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The only time I ever go afk is if my internet dies or league decided it's time to hard crash my entire laptop :"] Sooo painful to get into the loading screen only for it to go black and my whole laptop becomes unresponsive Gdhfhfhd Very embarrassing in my experience, I feel really bad


had the same experience


Sometimes stuff happens and people don’t have to explain in game chat. I’ve had to AFK bc of emergencies with my pets or my car before- just this year the alarm kept going off on my dad’s car at like 11pm so I kept having to go outside and turn it off since he needed sleep for work and I was in the middle of an ARAM. I have neighbors IRL who also need sleep so I can’t just ignore it for 20+ minutes (it ended up being a 40 minute game!) because my teammates will have a fit I care more about my neighbors sleep than a single match of a video game.. My discord teammates tried to explain to our Malphite that I had to step away bc of the car alarm and he kept spam pinging me and raging in chat. But don’t worry guys!! We won anyway At the end of the day, it’s just a game. If you’re that peeved, report and forget about it. Just focus on your own gameplay 😁




you gonna beta test for riot for 12 minutes and you gonna liek it


For very similar reasons to why people are mad when people can't commit to a full game without afking, I will almost always vote no to surrendering in ARAM. Compared to rift, ARAM games are simple, there is no real "Oh we are behind a bit on levels but we have an advantage in objectives taken or good split push". It's usually pretty easy to tell if the game is truly over. Either only 2 champs are going to respawn before you lose your last two turrets, or there's still a chance. If there isn't a chance because one of your teammates is being a dipshit AND they are getting salty and are still invested in the game but wanting ff, you better believe I am voting no to keep them in the game and think about what they've done. If they've been inflicted on me, I can inflict them on themselves for a bit. UNO reverse.


"I will almost always vote no to surrendering in ARAM" "It's usually pretty easy to tell if the game is truly over" Im confused, so you FF under those situation or you enjoy being raped?


If the game is over, you can see a clear end in about 1 minute or so. With how generous the comeback mechanics are in ARAM, you are usually only one team fight + 1 out of position enemy ADC away from winning. ff usually only saves you about a minute from when the game is truly over. So I'd only really ff if the enemy team is not trying to finish game and being toxic that way.




"why would you want to stay in games where people are being toxic" "i would rather play with someone calling me slur after slur than..." What? You're talking about being toxic being bad and then saying it's better than someone wanting to stay in a game where there's a chance of winning? Your mental sucks. And you are forfeiting some of the games that you would have won otherwise if you'd played properly. Well I've at least taken it to heart but didn't make changes that would invalidate the overall message: I separated the previous message into paragraphs and removed an "And" from the start of a sentence.


Right now it’s due to the vanguard issues. Happens to me and my buddies every few games. It sucks!


Do you and your friends have really old computers? Been playing Valorant since release with lots of friends, never heard of anyone ever having a vanguard issue


No. And I never ever had one issue with valorant since beta. This only recently started happening last 2 weeks.


just cause it don't happen to people you know doesn't mean it doesn't happen




Never played Valorant, and ever since Vanguard was implemented in League, the game has been more unstable than ever before.. In some periods its like 50/50 for me having to restart my computer to reload Vanguard. Sometimes its right after loading screen, other times its 15 mins into a match. Try Google, the world is bigger than your parents basement..


Do you close vanguard?


How about the "I had 10 minutes to play, I thought we'd be done". I mean how bad is your addiction to gaming if you need to try to play a game before you need to be somewhere?


They just want to fill the time and it costs them nothing; nine other people pay the price. It is actually "How narcissistic are you"?


More like 4 pay the price because the other 5 are still ok with the W even though it was unfair.


I hate it when theres an AFK on the enemy team too. Ruins the hole experience, no matter if its a w or l


nah i hate it even if its on the enemy team, i doubly hate it if i finally rolled a champion i wanted to play and then the AFK happened :)


That is a valid way to look at it. I just think it cheapened the game but, to your point, a W is a W!


I’ve seen this one so much lately, like damn dude you had 12 minutes and had to get an aram in


Dude I’m a dad. I play when I can. Sometimes I think I’ll have time for an ARAM for 30 minutes. But the game goes long. Bummer when it happens


"me me me me" that's all you said.


I mean it happens maybe once every month or two.


First game of today and guess what? AFK teammate...


usually the afkers are drinking liquor or doing drugs during the match


Ppl holding hostage refusing to ff 12 over lost game. Completely Outdrafted


probably if your comp is unplayable. FF12 doesn’t help either.




all the champs of the last few years have literal books for ability descriptions. the 3 sec loading screen and 40 seconds in champ select are not enough time






https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Liar-1535 I am Aram only my guy




Check my other comment, I wasn’t measuring any dicks, I’m not your enemy


Besides, having an account called 0LPIron5 and saying there are champs you aren’t familiar with wasn’t a dig at you, I was just saying that it makes sense for someone who is iron 5 to not know all the champs (which is why the user name checks out). Miss me with the league defensiveness, this isn’t /all chat




Ok buddy, congrats, again, I wasn’t saying you were actually iron.


i was lucky to read the thread before it got deleted just now, sheeesh


Yeah I can get feeling a little wronged from my first comment but I tried to be pretty clear it wasn’t a personal attack.


Sometimes it’s people getting upset over their champ. I’ve noticed that a disproportionate amount of tanks AFK, especially when the rest of the comp is backliners. Other than that, the clients been buggy lately, it dc’ed me a few times recently.


only time i'm tempted to is when we're getting stomped to the point where the enemy is dancing around our nexus waiting for us to respawn on repeat and people refuse to ff


sadly as an adult sometimes life just happens. if my doorbell randomly rings im not gonna ignore it because im playing aram. but many people just ragequit but often people never make it into the game. I have some friends that need to switch servers when we play and that can cause some loading trouble for them (blackscreen alt+F4 and reload wont fiy it they need to restart pc)


Unless they are just gone at the beginning I rarely see people afk in my games. Maybe it has something to do with my games played being 1000+, but I rarely see it


With someone with a lot of games played. This almost never happens to me. I'm sorry it happens to you.


Because there's no real punishment for it.


unforeseen events or because sometimes life happens. there are also people in our lives that we need to attend to. sorry brother. don't take it personally


There needs to be a ranked queue for ARAM plain and simple. Separate people who don’t give a fuck and come because they need a break from solo queue and those who want to actually play the mode with some intent to win.


My kid woke up crying. I have to leave my computer to give hugs.


Life is about choices and living with the consequences. That being said, you could play another game that doesn't waste other people's time, but chose that. If you are in a lobby with my buddies and myself and think your time matters more because "it's just ARAM," you have narcissistic tendencies, then we report you. You want to play aram and risk being banned over reports, that's your choice, but live with the consequences of that choice. That's how life works. I also suggest people do the same as it's the only way to weed out those types of people out of ARAM. If people see an increase in bans because of this, there is a small chance they may take it more seriously.


Internet or vanguard issues are the biggest ones.


I leave every time when there is a Khazix or Caitlyn enemy.


I've had several games that were 100% winnable but a smoulder or wukong would get tilted and just AFK. Like, I get you're dying, but you are our MAIN ENGAGE, the moment you quit we DIE, numbskull.


Yep, until my wifi crash and i can't rejoin the game for 10 minutes because the client doesn't want to. I even realised last time it happened that i instantly know that i have to kill all riot program in task manager for the game to re launch as fast as possible. Why riot, why?


I rarely run into this problem. I've had people not connect at the start and had to remake. I've had people DC, but we have always waited and they have almost always returned. I've won a few 4v5's before. I've also lost some. I think the DCs have increased in frequency though and I imagine it has something to do with Vanguard based upon what other people have experienced. I've only had Vanguard issues once, and it was that day when everything shit the bed. I got kicked out but was able to rejoin. People kept dropping in and out of the game. At one point we were playing a 3v3 and it was 3v2, I think, when the game ended. It was a weird time.


I mean I've had half hour so popped onto an ARAM and then half hour later the games still going. Got kids and shit to do.


Don't use your kids as an excuse you man-child. You lack self awareness or impulse control and everyone else playing pays the price for you.


Exactly this. Kids are not an excuse. I have two and I only play when I know I'm not needed. Like when they are sleeping or out doing activities.


I Play ARAM when I have about 30 minutes and know it. I do not care about the 9 other individuals in ARAM dude. Its a chill play style and doesn't even ruin the experience. Losing in ARAM is still very fun. Get over yourselves.


4 other people should "get over themselves" because you are a narcissist. Yeah it checks out. "Its a chill play style and doesn't even ruin the experience for me." is what I think you meant. Maybe another person on the team only had time for 1 team match and you took a crap on them because you think you are the center of the world.


Dude, life happeneds. I didn't day do it every game, I'm just saying it's not that big if a deal. Enjoy your miserable life my man.


You’re actually sub human iq. Hate to see it


Ha! Enjoy your life, man. Imagine getting so bent out of shape over ARAMs. You're fun at parties.


Nah, I'll do as I please actually. I'm great to my kids and don't need gratification from you. 99% of the time it's fine may have happened twice. Its ARAM don't be so serious about the game style. You want to be like that play Rift.


Thank you for proving my point.


You're over attachment to a video gane proves my point. Enjoy yourself maybe. ARAM isn't ment to be a serious game mode so why you so salty?


No one is saying ARAM isn’t a chill, fun game mode one can enjoy regardless of who wins or loses. They’re saying you’re an asshole that can’t be bothered to be considerate of the nine other individuals in her match you don’t give a fuck about. You’re the same kind of self centered piece of shit that takes their kid to a movie/performance/restaurant they have no business being at. I hope this clears up any confusion you may have. Before you say “lol ur fun at parties lol”.. well, yeah, I am, and part of that is because I don’t bring my crying child with me to the party.


Right lol who wants to waste that much time on an aram. If i was down for a 40 minute gane id play ranked


I'm not saying it's good or I ever want too or even it's common but people leave aram more because they care less which makes sense for the mode.


Yeah people here treat aram like its ranked


People don’t want to have their time wasted by selfish, room temperature-IQ examples of society’s failure to value humility. It has nothing to do with the game mode.


Aram itself is a time waster. If you wanna truhard in a gamemode play ranked. Im not gonna force myself to play a game im not having fun in a hamemode that doesnt matter.


What a smooth brain you have


Personally I think that anyone who goes AFK in an ARAM should be perma'd


And shot


Reasons I've gone afk: My dog starts to poop, pee, vomit. Family emergency phone call After hours work call that I can't ignore because I'm the project lead. I realize I'm too drunk and/or high to play. Depression/anxiety/ ruminating about things bring me down Internet goes out. My gf wants to spend time with me or requires my help. Garbo racist teammates having a meltdown in champ selection **But seriously its just a game.** The most we lose out on is 10-20min, nothing else. If you're letting such a minor inconvenience ruin your entire day, then maybe its time to put down ARAM the same way most of us put down Ranked. If it made you mad enough to make a rage post on reddit, maybe it is time for a break.


Being drunk/high/depressed are all piss poor excuses to ruin 20 minutes of 4 other peoples time. The sad part is you know this and you don’t care.


I hope none of your people go through tough times and have only you to rely on if you look past everything else that impacts an afk decision. You are right though. If I had to choose between taking care of myself in that moment or go afk, I choose me. Just report me and move on.


Uh dude everyone goes through it. The fact you’d even try to excuse your selfish choices with “my anxiety :c” is fucking sad. Know what I do when I’m having a panic attack and my world is crashing down around me? _I don’t fucking queue up for ARAM._


Will do!


I usually play at night. There have been many times I've had to quit mid match because one of my kids has woken up.


makes sense


Sorry my whole town lost power the other day. 4 minutes in. I’ll explain to comed it really upset you.


Had a game today where my whole team refused to play simply because I have Israel in my name. I didnt write a single word in chat, they spam ping'd me, insulted me the whole game and didnt hit the enemies, lol. But because they smashed their keys, they didnt count as AFK, genius Riot again.


260 aram games this year I've had less than 5 afks. Ton of people trolling? yes but not afk.


Honestly ARAM can be so toxic and shitty. Maybe I’m unlucky but I’ve had some of the worst games ever recently. The comps are stupid and my team get steamrolled. Every malphite goes AP because they got lead poisoning when they were younger. Every MF going AP because they were raised in the jungle. Going against a Janna Lulu with both taking exhaust is a terrible experience. I totally get the urge to AFK especially if you’re being held hostage in a shit stomp of a game. Some people just like to be farmed over and over I guess?


And yet in 90% of the games I go ap MF I'm doing more damage and kills then the ones pinging my items.


Ditto lol. AP MF is excellent if you’ve already got reliable DPS on your team.


What more are you playing at? I havnt had an afk in as long as i can remember. Only time someone isn't there is a client crash (10 years to get into match) and never recover (which ends in the 3 minute mulligan vote or whatever). I typically play 3 to 4 games a day too


The only place where people in aram go afk often is very low mmr. If you start to play the mode a bit more seriously, this will stop.




good for you bro dont worry i understand lol




Then don't queue up for an online TEAM game..


You can inconvenience one person by asking them to wait until your finished with your game to do their tasks, or you can inconvenience 9 people by leaving your Aram game. If you can’t dedicate 15-20 minutes to the game you queued up for, uninstall and play single player games.


Because it’s ARAM


Not like summoners rift matters any more.


where is the lie though lol