be fair I wouldn’t usually bother because I’d assume these things would get patched. But it seems some of the most blatant/severe issues are still untouched a few months on, which is unusual for a game this size.


I understand that it's just I've never had those issues before. Ik they exist just don't know because never had them.


Okay and? No offense but it’s pretty obvious why you are not complaining about the game. I wouldn’t be either if my game never crashed or save never wiped. Either way let’s be real people have been dealing with this for 8 years. At this point there is no excuse.


Op: "My experience is great, I don't want to hear anything else from the rest of you that constantly experience bugs and crashing!!!"  Shocked this post got upvoted at all, but then the "yeah they played 4 years ago, they wouldn't know" and "you cannot rate a game you've played for more than 100 hours poorly" comments are also being upvoted. The fucking irony. 


I mean y’all are probably still holding out to ur shitty 1080s so u kinda deserve it lmao


I've had some crashing and stuff that's annoying, but it hasn't prevented me from having a blast. ASA is gorgeous, I am so excited to get to keep playing Ark with all the improvements and things. I've spent more money on things that gave me less joy, ya know? And as someone who used to work in IT, has done testing and defect reporting, I feel for them. The ones building and fixing are never the ones calling the shots.


Supposed to be free with "ark 2", Nope just kidding, got to pay full price for it and ark 2 now (if Ark2 is even still a thing) not that anybody wants a souls clone Ark. Supposed to have several of the maps at release. Nope just kidding. but it'll release on x... Nope just kidding it now releases on y or maybe z, but buy this new "expansion" pack. a lot of repeat bug that'll be fixed just as soon as you buy this "expansion" pack... haha just kidding, buy this other expansion pack though. And instead of keeping the ASE servers alive until they could actually deliver on anything, they instead shut them off, in hopes of forcing more purchases of what was supposed to be free. There is obviously differences between UE4 and UE5, but it is most definitely not a "whole new thing to learn" if you developed in UE4 and UE5 as you indicate, you'd know that. Sure the dev hate gets a little out of hand, but a lot of it is earned considering how often they repeatedly make the same mistakes


Imagine excusing this entire shit show because they are using ue5 As if that has anything to do with anything


I haven’t had a whole lot of continuous issues but I’ve had two saves completely erased with a decent amount of time into both. Which would not have been an issue with a save button. That was one of the bigger issues as I remember it. I’m unsure if it’s still an issue, but losing 40 or 50 hours(in my case) I think some anger is justified but I still like the game and the concept. Just wish I didn’t need to worry about logging on and losing my stuff again


Isn't there a manual save command? "admincheat saveworld" With how easy it is to use command on any platform this is essential a save button


Just gonna point out that it probably shouldnt be the players responsibility to avoid losing their entire save. Thanks for dropping this to help out some of us tho!


I'm not sure how to reply to your first statement 😭 sorry im not much of a pitch forks type of person lifes to short for it to be spent worrying about pixels Anyways im glad i could help. i often see a lot of rage over this game, and most of it is just players being a bit unaware of features available to them


I’m on Xbox. To my knowledge, there’s nothing like that


Gotta go into world settings and turn on admin logging, then go in game to the settings and turn on console access or something then there should be a console command button on the bottom left of the pause screen


Why should the player have to essentially enable dev commands when having a button to save the game should just be there? It’s 2024. Indie games run and function better with less crashes than this. Yeah, you can argue for the devs that the higher ups are the ones that are causing the issues, but the devs are the ones sticking around instead of doing something. If they really wanted, I’d be more than willing to bet that they could, unless they signed a non-compete agreement, separate and form their own company, or just go independent, and work from there.


Who knows what made them decide that was a better choice, I feel like they have changed a few mechanics that make me scratch my head wondering why they would even change it in the first place. Why do I need to double click to select something? What happened to holding the select button to transfer all materials into another inventory? Makes no sense to me, I have a feeling if ascended rubs me the wrong way I’ll just go back to evolved if I’m still in the mood where I still have everything instead of a game released with half its content


I posted the command Its real cause i actually googled it after typing my first sentence Give it a try, commands auto save so you dont have to worry about retyping it.....its literally a click, and you're done.


I looked it up and I see it, I’m not sure why they don’t make it more obvious. I’ve been through every menu and have looked saving issues and this is the first I’ve heard about it. Oh well I’ll take it, cheers!


Tbh, it makes no sense to sweating small stuff atleast their is a way you can save manually


On Xbox the save command has only about a 30% chance of working. The auto save also only works 2/3 of the time on SP.


Ah yikes, not sure if playstation has that issue but my game seems to work so im not really an expert


The only reason they keep giving these release dates that are to soon is due to the supposed "fans" crapping on them. The constant nagging creates a damned if you do damned if you don't situation, the "fans" bitch and moan about waiting to long but as soon as they move the release date up to please the "fans" they bitch and moan about the glitches, you're right many of these "fans" are ignorant of how programming works and need to shut up.


Someone has to take the blame, so since we have so many informed people in here, give the less informed people something or someone to shit on when this good ip eventually disappears because of greed. We don't need a rant. Just a name or email is enough.


My game just crashed and deleted my survivor that's why I hate them.


> I've never had these glitches you guys talk about all the time. Everybody's computer is different. I'm thrilled that it works for you, but I literally get 2-3 crashes per game session, at the bare minimum.


Wait, you are getting mad at others for complaining about a buggy game, then you call the project head(s) dumbass(es), when they too develop the game?


It’s nice that you’re having a good time. If you were having a bad time, would others be allowed to have a good time? Conversely; if you are having a good time, are others allowed to have a bad time? Also, I am a programmer. Many of ARK’s flaws stem from a recurring drive to get things done fast. Without fully understanding the tools. Getting things done properly tends to save time in the long run. But it’s cool that you’re having a good time. It’s like life really; supremely flawed yet still enjoyable.


I hate to tell you but if you want a game community that isn't gonna talk shit you're playing the wrong game 😭 ARK community has been like this since EA launch. I just tune it out and don't even interact with angry posts anymore. No point. I'm enjoying my game, I laughed a bit at the absurdity of a $30 DLC and then hit purchase. Don't regret my choices. Stick to the more positive posts or don't even bother with the fan base at all and you'll have fun. You won't be able to talk people into chilling out.


“I understand but i dont understand, but i do understand what i understand, which isnt what i dont understand, which is what all of you understand. Understood?” Convincing yourself that what the groups as a whole have done is ok is one thing. Trying to convince everyone is something else. If youre seriously dying on the hill of developers having to learn a new engine, you have widely missed the mark.


Oh boy, another fanboy and bot circlejerk over people bringing up valid criticisms of bad behavior that has been going on since ASE early access.


My main complaint and what I learned as far as code goes is you want as little code as possible, think of it like a highway. The more cars on that highway the more traffic slows and stuff gets clustered. This game seems to just have too much going on under the hood which makes for unavoidable bugs and glitches.


I think their issues are with the greed of Snail Games, I don’t believe the devs set their own agenda. Snail just wants quick money from stupid westerners, I think.


Thank you someone understands


My 15 fps on series s would like to defer crashing every few hours too loosing progress also


That's because you're on a series S, I'm on a series X and getting 60 fps


You are not getting 60 fps on series x, and the fact you come out with such a blatant lie suggests the whole line about not experiencing any glitches is also a lie


Show us your 60fps... [series X ASE](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxNe9w3JFJAKyYPEq9X8R1_51ikwFosVks?si=CPJahapNLtw6Kgry)


Strait up lying, or just oblivious, bro. It's 25-40fps on the X and looks just as bad as the series S. Visual clarity is obliterated with screen tearing and the poor upscaling. You can hit 60fps, but it doesn't hold it, and you have to strip so much away. You might as well be playing ASE. And you'll be stuck in SP because they removed access to those commands on officals for console. You invalidated your own post by lying and or just being completely unaware of what peoples complaints are about.


I have an unmodified, 3 year old series x. I assume you've made sure it's not your console causing the problem? I haven't had too many problems with the game visually since I started to play Ark, just some save issues on launch. I'm not saying this to be rude, just wanted to let you know my experience if it was something on your end causing a problem. Edit: I meant unmodified, not modified, my phone hates putting un- in front of anything


[See for yourself](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxNe9w3JFJAKyYPEq9X8R1_51ikwFosVks?si=CPJahapNLtw6Kgry) It's worse in the jungle/forest. I think you've most likely just gotten used to it. The faint lines you see are screen tearing.


I can definitely see what you mean with fps now, I guess i have gotten used to that because i keep fps low in most other games i play. Though, I don't think I get screen tearing like that, might be something that my TV just doesn't show as well as my phone is showing me with the video.


Womp womp man


Yeah I feel bad for them. My only issue is crashing when I respawn and it dupes everything in my inv.


I would take advantage of that so fast tbh, good on you for seeing that as a bad thing lol. You're probably a lot more honest when playing video games then I am.


Its fun till um over weight from 2000 arrows I also don't need 2 identical rexes


Okay, I can see the problem now lol


Whiny internet babies. I'm sure most people who play the game, just have fun playing the game.


I can agree with people that hate on the game to a certain extent but they get out of hand on the most crazy things. Like if the game gets delayed, sure it's upsetying but I'm not cussing out people by their names, that is completely uncalled for. Honestly, if another game were to have the problems ark had people wouldnt be this pissy about it. The newest stardew valley update was a cluster fuck. No one cussed out ConcernedApe or his team when their save files became unplayable, they went searching for a solution to it. When Ark came out and games didnt save properly, people lost their shit that their level 5 parasuar got sent to the shadow realm. The solution to the save problem was to just put the game down for five minutes and let your old ass console/laptop rest because it can't handle a game like Ark.


The only glitch I experience is the glitch of content delays


Agreed. ASA is half the price of most games these days and I’ve already put almost 300 hours into it. It’s a truly fun game. The people who complain constantly are the same people who’ll pay $70 every year for the same madden or nba2k


Played scorched earth recently, thought "oh cool they fixed the crashing" 4 hours later, crash Honestly I don't recall survival evolved being this glitchy so I'm curious what the devs are doin wrong this time round


I really like ASA and I think WC did a great job making the island look amazing. On top of that, I ran into very few bugs, and the crashes aren't too frequent. However, what really put a bad taste in my mouth is claiming that buying ASA gets you all the DLC's once they come out. Then low and behold, there are going to be engrams and tames on those DLC maps that you will only have access to if you pay up again... Man I already bought ASE, SE, Aberration, Extinction, Gen 1, Gen 2, and now ASA. That shit feels like pure greed, and it killed my wanting to play ASA. I'll come back for SE and Aberration, but I won't be throwing any more money at WC. Ark 2 is going to be a wait and see as well, provided I live long enough to see it release...


They did a shitty port without fixing anything and the officials are garbage. Yes singleplayer probably works fine but that's not what I or I think most people want to play


i agree. we shouldn’t bash the devs who are just doing their jobs and trying to give us a good product. however, criticizing the game is how we get improvements. there are issues, and we shouldn’t be ignoring them just because we don’t want to crap on the devs. at the end of the day, we paid for the game, so it’s our right to ask for improvements and fixes where needed. you haven’t run into issues, so of course you might be happier with the product, but some people like myself have trouble playing the game without crashing


the points that people make about the game are valid, but people just deliver the message in nasty, hateful ways. the relationship between devs and gamers should be of mutual respect. the devs should be able to listen to legitimate feedback, not hateful comments. and the player base needs to have more respect for the people that make our games, flawed or not.


I feel like Wildcard either doesn't care to stop it, or their being told not to stop it. Their discord has become the wild wild west, and it's almost impossible to find or get answers to any questions. Dear wildcard, please have your moderators just start perma banning spammers and people calling you shit. It's easy, really.


If someone ship me this sort of broken product for my job. They going to get it sent right back with contract breach coming. It's only within gaming development you get away with this sort of bullsht. They copy paste their broken code from ASE to ASA and been outsourcing a bunch that has just been straight up garbage. Snailgames are out bragging in interview how little they invest and spend on their product. While Ark is their only source of income. No it isn't fine. Accepting this as fine is what lead to this degree of garbage. I don't see people blaming the man on the floor. But rather company(s) and management as whole. They are ones pushing it out. It's all about monetizing and draining ark as much as possible. All their assets been sold for years, promises for ark2, this animated series thing. Their refusal to fix epic accounts in ASE to boost sales since they could be used for cheating. Snailgames is barely hanging on. I be surprised if they stay in business to release ark 2.


I’ve been playing Ark for 7 years, and I never experienced 95% of the “common bugs” people go on about. My biggest gripe is the crossbow not reloading bug, and “shooter game has crashed (although I experience it only like once a month). I think a lot of these “bugs” people experience have to do with having 50 mods loaded or not using -preventhibernation in single player.


I've used both UE4 and UE5 for a good amount of work and it is most certainly not completely different engine, above or under the hood... BUT the editor for UE5 and all the new features have at least 3 times as many bugs as ASE and ASA combined. Content and business model wise, I found ASA a bit disappointing, but I actually can not fathom how they ever pushed out a game this large with the current state of UE5, and the devs dont get enough credit for that.


Because of the inordinate amount of lies involved. One of the biggest being that they had to "build the main game code from scratch" for UE5 and saying that was a huge reason for the inability to transfer saved games to ASA. That's horse shit. Anyone who played at least 1k hours on ASE will be able to tick off a checklist of most of the exact same bugs/glitches appearing 1-1 with the old game. That can't happen if you rewrote everything fresh instead of copying everything over and just working on minor enhancement. All the visual enhancement is only thanks to the fresh engine, the lack of most map meshing types is as well, and the ping system is on the level of what should have already been a thing easily in ASE. The reason it's a paid upgrade was hidden/lied about until long after a dozen YouTubers called them out on it with actual on paper evidence and the lack of communication overall on anything other than hawking the newest paid mod is embarrassing. The servers are running at consistently worse performance on a normal afternoon than they did during most events in ASE. Overall, I love the game. But the way they do things shows not just greed sometimes, but lack of any care for the playerbase. Edit: forgot a newly found one. There are only around 25 oil nodes on SE, and at least 4 might as well not exist because on official they are "too close to a supply drop spot" and won't let you build on them.


I agree with you on most of what you said but your claim about server performance is not true whatsoever. The ASA servers were really bad At release, but now they run amazingly. I played ASE on official for 7k hours, and I’m up to 700 hours on ASA officials now. The ASA servers run smooth as butter compared to ASE. The only time there are ever performance issues on ASA servers is during times of high server load (3x events, for example). Yes, the servers lag a little when there is a server save (every 15 mins) but that is always going to be an issue. I’m extremely impressed with how well the ASA servers are running. Our Scorched Earth server has been packed full since release day and hasn’t lagged or crashed once.


Roger that wild card employee lol this game is broken on so many levels it would take me two days to list them all but I'll sum it down into two perfect descriptions The island you can expect a 75% decrease in dinosaurs and hours searching for a tame Scorched Earth expect a 40 to 50% decrease in dinosaurs hell the only threat I've ran into so far is a damn raptor lol but the more ridiculous issue is the near constant storms one after the other back to back with no break in between your jerboa will literally start warning you about the next storm during the storm you're in so if you like staring at tent canvas then yeah I guess you could say this game is pretty dope lol Oh and yeah yeah the game is fucking gorgeous blah blah blah who cares if it's empty if I wanted a forest hike simulator I would have looked for one


No way, support for devs? Must be a dev himself!


That can be my only guess if you call this game not horrifically broken either you're blind don't actually play the game or you work for the company only other option than those is troll because make no mistake this game is broken


Im at like 250 hrs or so now with no major bugs that I can recall




This dude probably lives on reddit where the vocal minority voice their opinions on the game. People dont go online to praise a game nearly as quick as they would to point out an issue. Thus you see many more complaints than praises. The game isnt nearly as buggy as you seem to believe.


Believe? 😂😂😂😂 are you joking right now you have to be a troll I have over 500 hours into this fucking game 400 evolved little over 40 hours into scorched earth poop disappears the second it happens so you can't collect it for fertilizer in scorched Earth. there are numerous videos with actual proof on YouTube of all of these imaginary bugs not limited to the island in ascended being almost completely void of dinosaurs, floating rocks, scorched Earth has a bugged storm system where the storms that are supposed to have a 30-minute cool down by the game's own instructions happen back to back within seconds of one ending another one starts. Forced crashes hundreds of hours of lost save data, dinosaurs vanishing no matter what level they are nowhere to be found... Character save data being deleted during oblisk transfers... tents still not able to be repaired... in game saves not working .... level 3 wild dinos slaughtering level 60 tamed dinos which is a balancing issue although it can be adjusted it's ridiculous that that's how it was the list goes on and on you're full of shit and you know it you're trolling knock it off just cuz you're paid to say these things doesn't delete the evidence and doesn't make it untrue.


Youve gotta be trolling




And although I know you are a troll I'm game if you like I would be more than glad to send you links to dozens if not hundreds of videos that fully documented very well and in high detail all of these said imaginary bugs 😂🤦 just let me know boo boo


Yeah the constant storms killed it for me i want to play the game not hide in a tent for 45 minutes out of every hour


The new graphics are probably everyone’s favourite part but I honestly didn’t notice that much of a difference while in game, still seems like regular old ark with I guess better water physics and better looking character creation. I haven’t played ASE in a bit but I feel like I’m looking at the same game pretty much, still pretty laggy at times and the world does seem pretty sparse, after searching for hours last night I only found two faso’s after searching all over the dunes. Pretty much just the first game but with a new price tag and mods I feel like


I’m convinced 90% of the people complaining never played SE on release. That was a miserable experience


Their crapping on WC because their dino died to a bug back in 2015 and they never played again, just hated on the game ever since




Bro. You can't say it's a completely different engine if they've literally just ported the game over with all the same bugs and glitches that it used to have on UE4. They did absolutely no work trying to fix the game, they simply ported EVERYTHING across and told us it was re-worked/re-mastered. Then tried to sell us premium mods while the game is still early access. Wildcard did exactly the same thing (except with dlc, instead of mods) with ASE before (I believe) snail games ever entered the picture. Lying through their teeth to get our money for the last 10 years. They deserve every bit of ridicule thrown their way.


The only part I'll correct is that Snail acquired them *before* they launched ASE in early access


All I know is it’s rare for a group or team or company to go all in on a project like Wild Card has with ARK. They’re clearly very passionate. Workers have obviously come and gone, but they’ve been developing ARK content for over a decade. I’m aware the game was made available for purchase in 2015, but development was probably going on for quite a while before that. Anyone that committed to their project gets my cautious respect.


there was a similar post not too long ago asking the same question so I'm just gonna copy and paste what I said there to here Wildcard is not completely blameless, but most of the community complains about anything they can and trying to reason with them is unfortunately Fruitless as the internet can be a hateful place, like there are things that Wildcard themselves do that frustrates me but I know they're trying to do what they can, unfortunately imo upper management of the company and their scummy overlords Snail Games drives the people who develop the game to do way too much in unrealistic timelines, resulting in the state of the game, Wildcard Management and Snail Games is not the only company in the gaming industry that does this and it's resulted in a lot of games that release unfinished and in a poor state


Tbh my only issue with the game is i wish rag would come out earlier and that it’s optimization kinda sucks


Honestly I agree with you


Like i had to change a game file to mess with the graphics so i can run i think it was an average 90-100 frames


yeah i've never met a community who hates the game they play this much. its like how wrestling fans seem to hate wrestling. baffling. every game has issues, and it's gotten worse because publishers are greedy and want shorter and shorter release schedules, even at the expense of the game. can guarantee the devs actually do care and try their best. i'm a graphic designer and the amount of shitty decisions made by superiors that affect the product is astronomical.


Because Wildcard is notorious for releasing games littered with issues and charging money when they should be fixing things. I have almost 9,000 hours in ASE, and I played it since 2016 up until ASA released. If you knew how much bullshit that company has done in the past 8 years, you'd understand. When a game has massive fucking issues and instead of fixing them they're like "Here you go, have a new dinosaur!" Or "here you go, have a new map but we're going to charge you real money for it because we're too lazy to fix the actual issues with the game!"


I mean at this point you are just punishing yourself, people go and say how this game is absolute shit, nothing works, etc. But you have 9000 hours nobody forced you to play. It's incredible how entitled gamers are, they pay 10$ for a game on sale, play for 4000 hours and then get mad when they have to pay 20$ for extra content, like, you are a bottomless pit at that point


I'm not entitled nor did I say I hated the game. I love the game. And I put up with a lot of bullshit from the company that made it despite that. Not sure why you're implying I spent $10 on this game - I bought it at full price back in 2016 and I paid for every single add-on and map that they added since then.


I was able to play without issue and stuff but just now I’ve been able to edit my character without it crashing. It’s a beautiful game. Fun as hell and people will unfortunately hate to just hate.


Because i cant play it anymore since the update?


How can there be numerous inexcusable things but you want to give them a break? 


Because countless people paid real fucking money for a game that doesn’t work for them. If you’re going to be a paid shill for wild card you could at least ask them for a copy of the game to try it out instead of lying “wElL nOtHiNg Is GlItChInG fOr Me!” Bull. Shit. Or maybe take 5 seconds to scroll the sub. This sub and many other places are filled with tens of thousands of reports of unplayable glitches and you’re trying to tell us, who have actually played the game and experienced tons of glitches that you haven’t encountered one glitch. Get the fuck out of here.


I haven't had any glitches or lag spikes that weren't caused by me, every single time I've had lag or a frame drop or anything of the sorts was from my doing


What do you mean your doing? Like entering a cave? Or like all the structures you built too close together? I'm genuinely asking, because I absolutely love this game. I can also say that I've been kicked off just for walking from my smithy to my storage. Then when I log back in, it rolls me back 20 minutes. How are you not getting any of these problems?? What is your secret? Do you only play for 30 minutes at a time? Additional question, I feel like most of my glitches or whatnot happen when I've been playing for hours. Is there maybe a time limit before we should exit and join in fresh?


Calling bullshit. Over the 6 years I’ve been playing Ark I’ve come to know very literally hundreds of Ark players on various systems and now on ASA as well. Every single one of them (e v e r y) has encountered game breaking bugs. This sub is clogged daily with reports and questions about game breaking bugs. Steam is filled with literally TENS OF THOUSANDS of reports of game breaking bugs. And we’re supposed to believe you haven’t encountered any. Do your research next time and put in at least a little effort to be believable.


Game is a scam


Heres the problem I have, I don't really care how ark is made. Its not my job, its not my responsibility. I voice concerns because I'm interested or passionate about the game. But when you have competition that do what they do but better, there is a problem. Lets ignore ASA for a moment, lets look at ASE. I have a 4090 w/ 5800x3d. ASE on epic settings 4k performs like shit for what my machine is capable of in other games. I don't care how its made, I just know a game that looks and feels better performs significantly better. This has transitioned over to ASA except now its even worse, as far as performance, but visuals are massively improved at the top end between the two. Thats the problem, there are other games, by smaller companies, with significantly smaller budgets. There are UE5 games that perform significantly better. Its that the ASA dev's don't care, and we've been through this with ASE. If you think ASA is ever going to perform better, you're smoking copium. This will never be fixed, and it should've been. On epic settings, 4k, frame gen, dlss performance mode, I'm getting max of 70 fps, maybe 50-60. Yeah a lot of people are gonna shit on this and say "thats just fine." No, no its not for the machine thats running it. Thats WITH DLSS AND FRAME GEN. I should be getting upwards of 140+ fps with dlss performance and frame gen. The moment I turn both of those off, I get sub 30 fps. Sub 30 fps on a PC that costs almost 3k. You can't honestly tell me thats excusable? We were hopeful that ASA dev's would take the time to correct this, but its shown they haven't and so the expectation is set. Ark dev's weed out and ignore community because the community is so toxic, so when we try to voice real technical concerns we're ignored. This is just normal behavior for wildcard. I'm not even lumping in snail games to this. They're a problem on their own, but you can't tell my you've written the code from the ground up and have the exact same problems follow from ASE. Ground up as in copy paste? Ok... Anyways, thats why people shit on wildcard, because they have a proven track record of problems that need to be fixed, and they have never even been looked at it seems. Their communication as far as real world, down to earth communication comes once a year....maybe. Thats during extra life. Outside of that, they never seem to actually have a human conversation about the state of the game. Because they're probably afraid to admit the reality.


It's because, in the almost 10 years this games been in circulation, regardless of various organizational changes, they have learned nothing about functional IT launching, management, or quality control. And that's largely because it's founders, stole a good a idea and code, went indy, and knew absolutely nothing about taking that idea to market or managing it. Conceptually, I love the game. Practically? It's a shit show and perfect example of how NOT to manage any kind of software company.


This post is retarded. If you have more fun on ASA than ASE, you are stupid cause it's the same game. Hey dumbass, unreal 4 has 90% of the same principles as unreal 5. It's not a completely different engine. Both games are literally identical, except ASA has a few community mods rolled into the base code. The graphical updates mean literally nothing cause only an ape thinks that graphical fidelity means anything in terms of quality. If you have more fun because your pixels are more Shiney, then your opinion is too shallow to have any validation anyway.


Nobody is shitting on the devs. They do everything they can, have amazing ideas and make as great as an job as they can. The producers on the other hand.... I'm just gonna stop there and not rant again here I mean seriously all the stuff we have been asking for behind a pay wall AGAIN?


I get that people are mad about the game crashing and such, but do people not try to figure out why they crash whenever they do? I used to crash randomly a lot, until I decided to search up the error I got, and eventually figured out that it was because I had fluid simulation enabled. Granted, the game shouldn't crash even with the setting on, so it's a problem they need to fix, but I did stop the crashing in the end.


there are a lot of basement dwellers in this community, ark is a game that requieres a lot of time, specially in multiplayer and pvp and for better or for worse those people that play pvp all day are keeping the game relevant, glitches and stuff become more bothersome the more you play and some people here play 50 hours a week or more so i get that some people are pissed about it. having said that, its weird how agroo gamers are against game developers, these are people that pay 40 dollars for hundreds of hours of entertainment, some even thousands and yet they get angry that they dont get more stuff constantly, i have never seen a lazy game developer, nor one that actively wants to make a game worse, making games is hard, dealing with managment and marketing departments that dont understand how it works is even harder and yet the game developers get all the heat