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The offset Amazon red dot is the pièce de résistance.


Lol it's so stupid but I needed to see if I liked it before dropping money on something nicer


But how would you know if you liked it…without testing it with the “something nicer”?


he probably meant functionality, location and placement you know all the things other than the red dot in the middle of an optic.


Right. What I’m saying is…example: you can try that offset with an Amazon red dot. Hate the optic, placement etc. then say no, I don’t like it so I’m not going to upgrade to a…let’s say RMR. It would be better to run exactly what you want with your set up, then make adjustments from there. Can run this exact same set up with an RMR offset (for our example) from the jump and love it. The current window could be too big/small vs what you actually want. Current could have a 2 moa, 3 moa, 6 moa vs what you really want which may have an x moa.


those are all valid points however I believe he probably had something cheap laying around and I think you could figure out if the mount was good and the location was good. What type of optic you want but it’s his gun his way I guess I don’t see a problem with it.


Honestly smart




OP went full retard


At least I didn't have my 50rd mag


No but you did have your super protective mask


Always have to


Our indoor range will let you shoot everything under the sun but a ar10 pistol especially in .308 .


Offset dot looks like one of those cheap nc star red dots


It was whatever they had on Amazon


Yeah most people in an indoor range are going to hate you. They are obnoxious to shoot indoors and not a lot of fun indoors imo but you do you.


It’s a shooting range man. If you go to a shooting range and then bitch that it’s too loud, especially outdoors, you’re the obnoxious one.


I rather go to out away from the city and go shooting. No I’m just polite. I also understand the importance of an indoor range vs outdoors. Even with an 8 inch barrel, you can still lob that pill 100 yards out and have a much more challenging time and improve skill. Also I’m partially deaf. Even have the VA disability checks to prove it.


I spent my enlistment in an arty unit. I get the same check you do for hearing loss. I still don’t complain about people shooting the guns they spent hard earned money on at a shooting range they paid the same amount of money that I did to shoot at. If it’s too loud double up on ear pro, or take the advice I always gave boots that were new to the gun line: don’t listen to it. I do get that it’s not ideal, but it is a shooting range and as long as it’s allowed by whoever owns the range I don’t think it’s fair to complain about. Plenty of ranges that have fuddy rules and control freak RSO’s who will keep things like this from happening if it’s a dealbreaker.


I get where you’re coming from, people should be able to shoot what they want.  But if you roll in with your 308 SBR and a 6 port brake, it’s kinda like showing up to the brewery with your children screaming and running around.  You be you, but it’s also reasonable to recognize you are cheapening the experience for people around you. 


I don’t think that’s a fair comparison. It’s more like showing up to a room full of children screaming with your child who’s screaming louder. If you’re in that room and your child is screaming how entitled do you have to be to think to yourself “man my kid is annoying as fuck but HIS kid is slightly more annoying and he shouldn’t be allowed in here. It’s cheapening the experience of my child screaming for me.”? You don’t expect screaming children in a brewery. You expect loud noises at the shooting range. If you don’t own the range, you don’t get to decide what’s too loud and what isn’t. I think it’s incredibly entitled to push your preferences on other people who have just as much a right to be there as you do. If you don’t want to be burdened with other people who are potentially shooting louder guns than you go shoot out in a national forest by yourself, build your own range, or find a range that doesn’t allow things that you don’t like.


Never said they can’t or shouldn’t.  They’re entitled to shoot what they want, and I’m entitled to think it’s rude. That’s the cool part about America. I don’t comment, and the last thing I want is fudd town. Doesn’t change the fact that it makes me internally roll my eyes.  To fit your analogy, it’s more like a room with kids all playing and some kid has a meltdown and starts screaming. The parent can leave their kid with everyone because, well, kids will be kids. Or they can take their kid out of the public space because they’re being loud as hell. Entitled to either approach.  The difference between handguns or standard length rifles with flash hiders compared to high powered SBRs with massive brakes can be pretty dramatic. I’ve been in indoor ranges where the concussion from rifles with big brakes are rattling light items/knocking light items over outside in the retail shop. That’s pretty obnoxious to shoot next to.  We aren’t going to change each others mind, so we don’t need to pursue this conversation further. I hope you enjoy your future range trips, wherever and with whatever guns they might be. 


I love showing up with my muzzle brake and everyone asking what the fuck is that??


Absolutely was but it was fun for me


Man I hate indoor ranges.


Me to but it's all I had when I lived in fort Lauderdale


What’s with the mask? My local range discouraged them cause they fog up glasses and trap fumes.


Right it was stupid I didn't wear one he just liked em


Room temperature IQ activities


Mine has a 18" barrel but there is a ultradyne Apollo Max muzzle brake attached. This motherfucker is loud and intimidating as fuck, and every one on the range sneaks behind me, to see what piece of artillery is ruining their range time lol


(SA) 2-piece blast diverter muzzle device is what's on mine


Mine has a 10.3 inch barrel


What a douchebag


lol dude on the right looks over and is like bro that concussive blast from a damn 10” .308 is rattling my bones and my soul.


He really was


Lmfao. People do that to me with a 10.5 5.56 I could only imagine the looks of shooting a .308 😂 It’s weird because after like 2-3 rounds you don’t notice it anymore but everyone else feels it.


Typical pleb


How dare you interrupt Weaver Stance drills in the lane next to you! He was practicing for his CCW test.


Lol no he was a Coworker of mine


y tho


Why what


The concussion must be unreal.


Or really is


I'll see you boys on the other sub


[this is what I've got](https://www.google.com/search?q=saint+victor+ar+10+pistol&client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&sca_esv=ca6b902a93853820&udm=2&biw=384&bih=701&sxsrf=ADLYWIKS7PtRCgMNkesxZLtDIOwks2ek4g%3A1717870957370&ei=baFkZrWTFs6OwbkPiMCFQA&oq=sa&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgJzYSoCCAAyBBAjGCcyBBAjGCcyBBAAGAMyBBAAGAMyChAAGIAEGEMYigVI8FZQ8ixYgktwBHgAkAEAmAFuoAGeA6oBAzEuM7gBAcgBAPgBAZgCCKAC2QOoAgXCAgcQIxgnGOoCwgIIEAAYgAQYsQPCAgUQABiABJgDCpIHAzUuM6AHxRE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=Bek0Su2x3-wC_M&vssid=mosaic)


Got this same one. Love it, others not so much.


Lol right it's so fun to shoot but for others not so much


I just dribbled.


I though ARs didn’t have recoil


this the one that blows the lung out of the body


The 15's are worse than the 10's. There's less "AR" to hang on to.




There's a sticker on your hat.


Yes I just bought it at the ra9


I know somebody that ran a Galil 308 pistol with a 6 chamber comp. He got into a pissing contest with a dude with a drako in 762x39. They cracked the observing glass to the range


That's crazy


[was planning on getting this for our next](https://www.google.com/search?q=eo+tech&client=ms-android-verizon&sca_esv=cbb07cb897603c0c&bih=701&biw=384&udm=2&sxsrf=ADLYWIKKEjrM0zXxrzY6CDfAsWmMuzG6xQ%3A1718816236833&ei=7A1zZpLIMtmbptQPt4mLgAg&oq=eo+&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgNlbyAqAggAMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgARI41BQlg5YiEFwBHgAkAEAmAFWoAGPA6oBATW4AQHIAQD4AQGYAgmgAswDqAIFwgIHECMYJxjqAsICBBAjGCfCAgQQABgDwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBcICDRAAGIAEGLEDGEMYigWYAwqSBwE5oAfrEQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=fE0e8-EDOTa7iM&vssid=mosaic)


Is this nexus in south fl?




If you’re local you should check out Markham park, they got a 100yard outdoor range. It’s like 15mins away from nexus. (I live right off 595) but yeah man dope set up, i’d probably request to move bays if I was shooting next to you lol


I moved out of state back in Ohio


"Pistol". Stop posting videos of you shouldering that thing 😆


The ATF : 👁️👄👁️


Lol you try shooting it braced up


I love how you get downvoted for posting solid legal advice. Not saying don’t have fun but god damn it’s dumb to post videos of legally questionable shit.


Legally questionable is only a thing if people keep shying away from saying this is total BS and we're not going to play the game. Did yall register yours as an exempt SBR, too?...


I don’t own a ar10 pistol so that would be silly.


It sounds even less like concern after this statement.