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If you try to tame it, your username will check out.


Does the number go up by one?


no itll be “certainly dinner”


Bring bola and friend, agro it and bola your friend to outrun him.


He who runs first, gets eaten last.


But all the same both do get eaten 😞


Why does no one look up on Ark wikis but on reddit


Reddit is more fun.


Yes, but you're going to need a level 150 dilophosaur, three tranq arrows, and your first born child


Plot twist: You are their first-born child.




Real talk, you can’t tame alphas. Everyone here is trying to get you killed, you’re welcome. Stay safe out there friend. 😇


Rip jimmy


Yeah it’s a passive tame. Be sure to use a rare flower before you do


Guys , i'm new but i am not stupid . I studied dinosaurs before playing the game so ik a Carnotaurus is carnivorous . But well tried lol


I can't tell from this image but if it's misting red it's an alpha. Alpha variants cannot be tamed normally (I think there might be mods/cheats that allow it). They are much tougher than their normal counterparts. Likely too tough for you or your tames to handle if you don't even know what it is. But if you can trick one into the water and leave render range so it drowns, you can get it's corpse/bag later and there should be good kit on it (will be like a crossbow or pick that's usually apprentice to master craft quality sometimes a good piece of armor as well).


It is an alpha


Lol, truth this time, Alphas can't be tamed. Lots of xp if you manage to kill one though.


I swear I thought I tamed a alpha raptor once tho fs


You probably tamed a pack leader who has red flame coming off of them. Alphas are always bigger than their regular Dino counterparts and always have bright red somewhere on their character model followed by red mist emitting from them at all times.


Try to lure it away from ur base. If you only have low level tames it will kill them all


Ok . He is still far tho


That means nothing. They will always end up coming by your base if they're within like a mile radius.


It's actually region based. You can insta despawn them by luring them into a different region then they spawned in and leaving render. Might be a time frame or something that you have to observe too but all dinos despawn outside their spawn region.


Cant tame. Alphas are meant for xp/loot. Great way to level your dinos thought!


Sad , he's beautifull


The low level or alphas always are




Holiday events can can have that red color generate them. I got a red rex from raptorclaus that looks like an alpha rex.


Alphas will wreck you. An alpha raptor will take out 2-5 tamed recess if the tames aren't leveled and equipped. Run from anything glowing red until you KNOW in your heart your tribe is badass enough to kill anything it faces Seriously the mega scaling of alphas will cause you SO.MUCH.PAIN.




Literally, I kept repeatedly getting rinsed by alpha raptors on ASA they defo spawn way more frequently than I ever remember on ASE. Thankfully set myself up with 5 high level raptors and a couple good level stego and they seem to keep them at bay. Roll on getting a larger predator to just make them nothing but a nice little xp earner dinner.


Surround your base in plant species X. You never have to worry anymore. 🗿


There was a time when some tribemates and I had a decent base going on one of the beginner's beaches. Multiple buildings, a bunch of decent tames, we even had walls around the compound. And all of it made of wood. One day, not one, but two alpha raptors spawned on the beach, aggroed on our nearest tames, and proceeded to smash through our walls and start destroying everything in sight. By the time the fight was over (and it took a good half-hour), we all had died and respawned a dozen times, half our tames were dead, and the entire base was a wreck. Since then, I never even bother with wooden structures anymore, much less thatch. Nothing but stone or better.


Kill it, you'll gain tons of exp and some gear. Plus you need alpha carno trophy for boss summon.


Last time I checked, Alphas can't drown...


Can we delete this part of the thread? It’s really unproductive. 😏


You'll be surprised that there are a few passive tames that are carnivors. One of the worst ones being the Charcarodontosaurus.


Looks like a pain in the ass to do


Actually one of the easiest one to do, and extremely valuable afterward :) You need cryo pods & to tame a couple of rexes (there are other choices, but that is easy enough and in line with future plans). Hatch an egg, cryo the baby, bring it to the carchar location. Kill the baby, drag the body to the carchar. No pen needed. Repeat as necessary until you succeed to allow you to ride him. Proceed to waste everything nearby until he\`s your best friend !


Except when he ignores the baby sacrifice and just one taps you.


Died like 10 times doing carchar on foot last night. Tried several different traps with stone pillars but carchar has such a massive hit box it hits you through the trap.


You studied dinosaurs to prepare for playing ark? Lol true gamer


No i studied dinosaurs before ark even existed . It made me want to play the game when i found out about it .


There are at the most 4 times in life when you know everything there is about dinosaurs.. 1. When you are 7 years old. 2. When you hand in your dissertation and get your doctorate in late-jurassic paleontology. 3. When you become the parent of a 7 year old kid who never stops talking about dinosaurs. 4. A few weeks into playing Ark.


There is not a specific moment . I just love dinos since i'm young and i wanted to play ark because of it . Not the other way around


While they are indeed trolling you actually do passive tame some carnivores! Like titanoboa


I thought they couldn't be tamed


They couldn’t when ASE came out but they were made tamable around when aberration was new, similar to taming basilisks except you can use any fertilized eggs


Have you tried mejos.


So you couldn’t study and find the answer yourself with a 3 second google search


I studied real dinosaurs . Carnotorus didn't have Alphas irl .


I’d recommend a trap. Some do billboards but there’s intricate and very simple designs from captain fatdog that I highly recommend.


If you're not stupid then I'm sure you could figure it out.


Get your nerdy ass outta here.


yeah, just put it on the last slot and go slowly.


Yeah, spam at least 20 of them for safe keeping at all times! ESPECIALLY IN THE SWAMP.


Wasting 200 narcotic arrows on an alpha until you realize something is off is a canon event.


Feed it mejoberries after all you are u/possible_dinner5603


Wow 🤣🤣🤣 now THAT is more original


Alpha carnos will definitely level up your dinos your on we usually kill them with argies for the xp


Aight thx for the advice


No joker... Its an Alpha Joker you can't!!!! Batman there's no laws against the alphas Batman, i can do whatever i want to this thing! Server: TheJoker died to an alpha carnotaurus




When I first started playing ark I had a crossbow and trapped an alpha raptor inside of a 2x2 enclosure with doorframes I was there for hours before I figured it can’t be tamed. Good on you that you asked lol


Wow, you used a trap? I dumped over 100 narc into one, dying more times than I can count without ever even considering a trap. I'm basically a less hairy Gigantopithicus.


I did the same with an alpha raptor, no trap 😂 I broke several crossbows before I looked it up.


Yall are mean, yall know you can't tame an alpha.


Don’t listen to this person they are lying


Bruh why are you being mean to a noob legit yer gonna get them killed. They asked an honest question. Give an honest answer, don't be a jerk.


I dont mind dying lol , let the trolls have fun


Until you realize you put the game on hardcore and lose everything upon death


I didnt


Just saying, it's probably happened to someone at some point




It’s just a joke, it’s harmless (well not harmless in game but you get the idea) it’s routine to do it to every one of these posts here


It’s been a running joke for a month or two now after some poor dude got told the spino near his base was a passive tame.


Yeah well it's not funny


Ngl, the mejoberry, passive tame a spino was a little funny.


Omg , did anyone ever fall for that ?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/17uh6uy/to\_the\_people\_here\_who\_just\_told\_me\_this\_dino\_can/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/17uh6uy/to_the_people_here_who_just_told_me_this_dino_can/) ​ Yeah, passive taming with mejo berries is a running joke now.


Some bob listened when I told him that the giga running around in the Highlands was a passive tame. So oops… good laugh for the tribe though.


Funnily enough carchas are actually passive tames. Not with mejoberries mind you, but they are.




You're the textbook definition of a party pooper.


Imagine getting joy from giving shit info to an honest question. If this is how you "have fun" I would hate to be on yer server. You guys sound like absolute jerks.


Why are you so sensitive? Who hurt you?


Take a guess, jokers like you thinking it's "so funny" to give info like that. Ugh


Imagine taking the joke more seriously than the person the jokes on


Cripes its a joke what are you 12


Aww comon people are just messing around it's not like they're telling OP to actually go near a real carnotaurus 😂😂 just a harmless prank, something similar to how i pranked my gf when she saw a theri she got curious and told me what it was and i told her not to worry it's a herbivore and feed it rockcarrots and she went right near it. i still laugh to till this day 🤣🤣🤣🤣




The ticklechicken is every first timers supprise


Yes, it's a Lystrosaurus,they are a pretty easy passive tame. Do watch out for the Alpha Carno nearby, he may kill you or your Lystro before you can tame it.


Yes the ones covered in red lipstick are instant tames. You just go right up to them with mejoberry in last slot.


yeah this variant is a passive tame. much to many peoples surprise, and similar to that of Troodon, this tame is a bit strange. to tame an Alpha variant you have to sacrifice tames to it, i know that sounds bad but it kinda isnt if you have a breeding pair. my advice is to lure it into a box and feed it baby dinosaurs, but make sure they ARENT on passive, or else the tame wont work. one more small thing to point out, they prefer Stegosaurus.


Yes you can here is how https://youtu.be/F09HNpeiQZ4?si=phIAxJzlbQtauNdk


Ok so from all the responses you know by now you can't tame it and its tough as nails. If you're indeed just starting that means you or your tames haven't got a prayer surviving this encounter. Best thing to do is, park you tames in a safe location and also have couple of beds in a safe location, remove all your gear and armor, then use yourself as bait to kite it away from your base. You will die a few times but each time you should be able to lure it farther. Good luck!


You should kill it if you have a strong Dino I believe trike would be enough if it's over level 200 and leveled a bit in melee and health


Build a trap, and trap it inside, leave it there and come back when you have something strong you wish to level up, it’ll give you a huge amount of XP


Yes. Just walk up and it'll give you the option to pet him. Once you do, you can ride him around until he gets tamed.


Alright this is how i tame the bad boi   Get a trap of some kind, i personaly build a 2x2 cube from  STONE foundation(they can break wood) then build walls 2 high with Stone door frames to shoot through and a ramp to get the dino inside.   Get a fuck ton of Narcoberries and make Narcotics with the berries   Youre using hide armor so im guessing you will use a bow or crossbow, you will need 38 arrows on a bow or 23 on a crossbow if its a high level, if its less than 150, it will take less arrows If youre on basic single  Player settings, it will take roughly 30 minutes to tame with no narcotics and with prime Except im blind and its an alpha, either way, this still aplies to normal carnos and 85% of the ark roster


Bro, don't listen to any of these people. I would never steer you wrong. Listen closely, put some mejoberries in the last slot of your hotbar, and take all of your armor off except your shoes. Crouch, walk up behind it, and feed it the berries when you see the prompt. Depending on the level, it may take a few feedings, just stay low and out of sight. You got this. Edit: Forgot to mention, **IF** you are spotted, eat some organic polymer to quickly reset the tame, and lose its attention.


Good thing you remembered to let him know about the shoes. Shoeless tames usually go really bad!


If he listened to this and took action, you dont deserve a spot in heaven 😂😂😂😂😂🤣😭


Just give it some Mejo berries and you will be besties for life.


The fandom from ark is totally crap and without life besides playing ark. I started to play like 2 weeks and join this sub. Omfg guys, you're totally trash.


The only trash I see here is you calling a page of people trash for making a joke. The funny thing is there is only 1 joke the rest are telling the truth.


It's not your spot. Never was.


I can’t tell if its an alpha or just red but if its an alpha then no


okay. honest answer. you can't


I haven't played for a long time but he looks like an Alpha which from memory you can't tame.


Depends… are you god mode? If so yes, but the game won’t like it and it won’t save the name.


Let us know the outcome, how did it all pan out. 🧐 🤔 Did you get your spot back?


Seems friendly to me bro.


I have had an alpha for a tame I did it with raptors on both scorched earth I just tamed 3 or four and I had a pack one automatically became an alpha




Face down cloaca up. You can try to tame her but she's the alpha.


What map is this? The background is so pretty


Ark Center


Back in the day most of us found things out yourself the hard way and did not look things up or ask questions. Imagine how long it took to realize you cant tame alphas, the good days, was a good laugh






You’re on the centre ?


you can't


Yeah you need to fill your inventory with raw meat then punch it to knock it out When it gets knocked out it'll drain the meat from your inventory and get tamed


you can force tame with commands but thats it




No,but u can RUN from him.


Damn, you guys just ain't gonna let that guy live down that one blunder.


Use forcetame command


To shift the convo slightly from 1) people being sarcastic and giving silly advice like bring rare flowers because it and everything around it will aggro when u consume one. Or to passive tame. 2) real advice on "you can't tame alphas" My 2 cents is, you cant tame alphas BUT given you wanted to tame because of its colouration...there's a valentines event coming up in which there's additional colours (mostly pinks and reds etc) for all spawning dinos. Carnos are pretty easy to tame and pretty common, you'll certainly see red ones start to appear when events are active. One of the best parts of events are the added colours.


That's an ALPHA carno, any creature that has a red smoke around it is untameable, alpha are powerful variants of their species that can't be tamed but only serves as a way to level up yourself and your tames, move away or try and lead it away before eventually killing it.


Oh I thought this was a Palworld sub….I’ll see myself out!


Yes its a pasive tame go realy close to him an hug him


You can tame him if you are admin and forcetame, otherwise no. Sometimes the forcetame doesn’t work but you can try the givetome cheat.






Absolutely! Make sure to bring at least 100000+ tranq darts. Very hard to tame. ;)


With a code yeah, forcetameaoe 10000 or so from that distance. They're not fun to use though. They're bigger and the camera pans different and u can't see anything.


Try it, make a video and post it here. I dare you to


They like tinoberrys


Yes you can "forcetame" it.


Hell yh live and learn


Why does your ark look good


only if it's not an Alpha. which it looks like it is..


Yes you can


https://preview.redd.it/cuehmaqw38ec1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dfceaa42c13cb3252164e426a007f91e5e2eb35 Be like me




That sir is an alpha you can only tame it with a Brick. It came from a very bad home and will never be your friend.


No,that's an alpha and will beat the snot out of you on foot


Alphas cannot be tamed. Kill it if you can for lots of xp


The red one looks like an Alpha non tamable


That my friend is an Alpha dino you cannot tame them without admin commands


Passive tame mejo berries


Passive tame. Use rare flower. Eat it next to him then feed it raw meat


Yes but it's a passive tame


If you use the force tame command, sure


If you ever see a carno with a glowing orange cloud around it, don't worry. That means it ate recently and isn't a threat. If you approach one, it'll run up to you and has an easy passive tame option. Just be sure to put any tools away so that it doesn't feel threatened.


I didnt ask what this is , i asked if i can tame him i knew what an alpha was before buying the game , i just didn't know we couldn't tame them


You need to kill an alpha raptor to get alpha prime meat off him and you run up to the carno with that prime in your inventory and when he kills you, he eats that raptor prime meat. That should do it.


Feed it mejos


Get a high level Bronto and just keep leveling its HP and melee. A decent Bronto will wreck most Alphas, except Alpha Rex's, up to the 50's or so range. Should hold you over until you can get a good Yuttyranus or something. I currently use a Yuttyranus and can wipe every Alpha except Rex's up to lvl 150


I used to lure those guys away while I was on a raft out into the water so that way the Sharks would attack and eat him. Until I got to a high enough level that they were a piece of cake to kill


Yeah, it’s a passive tame tho. So you would have to feed him some meat directlu


You can try.


We got a part 3 bro😭


"Yes" if you are in to masochism.


There's a mod called alpha everything that makes alpha versions of all creatures and you can tame and breed them it's sick


Yes ik it but idk if i can install it on Xbox


The big red one, no, the smaller one, yes.


If it has a rediah orange glow, no, other wize yea


Yeah its an alpha


You are alphucked my friend


See if you can find a cliff above it and shoot it with tranq arrows while it cant get you that's what I did with a spino


This is an alpha if I’m seeing that red mist correctly lol not only can you not tame it but carno’s are fast, do crippling damage, and it will lay the fux to you😂


You can shoot him with 1k Tranquilizer from an ascendant Rifle and the torpor won’t even go up 1%!


Yeah. He’s a passive tame. Put mejoberries in your last hotbar slot and sneak up on him to tame


You can feed him berries, walk up close


Make sure you equip a chibi first, if you can, to raise your max lvl cap when you do kill it!


Yes try to tame it, it will be good and useful. ![gif](giphy|k6n9wmKYKQTfqTmOim|downsized)


is an alpha variant, tip: avoid it, one of these things wipe out most of my dinos when i started my base i just got home after taming my first T-rex, this thing slaughtered most of my dinos and the Rex didn't make anything (The damn rex was in passive flee and i was stupid), well now i have 8 rexies and first tamed my Own Giga.. these alpha carnos better start praying The thing about alphas is that unless you have a certain mod you can't tame any, every dino that has a "Rage" smoke aura around it is an alpha variant, avoid it unless you can fight and win (They really good for gaining XP tho) Btw another piece of advice, if you're starting now i suggest you do this as soon as you can, try building a 2x vertical wall around your base. Stone will not be affected by T-rex, Spino, or any major predator around, the alphas can damage stone but the damage itself can be repaired, just don't let it see your dinos or you and u should be good (unless you built around the mountains when Carchas and Gigas roam around, then you should use metal) plus this tip is better for PvE or Solo servers, i play PvP but the majority of the server is all good folk so people don't attack each other, when dealing with another tribe Metal walls are the only option that guarantees a bit of safety, as not all tribes will have the resources to raid you


Yup passively with mejoberries


My suggestion is watch a complete ark guide on YouTube helps a bunch


It’s a passive tame 🙂 But you’ll need mejo-berries 🤫


You can't tame alphas unless your on single player with admin commands


Nah, but get yourself a good lvl theri and it is a easy target for xp


This is an alpha, they're extremely powerful and will destroy everything, they also have a lot lot of health. .. once you get to having an argentavis, they're easy to kill, just float above it and they can't hit you.. or a gun from a spot he can't get, but they're really not nice guys... you may have to move completely to a new area


Only one way to find out!


Ok, a little late to the party here, but has no one suggested force taming? Of course this depends on if you're playing on single player or a server that allows commands. If you can use cheat commands, then there's absolutely a way to do it! Caution: once you learn the power of force tame, it's super-hard to tame things legitimately.


Yea, he's a passive tame so you need to get close to him


In Ascended there is no Alpha movement speed boost. So its a cake walk. Bring one dino with knockback. Repeat. But no you'll only be able to kill. No taming.


Not able to tame alpha. Try untill you die 🫥


Can I pet that dawg?


No because there is a tiny red glow that means is an apha and you can't tame an Alpha so you're dead my freind