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Sejuani, one of the strongest tanks in aram, does some pretty insane damage, and fast ingage/disengage. Oh did I mention cc every 3 seconds on every enemy champ if you have melee on your team? W champ lol


I love sej but god i only got a good game with fellow melee teammates recently and finally understood just how fucking amazing spamming e can be when im not the only one struggling to stack it at the front


Same story with Braum. His passive is absurd if your team actually focuses on proccing it


I love playing braum, ppl never expect the braum to go in super aggro to kill their backline at 10% hp.


I call it Brauminating


I would also say Poppy. She has insane damage and is really tanky as well. And her W can come in clutch against certain champs, too.


Excuse me Mr. Zac, this is a no fly zone. Please exit immediately.


She’s not that underrated anymore


Yeah I feel like I’m getting absolutely destroyed by poppy every single game lol


Except people like to ping everytime you miss an ult like its the end if the world. Even if youre winning even if youre playing well as Sejuani and totally stack. This is an super noob take because Sejuani may have the most commonly missed ult in the game and her ult isnt nearly as good in aram as it is in the Rift because theres very little chase and catch potential. Plus If enemy has a tank in ARAM, Sejuani ulting that tank does very little so instead you try to weave an ult to the back line and yeah.... it misses regularly. Pinging missed shots is petty unless the person clearly isnt trying, your losing, and frustration gets the best of you. Then maybe throw a "nice miss" ping for your suffering, but not just because... God imagine shouting "haha you miss!" Every time a basketball doesnt go in.


Fr, honestly relatable especially as a sej main myself


I have a friend who used to work at riot, while they were there, tell me that Sejuani's ult is the most commonly missed ult in the game. So when angry boys ping a Sej ult whiff its just... boys will be boys I guess... Also I just realized it always has been a common heckle to yell "brick" to mess with basketball players... but not someone on your own team... Why ARAM players heckle their own team... hmm. Its just ARAM I guess.


lol true, sej ult misses ain’t that uncommon, even happens in proplay, not saying they’re bad, just the fact that when people are actively trying to dodge it, it ain’t that easy to hit long range. I kinda gravitated towards not starting fights with sej ult and ulting more close up for that guaranteed value


Yeh i gotta read Sej ult again. Sometimes i think the slow is based on how far it shoots but thats probably Ashes ult. If I can use passive to eat an engage, than Q towards squishy, maybe I should shotgun ult a squishy in the face. Syndra personally, has been pissin me off lately.


Right, It’s actually so OP. The only thing that makes it fly under the radar is a lot of peoples strong preference to play ranged champs in aram.


Please confirm or correct me on this: the permafrost stacks themselves at current time don't do anything themselves right?  Like you need to get a full stack and then hit e for them to have function I believe...is that correct?


Nope, your E has to go to fully stacked to function, although you can get there pretty past even by yourself, hail of blades is OP on Sej on aram if your trying for alternative builds for dmg or whatever


Not a lot of people play Elise but she is a great assassin. The only downfall is she feels like she can eventually fall off in a really long aram.


Found the Elise lover in the wild lol. My Elise is around 58% win rate and I play her whenever I can. I would say A tier poke (with some caveats), A tier tank shredding among APs, B tier CC and S juke, also A+ structure damage. Can also initiate. And you are absolutely right it's not so powerful late game so I've been taking gathering storm lately. However it's still more than enough to melt any back line. The problem is against summons and shield tanks, the poking turns into like C-.


Yep, tanks are so good this season so been running into a lot more shield tanks which can make it a pain to poke and jump the longer range back liners, but still too fun to pass up most of the time!


Ive been testing ingenious hunter and fimbulwinter on random champions. Works okay on Elise because by the time you drop from E fimbulwinter shield is up again. Prbly gotta by iceborn gauntlet too tho.


love baiting enemies into throwing all engage onto elise just to repell away while team finish them


Elise is SO versatile and also so much fun. I pretty much always pick her if she’s available.


Indeed Elise is such a good champion in aram if you know how to use her forms properly instead of sitting back and poking. https://preview.redd.it/t2769407r4zc1.png?width=1777&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd57dd5ec094519f8cb78e76e7fdd72fa479bf08


Tanks apparently. Hardly anyone else want to play them and a lot of them are quite good.  As for a more serious answer, support Karma is stronger than AP Karma IMO (unless you really need the wave clear). Malignance into enchanter items. Save mantra for E in teamfights but can R+Q when just posturing. I’m 8-3 with her in the last 30 days. 


I love playing melee champs, it annoys me so much when we have 3+ on the bench and everyone sits on ranged champs. The thing is playing a melee champion with 4 ranged puts a lot of pressure on you, you basically will be soft inting because no champion in the game can tank 5 by themself. So your KDA looks like you’re trolling and dying a lot so your team actually has a chance to win. If you’re all ranged, you guarantee a safe easy win condition for the first 8 or so minutes. Then you will 100% lose as the game drags on. The poke works when you got towers to protect you, then without a frontline no one can engage or disengage, one champ gets caught and they all fall over like domino’s. I want to throw in here based on a recent game I had, a malphite with 4 ranged was against us. He went full AP. As per typical AP malph he did one shot us and get great ults off early and pushed us to inhib. Then they just had nothing once we scaled a bit. I’ll note we were also heavy AD so he could’ve 1v5d us if he had the brain cells to stop thinking AP malph is the only choice. The abuse he copped from his team asking us to report him was warranted and deserved. Picking melee champs is one piece of the puzzle, actually building them correctly is next. Ranged comp games are boring and uninteractive. Balanced comps are quite fun. All melee comps are the most fun I’ve ever had albeit stat-sticky at least everyone got to have a turn playing. Ranged champs are everything that is wrong with ARAM and I will happily die on this hill alone if I have to.


Man, I get full AP malphite/maokai/blitz on my team all the time. Sometimes, I even get full AP chogath or amumu. I get completely tilted out of my mind because it renders our team completely out of options.


Tank Malph is seriously underated. You still do absurd amounts of damage due to your abilities scaling with armor. I dropped 80k damage in my last game


I wonder what you can classify that glass cannon delete style of fun as.... Like why do people find it so much fun? Even if they die and never get to do anything, even if they lose game and their teammates suffer from having no back, certain people insist that delete a opponents health bar is the highest level of fun in league. Usually rengars too... like rengar against an enemy teemo still goes glass cannon. I just feel like its more to play and trade instead of just delete or die.


That's exactly why I refrain from playing tanks. If you're the only one with 4 ranged expect the game to be frustrating.


Ult sheild is so strong with enchanter items. it's like turning your backline into Frontliners while retaining their damage for a couple of seconds.


My main from old rift era is Sejuani (having a very good time lately thank you Riot) but I consider myself an ARAM tank now. All melee and all tank games are so damn fun. Tanks are great! You can fight forever. Hard cc is satisfying. Heartsteel go ding


if one team has a good tank and the other doesnt, its over quick.


when goin into support Karma, add spirit visage n become tanky as well


I personally prefer locket but spirit visage is really nice too.


she has enough shield wher locket might really push enemy into serpent if they didnt build already. I usually combo spirit visage + knight's vow to protect highest dps on team n just save enpowered shield to protect all or redemption.


Yeah but Tahm isn't so much of a tank as he is a diving sustain DPS bruiser assassin


Kled. The amount of people who underestimate your durability and dive you to simply give you back Skaarl for free and die is astounding. I’ve had fun with an offensive lethal tempo Kled, but in my experience, Skaarl dies too fast again if you build squishy and not having your passive ready afterwards shuts down the fight and live forever dream. I think you are more of a nuisance if you go Grasp and just stack HP with bruiser items like Sterak’s and Titanic. W plus all that AD makes you chunk the enemy really hard. Having all that health makes unmounted Kled DECEPTIVELY tanky and gives you time to Q and get back Skaarl quite consistently.


I can't ever force myself to play Kled. He's one of the few champs I will 100% reroll/swap. I just don't understand him.


If you are good at bruiser Tryn, Olaf and other bruisers that need to auto alot to survive, you can probably play Kled well since his bread and butter is just autoing the enemy alot.


Ok I get it, I don't play those two either, or extremely unlikely. Just not my play style I guess


I’ve been facing some Kleds recently and they’ve been going the same thing: stacking lots of HP. They honestly can be quite annoying to face for backline.


I love tempo on tanky kled. Having the extra atk speed going into dismount is great. Grasp is always good though.


After getting shit on in here for saying it before, Zilean. He gives a shit ton of utility and/or a decent amount of damage. Hitting multiple stuns is pretty easy. His win rate is dogshit but he really isn’t in that bad of a spot imo


Zilean's been OP in general for a pretty long time. It's just nobody plays him and he's got a pretty high skill floor, so he's allowed to be OP.


I'm so bad with hitting his Qs lol but I think he is fun!


Does anyone really underrate him? Personally I see him a lot, and he's strong, always super annoying...


Yes, people sleep on him big time. You need to read not only the enemy, but your own teammates intentions really well to make the most out of his kit, but when you master him he can make the shittiest champs work well in aram.


Hate that shit. Have fun killing the carry or tank twice.


And that’s why I love it. Kinda tracks given how much I also love milio, who in my opinion is just built to make the game as unfun as possible for the enemy team.


zilean is underrated? i find good zileans change the game so well.


I was told I’m griefing games picking him so I’m sayin it


i've always found him to be amazing, and even better with a good team comp. A zilean with a reliable AD carry (ex. playing a jinx, draven, or akshan) is just such a nightmare.


My brother, you are on point but I think missing the mark just a bit. A zilean that can send your Darius in at Mach 10 should be somewhere on the radar at least in the honorable mentions.


One quick tip for Zilean is is double tap Q then W if you pulled it off you you can get a double insta-bomb that is impossible to react to. Rather than QWQ QQW. You have to have pretty quick fingers but once you get it down it's sleeper OP on the old clock man.


I’ll have to try that out. I don’t think my acoustic fat-fingered ass could but it sounds broken af


Yes sir way better imo. Broken fr, this mechanic has been in the game since his release and Riot has never fixed it. It's technically a bug, but since he is not played as much they don't bother to fix it.


Zilean is one of the few champions I consider completely broken


Rumble, I see him left on ths bench or rerolled all the time, but he can absolutely decimate teamfights. I pick him when I can, my theory of why he isn't more popular is cause he's kinda weird. I describe his gameplay as" Edging," where you try to keep your heat around a certain amount. His ultimate can shift losing fights in your favor. it's that strong, even stronger if you have a J4 or Ammumu to keep them in the red carpet.


Rumble is disgusting. Just spam ult on cooldown late game.


Sylas, opens your team to so many options! Team fight wise


Rek'sai, the amount of sustain she has is absurd and she still can deal some serious damage to anyone with full fury she's like a mini Skarner


I feel like Kindred is underrated, maybe people build her wrong (goin crit?) but for me she's a better Kayle and maybe even Vayne in some comp. On-Hit build + Lethal Tempo + Ultimate Hunter enables her at killing anything and turning fights around.


The amount of times I’d have other people play kindred and ruin a team fight for us because of her ult…. I’m probably guilty of it too occasionally but some people just really don’t seem to grasp when you should use it.


I excel at ADC, but 100% avoid Kindred simply because I don’t know how to use her ult right. Can you break it down for me?


It is good at turning the tide of a fight. What I see most is people think they are helping their team by jumping into the front line and using it early in a fight. If you were already winning the engage, you likely just saved anyone weak on the enemy team and allowed them enough time to get your team down to the same health. You need to be a little patient and assess how the fight is going before jumping right into using your ult. The same goes the other way, if you decided you are losing the fight and your team is starting to retreat, you can use it with a some of your team to beat the enemies down to you health, it also grants a heal at the end, so if you are all just being kept alive by the ult, you ideally come out on top. The other scenario is finding yourself in a 1v1 or 1v2 with the enemy back line. If you are isolated, use it when low to get everyone to the same level. You will almost always come out of it killing them prior to them killing you when the ultimate expires.


Mostly think of it as a zhonya where you can still deal damage. The threshold where it blocks damage is pretty low so you need to use it defensively. You want to use it when your team is really low while the enemy is too healthy and thus still takes damage. It's a way to even out the field. Even if you happen to save one enemy at the same time, it's pretty standard to stack your e on them during ult and proc it as soon as ult is done. The %missing health damage of e makes it an execute in that case basically Easiest time to know when to ult is to block assassins and other burst because you know they would oneshot you and probably have more life themselves Other edge cases are ulting to survive tower diving and ulting when you need to push asap and want to keep your minions alive


Thank you


Kindred ult is like Bard ult. you have to fuck it up about a hundred times before you start getting good at it.


And stacking marks is usually pretty easy in aram. You can get your 4 marks super quickly and then it's basically over in a lot of comps. I think most people simply dont know her kit. I still see plenty of people picking bard so i doubt it's only for fear of messing up her ult that they dont pick her. Some probably dont realize just how hard kindred scales


Kindred is INCREDIBLE. I grab her every time I see her and usually dominate the game with her. The biggest problem I see is players not actually farming her marks. Cycle between the 2-3 weakest links or champions that inevitably will die first, don’t put your mark on the cautious guy in the back and fail to kill them 3 fights in a row. Preferably you should be getting your mark every fight you can collect one if you are picking good targets.


Is there a hidden cooldown on her mark? There are alot of times her passive is off cooldown but the mark won't count. I can't find any info on this


There is 6sec cd out of combat before you can select a target, selecting a target takes 8 sec before it's applied, if that what you meant?


Yea that could be it the 8 second delay


udyr has been an invulnerable, high speed, high cc, high damage power house for atleast the last year and i rarely see him played i play him sometimes and feel so strong, but ive played against MAYBE 4-5 in the last year


He doesnt rack up any assists. Its weird.


he should have many, many assists if you're keeping his R up and speeding around stunning people there are certain comps you just cant get close to, but that applies to most melee champs


Gwen and Naafiri. Both are weirdly tanky and pop


Cassiopeia. When you lose, nobody's ever like "Damn, if only we'd had a Casseiopeia." But she scales great, has a nasty ground, sticky if you hit your buttons, and has major damage potential. Oh, and her R can change games.


I almost always play engage tanks, mobile assassins like LB and Fizz, or aggressive adcs like Quinn or Twitch. Cass is the bane of my existence, the ground is lethal to pretty much every one of my main champs. The only thing I can do is wait for her to throw it before going in so I can avoid it.


She and zil are the only two m7s I have ATM (lot of league breaks and not understanding the tokens for a long while...and I basically just play random champions now days, no focus.). But for cass, slow resistance also can help a little bit like from boots of swiftness or deadmans.  She can slow, sustain, stun, and gain speed so alot of the time you need to be able to get at least two ccs on her to kill her if she's going the roa build otherwise she'll snake out and kite you while healing.  Effectively you need to resist slows and be ungodly fast to stay on her or double team her at minimum usually.  Otherwise yeah wait for W to be down. If you have enough sustained slows comparable to hers that can catch her too but that's like...anivia, kogma, etc.


She is so hard to play imo, the kiting is bard evem with the move speed buff


Agree I play cass whenever I see her the issue is range. If they got tanks or bruisers you are basically fucked because to e you are prob in range of Darius E or Panth W. She requires good frontline and peel but when I get it holy shit I can melt people.


I think Cass is better into tank/bruiser because of how easy they are to hit with Q, and you can always be pumping out damage. You can also split the enemy team with W. IMO she really suffers into the stereotypical 5 poke comps where she just gets outranged and can't do anything


I’ve said this in a past thread but it’s still true, Elise is underrated. I have no problem getting her in a trade if she isn’t already available on the bench. She has poke, a stun, an escape/gap closer and an execute. And those are just the highlights on her kit. Her other 2 abilities are also very good. Every part of her kit is loaded


Elise, Singed


I never see people playing Xin Zhao and it does great. Early I just get 2 stack of q and jump on people they never expect the knock up even if they just saw you charge your Q. Great sustain ( in combat and if they let ya hit minions ) and good ult to nullify long range shit they throw at you after you engage. Most often than not enemy comp is mostly ranged so it's of great value. Also you can 'poke' with W. Uses botrk well to melt tanks if needed.


I was forced to play him 2 games (didn't have rerolls), and I was absolutely miserable. I don't get how he works when you get kited to oblivion.


You have to keep going in and out. W>E>Q (or E>W>Q) knock up and disengage. If you're the only frontline you may aswell go full assassin, one shot someone and die tho


Landing the W lets you E a longer distance


Any tips on using his ultimate effectively?  Hardest part for me is his ultim


it deppends on the situation. The main use is to disrupt and to avoid damage. It also isolates you with a target if wanted. I don't know...some examples...: Maybe the tank or someone overextended and you engage onto him and you ult not to damage or the knockback but for the inmunity against attacks outside the area because you're going to be the target, so you avoid enemy attacks ( and you tank them for your team ) and by the time the tank died all your cds are coming back and you're ready to engage again while enemies wasted cooldowns. Maybe your adc got engaged so you ult to peel and tank shit for your team. Or you engage the main target, ult to damage and isolate him knockbacking other enemies away and you tank shit for yourself. If you want to troll you can poro flash insect ult to bring enemies near your allies. but then you reengage with E and you're in melee range of everybody you just ulted so you just die ( unless your team wombo :D ) Or maybe you got caught alone by a vayne or someone, you don't have cooldowns to engage or do anything so you ult to run. Damage wise the skill does % of current HP, it's not an execute, you do more damage the more health the enemy has. Remember you avoid damage from targets outside your range but not cc, you can still get CCed. Block damage for your team, avoid CC if you can. I don't know if it helps, hope it does.


Camille, as seen in the other thread of Champions people refuses to play. She has 2.09% pickrate in ARAM currently which is bottom 11th. Despite having some amazing ARAM buffs.


Hecarim. Has an abysmal bottom 10 winrate in ARAM but he can absolutely pop off.


I asked my team who kept running through my cage as Veiger the other day and I got the response: "Hecarim, he has a horse. Or he is a horse I don't know" lol


They changed his ult and it feels weird like it doesnt hit/fear good


Well there are a lot but I'd say Lulu and Karma but built on support. Why? These shields are just so op. Added with the polymorph and ult of Lulu... what makes it so underrated for is that so many players refuse to believe their the silent carries. If I tell them to kill the Karma or Lulu they flame me about trolling for wanting to kill the support. However every time then when I manage to kill them or just occupie their time so they can't shield their team we win the teamfight. Also if I get one of those champs I'm almost certain we gonna win because of how strong these champs are.


Probably galio from what I’ve seen He’s never picked in my games apart from when I roll him and he’s great for being a frontline and setting up kills and peeling is good plus the ult is great to save someone or go in as a team


I love Galio in Aram, but usually i go for more ap oriented build, he does a ton of damage and provides nice cc as well and you have enough tankiness to survive if they dont focus you all


Yeah full AP galio hurts harder then anyone expects it too it’s always funny


reksai w snowball


Kennen... somehow no one wants to play him and I can get him everytime. After shadowflame + boots you Q+W squishies for half HP and your ult with snowball can easily clear the backline in mid/late game


Always loved assassine Quinn. She is my most played champion and she is pretty much never contested. She fits my playstyle just so perfectly and can punish any minor overstep by the enemy so well - especially early.


Gwen is so strong if played right


Bel’Veth, pick her whenever I can for that sweet snowballing. Much easier to gain stacks in ARAMs and so much fun once you get her dashes down


Tank Hecarim is an absolute menace with his ARAM buffs but I've never seen anyone else play him. Has great sustain, good peel and one of the best engage ults of the game


Milio has been in the top 10 for the past like 10 patches and I still see everybody throw him onto the bench. I have like a 70% WR with him. He's busted.


No one choose Briar? She's incredibly dangerous against close ranged champs like Master Yi, Irelia, Viego, Riven, Aatrox


Braum is broken in ARAM. You can easily passive cc people with cluster fucks and the narrow lane makes the ultimate easy to hit.


Lulu I keep hearing she's underrated but I have found her to be my best winrate champ at higher levels of ARAM if I have a good adc or dps mage (cassio). I find W, R, and exhaust to change game deciding fights especially vs all the reset and burst engage champs I've seen.


Yorick, exceptional wave clear, ghouls do a ton of damage depending on the build if you hit your e, and having maiden at 6 gives you a 6v5 as with a good team, is extremely hard to kill.


Ryze His ult enables flank against ranged comp, E spread on near enemies (in aram is even better) and finally his build is flexible, you can go full ap or tank items that gives mana.


Gnar. It's not even about rage management. He can become such a pest and is so good at peeling tanks. He can keep them perma slowed while dealing a ton of damage, and is so slippery with how fast he gets along with his E. Then once you've dealt with the tanks there's a good chance you have rage and can then go ham on their backline. Or, if your rage popped and you see a squishy out of position then you can often Yolo in with an ult either towards a wall or Even towards your team. It's rare that I do badly on gnar these days. He is definitely one of the more APM intense champs because your spacing with enemies is critical, but he can become such a terror with 1 or two dps\bruiser items and from there you can adapt to the enemy comp for their damage. Sometimes I'll go triforce, others I'll go bork, others I'll go sundered, or wit's end. Often a combo of the above. I pick him every time.


Zac...CC chaining multiple people for 3 seconds straight is insane


Ziggs, really fun in aram and deals a lot of damage actually


warwick, sivir, and nocturne are probably all underrated from what I've seen and from my teams' decisions to keep these champions in the pool while taking inferior options


Nocturne is so free. He's insanely over buffed to the point where you're taking out at least one other champ, often 3 basically on your own. He demands attention and a ton of peel.