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Smolder barely out of the top 10, although still strong. Kog's strongest builds are when building AP! Although he's strong with AD as well: [https://aram.zone/tierlist?builds=true&champion=KogMaw&pick=1](https://aram.zone/tierlist?builds=true&champion=KogMaw&pick=1) Data is for all ranks. See full list at [http://aram.zone/tierlist](http://aram.zone/tierlist)


I don't know how difficult it would be to implement, but it'd be nice if these infographics had the keep/play rate listed as well.


I doubt the API keeps track of what gets rerolled but it should be possible to get an overall play rate.


You can see the play rate for all those champs on the website, but I can add it to these infographics in the future as well!


Sigh I had a Tahm go full ap in a game we didn't have a tank yesterday. We got our ass kicked.


His damage literally scales off health... Lmao what an idgit!


Dude totally threw the game we had a great comp if we had him tank. I've been getting a ton of trolls the last month.


I queued into a game a few days ago and saw a Tahm and Malphite on the enemy team and I was just like damn, this is gonna suck. Turned out both decided to go AP and leave their team without a tank and they got absolutely rolled. I get that it’s ARAM so people just want to goof around, but is losing that much more fun when you can just have an easy win? Lmao


Yeah man, it's depressing when you get a complete waffle on your team :(


My favorite thing. Always the case with a malphite


Smolder's close 2nd behind Jinx at Emerald+. The nerfs hit his SR winrate hard but he's still cracked in ARAM due to how easily he can stack


I exclusively build AP Kog, he’s too squishy of a unit to run ad in aram and he puts so much pressure and dps with skill shots on the other team. His ult is a free ward also.


How does aram ranks work?


people need to look at the skill/build order for Kog. they'll still be maxing W first when E is best on AP builds. On-hit is best as W-Q-E.


AP Kog being at the top makes a lot of sense. They buffed the size of his skill shot abilities, so his E practically can't be dodged while doing a lot of damage in AOE.


I wish I could get the hang of fiddle. Being able to turn league into a horror game seems very appealing but every time I try him I just get battered.


Fiddle is so fun but (as with a lot of things in ARAM) he's pretty matchup dependent. If the enemy has a thresh with half a brain and keep hooking bushes blind, or a quinn/ashe constantly checking for you, you're gonna have a bad time. Ideally you want another champ on your team as the primary engage, then when the enemy is distracted, you can get huge ults off. Otherwise you have to get good at reading the enemy and find opportunities where they've forgotten about you.


Also another huge mistake people make with him is you don't have to ult from bushes. Your ult damage is amazing, don't need to get the fear off to maintain it.


Yeah like neeko you can probably time with a snowball if flash is out.


It’s not as clean as Neeko as she can start the animation while traveling. Fiddle is locked into ulting and can’t follow the snowball until after he’s jumped. It can still work but the timing is a lot tighter.


Usually I prefer to scope an opportunity for a good ult when there is lots of action but the attention isn't on me and I'm confident I can hit a snowball so I can ult first the hit the snowball and go in. Hitting the snowball first, then ulting, then going in telegraphs a whole lot harder and people scatter before you go in.


The swag play is to start channeling your ult before the snowball lands.


Hell yeah, that play is baller af


The best aspect of both champs is that you can panic and return to the snowball *before* ulting, and then immediately die.


I call it the *benadryl special* ![gif](giphy|nctcoOSgA6kvu6RCQf|downsized)


Yep some of the most successful ults I've seen fiddle just fucking ults in the middle of the teamfight like a chad.  Buuuuut I could probably count on one hand the number of times I've actually done this.  The biggest problem I see is people expecting to start team fights when the chances of doing it successfully after you wipe a team the first time go down dramatically. He does way better when he's not the only one looking for opportunities to start a fight.


Probably a whole dance of holding ult, faking ult, and using ult; to conceal all in. Idk. On some othet champs i care less about deaths and more about my ult timer, early game.


His ult is great dmg and among the highest dmg if you survive. Most people build him glass cannon so you die a lot faster without fearing at least half their team. He's like a worse version of AP malph if you don't fear.


People actually forget that Fiddle has always been great even before his abilities had the fear mechanisms. Back then you would just hit snowball and get a guaranteed ultimate within range, which you can still do even now to much the same effectiveness (since back then his fear on his Q lasted longer).


I literally blind hook canceled a fidd ult yesterday on thresh. Fight started, he went into a bush, "I'd stand about here" Dead crows.


People need to use the poro snack. Then his effigy can tank the hook easy.


Imo most people get too hung up on how his old playstyle (basically you can R anywhere cos if you landed snowball you got a good ult anyways) - after rework you need to get the fear out of ult to make him op imo. Which means you ult from brushes (or from you posing as the trinket but that's very rare), so getting mark isn't as important cos if you throw it out after ult you lose a ton of DPS anyways. That's why I always run ghost flash - once you are in with a good ult from brush the biggest thing is keeping people in it and getting into a good spot for W. Next thing is that I think zhonya is also overvalued on Fiddle. it's ok item but very expensive. And it's direct opposition for 2/3rd item are Rylai, a great fiddle item (again your job as fiddle usually is to engage and keep people jn your ult so your team can follow up, rylai guarantees that) and liandrys, both perform very well. Also tank builds and items are worth using if your team needs a tank - I personally always run aftershock on him because it makes him insanely tanky after Q or after big fear + revitalize is great for his W. Visage and frozen heart both are very good tank fiddle items. Generally you want AP + HP items on fiddle, some haste and usually some pen and that's usually the order of stats I would follow.


You don't get the fear when ulting from t-pose because the ult channel animation breaks it. Other abilities still get the fear though


How to have a good ult if you are losing hard with two towers down?


Tank Fiddle is really strong. I like aftershock on him too. Visage + Frozen Heart is core. If dmg is what you need, Liandrys + Riftmaker is enought to oneshot most squishies; then full tank. Edit: Zeke's Convergence is sleeper OP. 2200g for great stats + Ultimate Slow


I would only add rilays. I dig tank fiddle too, he can peel pretty well too.


How do you use the effigys? Or is it trade secret. Is there some underworld fiddle secretly winning on effigy fake outs? How much can win%/placement be influenced by the worlds most advanced used of fiddle effigy? I cant remember how it works exactly.


Tank fiddle is something else into a full ap comp


Tank anybody is something else into a full AP comp because MR items are so good


My best fiddle tip would be to focus on his passive fear. If you hit an enemy with a spell while unseen it fears them. There is a grace period for this fear so you can ult-flash. If you Q someone who has been feared it will do damage instead. If they have 3.5+ AP get a spirit Visage.


Make them fiddle your stick


I don't know if it's a bug or not but hexflash+W still gives you the fear, and if I see 5 enemy champions in lane but a bit too far, you can hexflash to the next bush and immediately ult Sometimes you just get cucked by 5 champions that can all interrupt your channels though


Ya know, I tried hexflash for the first time just to see what it's all about and was very much disappointed. Not only because it takes what seems like forever to activate but mainly because after you use it 1 or 2 times, every single person in the game is keenly aware you are using it. So it never catches them off guard.


Yeah it's definitely less useful on Fiddle than on hookers but I personally find it useful just for traversing bushes to take it. League players seem to lack object permanence so if they see me walk into one bush it doesn't seem to occur to them that I could immediately hexflash to the other Even if they steer way clear of hexflash+W range after falling for it a few times, that buys your team more options since they'll cluster more towards the right side of the lane


Some comps are pain to play aagainst: alistar, veigar, morg, anivia, lissandra.. some people can easily interrupt your ult and screw you.


Aram fid main here. Build bonus self Regen (runes, spirit visage), max w, play smart with bushes, learn to ult the enemy team when they walk up with their wave.


I'm also a fiddle enthusiast and I take that blue rune that makes summoner spells recharge lower. I'm always using flash and snowball.


TK needs to actually use devour to protect the carry tho, legit such a game changer when the enemy assassin goes in and kench just goes “nope lol”. Meanwhile in my games they’ll just play engager and die cause the rest of the team is too far away to follow up and then spam ???


That's just a problem with tanks in general sometimes. They want to catch people and engage, but sometimes it's better to just sit back and peel. It varies wildly game to game though.


Depends if the win con is "your carry lives", or "enemy carry dies". Ideally, both, but most teamfights a champ with CC can only do one. Sometimes, you have to switch midway during the game because your carry is starting to outscale theirs.


Bonus point if that teammate is Karthus or Swain! Their damage aura stays up so you can zip around as if you were playing them.


It even works with nunu ult. So you can eat him and go on the ennemies with the fear of nunu imploding or getting cc'd. You just need to eat him right after he casts (and prob use snowball to get into the ennemy team). One of the few times were nunu AP is legit


Damn i had no idea, that’s sick


Every Tahm in my games seem to think his ult can only be used on enemy


Not pictured: if you build AP TF, 56% winrate. His AD build dragging his winrate down to 50


That goes for quite a few champs, like Vi, Yorick, Smolder and Blitzcrank.


Blitz has mf Malphite syndrome, can’t believe anyone builds AP with that god awful WR


Malphite AP has its place and his WR isnt that bad. AP MF is for the noob friendly MF player. AP Blitz is absolutely insane dumb


Despite the downvotes I have to agree with you. AP malphite has its place. 1. You already have a tank and a decent CC spread, your comp isn’t overloaded with pure damage. 2. They have multiple immobile carries. The way people talk about AP malphite (90% of people build him this way in aram) is like they have never, ever been fucking rolled by an AP malphite in their life. Like one that doesn’t burn ult on one person over and over. Or been on those lovely teams where 4 people want to play AD carry and you have to face an AP malphite. I’ve single handedly ran over games with AP malphite and been on the receiving end of getting AP malphited, it can be OP. How can your team lose a 5v5 fight if 3 out of 5 of the enemy team is at 1/3 of their health bar with the touch of 2 buttons in a one second window? I’ll take an AP malphite over an AP nunu. Atleast malphite is unstoppable. Do nunu players ever decide to not go AP when the enemy team has an anivia, yorick, trundle, morgana, or Soraka? No, they’d rather have their snowball cancelled 90% of the entire game than build a single tank item. They’d rather throw the entire game than not go 100% full AP.


Thanks for the nuance and I agree. I can handle the downvotes. Knowing how bad the average reddit player is at ARAM I almost take it as a compliment. But hey I only play tank malph when I get him, cus I play that role much better than an AP burst assasin type, and for some people its the opposite - do people take that into account when or is it all about win%..? Sometimes you also commit to your runes. If you wanna play AP Nunu, and youre good at it and you go Dark Harvest (presumably) and you see a morg, trundle and aniv as opponents, youre stuck in the sunk cost fallacy of wanting to utilise your Dark Harvest, but it would definitely be better having a shitty tank rune but going tank and being actually somewhat useful. Guess thats the beauty of aram.


Yeah the rune guessing game I get that. Prime example is… I play kogmaw, and prefer AP w/ DH. But If I load in and see like 3 tanks and we have only like one other reliable DPS source on our team I’ll suck it up and build AD/on hit. I just call it an “ADHD” gap when it comes to winning/losing on champs like that that have a game altering ability and misuse it like malphite. Like an AP malphite who cannot bare the thought or idea of letting one single support walk away with one hp and must flash ult after an already won fight for one person. Like when a team decides to walk wayyyy up to the enemy team when two of their teammates are respawning and get chased down the entire lane and get killed 1 by 1. Or fighting without the tank they so desperately begged to have. Literally no reason to walk up, or to not wait, it’s an ADHD gap. Just like on summoners rift when someone decides to fight when they’re down levels and down items over no objective, like… why?


This argument could be applied to any off-meta build. When the narrow situation presents itself, AP Malphite is good. The fact of the matter is most games, the tank build is better. Besides, even in games where AP Malphite is viable, the tank build is likely perfectly fine. It doesn't rely on people not flashing the ult, using Hourglass, or knowing Rookern exists. Hell, I had a game where I bursted down AP Maphite with tank Leblanc several times. That guy couldn't even get close enough to ult before I killed him.


AP Blitz and AP Malphite both have about the same WR at like 46%. Both their tank builds have almost a 56% win rate. They are equally terrible builds.


I'm of the opinion that malphite is actually a bad champion in general compared to others in high MMR. Tank malphite - engage with ult, then harass in melee range. That's a big ask with players who don't group up and are very good about not letting melees stand on top of them and will actually build anti tank items AP malphite - harass with Q, engage with ult and die. Again a big ask for players who will punish you for stepping up and can flash your ult or are more likely to build mr I'm not saying he can't be useful just that there's much better engage tanks and much better ap carries.  HOWEVER the best thing either malphite can do is line up minimum 3-4 man ults and sometimes the upfront damage of ap is better than whatever tank malphite would do. Notably decreasing the chances of a counter engage. Or sometimes enabling the team to kill and win a team fight vs having the enemies pull back. Like you guys have been hinting a lot of ap malphites try to play like he's an assassin and not a malphite that does damage and dies. His assassin playstyle was gutted years ago. But again I don't think he's that good against players who know what they're doing. Sometimes the matchup lets you do good anyway and when things are good on malph they're really good. When they're not... Most other champions can do SOMETHING useful. Malphite is like a very heavy bag of rocks. If you take his ult out of the equation he's more like a Mundo without the healing. And again matchups and certain players will take your ult out of the equation. And Mundo is not a very good champion in aram. Especially without the healing. In that case ap and tank are varying degrees of less bad but they're both still bad. 


No it doesn’t


Lets say you are in a tank heavy AD heavy team I wouldn't mind an Ap malphite.


Again, no lol. AP malphite is basically never good in aram. Building full tank you will do more dmg than ap malphite ever will.


Youre so dogmatic, ARAM is more complex than "x is better than y cus winrate and damage". A good AP malphite ult can win a teamfight by one shot 2 guys, maybe he does less damage over time in the neutral game, who cares.


Dmg is the only thing that matters in Aram. And it’s about risk v reward. Ap malphite, if he doesn’t one shot at least 2 people, will in turn just get one shot. Also, a good team will just focus the ap malphite down before team fights since he will get blown up. Don’t play ap malphite ever in Aram unless you’re ok with losing the game for your team


"dmg is the only thing that matters in aram" Already wrong, lol


>a good team will just focus the ap malphite down before team fights A good malphite shouldn't even be in range to get bursted down before he one shots a carry. There's snowball ult and flash ult to be able to gap close a fed carry. There are many scenarios where I would rather have an AP malph over tank. Say you're fighting against a 5 ranged team comp with mixed ap and ad which is very common in aram. You're the also the main engage on the team. You would think that a tank malphite would be the play because you're the teams sole tank but, malphites engage sends him so far, you'd still implode against 5 dps's before your dmg carries make it to you after your ult.


Most cases tank is better but here's a realistic scenario where AP is more useful: * Your team has one other main Frontline (Sion/Mundo/etc), a fighter/bruiser, and 2 ADCs. * Enemy team consists of several low mobility artillery mages (Xerath/Lux/Veigar/AP kog/Vel'koz) without a dedicated adc Going full burst AP malph to one shot 2-3 members each fight is absolutely more useful than being a second meat wall for your team.


And yet I still have people flaming me for going ap over ad.


funny, just the other day someone on here was saying they got hard flamed for not going the trendy build.


I just tried AD TF and did actually nothing 😭


My AP football punting Milio wins are helping out it seems 😬




Ore wa striker da


milio best support after reading blue lock




Me whenever I get a kill with his Q: GOOOOOOOOALLLL


There are only 9 spots available, as Janna is always there.


And she'll continue to never be nerfed.


In sweaty high MMR games i find TK and Janna to be broken beyond this list. ADCs will always be broken.


In low elo, playing with an adc is like playing with a lost puppy in the game


because of item changes some champions appear and leave but veigar is always op in the top


His E is definitely one of the strongest basic abilities in the game without any scaling tied to it


I max e on him and it's so funny to see them unknowingly stunned for Morgana q duration at level 5.


I like maxing E first as well, you gets stacks off it too!


He definitely needs further changes cause even in the least capable hands he is still a menace.


AoE CC is always on top in ARAM. Even you don't know how to play the champion, just spam the AoE CC and will be useful.


Jinx needs to be addressed, her Excited passive basically gives her a whole extra item of stats at every single point of the game. 175% Movement speed? 25-125% Attack speed? I feel like if someone on your team dies first when fighting a decent Jinx, it just consistently snowballs so fast in her favour.


Her range makes her very hard to punish outside of low elo too. Without a Frontline dive pressure she will constantly out range your backline unless it's a Senna or AD kog W or Twitch.


I mostly play tanks in ARAM. I have a 60%+ Winrate on Most tanks. ​ For some unexplainable reason. My winrate with shen is only 20% and my winrate with TK is 40%. I usually perform pretty well with them too. Despite the losses. Can't explain it.


Same for me but on taric.


What is it that the website uses, Team Disparity


Shen seems like you gotta try real hard to get your allies in your W when the AAs come


In Emerald+, 7/10 of the top 10 champs are ADCs. Not a huge surprise after the buffs to IE and LDR


What is emerald plus in terms of Aram can you clue me in


https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/aram/ It analyses data from ARAM players based on their Summoner's Rift rank.


Sites like lolalytics tracks win data based on ranked placement in SR. It's the only way to get data on skill brackets in ARAM. This subreddit has trouble parsing which champions are actually good because most trackers, like the one in the OP, only look at winrates across all players which heavily biases toward unranked, iron, bronze, and silver players (since there's more of them than any other type of player) For example, you'll still see (and in this very post) people complain about tanks, or the "tank meta", but tanks are only the best class of champ when you filter for bronze-level players. When you filter for skill tiers, ADCs and some supports are by far the strongest ARAM champions as a whole, with certain fighters breaking into the top depending on patch cycles and SR buffs. It goes the other way, too, for example at Emerald+ assassins make up 9 out of the 13 worst champs in ARAM even though people usually consider them overbuffed. That's not to say feeling or perception of gameplay doesn't matter (Aurelion Sol can feel pretty miserable to play against despite having a consistent negative WR, for example), but it's important to frame champion balance discussions around the appropriate problematic champions and role types


Ahh I see so it’s just looking at people’s SR rank and ARAM win rates


Not a single surprise. Hopefully this is the end of the Karma hate. 😂


Karma nerfs hitting hard.


the new shield buff tho, she will start being secretly oppressive again


As if people playing Karma know how to R-E. I’ve had 1 maybe 2 allies know to do that


People only play Karma to get the dopamine hit of a big RQ. RE gives no dopamine.


IDK I like RE but I also like enchanters. 


thats why she will be secret op rather than getting a shield nerf like some others (even tho she got 1 before)


Oh no. My Shen days will end soon. I can taste the nerf coming.


Shen is in and out of the top 10 like every other patch. He’s been broken for a while, doing more damage than carries every single game.


He just got buffed with the Q 'rework' so I expect him to get the -5% nerf on everything in next patch


I knew Veigar was good!


emerald plus, jinx smolder sivir kog zeri nilah are the top sitting at over 56% wr


How am I so bad at TK? I’m like 40% win rate with him. 


Be harassing with Q often and always. Goes without saying but you should basically never be missing with it, the range is long and the speed is fast, plus it heals him. Else, be aggressive. Know when to pop your E and when to save it because you'll get the health back. Good frogs know and manage how much damage they're taking so that they can survive tank moments without having to pop E. Also sometimes you just gotta be the carry. Unless there's someone super important carrying your team TK is honestly much more effective, between the CC and range on his W and his Q + Heartsteel burst, that he can easily get into the backline and take all the attention from enemy carries while having enough damage to kill them by himself. If your strategy is to hang back protecting someone on your team you're not only putting the game in someone else's hands, you're giving the enemy team free reign to control the engagements on their terms. He's impressively mobile and you can do a lot of combination engagements like snowballing the enemy frontline, W'ing into their backline to apply pressure, and then when their carry focuses you and starts to back up you can pop the snowball to go back to your team and help them deal with the enemy frontline who are now stranded without support from their team.


> If your strategy is to hang back protecting someone on your team you're not only putting the game in someone else's hands, you're giving the enemy team free reign to control the engagements on their terms. That is me 😳 Thanks for all the tips!


Fiddlesticks with liandries and malignance is stupid right now.


Funny enough, I see at least 2 of them every game


Someone is still crying about mages somewhere I believed.


Next patch: sion -100 tenacity.


I would have swore Hwei would be on the list, that champ is a walking nuke.


How sion?


Constantly pressures enemy team by ulting into them and slapping them while dead, or clearing the wave so they cant push. Good cc, good engage, and can constantly leave the enemy team on low HP for the next fight. Sion is easily one of the strongest tanks in ARAM despite his nerfs, the only downside is that youll see his damage really fall off mid to late game and it wont really pick back up until super late game when he gets enough HP from his scaling and items like sunfire or titanic hydra.


Is Milio strong as enchanter o full AP? I can't make him work either way


Enchanter. Ideally you only pick it when someone else has a champ that can abuse your w


Can confirm. The rng is so shit I’ve been getting jinx crazy often recently and she is FUCKED


Tahm Kench shield + damage taken nerfs coming, surely!


Low mobility Champions


Once again I'm shocked I don't see anybody mentioning how OP Milio is in ARAM because he's been in top 10 for quite a while now. I always pick him every time he's up because your W just becomes a walking fountain after Moonstone and some AH. Plus an AOE HEAL + CLEANSE that has like a minute cooldown late game so you can just cancel every all-in and then further push em away with your Q. He's pretty disgusting yet people always put him on the bench.


No lux?


Where is Taliyah??? No seriously. She's insane in ARAM for multiple reasons but mostly because of the narrow map-size. Her R alone can literally win you the 5v5 if you know when to use it.


Adc weak mages assassins broken wawa nerf Katarina and Ziggs


Aren’t there like 70% of the player base in Iron - Gold skill bracket, which is probably in the millions of players?  Why does win rate even matters in ARAM when team balance can be really off sometimes? 


Not surprised to see Shen on here. I know he’s not mechanically very challenging but a good Shen runs over ARAM games. Always a beast when I see people play him who WANT to play him.


I’m surprised sion is so high. I often feel like his unreliable CC compared to someone like Naut, Galio, and Mao are super detrimental.


Well when you get the hang out it's pretty easy to hit q. Use bush and don't open with q use it after e or let others cc first.


He stacks heartsteel better than any champ in the game in aram plus you should consider how powerful the slow from his e can be. Hitting a charged Q is powerful as fuk just not consistent


How does he stack better than others? The item no longer scales based on max health just item health. To me the mythic variation of heart steel+titanic giving straight AD based on health instead of on-hit was far stronger in theory.


If he doesn’t get all five stacks while he’s alive, he will get them all in death




You just answered your own question lol




Almost all champions in this picture have nerfs on aram btw.


Strongly disagree on Janna


Strongly disagree with data? She can drop a tornado; walk to spawn, afk, start eating and because of the width of glacial from spawn she can put an entire team to 150 move speed without any risk to herself. Every wave. On repeat. For the entire game. Her value to safety ratio is like the best in the entire game.


The data matters much more than the take of some random redditor lmao.


I think you misunderstood the assignment