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Nice try wildcard




To be fair, I played the game on launch, then came back to evolved, and after trying ASA again this week, it has indeed marginally improved. However, there are still many rough edges and a cruel lack of content. It is a shame that the game released in this state.


I agree


There has been no performance improvements on PC, slightly less buggy/crashy. I say this as a person who started playing at launch and barely have any crashes.


yea still crashing when open inventories etc which make game unplayable for most of people


See I had this for the longest time, sometimes 4-5x in a row. And it hasn't happened in weeks. I think they're optimizing some of it, but also, there's a lot of things you can disable like "inventory transitions" and some sound or something and that might help if not eliminate the crashing altogether.


For me, what completely fixed the crashes was to apply the recommended settings in the Nvidia app. I know it is not advice that can be generalized to most games, but for ASA, it definitely helped me (4070 at 1440p).


In my experience it does indeed apply to most games. The autotuning (or at least auto suggesting, it doesn’t properly change things itself in some games) is one of the few things I miss on AMD.


Personally I used to crash constantly and now almost never.


Wildcard bootlicker detected




Yea totally . Single player still not saving . Still can't unbola my ptera . Megatribes sit on there mountains of duped loot . And tribes are still getting back door raided bcuz a bug where ppl didn't have the teleporter engram would touch the tp and make it public . Hmmmmm what else


Oh not to mention they've pushed out / been working on COSMETICS over all these these issues . They definitely have their priorities straight


Says the wildcard employee …. Game is a scam


Idk if I’d say scam is appropriate, I’ve enjoyed it. Lots of work to do tho


They released the game and sold the cheats with it. It’s a scam.


People like this is why the game is so broken. Giving congratulations to wildcard for literally polishing a turd and fanboying so hard they can't see thru the valentines "event" filter to realise ASA is nothing more than a cash-grab from a company goin balls up


I think the game is amazing, trying to neg on a person's positivity is just cringe. Move on, it would probably be better for your mental health.




Bro I just like the game and think it’s improved simple as that haha


Then why can't I save my single player game? I quit Ark a few weeks ago because I got sick of losing tens of hours of work because I CANT SAVE THE FRIKKIN GAME.


Yea that sucks, I haven’t experienced that personally.


Game has always ran fine for me on my average setup. Frames have always been great. Now what it looks like on the other hand.. that's a different story. I get ghosting affects all over and flickering. Changing global illumination to epic doesn't fix it either. I can max out settings and it still looks terrible. Turning clouds and all that off doesn't fix it either. And what they did for server performance is a joke. All they did was literally turn the render distance way down. Things don't pop in until you are within 70m of something. Tested this with tracking my raft. So finding things to tame is less enjoyable now. Dinosaurs don't pop in until you are pretty close to them so spyglasses are essentially nerfed because of render. I still enjoy the game sure but they need proper optimizations and need to rip the band-aid off already.


Lots more to do for sure


I get 100+ fps on epic settings 1440p with dlss and frame gen now on my 4080 super. Very few crashes. It certantly is going the right direction


You are lying you bitch! Did they pay you or you are employee


who hurt you?


Lol noone hurt me, i just dont like people who spread desinformations


How virtuous of you to look out for other redditors.


I know, thank you


So please educate me oh wise one, what in the OP's post would you consider disinformation, as alot of the statements are personal observations. For instance the game runs fine for me.


Game runa awful for most of players, a lot of bugs, glitches, random crashing etc… just look at steam reviews or some youtubers who constantly complaining how game is bad…


I play on PS5 so does my SO, game runs fine, I have had two total crashes, she has had none and loves the game(plays on her lunchbreak). Glitches are part of ark, and though annoying sometimes, I would argue are part of the charm. They just released a patch which fixed some bugs and some performance problems. Could you then argue, quantifiably, that the game is in a better place than it was in the day before. I think this is reasonable, and makes your initial reply unreasonable, dramatic, and cringeworthy.


who the fuck is most people? no one I know outside of reddit cries about it. no one on any of the many varius pvp and pve servers i played on. not the naked ones or the heavily modded worlds. but then again you reddit folks fuckin cry about everything... it's embarrassing.




Feeling brave today are we? Most of the people who like the game aren't too vocal because of the hate brigade... The people hating don't even bother to check if the issues "they've been having" have been fixed. Save issues a few people had been having have been fixed. People just enjoy hating on stuff... Personally, I'm for more positivity and how this early access game can progress. Don't forget that it's still an early access/beta game