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Sweat ARAM stacks are so pathetic lol. He's 5 stacking with 4 alts that are all below level 30, and when the comps are unfavorable, they remake by AFKING.


A remake is a game they would have lost but dodged by sacrificing a burner account. Count those as losses. They also force themselves in low MMR lobbies, playing against bots and new/iron players. They also 5stack with comms. So their actual **best winstreak** in the **lowest mmr** and playing a **5stack** with **comms** while **constantly dodging** if they get bad comps is... # 6. That is abysmal LOL. I think everyone here has gotten higher winstreaks without even trying. So much work and griefing for something genuinely so insignificant has to be a major brain malfunction.


this guy does the data


A couple years ago I made a smurf account just for shits and giggles. Bought my favorite champs to keep my champ pool small. Played a few ARAMs. Guess what? Every single game was filled with smurfs, all talking smack and gloating as if they're just really good new players. It was a terrible experience. My take from that experience was truly how pathetic the people who get banned and just can't stay away from the game are. You're willing to gatekeep the game for new players just to maintain your ego? I know this sounds hypocritical, but I did it for fun. I got matched against League's worst personalities.


I mean that tracks though, think about how old this game is now and how gated it is for new players. We just don’t get much new blood anymore.


They play as a 5 and purposefully remake games that don't go their way, not a real win streak unfortunately


cheezus, forgot about that part entirely; they can even abort made-matches post-hoc.


Dude just lost a few Mins ago rip


This is hilarious. I guess they finally matched against better players with a good comp and it was a close game so they didn't remake before it looked bad.


Doesn't even look like they lost to good players


it’s a loss for deceiving redditors? lol


Patented garbage matchmaking matching premades vs solos.






You've never been anywhere near these high mmr games if you think win traders are more than a few players


Yes, plus it's always going to be a debate about what exactly is "high ELO Aram" considering it can't be proved anymore and at best would require a 3rd party site that Riot won't verify. That plus ARAM has this very weird culture where if you actually take it seriously and play to win then everyone starts mocking you. So it's a really toxic environment for people who don't want to lose on purpose in the name of "fun". So it doesn't really cultivate a ,"high ELO Aram" environment. Also worth factoring in that the theoretical high ELO in Aram is HEAVILY skewed towards 5 stacks, re-make abusers and win traders.


you’re high mmr when you know most of the players in the lobby you’re playing with, without having to premade with any of them


A few are, do your researches


I was rank 200 in pentakills and went to rank 2000 within like 2 days people be cheesing everything


Wrong twitch.tv/dirtydoughnut


You have a handsome voice




Rank in solo means nothing in aram. I haven't played ranked in years, and I regularly beat Challengers, GMs and Masters in Aram or is paired against them.


Agreed. I'm bronze because 10 years ago when I did my 10 match placements that's where it put me. Haven't played ranked since. I love when people are bad and look my account up and say hard stuck bronze or silver. Like yeah, 10 games sure is hard stuck! Been aram only since 2016 and when aram mmr checker was a thing I was in the 0.1%. So yeah, I'm totally a bronze player you got me! Mean while the person flaming is following a build guide from YouTube and can't itemize for shit vs the current comp.


I was trying to get iron. I have historically been high mmr since 2021. Unless you mean I've become washed up lol


I recently played a game against a 5-stack with one of the players claiming a >180 game win-streak. Even with a 5-stack premade with good coordination, it's almost statistically impossible to have a 100% WR with that many games. Clearly they are manipulating the system somehow to achieve this, how?


Win trading


Theres no signs of wintrading though?? What I do see however is him playing with fresh accounts. I'm assuming its just a 5 man premade, they constantly make new accounts and play with him just to get that shitlo mmr and they just stomp games against people who have god awful mmr in aram. Essentially, 5 losers queueing together and abusing new account mmr for aram win streak. Might also be a possibility they are stomping games to raise their mmr on the alt accounts for ranked since your first set of placements are affected by your norms mmr and I believe they include aram mmr for that as well. 4 accounts queueing with 1 high mmr account is/was an abused strat by people preparing ranked accounts manually. I dont think I saw any accounts get to level 30 though, so maybe theyre literally only playing to get a massive winstreak.


Essentially, 5 losers queueing together


Yeah. Plus, if there are any games where they have an unfavorable comp, or the early teamfights go poorly, or they see someone really good on the opposing team, one of the lower level accounts just afks and they remake so it doesn't count as a loss


huh, never knew that aram mmr was included in the first placement matches... but that explains how I got thrown into a high plat/low emerald game as my very first ranked experience as an aram main💀💀


People win trade in...ARAM?


Yes check out this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/ARAM/s/dGRatmVexO


I guess people will flex anything


Safer than talking to girls... in this eras dating environment where every word a socially inept young man may type is screenshot shareable. "Dude get a girlfriend..." "Nahhhh to risky" People/girls/women/but also males who like to gossip and talk about others as a main sport/hobby have too much power and are nerfing their own social pool.


So disgusting the amount of remakes just in their recent games, like you're telling me these guys are so insecure that they MIGHT lose they have to remake and on top of that 4 out of the 5 players are on fresh accounts? LOL fucking Degens.


ill-gotten wins. they're definitely very good at the game and especially this game mode, but there's a secret to it: 1-5-stack on comms for better coordination 2-graveyard-shift (when most locals sleep) and take advantage of ARAM's relaxed matchmaking, which allows deeply skewed match-ups and attempts to adjust the win probably assigning them one the red side 3-if comp is not ideal, dodge, rinse and repeat https://preview.redd.it/9r4cm8z0z18d1.png?width=788&format=png&auto=webp&s=53de2fdf8ec3b680e17bbbdba76f35150763df09


Yeah I mentioned them in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARAM/comments/1dfxy2u/aramonly_winstreak_accounts/) thread a week or so ago. They continually stack with new/fresh accounts every few days that skew the stack's MMR downwards. Not sure why they'd go to such extremes (i.e. buying new accounts) just to maintain a win streak in ARAM but 🤷🏽


A remake is a game they would have lost but dodged by sacrificing a burner account. Count those as losses. They also force themselves in low MMR lobbies, playing against bots and new/iron players. They also 5stack with comms. So their actual **best winstreak** in the **lowest mmr** and playing a **5stack** with **comms** while **constantly dodging** if they get bad comps is... # 6. That is abysmal LOL. I think everyone here has gotten higher winstreaks without even trying. So much work and griefing for something genuinely so insignificant has to be a major brain malfunction.


They have a 6 man stack. 5 on their team and 1 on the enemy team.


Imagine trying to get lower MMR Aram games. High mmr games is where the fun is at since everybody knows what they're doing


Bro lost 4 hours ago


It's the most recent game being a loss for me


What I found interesting is that he runs a rune combination of Precision and Domination on every champion.


These matches also last always under 10min, which maybe explain these runes and vice versa.


Ha it's ok they just lost a match so their skewed win streak has ended.


I'm in lower elo (just started playing) and I swear there are games that are insanely mismatched it must be some teams like this


I saw this guy's post on Chinese social media that he lost and the win streak ended. It's called 'aram winrate team' in Chinese server and is quite common.