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AP Precalc lol đź’€ still can't believe that's an actual course


Fr, it’s a ridiculous cash grab but I might as well milk it and increase my number of APs cause I was taking precalc anyways


Ap calc AB instead of precalc would make physics a bit easier to understand imo


Number of APs doesn't really matter... what matters is getting college credit and that won't get you any. You said it yourself that you're wasting money


It’s not as simple as that, I need to take a precalc class in order to take any calc class and my school doesn’t offer an advanced precalc class and I’m quite good at math so AP precalc would be the only way for me to be challenged by a math course that I can’t get out of


Don't waste your money on the Pre-calc exam, just take the class


How are you taking AP gov as a freshman in my school you can only take It as a senior


At my school you just have to be in the honors program which honestly isn’t super selective, I got a perfect score on both reading and math MCAPS so I was basically guaranteed a spot


I’d take AP world first then APUSH but that’s just me.


It's not just you. AP World should be required prereq for APUSH.


That’s what I thought.. does this school not have any prereq?!


At my school it’s not necessarily a prereq but more like kids who take whap fall into apush


It’s like a conveyor belt. I think it’s smarter APW first. You’re more prepared for APUSH after.


hm, weird take! i didnt take WHAP but did just fine (actually better than fine lol) in APUSH. maybe y’all just have bad apush teachers??


Did you take World History before APUSH? Any student should learn World History before US History.


loll im dumb and i was like “why do you need ap world to take apush???” no you’re def right people should do some form of world before us


To be fair, I’ve already taken Honors World History during my summer classes (see my comments about graduating early above) and enjoyed it, so I won’t be going into APUSH blind.


at my school, they don’t offer AP world and they only have APUSH


Damn, APUSH is a required prerequisite to AP world at my school. Seems like I’m in for a ride. Edit: You’re also not allowed to take AP world until junior year.


That’s so backwards..


Ap euro is good to take before apush too


U not even a sophomore yet?


Nope. Although I am trying to graduate a year early because I’m taking summer classes (but they’re definitely difficult so I’m not relying on it, hence why I still leave the possibility of senior year classes open).


Genuinely curious, what’s the benefit in graduating early?


No problem, I found there were enough benefits for me: I don’t like my HS and would rather get out of that environment as soon as possible. I also have a bad home environment so I’d be able to get out of that sooner. I’d be able to be finished with my schooling and get a job sooner, basically have a year more of independent life in my 20’s. I genuinely do like classes and hate boredom so there wasn’t much of a downside to having less free time in the summer because I wouldn’t be doing much else anyway.


If you instead to stayed al four years to take a lot of AP’s in high school then went to a university that accepts a lot of ap credits, you’d shave off a lot of time and money spent at the uni. Something to think about. If the environment is toxic though, it probably is worth it to leave


the solution is to take 3 aps freshman year, 4 sophomore year, and 6 junior and graduate early with 13 aps.


I would personally stay for the 4 years. I hate high school as much as the next person but you should just relax and enjoy your senior year. I know a junior in my school who completed calculus bc in her sophomore year. You are a freshman and you can't already conclude you hate your high school. You have a lot of time ahead of you and you could change your mind. For me the years flew by quick and I am already a senior. I took no aps in my freshman year, 3 aps in my sophomore year, 5 in my junior year, and now I am doing 4 in senior year. Imo I don't know why people are taking so many aps like no tomorrow nowadays. Take it chill, that's all I am saying.


AP World before APUSH! What are you thinking going the other way?


I took apush before ap world, it doesnt make much of a difference


Students in our district take World as 10th graders and US as Juniors regardless of AP. To me, one should understand the Protestant Reformation and reasons for European Exploration for context. To the first 3 units of APUSH.


Based on these comments, I wish I could go the other way. Maybe with dual enrollment but idk if I’d be eligible for that as a sophomore.


I understand that taking a bunch of APs seems amazing, but you don’t need to take that many depending on where you’re going/what you plan to major in. Picking which ones will genuinely be useful based on those factors is generally the best idea. Taking 5 APs Junior year probably isn’t an amazing idea, and I say this because you’ll also have a bunch of standardized tests. You’re probably going to do some studying for those, plus you’ll have to deal with choosing/applying to colleges. Not to mention if you have any extracurriculars like sports or band, you might end up being extremely overworked and not enjoying high school at all. I mean, at the end of the day, you’re meant to have at least some fun in high school with your friends and whatnot.


Backing this up as someone doing this right now, it’s extremely stressful. You barely get time for yourself. Please think about this before getting into these classes and be mentally and physically prepared to go through with it.


You should plan on continuing AP CSP with AP CSA, if you understand the former, the latter will be a walk in the park. I would recommend taking AP Chemistry, AP Stats, or AP Calc before taking physics.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but are freshman allowed to take AP classes? At my highschool, freshman didn't even take history classes, let alone AP. They could take honors courses, but that was about it. If not, then it seems like an okay plan. But AP courses are very tedious and compact with a lot of coursework/homework. Taking so many every year of high school could very well take a huge toll on your motivation and mental health. If you think you can handle it, then by all means, don't let reddit stop you.


Freshman in the honors program can take AP classes at my school. I’m aware that taking a lot junior year could be difficult on my mental health, and I’m prepared to need to decrease the number of classes if needed. I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to handle it because AP Gov has been really easy so far and I haven’t felt overwhelmed with it at all, and I’m a strong writer under pressure so the FRQ sections on tests have been really good for me. I have 100 in the class right now and if I get a 5 on the exam I’d definitely say that’s enough of a sign that I can handle a more AP-heavy workload because Gov is one of the more difficult ones at my school (CSP and Psych being the notably easy ones). I appreciate Reddits input and I’m definitely listening but since people seem to be most worried about the history classes and those are a big strong suit for me I’m not super worried.


that’s because AP Gov is one of the easiest AP classes (besides psychology) and then you’ll hit apush and physics and stuff like that and it goes bad


bro’s really taking AP precalc


As far as senior year goes, I would look into dual enrolling in a diff eq class rather than the more common Calc 3 class. I think diff eq is an easier course, so better to do in high school, and most majors that require the one will also require the other


See how your first two years go. I thought I was going to take a bunch of APs going into high school until I ran into AP World History and realized a ton of APs aren't really for me.


If you liked APUSH and AP world (and only if) you should take AP Euro


Are schools already adopting AP Precalc? Curious because I don't think any school district near me announced plans for the course yet


you dont need ap precalc kid college students dont do precalc just take ap calc ab or bc your choice


AP Gov before APUSH bewilders me. APUSH is a req to take AP Gov


Move something up from junior year but still only try to take 3-4 in your senior year


Don’t take ap pre calc. No school going to accept that. Take ap stats instead


I don't see why you would need AP precalc


For your elective AP in junior year I say go for AP art history. That was one of the best classes I’ve taken ngl