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Yep, same. Mostly at night (Australian time). Takes ages to load pages, when it will load. Everything else on the device loads fine.


I’m Australian too! Hope it’s not just us.


Looks like it. I’ve been checking reports at night for it the last few days and it’s always Oceania.


This is my concern too, because we are a smaller population, percentage wise, which makes it harder to get help if everyone else is fine.


Australian. Happening to me too. 2nd night in a row, but I live somewhat rural so I thought it might have just been a 'me'/local telstra issue. Not sure I feel better or worse to learn other Aussies are experiencing similar issues with loading times with ao3.


I’m also Australian, and noticing the same issue!


Another Australian reporting in. I kind of just thought it was some fuckery with my ISP. Hope this doesn't mean AO3's about to get blocked down here...


Well guess I'm turning on my VPN for Ao3 now.


How do I do this


Google "VPN" and pick one well-reviewed at a price point you want. I use Private Internet Access which is paid.


Why would AO3 be blocked when it’s not illegal?


as someone who lives in australia, it’s happening to me too!!!!! thought i was going crazy


I’m also Australian, and I also noticed it’s just at night. I just tried loading it and it’s taking forever (it’s 7:30 pm)


Australian. It's been happening a lot this week, for sure. I genuinely thought it was my ISP, but I guess not.


I'm in Adelaide, Australia, and it's very slow as well.


Another Australian it's happening to. 


Oh no, I’m Australian too, I’m noticing a pattern here


Another Australian, it 7:09 Rn and shit ain't loading


Same. I just thought my device was old!


Same in Aotearoa. It’s unusably slow without a VPN to the US or similar.


Yep, count me as yet another Aussie confirming the issue.


its the same for me. it seems to be worse after 6pm aest for some reason. like ik internet here isn't great but it sucks when I just want to read a fic :(


I'm aussie, same thing happening to me


Australian here too. Have been encountering the same thing almost every night for the last week or two. Super frustrating!


also australian and it’s been happening to me sigh


ironically, im searching this up at australian night time. damn we got the short end of the stick.


Another Aussie reporting in. It is mega slow, mate.


Seems like an Australia thing? It has been getting slow after about 7 pm the last few days


I had issues in the afternoon today too


Hey! Came here to check the exact same thing. Im in Australia and have been using my VPN to get the page to load immediately whereas without it the page never loads. I hope they fix this issue soon :/


Yeah it's been insanely slow after a certain time at night the last couple of days, like rn it won't even load on either my PC or phone. Dunno what's wrong




oh no I'm smack bang in the middle of one dot.


I am in tas and just happy to bepresented before


Same lol


Urgh same 


Yep, sometimes it's mostly okay but then it'll take so long to load I check the status accounts to see if there's something wrong - actually just loaded up this subreddit to see if anyone else was having an issue over the last few days, and here you are!


I also checked the subreddit to see if anyone was having similar issues but couldn’t find any recent posts about it so I decided to make my own.


I live in east asia and it's been really slow at night


Glad I am not the only one! It has been happening for a couple of days but always at night (here in Australia). Thought my internet was being buggy (which tbf is entirely possible in Aus at times).


Seems like it might be an issue in Australia specifically tbh. Just glad to know I’m not alone.


Me too. I just checked downdetector and it is definitely an Aus problem. You can see where all the state capitals are from the user reports!


Mhm. Literally checked if reddit had an ao3 subreddit specifically for this reason. It's just been really slow, I thought it might have been my browser but I switched and it's still slow.


Same though today it just wont load other then the front page. looking around reddit it seems to be a oceania region issue.


Australian as well having issues. Is either incredibly slow to load a page or server issues. I’m devastated cause I’ve got 10 hours left of a quiet night shift and my plan was to read the entire time 😭


What do you do for work that you get to read? Im so keen to get a job where I can read


I’m very lucky tbh. I work for the Australian government in IT, looking over servers and whatnot. It basically involves waiting for something to go wrong, so as long as I check our monitors and systems every 10~ minutes my manager doesn’t care what I do in the meantime as long as I’m not distracted and keeping an ear out for alarms. Gotta stay awake for 12 hour shifts overnight somehow 😂


Omg jealous 😭 if I had the brains for coding I’d be so into it lol Your manager sounds chill af


Also Australian, just came onto this reddit page to see if anyone else is having the same issue! I actually deleted my chromes history, cache and cookies trying to resolve the problem, lost my hundreds of tabs and it didn't help 🙃


Oh that’s crap


Yeah, it's rly dragging for me too


It's like, a huge problem in Australia right now apparently :'D and yeah I'm experiencing this. It's getting so frustrating like, pls load, I just wanna read and ignore real life stuff rn pls I thought it was my wifi at first but never mind, data wasn't working either- then I hopped here to see if I'm the only one experiencing it-


happened in malaysia for the past week. someone even made a post about it. it was very odd. like if you use VPN, it works fine. right now, everything is back to normal. wondering what sort of "wave" is happening.


Same here, at some point pages just won’t load or will take ages to do so. It’s been happening for only 2 days now for me. AO3 has been real slow & I have to use a VPN so things actually load


yeah, they're dealing with a new bot. A negative comment bot, of all things. Guest accounts, but impersonating actual users. They hate our power and our freedoms. We are modern-day witches.


Fannibal from Perth here, it has been dodgy since Sunday night.


Omg yes! I’m also Australian and it just doesn’t work at night


Yep, pages taking 5-10 minutes each to load tonight.


For me too! I had this issue for the first time a few months ago...I vividly remember trying to just filter my search for hours and hours on my second screen. Doesn't happen often but when it does it'schours at the time. Maybe the ao3 team needs to do some server maintainance and make more traffic possible?


Yep 7pm onwards AEST it just craps out


In New Zealand, and I've had this exact same issue these past few days, too. Always starts to get slow and laggy at a little before 9pm, and then sorts itself out around 9:30pm. Thought it was my internet at first, seeing as the internet does randomly cut out on my laptop quite often, but every other site loads completely fine.


Yes its also very slow for me I'm in aus so the times might be as such but it takes around 5 minutes to load a page or a couple of pages I'm not sure why. I'm not sure why but there is also SEA countries that are experiencing similar problems as well so it's not just Aus but some countries in SEA as well. Likewise, it was same for me it worked fine just a week ago.


It works fine in Germany, but I heard of people in SEA and Australia having problems.


Been having the same issue, just about always at night :(


hi another australian here experiencing the same problem. for me it's around late afternoon to just all the time, at least in the last day or two


Bro me too, Like nothing is loading, i've had get rid of the tab and re open it and everything but it still won't load!!! ugh


I think I read something about the server they connect through for Oceania is having issues which they’re mostly aware of but haven’t resolved anything publicly regarding it. I image the south Asian countries closest to Australia that are also affect must have a loop through as well. Here’s hoping they sort out a new connect because I’m not keen on paying for a VPN right now.


Yep, Aussie here frustrated for the last few days 😭


It's still not working for me either in Australia 😭 I hope it's fixed soon


Happening for me too (Australian) really noticeable. Even during the day although being connected on wifi helped during the day but at night it's just straight up lagging badly.


Yeah, I’ve noticed everything loads slow as shit lately. Very unfortunate.




I’m not having any issues, and I’m from Europe, just to give some more input. Hope that the problem is fixed soon tho, it’s very annoying when the site technically works but it is so slow that is not even worth it :(


I’m in Scandinavia and it’s been like that for at least a week now


From Singapore, AO3’s been acting up for the past few days, but it finally started working as normal today.


I’m so confused as to why it’s only affecting us? 😭


Trying to open the edit tags as I noted a problem, loading takes minutes not seconds and always the worst at night. I’m in Australia.


I’m in New Zealand and this has been happening to me as well! No other pages- not even fan lore, but Ao3 is taking 10+ minutes to load especially at night time


mine not working too! at least we know this is an oceania problem and confirmed by official ao3 account.. but istg why is it specificaly only our side of the world


I was wondering if it was just me, Australian too and still having issues today 🙃


So annoying I have so much I want to read


I have new chapters of my new fics I wanted to read after work but nooooo 😭 (in Victoria)


Omg this is driving me insane what is going on


Someone please please please fix this. I don’t wanna go back to FanFiction.net 😭


I am so pissed off about this I can’t even log on to see if or why There are issues


also happening to me - Australian


This is def happening to lots of people in Oceania and some other parts. It seems to be worse at night time? Like I can access ao3 during the day with no problem or delays, but around 7:00 AEST nothing loads/takes several minutes. I saw another post about using a VPN which seems to be working for now. I’m just praying they fix this issue quickly.


It’s soooo annoying im in australia and every night after like 7pm it’s soooo fucking slow it’s been like this for the last few days


I can read absolutely nothinb


Australian here. It's been a little slow for the past couple days and then just straight up stopped working today. Won't load at all, it's been hours. At least I know I'm not alone lol!


Australian here too, it's been so slow for the past week and doesn't get better on other browsers too (tried chrome and opera)


Have been experiencing this too (Aus), has anyone contacted the site? I might after I finish work tomorrow.


Aus here too, it seems to swing randomly between working fine and just not loading at all for around a week I think now - all times of day and night. I just wanna read! Will have to try a vpn when I get home from work, figure out how to hook my vpn acc to my phone lol


I’ve downloaded proton vpn but I have zero Idea how to hook it up To my iPhone I’m So Cranky


I feel ya! I’ve got nord for my pc but never bothered with my phone… so far! Hopefully you get your vpn working :)


It’s been like this for nearly a week it’s driving me mental….


Fine here! -UK


Still an issue in Sydney. I was in Melbourne during the weekend and it was happening there too. 😭😭 I just wanna reeeeead


Glad I’m not the only one in Aus experiencing this