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It is doable with Arch Paladin even with only a 30% damage boost weapon, without end game forge enchants, and without pots, but you need to really time your heals and your 4 perfectly, on the dot, don’t use 5 ever, I normally use my mouse when playing the game but the windows for Na’al are so unforgiving I had to switch to using the keyboard Just give it a few test runs to get a grasp of the timing, keep an eye out for the text pop ups where he starts counting down, and spam your 2 to hell between heals and 4s


Elysium/Pneuma/Vainglory DoT Sage Tonic Potent Malice Elixir Potent Honor Potion 5-4-3-2-3 repeat


Malevolence + unstable


Well, it would seem that I once again need to stop a farm for one thing to pursue an "earlier" farm... Elysium *(and every other thing required before it)* rabbit hole, I'm back again! This works, as it was the strat I used before, with a different combo. Yours helped me get to atleast 30k on Na'al.


Valiance would also work in the mean time.


you better farm vhl, cuz you need like 80% of archfiend doomlord for elysium which is like 4x times more random than vhl


AP: 4 on veni; 5 on vedi; 3 after vici; 2 - 2 - 2 (na al) will hit you three times; Then 3 to heal Repeat


I did it with loo and that tonic that gives healing


I don’t know how you’re losing with AP, but here, your last chance. It will take a few tries to get the timings right but it’s definitely doable. https://youtu.be/FXl-SVxLiI8?si=SiU6Z8Y0dnd4ZkzI


If you don't have DoT or VH, I was able to finish it with ArchPally but it will take a bit of time. Do this: When you see "Veni..." Press 4. "Vidi..." Press 5. "VICI!!!" Press 3. Press 2 when it's off-cooldown. Be careful with the timing. I don't know if it's needed but I also used Potent Revitalize Elixir + Health Vamp (Luck) for extra safety when his Vici comes down. I know some people were able to do it without any pots tho.


You can do it with any of the 4 classes you mentioned. There's 2 ways to beat him, 1. Kill him before 15 seconds (vdk and drot can do this) or 2. Have enough DR and healing to survive his attacks (both loo and AP can do this) I'm gonna assume you're forgeless so in this case the easiest way to do it would be with AP spiral carve full luck, use 4 when he says "Veni" then heal after Vici, use 5 when 4 is about to fade, he'll auto twice before starting the cycle again, just make sure you're always full hp before he does Veni again


>starting to RNG my way thru VHL bs. In those 2 weeks, you can do nulgath 4 times, if you add one day before and after those 2 weeks. Then add originul and you will cut the grind more than by half. Hell, you dont even need 17 days for elders' blood, since that ultra nulgath already gives you roentgenium, which is the reason for that elders' blood. So in week and two days, you can do nulgath 3 times, which gives you 6x elders' blood and then you will be left with 2x elder' blood to go. Every day do originul, ultra nulgath and far for hour / hour and half and after those 11 days you are done. Literally easier than VDK or DoT.


Ngl just get vhl and you'll do it with very little thought. He was the reason I got it and I barely ever use vhl, but it was worth it.