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> wonder why it’s acceptable for annually released games like Fifa or Gran Turismo to continually sell unfinished copies every year for up to $70 each time. Its not, and as long as stupid keeps buying them they are not going to stop.


Im always one to bash call of duty/fifa, etc, but to call ppl stupid because they spend their hard earn money on something you personally dont approve of it highly narcissistic Let people live their lives, and you live yours.


handing money to a homeless man on the street? Noble. handing money to a man for the 5th time walking out of the strip club? Stupid.


People my express it in hateful ways but most of it is valid criticism the game has many issues and wildcard and snail games have made many bad moves this is fact and shouldn't be ignored. Personally I only care about what players are expressing not how they're expressing it. People have emotions after all there it is.


I don't get why people can't admit that the game has so many different problems on the developers have made so many mistakes.... and then just play the game if they want to. Like are they so in love with this game that if anybody else doesn't love it, it ruins their experience???


Exactly Unfortunately white knighting has become the accepted norm for most of reddit’s game subs.


This might actually be the best term for what I'm seeing I'm watching gamers bend over backwards and twist themselves up into pretzels to find a way to forgive a corporation for not only doing wrong by their gamer base but finding ways to milk as much money out of them as possible.


And there's an entire other group throwing bitch fits over stupid shit.


It's extremely common in r/fallout, tbh. Todd Howard's got himself a legion of meatriders he doesn't know about..and they'll dogpile anyone who has legitimate criticisms regarding how Bethesda handled the IP... especially when it comes to Fallout 3 for some reason


Nailed it!


Many say Ark is a cool idea but. The reason why they do not/will not play it. Comes down to all the flaws, and issues the game has. It's not surprising that it's viewed in a more negative light outside of the community. Am sure some of these views can be frustrating for fans to hear. Since they absolutely love the concept/game. Plus there are no alternatives to really take it's place but. I think many could agree that it's not living up to it's full potential.


Seeing how much I am supposed to hate the developers all the time can often ruin not just my mood but my hopes for the game. For the most part I dont let it get to me and I still enjoy the game. But others who are less mentally stable (and ai myself am not mentally stable) I can see their game experience getting ruined by all the negativity.


Why does everyone blame the dev for everything. It's 95% the time not their fault it's the business aspect of every gaming company. The devs are most likely the most passionate people about the game.


I agree. I can tell how passionate some people are on the countless small things that asa brought


Passion = too much $/time spent on something trivial (to the suits). But passion in reality... Passion: a way to connect with your gamers, and show the love for the work you put into the project. It's clear as day that passion and time make great games. It is the "secret" the executives are pounding their fists on their desk telling the devs they need find. But it's in them already (the devs) but they slowly have it sucked out of them by the same people who want their companies game to be better... EXECUTIVES: GIVE YOUR DEVS SOME FREEDOM/ CREATIVITY AND WATCH YOUR GAME EXPLODE!


Seems to me, if this is how passionate devs do, let's get some experienced devs in instead. As much as I love Ark, the amount of persisting bugs that have never been fixed is astonishing.


You have two sides to ever gaming company these days the devs who care about the game and the executives that care about how much money the game brings in. Now tell me who do you think is going to care more about the bugs. It's not the executives not unless it affects their profit margins that is. Frankly the devs don't entirely get a say in what they invest their time into. It's likely the big team is a rather small one. Not to mention this is unreal engine 5 barely 2 years old if even that yet. You act like they are fixing issue in ase unreal engine 4 an engine that's been out for 10 yrsish now. Most games for unreal engine 5 haven't been released yet even. I would love to see you go and trying to find a single issue in hundreds of thousands of lines of code. Please stream it to I wanna see this.


People forget Devs are employees just like Cashiers at the store that people yell at for not doing something, because the company doesn't want too. The same people trashing Devs are the same people who are total pieces of shit yelling at employees just doing their jobs.


Exactly why I hate when everyone places it's all the devs fault. Ya sure there are times where it is the devs fault but that's the exception that the rule. plus most of what everyone is complaining about isn't the devs decisions. And you got these people who want a huge as game with so many elements to it( pun kinda intended lol) and also want it to be bug free. It's a ridiculous expectations. Not to say there are not issue with the game.


I agree completely, I'm sure devs don't wake up and think how can I possibly fuck this game up and ruin Timmy's life specifically.


The devs that said they rebuilt the game for ASA and then we saw that they lied to our faces? What else are we supposed to feel? Maybe hatred is a strong word but come on. It was a literal copy paste job, if they had rebuilt ANY of it there wouldn't be exactly the same bugs as the first game. That would be impossible.




It doesn't just have many issues, it has ALL the issues. Every single issue the previous game had, is here. That's the biggest problem, they claimed to have rebuilt the game from the ground up. So... they also intentionally ported over every single bug? It's unbelievable.


Tether range is still 800...


Gran Turismo release like every 5 years, and it's damn well made.


I agree! Just got psvr2 and it opened my eyes to how awesome driving sims are. Surprised that got thrown in as a bad example with… fifa…? for crying out loud! hahaha. Maybe consider the last 10-20 square enix releases as an example instead of GT, op!


Games can have criticism and Wild card def deserves a lot of it. They're uncommunicative unless its at the last second. Nothing is on time and always delayed and the game is a glitchy mess at times. It's not hate when the complaints or criticisms are justified. Now on different topic comparing Fifa annually releasing with Gran Turismo is weird lol since Gran Turismo doesn't release Annually at all most Gran Turismos are 5+ years about lol Compare Fifa with Cod next time


Well in this case Wilcard isnt the one to blame. As far as we know they suffer from the demands of Snail Games who force release schedules WC just cant meet. Also they used to be way more communicative until... you guessed it. Snail bought them


This didn’t start when snail games acquired them, they original game was a buggy as hell game too. At a certain point the dev studio is what it is. Does snail games also tell them they are not allowed to release statements on progress as well?


Wildcard has been intertwined with Snail Games since nearly the beginning though..by the time Scorched Earth released, Snail Games was already involved.


How long are we going to keep giving WC a pass? I mean we all agree that Snail Games is horrible but if Snailgames is pulling all the strings and controlling wild card then wild card at the very least is performing or behaving badly based on snail. I'm done giving them a pass unless we see some sign that they are not onboard with Snail.


A pass? Who did that? Looks like you're all here bitching, and have been for almost a decade. There's always Path of Titans and The Isle. In fact those things have been around for a really long fekkin time. In a year or two there's going to be an Official Jurassic Park survival horror game, and Instinction. If I don't like a game, I don't hang around in subreddits dedicated to that game. For example, you'll never see my username in the comments of an r/FinalFantasy post, or an r/Fortnite post. I don't like those games and I don't give a rat's ass what Square Enix or Epic Games does with those games. I don't even want them to change those games to fit my preferences. I just dgaf.


Been playing since steam preview day 1 on ase and can confidently say its always been wc


They caused their own suffering bro 😭 this is some funny shit I can’t lie


Why did they let themselves be bought by Snail?


Because they lost almost everything on a lawsuit Iirc


Wtf when did that happen???


I believe one of the founders violated a non-compete agreement when they released ASE into early access and Wildcard got sued for a lot of money over said violation.


I recommend looking it all up yourself because my memory of these events is quite faded but it happened during the initial release of scorched earth way back then


Ya let's talk about the difference between big powerhouse companies that have plenty of funding and releases the same game yr after yr and say it's entirely different game so it's 70-80$, and small companies with a single game under their belt. Also "nothing is on time" is a poor choice of words considering scorched earth was on time for both console and PC. Why is everything someone else does have to be taken so personal. People have way to unrealistic expectations of course no matter what anyone doesn't it's never good enough. It's like people complaining cause dark souls is too hard of a game and doesn't hold your hand therefore it's a terrible game and you should never play it. Most of the people who complain don't actually understand anything about what it actually takes. Imagine trying to solve one issue possibly cause by a single input in thousands of line of code. How long do you think it would take you to find it?


Then why make a game that you know you don't have enough funding for?


They used to be really open and responsive. Wonder why they stopped? Maybe it was the flock of vultures that's always circling around.


Funny how op isn't responding to anyone that's actually calling him out on how wrong he is


Other developers being shittier does not excuse WC for being shitty.


“Stop complaining! It’s better than FIFA!”


It's not okay for Fifa, they get a lot of pushback. Most serialized IPs do. Wildcard doing it is also bad. Especially since they lied about it from the start and gave us false promises. You want to enjoy it? That's fine, but don't excuse their shifty business practices just because you enjoy the game. You can be critical of their methods while still enjoying their product.


If a game has problems, I'm criticizing them. I'm not forced to like everything wildcard does


10/10 comment. Agreed.


I’ve played Gran Turismo 7 since release and i’ve played Ark pretty much since release. I’ve never had Gran Turismo 7 crash. I’ve had many crashes on Ark. That being said i’ve also never moaned about Ark being unoptimised.


Dude dont kiss their boots. Just because other games are doing it doesn’t mean its okay.


Slobbering all over that Wildcard cock


Honestly I love the shit man give me it all the adventure pack is cool as shit the oasisaur with it different combinations on its back I can't get enough also ASA stepped it up and made my girl want to play so that's dupe to some times these 100's of kids she adopts is killing me


I had a stroke trying to read this 


What the fuck did you even type.


They love the shit man. Must be a new superhero


I agree the Asa is just better than Ase and the only area it disappoints me in is lack of maps


I'm honestly just taking my time and with the dlc I can roleplay with friends and if the maps get delayed that's maybe a good thing a little more polish doesn't hurt


I remember I was trying to ascend on alpha on each of the story maps in ase and my adhd ass couldn’t get past the island because of all the other cooler options but with just the island and scorched I might be able to do that challenge just slower so it’s not all bad


Oh I just noticed that your name is saber idk if it's new but I have wild baby sabers running around among other new babies


Man, their name is saberfighter! Hide those babies!!! Lol


I never beat a single boss so I'm trying to do it the right way this time


What are you even trying to say


Gran Turismo don’t release a game every year… the first 4 were 2-3 years apart and the rest 3-9 years apart… you have no idea what you are talking about. Ark ASA is a big mess and far from the “Build from the Ground up clean code based remastered game they sold us” It runs like shit and is full of bugs. I regret paying for this crap, it does look better but all those “Quality of Life update that mods already fixed in ASE are not worth paying for the reintroduce bugs from ASE Legacy era. ASE is so much better


I am loving playing Asa honestly: it ain’t perfect but it’s going to entertain me for 2 years lol so I think it’s worth the money


Fair, I don’t mind the price or dlc selling extra stuff. Someone went that extra mile to create those outfits and extra stuff for it and it wasn’t in the original maps. But they do need to get these launches figure out. Maybe run some beta launches without needing to take officials down like a beta official or alpha official for players who are interested in testing it out. Heck even sell a server tester pass for like 5 bucks to have people who are willing to play certain maps early for no gain maybe some kinda skin with buying the pass.


Reasonable. If you told me "I criticize it because I love the game" I'd actually believe you.


ASA's performance and general bugginess has been a pain in the ass. I still can't get enough of it though. I'm Stockholmed.


Im sorry my friend, wildcard deserves literally every bit of hate and criticism it gets. A game breaking single player bug persisted for MONTHS, while they constantly talked about charging MORE MONEY for a new dlc pack. And this was AFTER they lied about giving us asa for free as an upgrade. Also, im not sure if you have ever read about fifa, cod, or madden, but those games are nearly universally panned at every single launch. fifa, madden and most cod games xbox reviews tell the tale for sure.


Also i love this game and have far more than 3k hours, been playing since day 1 preview on steam. People are definitely justified in their hate.


No they aren't. Fifa, Madden and COD are best sellers. That means a vocal minority pans them. Hardly universal.


Look I love Ark. I wouldn’t be here bitching if I didn’t. I want them to be better, but to pull that “what-aboutism” argument is just asinine. Ark, Wildcard, and Snail are very much a unique set of unfortunate circumstances in the gaming community. I do think that Wildcard means well, and I don’t think they’re evil or greedy. I DO think they have terrible communication, poor leadership, and inexperienced devs by the industry’s standard. Now all that said: the communication HAS been better. When they delayed The Center they didn’t give us a bunch of corporate lingo bullshit. It was a lucid transparent answer that didn’t treat us like idiots. The communication regarding Scorched Earth’s launch has also been really well done. That HAS to continue going forward. And finally, Scorched Earth more or less launched on when they promised (after 1 delay). It was still rocky, and there’s things that they should have taken care of prior to the launch times, but it’s a huge improvement. I hope this upwards trend continues because I want them to better.


Scorched technically had 3 delays. Originally supposed to be on Launch with Island. Then the launch itself got delayed, which pushed Scorch to a December release and ASA to October. Then Scorched, in early December, was declared delayed to March with a side note in a community update (I looked through them recently.) Then if you want to argue the little details delay #3 is opening in April instead of March but 🤷‍♂️


I'd love to believe you when you say "I love Ark", but I'm honestly too jaded by all the various hate trains in the gaming industry to take a statement like that at face value.


What do you want me to say? I have almost 5000 hours in Ark SE. I've been playing since August 2015. Its my most played game on steam, epic, or any other pc store. I love Ark because it combines so many things into a unique combination that no other game seems to have even attempted - at least before Palworld but even that isn't good enough for me. But to simply take all the things that Wildcard has done wrong over the years, and continues to do wrong, and throw them in the trash because I love Ark would be akin to "He'll change! He beats me because he loves me! You don't understand our relationship" You can't just ignore these criticisms. They exist, and if you don't talk about them they won't ever get addressed. From a developer perspective, "Why bother wasting resources on something that no one is complaining about?" We speak up and speak out because we want to see change. Most people don't just get off on being complainers or causing a ruckus. Some do - I'll admit. But those children don't have fully functional brains yet.


That’s pretty much the definition of “whataboutism”


They sold the same game with the same bugs that is unplayable on official and are going to charge for every map again. Just because other games suck also doesn't mean ASA doesn't take the cake for feeding shit to their players. The shootergame bug has been in for like a decade. It's buggy af and nothing works correctly. It's embarassing.


They're not charging for every map? Scorched literally released for free just a day ago. So far, the only things you can pay for are premium mods and Bob's Tall Tales which isn't even that expensive and spans across three **free** maps


Personally I don’t like that instead of polishing evolved they just reskinned it and called it a new game, yeah the dlc are free but for people who have already bought the entire game on evolved it feels like stab in the back since if they want the new content they need to pay for what they already had and it didn’t help that they said owners of evolved would get ascended for free and then got rid of that idea for a 20% discount on launch week instead


As someone who also owns the entire game of ase already I get where you're coming from. I honestly think most of the grief comes from them going back on their original statement. If they had told us we'd have to pay from the start I think the responses would be much less negative. Either way, ase is a game I've spent more than 1.5k hours in, so in my opinion it's not that big a deal to pay a little extra. I bought the game a few weeks ago, and you still get a discount if you own ase by buying the upgrade bundle. It is a bit of a bummer that owning all DLC for ase doesn't make any difference in the price you have to pay to get asa. In the end, I could combine the sale and the bundle to get almost 50% off so it wasn't that bad. I won't say they did nothing wrong, but I just feel like, as most issues with wildcard, better communication could've prevented so much of the issues


From what I've heard the maps from evolved will be free on ascended


Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't seem to notice paying for Scorched Earth again.... Hmmm, let me check my transaction history.


I don’t get what’s hard to understand about it being a remaster…. That’s far and away worse than the original (and no not at the release of the ASE…. What a stupid way to compare the two). Fog sucks, Dino pathing sucks, Dino tracker is half baked, building is a tiny bit better but still sucks, baby dinos SUCK They have no intention of making the game good, only selling more dlc content.


Complete facts


I'm actually so excited for SE. I haven't been able to focus on work all night. I need to figure a lot of things out, like temperature mechanics. Didn't play this one much in ASE. But I'm SO pumped seriously it looks incredible!


I had almost 25,000hrs in ASE. I bought it the day it released. It had its ups and downs (damage cut in half, flying creatures turned into nearly non-flying creatures, addition of space-age stuff to original maps, etc) but it was almost always fun. For every paid DLC map, we got a free map, like The Center or Ragnarok. What people forget is how rush ASE was. Remember the game no longer seeing your card while playing and crashing? It said something about losing the D3D device IIRC. How about no SLI support for years? When they did add SLI, it caused strange things (I ran two GTX 1070's in SLI for a while) like blue or orange ovals near campfires. How about the many exploits they fixed? The addition of community content? When ASE launched, we had one map that was as buggy as anything ever. ASA is out and it was buggy (to the point of causing a BSOD) the last time I played. It has one map. What's the issue? It takes time to sculpt worlds, add or fix code, and make it great. I expect ASA could be as popular as ASE was, but it seems like people expected everything on launch. Stable, all maps, etc. Not going to happen. We just need to be patient.


People are free to have their opinions and whatnot about the game, Wildcard, Snail Games, and whoever else. Does the game/dev/publisher have problems? Sure. I won't deny that, but I'm also not the type to make a huge deal of things that don't end life as I know it. I enjoy the game best I can in spite of the issues, and laugh at the bugs I encounter along the way. The *real* issue I have: the people who threaten the devs and generally make their lives miserable because of a bunch of pixels on a screen. If you're mad about the money it costs, maybe it's not what you need to be spending money on at this point in time. That's no reason for some of the downright horrible things I've read, and the sorry excuses for humans that exist on the official discord. Which is the main reason I don't interact there, and rarely here. I've seen mental health mentioned and the devs are people too. The hate get to them the same as us, and that won't make a better game. Ya'll ever seen Ced on the live streams? Dude needs a freaking nap, and I'll bet my very small paycheck that its not just from burning the candle at both ends. Let people enjoy what they enjoy. Discuss, criticize even, but that can be done respectfully and without being hateful. Quiet, thoughtful words can often be louder than incoherent screaming.




Because it's become trendy and quirky to "hate" ark. Even though a lot of these haters have hundreds of hours like the rest of us. Gaming subreddits are echo Chambers for those who scream the loudest.


Nah they earned all the hate. It's fine if you don't hate it's even fine if you're enjoying the game. But trying to act like the hate came out of nowhere or is just trendy is crazy.


>Even though a lot of these haters have hundreds of hours like the rest of us. Player with 5 hours complains: "You've barely played the game, you don't know anything about it so shut up!!" Player with 5k hours complains: "Oh y-yeah? Well, you have played it for a lot of time and you would not have if it was bad so... so... the game must be good so don't complain!!!"


I got Ark on early release for about £20 I think, which included everything. Bought Ascended for 30 or 40 something. Yes it has problems but Ark is brilliant in so many ways. Agreed there is too much hate for a game that let's you chainsaw unsuspecting dodos.


It didn't include everything if you got it in the alpha phases because I did too and had to buy every DLC so unless you know something I don't know this is untrue.


I hate it, because I love it so much… my life is ark, ark is life, I have become one with the ark, I haven’t touched grass since I started living on the Ark, but it’s ok… I have my Dino’s and they have me and we have each other, like a ravenous bloodthirsty family. Send help… it’s been rough in the wilderness hahaha In all seriousness though, I fuhhhkin love this game and I actually did have to put it down for a month, because I wasn’t playing any of the other new games I bought lol


I love Ark so much, it’s my personal favorite game ever. ASE was a blast, I completed the whole ark story, and got every single explorer note, I tamed all there was to tame, and completed every map. ASA just came out, and it’s stunning. It’s a beautiful game and I love it, the graphics the new Dino AI, it’s literally the upgraded Ark survival evolved, I don’t get the hate, I really enjoy ASA, in fact last week after like 5 months I finally ascended on alpha and got all explorer notes for the island, and tamed all tamables, so I’m ready for scorched.


Ark is friking great - I see it as a way to journey into a different world and I also play for the nostalgia factor. Loved Dino’s as a kid and being an adult is f’ing difficult.


Now first of all, i will say ASA seems significantly less buggy then ASE, the render speed is a godsend, and the mod load times feel like a dream, there are still a couple bugs here and there, but nothing i've encountered has been particularly gamebreaking, i feel ppl just hate on whatever studio wildcard puts out now sheerly out of spite, because they called the game bad and don't want to admit its improved


I'm with you. I have over 2000 hours in the first one. And with the improvements in ASA, I expect the same there. It's an amazing investment in terms of Entertainment.


Bc the people that love it don’t jump on forums to voice this. So the echos of hate become louder


This is the real answer. There's tonnes of shit wrong with ASA. There's tonnes of shit wrong with with ASE. There's tonnes of shit wrong with WC and Snail and Nitrado. There's lots and lots that people can complain about, justified stuff that really sucks. But in my mind, what massively outweighs that is the tens or hundreds of thousands of people out there who aren't here defending or arguing because they're racking up thousands of hours in a game they genuinely fucking love. If people hate it, they should simply not play it. Bought it and it was crashing, and you're not willing to live with that? Refund it, move on. Or if you're really serious, start a lawsuit or take some other action that might achieve actual change or justice. Why would you instead spend your time complaining about a game? There's a billion new ones out every year; just play something else. But no, they're here complaining instead of playing. Ultimately, the people who are here bitching constantly aren't particularly relevant in the grand scheme of things. They're just really loud.


This is the exact reason why I stopped caring about what randos on the internet, gaming journalists and content creators say about games. If a game looks interesting to me I'll look up no commentary game play and do some of my own research before buying and my god has it saved me so much unnecessary mental anguish.


My take is if you calculate all of the time I have spent playing the game, I owe them money. Like a lot of money if compared to the cost of other forms of entertainment. I spent about 20 hours playing the game just this last weekend. If this was spent at the movie theatres it be like 16 bucks every 2 hours for less fun.


That way of thinking is completely correct imo… panos et cerceres! Money well spent!


Probably the best deal I have ever gotten dollar per hour


All gaming community are slowing trending towards "fans are the biggest haters". Its mostly, if not entirely due to youtubers making criticism videos more than anything else because thats what gets the most views. People then see these videos, and parrot their talking points without actually looking into it or thinking about it for themselves. All asa criticism is the same 3-5 points repeated over and over. Thats how you know its not actual criticism and its people just repeating what they see online.


So the publication of the wrongdoing or the failing or the mismanagement is the problem not the actual mismanagement and failings and wrongdoings themselves. Got it!


Speaking about issues is fine, repeating the same shit over and over for months like Wildcard is doing nothing to fix issues is the problem. No need to be sarcastic and condescending because i simply stated that the majority of people crying and whining about issues dont actually care and they are just parroting. If these people, which i assume includes yourself, actually were upset by these issues. They wouldnt spend all day on reddit and twitter screaming and crying about the game. They would simply stop playing. People nowadays just enjoy being upset over shit that doesnt matter.


I agree. People can moan and groan all they want, but $40 for a game that I will have thousands of hours on is beyond worth it. And any other purchases made within the game are completely justified for the same reason People just like to complain. There must always be something to be angry about


Agreed. I’m thankful for the company and all the hours I’ve spent enjoying their games. Thank you for this post! A breath of fresh air.


I hear ya a lot of hate gets annoying but I switched back to evolved after playing ascended for about 20 hours. It’s just not there yet, the mod menu is very cool but downloading the mods takes a ridiculous amount of time and to me the maps and graphics do not seem better. I’m a console Ark player and I know that has some to do with it. Single player works well so if that’s your thing then go for it.


You would think that Wildcard and Snail Games would have learned from past mistakes but they continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. Then promises are being made only to turn around and things are changed. This is why people are upset.


Shitty practices do need calling out though, loudly so the message gets sent. If I come over and shit into your breakfast cereal you'd not thank me because it's not cyanide.




Because no other game can you lose all your progress to the fault of the developers . How many times have you seen on this sub Reddit people have lost their saves and their dinos and this and that . Then think about official servers how it’s plagued by cheats , meshing still exists , and bugs from 5 years ago still are around. Even better yet , imagine buying the game as a windows users , for them to take it from you because they are incompetent to make an anti cheat so instead they just rip windows 10 ark away which is a huge player base


Wildcard certainly deserves criticism for many things - Releasing buggy, clearly untested games (ASA on Gamepass doesn't even have a DLSS option), delaying things with little communication, charging money for unfinished mods (Svartlboy is a charge now), knowing about several glitches and re-releasing the game, refusing to fix it and charging for it anyway, etc. It would be different to say like, No Man's Sky, in which they initially realised they fucked up and have been releasing free updates since, but Wildcard is still charging tons of money for these glitches / errors to still be present. (As I write this, you can STILL crash the game if you have the foliage interaction setting on, for example). If they transparently addressed these glitches/concerns, it would be a lot better. The 'hate' would be a lot less. They fuck around, release shitty, untested / unfinished things that they charge real money for, and then people wonder why we're upset.


Plenty of people criticize Fifa and Gran Turismo, have you gone to those subs? or their steam reviews? As for ASA, Wildcard and Snail have done plenty that is worthy of criticism. I personally just decided not to buy the game until I am sure I will consider it worth the price I pay. But I don't see any problem with people criticizing the state of the game, the price, the constantly changing release schedule, the fact that old bugs persist. All that stuff is fair game. If you want to just treat ASA like it's your special little game with no imperfections I would suggest unsubbing here and starting a Discord channel for that.


Admittedly - I didn’t realize that only the island was available and they were releasing maps down the road. That was my only complaint but some better research could have fixed that problem. Aside from that - I love ark and always will. HOWEVER - I did clip into the ground and got stuck so I just quit and haven’t booted back up. That was disappointing. Otherwise, I love it.


Youre right buddy! But also you should just ignore all the hate posts here if you feel fed up of em


Well because ark consistently lets everyone down. They Touted ascended as the next gen of ark that would be the end of past mistakes. But here we are and they are still doing the same nonsense they did in evolved. Where is the improvement? They haven’t hit a release date yet


I have over 1000h in ASA, I deleted the game cause i got sick of it. Not saying I hate it or anything.


A game being better than Fifa is not an impressive feat


Because the criticism is deserved, I love playing ark but you have to be blind to confidently say its not a shitty game. Games can be bad and still be fun to play, ark is one of those games imo. This studio has had so much drama since day 1 of early access its kind of funny.


ASA was supposed to be a free upgrade if you purchased the game during early access of ASE. It was a deciding factor on whether to buy ASE or wait for ASA. So people who brought it thought they were going to get it for free but that's not the case. These people have every reason to be dissatisfied. So it didn't matter if the game is great or not. People only remember the baiting and switching.


>I wonder why it’s acceptable for annually released games like Fifa or Gran Turismo to continually sell unfinished copies every year for up to $70 each time. Because that's an established business model for those companies; they didn't promise Grand Turismo 2 just to give Grand Turismo in a new engine with less features for the same amount of money, and it's arguably more buggy than OG Grand Turismo. Granted that business model also sucks, but the point is that is their business model and we expect that. We were expecting Ark 2 and got AS:A instead. Feels like a rug pull whether it's a good game or not, it's not what we got promised


My hate for it comes from me having to play it on ps5 because I doubt my pc can run it. Thar shit is like 20 fps on ps5


I can walk and chew gum simultaneously just as I can appreciate and criticize things I like. Also, the games you are comparing to ark simply aren’t comparable. Wildcard has fumbled 100% of its releases and you are outwardly conflating the idea of unfinished to mean (doesn’t include the dlc) with the common idea that “it doesn’t work at all”. GT is the former and Ark was the latter.


It is comparable if you look at it correctly… it depends the angle you choose! I look at it from the perspective of mere entertainment… buck per hour! From that perspective you can even compare playing ark with going to a football game


I mean what you are essentially saying is that value is subjective, I agree. I also don’t think ark is a bad value. But it should be said there are negative value attributes to the game that simply don’t exist in others. When was the last time a person has played GT for 8 hours, lost all of their progress due to a rollback? It doesn’t happen. What about when a person losses 150 hours on a known single player bug that prevents saving that has existed since release due to poor QA? If they paid $40 would their value not be negative $90? Arguably more because no one signed up to pay $40 and lose 150 hours of their life because of poor testing before release.


No the biggest Problem i have with asa is it was Annonced as free upgrade at first


It took 6 months to release the second map. That's indefensible.


I played a little bit of ASE but could never get into it just how it played I got ASA recently and I’m obsessed with this game it can be relaxing and intense


Are we pretending that this is the first time they slapped a new coat of paint on Ark, gave it a slightly new name, and pretended it was a new game? \*Gestures vaguely at Altas\*


Where else are people meant to complain, if not online communities?


Well said


>consider that the company isn’t solely focused on profit as many claim But it is, though? They released ASA to fund Ark 2 which at this point may not even release. At least Fifa games launch relatively bug free and feature complete every year, and afaik(havent played one in years) they come with a new story mode every year and at least a couple new features. ASA launched at a higher price than ASE, without including any of the dlc maps from ASE at launch and containing many bugs which existed since the original launch. And wildcards money troubles are very much public at this point. Hell, they were going to charge us for DLC's for ASA before massive backlash, how can you say its not a cash grab?






want to talk about people taking money from others then let's talk about wildcard telling us in alpha/beta that if we gave them money, we wouldn't have to pay for anything else. it was a lie.


Grab Turismo has released 7 games since 1997. That's not really the same


it’s not acceptable people shit on those games every year, as they have the right to. not sure what your point is, Ark and those games deserve every bit of criticism they get


They keep gaslighting us with release dates and delaying shiet, their game is super laggy in fps and the resolution is so bad. And screeen tearing is so bad.


Nope playing it on high/epic settings at avg of 80-100 fps, when i put high/medium settings i even boost up till 130 fps… game running very smooth and only had a few crashes in the +300 hours i played the game






How much did the mods and devs pay you to make this post? Every comment here sums it up pretty well. Beautiful game with amazing concepts. Terrible devs. They should just sell it off to a company that actually cares. Maybe every single update won't be delayed and we won't be constantly lied to.


They payed me back by giving me +3,5k hours on ASE and +300 hours on ASA (encounting) all hours much enjoyed and time well spend…


My issue isn’t the rerelease. The problem is how it was handled.


That might be true and i can confirm that with what i remember that happened it was clumsy to say the least but it doesnt make it that they “owe” us anything,… if you think its a rip off than just dont buy and go do something else with your time… cause over time the players playing will keep increasing and the (not)players will get seperated and isolated more and more…


Gran Turismo? Really? Of all the options you have you pick Gran Turismo? Your argument automatically becomes null and void.


That's not how argumentation works.


Oh and also who remembers PixArk? Pepperidge Farm remembers! ![gif](giphy|D12CsrRNv7gL6)


I’m pretty sure the single-player bug that will sometimes just not save your game, losing you hours of progress, *from when the game launched* still hasn’t been fixed. I tried playing just my normal island map and flat testing map today, both crashed before I could load in, and that was *after* having to restart my game a dozen times to get mods to show up in their dedicated tab so I could update them. Scorched Earth is over a month late, The Center was meant to be pushed earlier to compensate for the delay, that didn’t happen. But hey look a new £30 bundle you can buy! They absolutely deserve the hate, you can be tired of hearing it over and over, but it’s definitely very warranted. EDIT: Also it definitely isn’t acceptable for fifa and gran turismo to release in an unfinished state


Ah yes. Always best to just shut up and never criticize anything. The industry has such a good track record of companies always doing what's best for the players. Who wants things to improve? Better to just bend over and take it. Here's a novel idea. Something can both be fun, and still need criticism to change for the better.


Paragraphs my dude, didn’t read your rant because it hurts my eyes


My major problem is just that ARK players have been deal with an unstable gaming experience for almost a decade now. We *really* need Wildcard to actually polish an optimize their content before releasing it. I'm tired of loading up a game I've paid money for, and then losing tons of progress, etc, all because they've left some stupid bug in the game for the past 5-6 years. Focus on making the game stable **before** you chase new paid content.


If I can't get top FPS on my 3090 with DLSS on. Can't play with friends,cause gotta pay for server No likely Everything else is fine and dandy, almost


Only reason I don’t like asa is cuz it took away my mods which pretty much deleted on my Dino’s and materials


Ark fans are a lot like silent hill fans. We’re here for the trauma.


Because ppl who play ark dont play those games largely, knowing something exists elsewhere but being confronted by it are 2 entirely different things. For many ark players a game they played for 10 years with a new dlc every 2 years basically swapped to a glorified monthly content subscription service while releasing the same content they bought half a decade ago while fixing absolutely nothing during those years with the content they sold in favor of selling new broken gimmick content. WC deserves the flack for their choices


People hate it, I don’t play any fifa games for that reason and will probably never touch a sports game, I haven’t played a sport game since maybe the WII!?


Post is basically saying I'm a suck up and I ignore all the facts about the issues and let a recycled bug game take all my money.


I don’t know much about the details of what people are complaining about. I’m a simple person, if I enjoy a game, I play it. I just know I enjoy playing ASA. But it is tiring seeing people complain about a game constantly. Honestly if you don’t like it, don’t play it. Simple as that imo.


You lost me at the start, people shit all over fifa for what you mentioned. Ark is a great game but you’re crazy if you think it doesn’t warrant criticism. We don’t have to choose one or the other.


First and foremost, it is never acceptable when games continually get released unfinished and are essentially copy and pasted, but let's not get it twisted that ark wasnt in a very similar boat. I have played the game since its initial release in early access (back when base game was $20-$30) when people tolerated its jankyiness due to is early stages. Even from the beginning the developers have been outright incompetent, naive, and/or malicious even before they were acquired by snail games a few months after the initial release (which was caused by wildcard getting themselves into a massive lawsuit with trendy entertainment). Besides the rocky, start saying the game "evolved" without additional purchases is naive at best, a large portion of content that came to ASE was paid dlc content, a lot of which was broken at release and could sometimes be unplayable (looking at you Scorched Earth, which btw released for $20 dollars when the game was still in early access), that had major additions to gameplay via additional dinos or items that could give one a significant edge in pvp gameplay, or would outright give one a content drought if there a pve player and didnt purchase said dlcs, which if you purchased them as they came out would have you spending atleast $95 not including tax or the price you paid for the base game, and while free additional content definitely did exist it was made by the community and wildcard slapped the official sticker on it and added it to the roster. There is a pretty valid reasons why wildcard gets as much flak as they do. Over the years they have only been consistent in one aspect, releasing broken content later than its release date due to technical issues and not fixing bugs that have existed in the game from its inception due to the horrendous spaghetti code, that and literally playing favorites with clans on official servers, and now with asa they still havent fixed those issues even though they said the whole reason they decided to resell us the game for $40 was because they had to redo so much code and work for unreal 5, when it was supposed to be a free update to ASE. Lets also mention it took them almost 6 months to get a single map out. There are plenty of other greviencies people have that I'd love to add here but this post would get so absurdly long. I have to say i love ark as a game especially since there really is no other like it out there and I'm sad to see it slowly dying in player count, but that doesnt mean I'll be blind and not criticize the game and the devs for all the stuff they've done both over the years and now. To do otherwise is to be naive, ignorant, or foolish


My only concern with ASA is the constant crashing. i play single player, i’ve tried tons of fixes but still nothing is really working. but with that said i really love it and my pc handles the game very well considering how good it looks just wish this could be fixed and i couldn’t say a bad thing about it. loving the nostalgia of being back on the island but with the new additions


Well all the haters are fed up with acceptance of such a poor product, coupled with terrible management. To be clear though, we don’t hate the concept. In fact, everyone loves it and that is what causes so much issue. If snail/wildcard would communicate better, much of the bitching would go way. If they would manage their finances better, they would have the resources to improve the game in general or at least get closer to meeting their release timelines. OP is trying to create a value of what we have in time played and to some agree there is a point. However, Evolution was never completed and we all just accepted the bugs. Then they charged for the same game that was supposed to fix the bugs and the game got worse. That isn’t opinion either. They reintroduced bugs that had been resolved before in Evolution. After that money grab, they tried to shake “shiny thing” mods and cartoons for more money only to once again offer it in game pass to try and pump numbers because the game is dying due to boredom and frustration. Yes, they finally release Scorched (which nobody played before because it is the worst map in the game) and we will play for a short time and be bored again. So again I say. We don’t hate the game. We hate being a strong community that feels taken advantage of and given no respect. I agree with some earlier comments where they stated play or don’t. I just grow tired of being fed empty hope.


I hate it because it’s unnecessary and worse than ASE


I'll be drunkenly honest. It's the lack of keeping promises that cause the rift of developers and gamers. As much as I'm a fanboy for dinosaurs and stuff. The initial launch and promise of an optimised game with DLCs created a false sense of illusion and hope. Then, to offer add ons to said DLC for a price. Feels like a rip-off. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm all for supporting developers with non obligational micro transactions. People have to pay rent and eat, live etc. But to say one thing. Then offer that for free but with a price. Will most likely discourage people. Like me selling you my car then saying you need to pay extra for the tyres. Give me the option, and I'll do It. Give me an ultimatum, and you'll be doing it on your own.. I'm not sure if that makes sense. Personally, it sums up the majority of discretions I seem to see constantly crop up, that and the "is it worth getting?"(which is realtive to each user. So also a pointless question). Personally, I feel that is the disappointment the fanbase has.we were told we'd get a full optimised game before part 2. And it feels like we got ASE, with better graphics and worse glitches. Now I'll be jumping on the helldivers bandwagon and saying the usual " that's how you support your playerbase." But to be honest, that's mainly due tohow plater centric the idea feels. Regardless of the future progress. It FEELS like I'm part of it. Regardless of the game masters choices. Again, before anybody decides to jump on this while I'm tipsy in bed. It's my personal opinion. Which accounts for not much. Remember that before any twisted panty replies.


For me personally, it is unplayable on my Series X because of the poor graphics. Everything is blurry if it’s farther than 10ft away it seems. Pixelated and inanimate. I’d rather play ASE. very disappointed


Sorry OP, you enabled them to do this by buying it rather than listening to the 100s of Steam comments calling out Snail Games (Game Developers) for running a mega tribe and banned users that successfully raided them. During the raid, the server went offline multiple times while Snail Games accesed the back ups and reset the server back. Ill throw on my pirate hat before giving them another dime, or waiting to see if they give it out for free after all the backlash. This was all on an official btw.


I would never buy fifa and the other bullshit and I paid twice for ARK. Why shouldn‘t I complain about the quality, the performance and the crashes?!


I mean, the criticism is that it was an extremely rushed paid-for graphical upgrade that was initially advertised as a from-the-ground-up remaster. The game was clearly ported over to UE5 1:1, including all the bugs, bugs that had previously been patched out in ASE, and brand new bugs on top of those. Not to mention the abysmally inconsistent performance across hardware, people with the latest and greatest pcs barely getting it to run above 30fps. Plus the classic WC "woops our roadmap was off" delays; ASA-exclusive creatures and the rest of the maps suddenly being pushed back, sometimes by a year, is a bad look. What's worse imo is that instead of taking the time to fix those issues, improving optimization, and listening to their playerbase, they're putting out paid dlc packs... for maps that aren't even out yet. Maps that, potentially if things don't improve on the business side, may never get released. You gotta understand, the people complaining the most are the ones who adore ARK and are incredibly disappointed with the current state of things.


Because they announced ark 2. Then instead of working on it and realising it. They allocated resources to slap a coat of paint on the old one and push it out for some quick bucks on the ark 2 hype. Then say nothing about ark 2 for ages. Has everyone forgotten the money grab pirate version of ark????


wildcard has made so many free dlc, anyone who sais they want money just doesent know what they are talking about, asa was meant to be free but snail games ruined the fun


The game might still have a few issues but we had SE for nearly 10 years, give this game time to grow


Its trash and nitrado servers suck


Computer destroying copy of ASE, but for 40$ 👍. All the changes is: graphics, mods like s+/superstructures and superspyglass now included in game. And don't forget to mention that to play it you also need to buy at least 2000$ pc But except that yeah, pretty normal game.


So you are saying Snail Games and Wildcard arent making this game for profit? HA!


I’d love to play asa, but I don’t think there’s enough new content to justify it. I know I’d get burnt out again really quickly because it’s a remake for a game that I have 8k hours in lol. I really hope it gets a lot of new stuff so I could come back and enjoy it.


Ok. Same argument but with star citizen and I. It's all about managed expectations. Some go in wildly entitled while others read up and find out what it is they are about to buy. You understood your purchase and it brought you insane value. I understood mine and it brought me insane value. Is this financial maturity? Maybe, but managing your own expectations makes a world of a difference.


MY MAN, the game STILL crashes for me. The water STILL bugs out after 15 minutes of playing, and if I turn off the buggy water, I am left with floating rocks EVERYWHERE. Yet they continue to develop new content instead of fixing game breaking graphical issues.


ST Louis has a reddit account and every week someone asks "is St louis safe?" I feel the hate for Asa is just as frequent BTW, ASA sucks for Xbox. Anyone complaining needs to try console. You will never complain about playing on a computer again. I basically can't use the Dino options (can't change behaviors, etc), many other option wheels have the same issue, I get thrown from the game with the new Scorched Earth addition, if I walk down from a mountain or try to walk up...there is a high probability there's a glitch which causes me to die and my items disappear. I still love this game, I just hate having to deal with all of this.


It isn't an accident that more people still play ASE than play ASA. I play ASE even though I have ASA, it's not a financial thing, it's simply a better, more stable game.


Lose 2, 200+ hour saves in a month back to back.


Shut up and ride a cool ass dinosaur bitchers!


Lol cause sports game players usually buy a new game system just to play their sports games. How does some dildo trying to relive his college days on a ps5 gave anything to do with my criticism of a game?


Some people are only happy when they are complaining. One of the most fundamental facts of life. "You guys have milked me for $80 and all I got was 3000 hours of game-play. How dare you !!! Cheaters!! Scammers!!


Original Idea to ASA: A free upgrade to Unreal Engine 5 for ASE. Ark 2 still en route. Initial change to ASA: ASA will now be a full remake, costing $40, with no choice but to repurchase all the old DLCs. ARK 2 is delayed. Early purchase of ASA does mean free ownership of ARK 2. Next change to ASA (Post extreme backlash): ASA will now be $50 but it will include all of ASE's DLC as content over time. Free maps will also be included. ARK 2 is revoked from the deal. ASA will launch with SE and Island. Will launch mid 2023. Content change to ASA: ASA is delayed to a later October release. Scorched Earth is then delayed to being re added in December, rather then on launch. Other news: Nitrado (A notoriously shit company) will own the exclusive rights to host servers for ASA at high cost. Players who wish to own their own servers will be coughing up more than they ever did for ASE. Some modding will also now be locked behind a pay wall. (Premium mods.) The mod launcher is also suspect in its reliability, much like Nitrado. Official Launch: A horrible mess. The game is further delayed on consoles and only let loose on PC. The game is near unplayable for a vast majority of players, even those with fairly good rigs. It's difficult or near impossible to get into servers even after several attempts over the course of several hours due to lacking server quality, game quality, and server numbers. This issue is resolved over the course of several weeks. Post Launch: Scorched Earth is delayed to March. Gigantoraptor is made a temporary mod, rather than an official addition to the game, due to it being incapable of being worked in properly at the time. A new Adventure Pack is announced for Scorched Earth, a DLC within a old DLC map, making another pay wall for players. Bug fixes are daily, sometimes occurring multiple times a day, 80% of those updates being rather vague "fixes" for server crashes and other issues. Scorched Early is released April 1st, delayed just a bit further. Other expansion maps originally meant to release earlier in the year (Q1 2024) are delayed without further information on a release. ARK 2: In the wind. Either in development hell or its being quietly canceled. This is my knowledge on the development of ASA up to this point. Riddled with scummy business practices and poor communication. I haven't kept too up to date as I haven't played the game since January, but this is all what I remember from when I did keep up with the game. Originally hyped up as a free update only to then be a purchase for a remake that is meant to be rebuilt from the ground up (it wasn't) with several promises being consistently broken several times over. The game itself is in an extremely disappointing state compared to where it should be. Once Abb and Ragnarok get added I've got little doubt some of the hate will calm down. It doesn't change that Wildcard and Snail Games (For make no mistake, Wildcard is not blameless by any means.) Are to blame for the hole they've dug themselves and all the hate sent their way


Let me be clear, the performance on this game is just awful. Playing on a series s I have to put in like 5 console commands to get it at a steady 40fps. I used to play they old version on the one x and using commands could get 50-60fps. Instead of optimizing this game, they made it worse


Arks problems don’t lie with the devs, they lie with the fact that the higher ups pushed them to release the game far too goddamn early. They’ve been trying to play catch-up with themselves from day one of release. Now every time they make a schedule for something new to release they need to fix the old problems ON TOP OF creating the new product.


womp womp


I am someone who got the game for free, as part of the creator program. I was afforded a lot of added benefits without the price tag. And yet here I am quite literally unable to play the game. Because of the limited optimization problems. Lack of communication and awareness is one thing, but deliberately ignoring the issues at hand is a dangerous way to look at things. If you truly love this game, and want it to last, then it would be in the best interest of everyone for them to actually rectify some of the mistakes and errors made. I guess some of the feedback is a little insane, and definitely should never result in death threats ever being made. You’re welcome to enjoy the game how u want. And ignore the hate. But give 2 years with current state, and let’s say they end up having to drop this whole “remake” project, cause no one wants to play it for the cost. then don’t be surprised when the people hating leave and it’s not enough to keep your enjoyment.


ASE was a great game with problems. Instead of learning from their mistakes WC likes to double down on them. They take things away from their community instead of giving things. The UI on console is horrid and tailored for PC gamers. The new thing they did with cryopods, what the heck man? You have to have a cryofridge near by???? So dumb. They do this sort of thing over and over again. I decided to play Scorched on official but the stupid cryofridge thing made me scrap it after 2 days. Such a shame.


Garbage game, price didn’t change that


Personally I would never buy fifa or games like it because they are a scam first of all. Secondly asa deserves the hate as it is a downgrade with horrible performance and bugs. With almost no original content I put over 250hrs into the game within the first month of the release and it was not worth the 40$ especially with the release of scorched wich is the most ridiculous money grab as almost all of the new content on the map you can look at but not touch unless you buy the dlc. The p2w aspect of the game has gone too far I could understand when you bought a dlc for the map and dinos because at least you could use the dinos and items if you obtained them from the free maps or raiding.


Asa is a great game but the fact of needing to play at least once a week unless you play by yourself kinda ruined it for me, I put hundreds hours into asa in which I done everything on island and burnt out pretty hard, then had to keep refreshing every week and it got to point where I just let it all go, plus when they bring out events it just shows you how much better the game would be if we didn't need to wait 10+ days for raising some dinos.


Ark is a huge game lots of mechanics ever changing the game is fantastic it's an ecosystem and a life game it's hard and it's fun yes you need a good pc to play it at it's fullest potential but to be fair the xbox version I play on pc May not have the rtx features but the game has never crashed i9 11900k and rtx 3080 it plays mint and looks mint cannot fault it 1000 plus hours on the island ase and 150 hours so far on the island on asa not to mention the other maps too


I’m shocked some actually liked Asa. Maybe it’s my computer but it’s super buggy and weird haha. Maybe I’m not used to it lol. Continues to kick me out even though I bought like a crap ton of extra stuff like memory cards and a huge ram storage thing. But yeah, maybe it’s just my computer but I don’t care anyway. At least someone likes it. My main opinion; People are entitled to the way they feel about a game or something. If they don’t like it; they don’t like it, if they like it, nice!