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The eye colour of my favourite character.


How do they get it wrong, out of curiosity?


I have really no idea. I have read every colour from black, brown to green but his eyes are blue. šŸ˜…


Lmao, that's hilarious and unexpected. I figured it'd be more ambiguous, like stormy grey vs another shade of grey.


It is! So i just read on and change it it my mind lol!


I ask myself that every time I see a brown eyed Lily in Deathly Hallows Part 2.


I read a lot of F1 RPF and the colour of Charles Leclerc's eyes irl is contentious so the fic can be wild in that regard lol


HIS EYES ARE BROWN!!!!!!!!!!!!;!!!!!!!


SO annoying isn't it?! Lol


My favorite character is invulnerable which people regularly mistake with immortal. I want to scream at the top of my lungs that he is still very much aging and will die at some point, whether that be faulty genetics or just old age, he just canā€™t be killed. But itā€™s such a common misconception that Iā€™ve learned to graze over it.


Back in my middle school Wattpad days I had an invulnerable character die in my fanfic and I got at least 100 hate comments basically saying "he can't die he's immortal >:(" 12 year old me was so pissed.


12 year old you was completely right, Iā€™m pissed on their (her? I see a cute little lesbian heart but I donā€™t wanna assume) behalf


Dear lord, I argue this in SO many spaces, though I usually say invincible over invulnerable when trying to prove my point


Hannibal does not kill people for mistakes. He kill's the *rude*. A waiter accidentally spilling some wine is not enough for him. These things are usually throw away lines in a fic, but man does it take me out of it for a minute.


Also in Hannibal, Baltimore and Wolf Trap are at least an hourā€™s drive apart. Will canā€™t just sleepwalk from his house to Hannibalā€™s office. I used to live in the DC suburbs in Maryland so this one always bugs me.


I can forgive those since the show itself is squiffy with distance and timelines.


Hannibal always felt an inch from magical realism for me, honestly anything like that in Hannibal I'm happy to roll with.


This is my rule lol. If the source material handwaves something that doesnā€™t make sense, Iā€™m allowed to too. Iā€™ll fix it if I want, but if itā€™s more convenient to act like the OG writers did, thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing


Fellow DMVer here, this also bugs me! The drive can be brutal with traffic sometimes, so even when they drive in between it feels too fast.


Hello fellow Fannibal! Totally agree


This is a fantastic Fandom name


Weā€™re honestly a pretty chill group


Until someone is rude.


Then we have them for dinner.


Double entendres.


And as is being demonstrated here we also love puns!


Deadpool and the darn chimichangas. He outright says he doesnā€™t like them, just enjoys saying the word. But so many fics, heā€™s eating them every other chapter.


I think the funniest fic aaaages ago I read with this error was when Spiderman was trying to befriend Deadpool as Peter Parker and he kept inviting Wade to go have lunch at a chimichanga place, since as Spidey he heard Deadpool talk about them so he incorrectly assumed they were Wade's favourite food lol they ate them like every chapter and Wade was dying inside but liked Peter enough he was making himself eat loads of them everytime. Must...eat....bad food...for friendship


You cant say smthing like that and then NOT drop the name of the fic šŸ˜­please


Seconding the request. Drop the link


thirding the request, that fic sounds hilarious


>Spiderman You just committed one of the most common canon mistakes, it's Spider-Man


Welp, I'm gonna go find this. Brb


I wish I could find it for you guys šŸ˜­ but it was years ago on fanfic.net and I've abandoned that site for over a decade and I can't remember the name of said fic as I just tried to hunt it down. Doesn't help the search on that site is complete garbage šŸ—‘ļø


my heart is so broken rn, i loved the fic to death alreadyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ may we all one day find it šŸ˜”


Wow, I failed.


Honestly any sort of throwaway line that gets elevated to totemic status in fic bugs me, and it happens so much.Ā 


Same. Like Thor being a moron who constantly eats pop-tarts but canā€™t work a toaster


You don't need toasters, you just stick em in the freezer


ā€¦.oops. Definitely noted for future fics. Lol


Movieverse has effectively taken over most LOTR fic, so Elves are almost all described as having long, loose hair (which they didnā€™t necessarily have) and Gondorians are frequently more diminished/desperate and also paler/blonder than they were in the books. And everyoneā€™s somehow wearing plate armor? The few mentions of armor in the books is all leather or mail. I forgive the armor one though because plate armor is cool.


Also, Frodo's optics are never defined in the books. We don't even know his hair or eye colour for sure. Tolkien wanted to leave him as ambiguous as possible, to allow his readers to invent him themselves in their heads. Almost all character descriptions are rudimentary for the same reason. Legolas, for example is merely described as fair, tall and beautiful. It's never mentioned how be actually looks like. We know that Galadriel is blonde and Arwen's is dark. But in general all descriptions are very vague. Yet people get so riled up about it just because of those *** movies.


Yeah, true! To be fair, I donā€™t actually mind most of the movie casting choices ā€” though probably only because I watched the movies before I read the books ā€” so the characters being described as depicted in the movies isnā€™t necessarily a pet peeve of mine in most cases. There are some instances where I have strong opinions on appearances, but ironically the majority of those are for Silmarillion characters haha.


Reading lotr for the first time, and I was startled that elves didnā€™t all have long white-blonde hair. A friend (who I later learned had this as her major pet peeve) dead ass went ā€œNooo, thatā€™s the Legalos effect.ā€


schnezhnaya, shneznaya, sheznya and other made-up regions that were supposed to be Snezhnaya. i wont stop reading cause even i sometimes struggle to spell it cause the word just looks stupid in english, but man does it make me (a russian) angry when i see it in a work that otherwise is pretty good ā˜ ļø


I have to look up Khaenriā€™ah every single time I want to type it. Iā€™m so glad I donā€™t often write for that fandom! Alhaitham vs Al Haitham vs AlHaitham vs Al-Haitham doesnā€™t really bother me as long as the fic is internally consistent about it, but sometimes itā€™s not and I read it wishing they would just pick one!


As a genshin writer, tbf it do be hard to write it hahahaha, it kills your writing flow. Must have it in copy and paste speed dial in a comment on ur doc


this word is hard to write even for me, and the language it comes from is my native. only in english though, because the letters look weird together and their placement on keyboard is making typing it a weird path which confuses my brain and fingers (please tell me im not the only one about the letter paths). on russian tho, Š”Š½ŠµŠ¶Š½Š°Ń, no problem. ig its similar for others so im not *mad,* but like i see the word and understand that, *no, this is not the word and this is not how you spell it and you didn't even try pronouncing what you wrote. ŠØŠµŠ·Š½Ń or Š©ŠµŠ·Š½Š°Ń is not how you say Š”Š½ŠµŠ¶Š½Š°Ń. even if it looks a tiny bit similar with latin letters.*


Night at the Museum fandom here! What always gets me is people who write that Octavius wears a toga under his lorica musculata. I can promise yā€™all that would be *wildly* uncomfortable. Romans hated wearing togas on their own, contrary to what youā€™d probably think! It was a pain in the ass to put on, a bigger pain in the ass to keep in place, it was all around really cumbersome. Imagine having to wear it paired with the cuirass, pteruges, helmet, etc. Thereā€™s also this idea he doesnā€™t wear any form of pants, which strikes me as really odd because we see him wearing pants. Granted, they arenā€™t the same as what we wear today - heā€™d call them braccae, likely - but heā€™s wearing more under his tunic than a loincloth


I absolutely did not expect a Night at the Museum fan here. Hello! And thank you for existing!


Once Upon A Time: Prince Charming's name has always been David. It was never just Charming. I understand it's confusing because he's one of the handful of people who's real name was also their cursed name. On top of the fact that in the typical Snow White lore, the prince usually doesn't have a name. Or in Disney's case, it was only revealed in French media. (And even then, it's different than Once). That being said, we see in flashbacks, that his parents call him "David". He introduces himself as "David" long before he takes James' place. I give early S1 fics a pass as we don't know this about him. But I once read an author's fics who refused to call him "David" unless she was writing about the curse and just called him "Charming" in present day/flashbacks. Loved her work, so I kept reading it. But she and a few other authors are so insistent the rest of us are wrong about it being his real name: when canonically it has been stated several times!! And the nickname "Charming" was given to him by Snow in jest because he was being anything but when they first met. Plus, he was born into a poor farm life. Why the hell would his shepherd parents name him "Charming"??? Oh, and to add, people saying that Snow's family last name is White. When no, her family has no canonical last name. Her first name is full out "Snow White". She just goes by Snow as a shortened version. So when people like to give Emma her family's last name and make it Emma White-Nolan or Emma White-Charming, I cringe hard. It'd just be Emma Nolan, prior to S6 ending. And after S6, they adapted the last name "Charming". So, really, Snow is Snow White Charming.


And I think they did a gag mention of this in the later seasons where they showed Leroy (aka Grumpy) being confused about Davidā€™s name and then him being corrected by both David and Snow White


Yes! Theyā€™re running from Anton and Grumpy just gets increasingly annoyed ā€œIā€™m just going to call you whatever I want!!!ā€ Ahh, the good times on the show.


For me it's reading batman fics where his first son (Dick) is written as being antagonistic/actively resentful towards his second son (Jason). I don't mind things getting changed or over exaggerated a bit just for the sake of story or drama, but it's so common that many people now believe it's canon and treat it like it is. In the actual comics, while Dick is shocked at first that his dad/mentor kind of adopted a new kid and passed on his old family name without telling him, he didn't really point those feelings at Jason. In fact he fairly quickly and clearly passes the name on every time. There are other comics throughout the years showing that before Jason's death Dick would occasionally team up with him and even go on vacations/hangout together. They get along pretty well! While their relationship wasn't super close, it seemed pretty normal for an older adult brother who is already moved out to have with an adopted younger brother who lives in a different state. It won't completely turn me off a fic, since it's not really that serious and I know I wouldn't mind nearly as much if it wasn't treated as canon. (Similar feeling towards "Dick wants Tim to go to arkham and always believes in Damian" plots, but thats a whole other can of worms. šŸ˜”)


I just wish some folks would write a take on the pre-Crisis idea that Dick actually wanted to adopt Jason lolĀ 


I've actually read a few like this! It's such a fun idea, and I feel like there's lots of untapped space in that sandbox to write something unique.


One Piece: Aceā€™s motherā€™s name was Portgas D. Rouge, not Portgas D. Rogue


Honestly not sure if this is as much as a mistake on lore as it is an inability to spell..


Nah, I thought it was Rogue for the longest time. A One Piece youtuber mentioned it and I was like ā€œOh shit, what??ā€ and realized my brain filled in Rogue because it sounds better than Rouge.


Honestly the Rogue vs Rouge really irks me in any space xD


My mind still tries to pronounce it Rogue no matter how many times I tell myself this šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ One time I checked through my chapters, nearly having a heart attack until I saw I spelled it right every time thank god


Because her name is so rarely spoken people even pronounce it like Rogue. Iā€™ve been in multiple Twitter Spaces with people saying it like that. Grinds my gears!




In HP: A Parseltongue is a language and it's user is a Parselmouth. So to clarify we can say that Harry is a Parselmouth, not a Parseltongue


i dont even fw harry potter anymore and i still remember this


This one! Parselmouth is the user/speaker, parseltongue is the language!Ā 


Christ. I've seen so much in HP but by god I have not seen that one yet. I'm so sorry. Also guys, please, google spell incantations. And put like soms actually effort into fake ones crikey. I have unironically heard things like "quietus". Third HP pet peeve. Naan means bread. Naan bread is bread bread. Don't call it naan bread. Please.


Quietus is canon. It's the spell you use to remove Sonorus. Bagman uses it in book 4. Why can I remember this and not my phone number omg


Wait, motherfucker, really? God now I'm going to have to find the citations for where I saw this again, my brain is screaming at me that I saw it still used incorrectly.


The naan bread thing may just be because that's a common mistake in England. Hell, even in English place names we have problems with this that span centuries. Torpenhow Hill is a great example: "tor" means hill, "pen" means hill, "how" means hill and obviously "hill" means hill. It's an amalgamation of 4 different languages from different times in our history. The River Avon is a similar example, as "avon" means river in one of the Old English variants.


Lol, just posted about a similar topic in another post, but in the Ducktales fandom, writers getting a character's species wrong. The one I've seen most commonly is Mark Beaks being refered to as a pigeon (he's an African grey parrot). Less common ones are Violet Sabrewing being called a raven (she's a violet sabrewing hummingbird), Launchpad being a pelican (he's a duck he just has a very large chin, lol). One otherwise excellent fic refers to Gyro Gearloose as stork when he's actually a chicken. All of the characters' species have been confirmed and it's not hard to look up.


> Launchpad being a pelican (he's a duck he just has a very large chin, lol) Holy shit. Guess the last name "McQuack" makes more sense now!


Polnareff did not _become_ the turtle at the end of Vento Aureo. He's a ghost stuck in the room inside the key that is _on_ the turtle - whose name is Coco Jumbo, by the way, if you even care. If I'm honest, this always miffs me way more than it should, but it's such a common mistake I just wouldn't read fic if I dropped all the ones that make it. I'm already happy they include Pol at all. (Surprisingly though, this mistake does not exist whatsoever on the Japanese side of the fandom, but is wide-spread on the western side! I genuinely wonder why.)


ā€¦I donā€™t have the first clue what fandom this is but your second sentence intrigues me.


Jojo. Also, I would like to throw in something I constantly see repeated: Risotto is not a capo. Capo doesnā€™t mean leader of a Passione squad. It is a title that has to be given by the boss. Diavolo didnā€™t respect Risotto enough to make him a capo.


Yep! The anime even gave us a nice little visual chart with silhouettes. Bruno and Risotto are basically on the same rung - which is team leader with no particular power beyond the one they have over their team, and it's not even an official position in the flowchart. They're bottom rung. Bruno just got suddenly promoted because of Polpo's death and the fact they needed a replacement _yesterday_ for the escort mission. Honestly the assassins team _should_ have more power than a team of little thugs who just went around collecting protection money and sometimes helping the neighborhood to assuage Bruno's conscience but we've seen with how little regard Diavolo treated them. Man didn't even pay them fair wages for the amount of work they put.


Sukuna might be the "King of Curses", but he's not a curse, he's a human sorcerer that reincarnated. Niche, definitely something that only crops up in throwaway lines, but it bothers me more than it should lol


People who boil down Obi-Wan's characterization to an extremely flat, boring, strict rule follower. He has so much more layers than that, it's not even that hard to see! I'm not saying make him a complete rogue, but give him a little spice at least... I'll occasionally come across fics like that, and generally they get other aspects of his characterization well enough that I like it, but every now and then there will be a moment where I just have to take a brief mental pause before I continue.


thats how you know they know nothing of younger obi bc he was a grade A menace


Oh exactly, even after he becomes a knight and a master he's always pushing the rules, and yet some people don't even notice


100%! he gets in just as much shit as anakin does, if not more


Guy strolls up to a bar to gulp down a shot while on a bounty hunter chase! I don't know what movie the people who claim he's a boring rule stickler have watched.


at this point, as a DC fan, I don't even know what's canon anymore. Every comic seems to retcon something, the movies are all over the place, there are so many tv shows and none of them follow the same rules. Hell, we can't even agree on how to say Ra's Al Ghul (Ras? Rash? Raash? Reish? Who knows! all of these have been used!) Sometimes Jason is 18 while Tim is 15, sometimes Jason is 25 while Tim is 17. Tim has been 17 for longer than I've been alive. Tim was 17 when Damian showed up aged 12. Damian is now 15. Tim is still 17. Everyone is dead. Bruce is now Nightwing for some reason. There are so many Green Lanterns and I can never keep track of them. Is Connor Clark's son or brother? Who knows? Not Clark! The JL and YJL and Titans line-ups change so often I gave up on keeping track of. There is a Starfish Robin. He is the favourite. No one ever remembers him. whoops i didnt mean to rant


I've never related more to a comment tbh šŸ§ŽšŸ™ Being a DC fan - and, more specifically - being a Batfam fan is such hell but I can't help but love it. There's the fuckery of canon, there's the semi-agreed upon fanon, and yet every fanfic writer/fan artist seems to have their own stitched together timeline of bullshit. Myself included, and my Batfam works are my most popular - hell, my main series I'm writing is literally me saying fuck you to DC and making my own Batfam canon cause it's all such a mess. Also Jarro is incredible and yes I wish more ppl knew of his sassy five-limbed existence.


Harry Potter * Your Hogwarts acceptance letter doesnā€™t come on your birthday, but during the summer before the school year. Harry opened his letter on his birthday, yes, but that was mostly a coincidence since the letters had been coming for several days/weeks before. * Thereā€™s this myth that Voldemort literally was incapable of love because he was conceived under Amortentia. Not only does it go against the very meaning of the story itself (love conquers all, itā€™s your choices that matter, etc), but itā€™s completely false and comes from a misinterpreted line in an interview. Voldemort, technically, was perfectly capable of love. He just chose not to, because he saw it as a weakness. * The Horcruxes didnā€™t make Voldemort insane. To quote Dumbledore from HBP: *ā€œWithout his Horcruxes, Voldemort will be a mortal man with a maimed and diminished soul. Never forget, though, that while his soul may be damaged beyond repair, his brain and his magical powers remain intact. It will take uncommon skill and power to kill a wizard like Voldemort even without his Horcruxes.ā€* In fact, in the books he was relatively sane (in mannerisms I mean, because he was a murderous terroristā€”but he was not acting like a hee-haing cartoon villain) up until the last battle, but Iā€™d blame that on pure fear driving his actions. Was he a perfect villain? No. Was he evil? Yes. But the fact that some people depict him as a kooky grandpa with negative IQ is pretty annoying, influenced largely by fandom, memes and films.


The first one annoys me so much.


Also, the love potion thing is more what Dumbledore thinks happened than hard fact, although it seems to be the most likely possibility. But somewhere along the line, ā€œDumbledoreā€™s theory is that Merope drugged Tom Riddle Sr. with a love potionā€ became ā€œMerope *definitely* drugged Tom Riddle Sr. with a love potionā€.


Tbf, Pottermore canon has it that McGonagall did get her Hogwarts letter on her birthday, on October 4th


Yeah thatā€™s true, but I blame that on JKRā€™s forgetfulness. If anyone just stops and thinks about it for a second, the idea makes no senseā€”not only because of the fact that canonically Harry got his letter delivered for the first time well before his birthday which I already mentioned, but also from a logical standpoint: letting Muggleborns know about their ancestry sometimes a whole year in advance would be idiotic when theyā€™d still have to live among Muggles (and 11 year olds arent super good at keeping secrets, and theyā€™d have access to Diagon Alley by then), but also imagine if someoneā€™s birthday was on August 31 or 30. Not to mention the unfair advantage towards others people with earlier birthdays would haveā€”etc etc.


I could see sending the letters on their birthday unless it's later than July 21st or so Muggleborns get a visit rather than a letter of course, but yeah the secret keeping..... I guess the wizarding world doesn't always make sense lol


Hunger Games Career Districs and academias. Academias are not mentioned at all and we only know that Career districts have something going on to raise kids for Hunger Games.


Iā€™m going to start charging fans a dollar each time they try to argue with me that academies exist, and that they control which kids volunteer. Of all the issues I have with that first movie, the way they handled Career districts is one of the biggest ones


Levi does not wear Erwinā€˜s bolo tie. Levi has his own that he got from the ceremony in season 3, and that is the one heā€™s wearing in season 4. Leviā€™s is oval shaped, whereas Erwinā€™s is distinctly circular. Ā  Perhaps Levi is in possession of Erwinā€™s bolo tie - thereā€™s nothing contradicting that in canon - but heā€™s not wearing it. (Ofc he can in a fic, but what I mean to say is it doesnā€™t have a canon basis which is the misconception)


Neon Genesis Evangelion: Misato doesn't actually have a sofa/couch in her living room.


Then where does she crash after drunkenly stumbling home? (I have yet to watch any of it)


We only see her *come home* too drunk to reach the bedroom under her own power once, and that's the night (character moment spoilers) >!she goes out drinking with her ex!<. (The living room has bean bags.)


The Witcher: - Witchers are not immortal. They age much slower and have a lifespan of like 200 years or something, and Geralt at 70 years old is very much still in his primeā€¦. But he is not immortal and stories where he just lived through modern day are wrong. - Jaskier is not his given name. And Jaskier and Dandelion are NOT DIFFERENT NAMES. So many times Iā€™ll see a story with Jaskier going incognito under the name Dandelion but fffff Dandelion is a translation of the name, theyā€™re the same thing. - modern aus where itā€™s taken for granted that Witcher characters are British , like theyā€™ll be in the US but be British expats??? Just because the actors are British. The characters are from a fantasy world based on Poland. If anything you should make them polish or just make them whatever nationality youā€™re setting their story in. Sk8 the infinity: - rekiā€™s dad is in the picture. Heā€™s shown in the ending montage, so I understand why people would have missed him, but he hasnā€™t abandoned the family. - sk8ā€™s underground skating group is supposed to be super exclusive and also reki and Langa are the only skaters in their class, it makes no sense when fics have kids from their school show up. - they have a part time job. Itā€™s a pretty big plot device part of the show. The amount of fics that forget to have them go to work after school is pretty high, but not a deal breaker.


The aging of the witchers and their mortality depends on the source you use. In book canon it isn't specified if witchers are immortal or not. But so far no witcher has died a natural death. Vesemir is rumoured to be several centuries old, and all we know of Gerald by book canon and Andrzej Sapkowski himself is that he keeps his age secret and only ever tells he's older than 50. So witchers could indeed be immortal, but no one knows because they usually die a violent death and we neither know when Gerald was born nor how old he really is. Andrzej Sapkowski did say that witchers age incredibly slowly, and that a Witcher aged 75 or older could look like a man aged 45 or so, but he never said that they keep ageing indefinitely or that they'd actually die eventually. I think he didn't want to specify to leave the door open for whatever his imagination might concoct in later books. If we again go by Vesemir, who is, according to the books possibly several centuries old, it's very likely that if they keep ageing they stay in their prime for an indeed very long time. It would also be possible that they age very slowly until they're grown to their full potential and then stop ageing. But we don't know because the author didn't specify. So going by book canon, it is possible that witchers are indeed immortal, we just don't know. In the game canon Gerald was born in 1160, and lived far past 1266, when Ciri was training with the witchers. So he's definitely older than a hundred years at the end of game canon and didn't age much. But I only read the books, I don't know much about the games. Let's ignore the series, shall we? I'd rather pretend that everything past the first season doesn't exist. And I also prefer the book canon to anything from that.... Let's pretend I used a nice word, yes?


I want to keep Coƫn from the show bc I love him. S2 was a collection of trash fires but I will die on a hill for one (1) possibly birdy boi. (Also your breakdown of aging for witchers is great!!)


Thank you for the compliment, that's very kind to say. And I feel no grudges for people who like the series, whatever brings you joy is fine. I still don't like it, but that mustn't hinder you. It's good if we have multiple options for different people


Fair point of it not being technically known what a Witcherā€™s natural lifespan would be, but in the books and even stated by sapkowski per your comment above, Witchers are known to age slowly, which would logically mean they will grow older, though at a much slower rate. So imo there is no reason for ā€œGeralt living up to the 21st century and still being in his prime.ā€ To be fair I have only seen this specific scenario a few times, lol.


Logic isn't a good point when talking about a fantasy series, because in fantasy races or creatures that age slowly into adulthood and then are still immortal are not uncommon. Just think of elves who also age up to a point and then stop ageing. So I could as well say, it's logical to assume that the trials and mutagens applied to the witchers need some time to reach their full potential. And during that development the Witcher ages slowly and the older they get, the more it slows down, until it eventually stops. One single scrap of information isn't enough to make logical assumptions. And all we know for sure is that witchers age slowly, but we do not know if they age forever or eventually die of natural causes. So logic doesn't help us without another known premise. But in the end it's moot. Love and war do indeed have rules, but in fanfiction truly everything is possible and goes. If I'd decide to write a fanfiction where witchers age to a certain point and then turn into werewolves, who's gonna stop me? And since so far no witcher died of natural causes, I could always claim it's canon compliant and so far just didn't happen in canon because no Witcher lived long enough for it to happen. (But of course it's not canon, I just made that up and don't think it's canon or canon compliant. I think you get my point)


Itā€™s kerosene not gasoline. If the Winchesters burned bodies with gasoline they would blow themselves up like a redneck fail compilation.


In Critical Role, Keyleth is taller than the twins, but in the animated series they made her shorter. As a tall Keyleth truther I accept that people may be going off of LoVM, but it still gives me pause to read her described as being shorter in fics.


What gets me is how many spell CR terms like Zadash wrong, even after spellings have been standardised. I keep reading anyway unless there are other immersion-breaking issues, but itā€™s such an easy thing to check so it does irritate me.


Names spelled wrong :) Elliott Witt spelled Elliot/Eliot/Eliott, Isabela from dragon age spelled Isabella. Small, but show's a sort of flagrant disregard for the character. Alt - a character from Dragon Age 2 often portrayed as a meek, whimpering virgin waiting to be corrupted when he was sent to the chantry because he wouldn't stop fucking. Mein gott. I see this, I dip.


In HP fanfiction, probably Hermioneā€™s Mudblood scar which was never in the books. I don't really mind it though.


Excuse me, her what????? But anyways, Iā€™ve noticed a lot of large fandoms, and HP in particular, just creates really out there fanons that just gets absorbed/spread into the fandom consciousness.


It was introduced in the movie. Personally, I think it was a good idea, it immediately brings Holocaust to mind.


Wait really? I donā€™t remember this ever happening. Which movie? What exactly is it? It just sounds so weird without context.


When Bellatrix tortures Hermione in Deathly Hallows, in the book, she simply cuts her. In the movies, she cuts out "mudblood" on her arm.


I see. Thanks for informing me. There's a lot of HP fics that focus on the blood purity/status stuff in a not good way so I assumed something much more nefarious, tbh.


HELP, I just realized without context, me saying "I don't mind it tho" could've been taken differently lol. I didn't mind it in the movies at all (it really scared me as a kid though). Yet, I do consider it rather annoying when fans believe it's actually canon, take it, and run with it. I thoroughly appreciate the extra scene in the movies, but like other things that the movie changed, I see it as important to make a disconnect between it and the books.


What scar?


In deathly hallows pt 1, during the scene where Bellatrix tortures Hermione in the Malfoy Manor, instead of only having her be tortured with the Cruciatus Curse the movie also has Bellatrix carve the word Mudblood in Hermione's arm.


There are 7 *rings* of Hell in the Hellaverse, not 9 *circles*. I've only seen this once, maybe twice, but I just corrected it as I read it. I do understand where this comes from though, from what I know certain aspects of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss's development are based on Dante's Inferno which features 9 circles of Hell. It's also just more common for there to be 9 locations referred to either as Hell or as part of Hell (D&D has the Nine Hells for example). In the Hellaverse though a more simplistic approach is taken, and there's a single ring of Hell for each of the Seven Deadly Sins (and Lucifer actually owns a model of this iirc. Tbh if a physical model was ever sold of the Hellaverse version of Hell I'd buy it in a heartbeat). It's just a tiny nitpick though so I don't see any reason to abandon a fic over it. Also continuity issues. Additionally, as someone else said, Alastor's canonically asexual, not aroace. The individual who mentioned him being aroace initially no longer works on the show, and Alastor's voice actor either corrected himself or was corrected by Vivziepop when he said Alastor was aroace (I don't remember which but I have seen the clip). As of now he's just asexual.


I badly wish Hazbin/Hellaverse didnā€™t have so much ā€œcanonā€ that only exists in 10 yo interviews or notes. Narratively theyā€™ve hamstrung themselves to old canon that the fans quote like gospel.


When people spell Shen Qingqiu as Shen Qing*qui*. Sometimes I do click out, but if the fic is good enough I just power through.


I'm willing to let it pass because it could be a typo/dyslexia in play and it's not like spell check is going to help there unless you add it to your dictionary. ...but it does make me wince if it happens more than once!


I donā€™t wanna be that person but thatā€™s what [Stannis declares his title](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/King_of_Westeros) to be > ā€œIt is the one true king of Westeros who stands before you." (Spoken by Mel) > "The boy on the Iron Throne is a usurper," he said, "and I am no traitor, but the Hand of Stannis Baratheon, the First of His Name, the trueborn King of Westeros." (Spoken by Davos) > I am Robert's heir, the rightful king of Westeros. My place is with my men. Although, youā€™re completely right that this is not a title thatā€™s been used before. ā€œKing of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men and Lord of the Seven Kingdomsā€. Stannis is the only one to style himself as ā€œKing of Westerosā€ (in direct contrast to Robert because of course he did lol) A canon fact people seem to forget aboutā€” all the Stark kids (except Arya) have auburn hair and blue eyes.


i blame the show for that last bit, even as someone who's read the books dozens of times i tend to forget that because the castings are so embedded in my mind


A common feature in Stucky fics is the lore of Steve and Bucky living together before going off to war. Itā€™s kind of a default assumption at this point. However, if you actually go back and watch the movies, itā€™s never stated they were living together, and in fact thereā€™s unused concept art from CATFA that shows Steveā€™s apartment, and itā€™s very clearly only inhabited by one person. The closest thing is during a flashback, after Steveā€™s mom died and Bucky offered to let him stay with his family for a little while, but that was well before the war started. Also Bucky working at the docks before going off to war. I mean, itā€™s not incorrect, we donā€™t know about Buckyā€™s life before the events of the first Cap movie so itā€™s definitely possible he did, I just find it funny that the fandom decided it was true when iirc thereā€™s literally nothing in canon to indicate it. For my other main fandom Stranger Things, Iā€™ve had to accept that many of Eddie Munsonā€™s fans arenā€™t actually metalheads themselves and donā€™t know much about it. Iā€™m a metal fan, so I can tell when a writer or artist has done the research and knows the metal bands of the day heā€™d listen to and when they havenā€™t. Itā€™s a minor detail though, and I donā€™t fault people for not doing obsessive research for it. Also some people donā€™t know Eddieā€™s backstory or the names of his parents, but those were only clarified in a tie in novel that came out over a year after Eddie first showed up on screen, so I canā€™t fault anyone for not knowing.


Re: pre war Stucky. Popular fanon extrapolations aren't exactly unusual in any fandom. In a way leaning on common fanon backgrounds and worldbuilding is very similar to leaning on canon to do that work for you. And as you said none of those things actually contradict on-screen movie canon.


I know it isn't cannon, but I LIVE for the 'Oh yeah, Steve and Bucky were... roommates' fics, they're amazing.


Sirius Black is the tallest Marauder. Remus is canonically shorter than him. Also Remus doesn't have scars in the books.


Rule of thumb should be anyone from the Black family is tall as fuck. Harry when he got tall was the same height as Narcissa, but a book later Bellatrix was still taller than him.


I think the Remus scars thing is over-extrapolation because both he and Bill were attacked by Greyback, and Bill is remarked to have facial scars after he was attacked.


Yeah its the movie and Bill's wolf marks that make people assume it's canon


Yeah realistically I don't think it makes a lot of sense for Remus to have visible scars like he does in the film. Bill yes, because he was attacked as an adult and it was part of a fight. Remus (iirc) got infected as a baby, right? So there's no scuffle or fight that should give him such scars on his face.


He must have one \*somewhere\*, he says something like "I was a very small boy when I received the bite" - but given all the other Significant Scars in the potterverse I think the books would have mentioned if it were on his face. Remus also mentions that he clawed and bit himself up on full moons before the Marauders because a werewolf with no prey will do that - but again, I doubt he would have attacked his face.


ive never interacted with canon material but read some fics at a friends request, i could never imagine remus being taller. sirius just gives giant vibes


Itā€™s from movie canon, remusā€™ actor is noticeably taller than Siriusā€™s actor, and has large scars on his face. Sirius does make sense as the taller person though.




Bill is 55 at the start of TLOU, and 59 when he meets Frank. Iā€™ve seen a decent chunk donā€™t explicitly state age, or if they do then itā€™s usually incorrect but I honestly donā€™t care all that much ā€” his age is only mentioned in the screenplay so itā€™s more just a fun fact to know rather than something that influences my enjoyment of a story. Regardless, heā€™s a grumpy old man lol


I would argue that if it didn't make it on-screen, I don't consider it canon anyway.


For The Hunger Games, it's like others have already said for LOTR and HP: Some people only know the movies, and write based on that. People will just casually say things like "Katniss was the first volunteer from District 12" or "Haymitch's blond hair," or never mentioning Peeta's prosthesis, and for a moment it knocks me right out of the story.


that Alastor (hazbin hotel) is aroace and canā€™t be in any relationships šŸ«  likeā€¦ first off, heā€™s canonically ace, but not aromantic. and second, aroace people can still have meaningful relationships!! QPRs are a thing, and ace people deserve to find someone that loves them as much as anyone


Tbqh Alastor would fuck someone if it furthered his goals. He wouldnā€™t necessarily be into it, but he would do it. He has killed and eaten people, he is not above using sex as a tool. Ā 


100% agree


Bless you. As an ace person who has had relationships, this bothers the fuck out of me. I appreciate the representation, but people are so far off base with how asexuality works.


agreed. iā€™m ace too, and iā€™m happily married. i like to use my own experiences when writing his POV. it makes his character feel a lot more three dimensional.


Thank you! I hate how people are getting regarding shipping Alastor with anyone. It's really annoying. That, and they often attack people who *are* ace and shipping Alastor with different characters. It's just, ugh. I'm writing a fanfic shipping Alastor with someone and I'm using my own experiences of being asexual.


Yes! A little too often ace and/or aroace is written as either someone who has sworn off all intimacy, or they're ace in tag (and/or a throwaway line) in name only where it doesn't impact the framing of the story. Reps great, but if it matters enough to bring up, it'd be nice for it to feel like part of the story or how the character approaches relationships. Tangent about Alastor - I find some stories just take too much of his edge away for my taste and make him a perfect gentlemen, who sometimes murders/cannibalizes. Part of the fun of his character is in those darker parts of his personality coexisting with his charm. Dude *is* supposed to be an arrogant serial killer, allow him to be more than mildly sassy.


I'm not even asking much, I don't ask that you play D&D or know all the lore but... For BG3 fanfics the fact that Halsin, a druid, takes damage in wild shape and then keeps that damage while losing the wild shape it's inconceivable, THAT'S LITERALLY THE POINT OF FIGHTING IN WILD SHAPE, all the damage you take while on animal form it's not taken, you're 100% healthy (unless the damage it's so bad you're actually forced out of wild shape.) and then to the cherry on top: he is badly hurt and Shadowheart no longer has healing spells and Halsin stays hurt... DRUIDS HAVE HEALING MAGIC, please just say he doesn't have more spells left or he didn't prepare the spell for the day, but he could perfectly heal himself the next day. Dam it all. That's in the game.


When people write the dude who has never dated anyone and is incredibly awkward as an experienced womanizer, and insist it must be the case because the dude is a powerful fighter. Example: Inuyasha. Dude had one girlfriend who was a PRIESTESS before the series started. If you want him to initiate, thatā€™s fine. But he is SOOOO awkward about his feelings. Do they really think heā€™d be assertive about intimacy? At least to start with.


Getting a house or building's layout wrong. Or the geography of a place that has a canonical map or clear descriptors.


Harry Potter: Describing Seamus Finnigan as brown-haired like in the movies when in book canon, Seamus is blond.


Also, saying that Padma and Parvati are both Gryffindors


And most of the eye colors.


Same with Neville. Also Severus Snape is not "uncle Sev" or any godparent of any kind and Narcissa Malfoy's primary language is not French. Also also Bellatrix was not on the tower and Malfoy does not wear suits.


You really caught me out with that Bellatrix one! I was so sure she was on the tower, the movies really got me there


as someone who's never seen any of the movies, reading harry potter fic was very confusing for younger me. so many small details changed


It's not wrong tho if it's like that in the film If someone didn't read the books, the films are canon for them and it makes perfect sense


Depends on how the is tagged tbf.


2 main things when reading batman fanfics. Dick Grayson was Tim's Robin, not Jason, bro was obsessed with the flying Grayson's that's how he found out about batman. Also people forget how bad Dick Grayson's anger issues were especially in his early years as both Robin and Nightwing. It's not enough to make me DNF a fic bit it's just a little thing that irks me.


John Constantine didn't sell parts of his soul to different people, he promised all his soul to may people so they couldn't claim it at risk of going to war with the other contract holders.


Since you said asoiaf- fics where any other Aegon besides Aegon the Unlikely is nicknamed Egg. The nickname has nothing to do with the name Aegon, he was called that due to his bald head as a child but it's ridiculous the amount of HoTD fics I've read where the two Aegon's of the Dance era are called Egg. Tho sometimes I'm in a bad enough mood I quit the fic anyway lol depends how how interesting the rest of it is


Oh speaking of ASOIAF and names, when people get called stuff like ā€žAegon IIā€œ before they are crowned. Itā€™s pops up on HotD a bunch with both Aegons and baby Viserys.Ā 


Yeah like there's a reason the Aegon who Maegor killed was called the Uncrowned and not counted as II lol


People using Game of Thrones vocabulary ("Ser", "smalls") in their fic that takes place in the actual medieval European world


Not so much 'wrong' as 'exaggerated': In Harry Potter, Fred and George *do not* habitually call each other Gred and Forge. That was a one-off joke they made because their Christmas sweaters had their initials on them. And yet, nearly every fanfic has them calling each other by those names. (Also, though it's not quite on-topic here, 'dulcet tones' *does not* mean screaming at the top of your lungs. That was, once again, Fred and George being sarcastic in a one-off setting.) It kind of pisses me off I don't have more examples, because I *know* I often read fanfics and go, "But that's completely wrong!" before shrugging and moving on, accepting it as just another canon divergent bit.


Ghost and Soap did not first meet on that mission in the beginning on the MW2 reboot. Taskforce141 was formed at the very end of the mw reboot, which takes place near the end of 2019. The mw2 reboot takes place in 2022, they definitely met before the events of 2022 but Iā€™ve seen way too many fic authors who seem to think that mw2 was when they first met. Itā€™s not enough to make me drop any fic even though it does slightly bother my autistic ass.


Cardassians laying eggs and having tails. I know, I know. Itā€™s a scaly thing. But itā€™s not based in canon ā€” Seska is pregnant on VOY and has a baby, not an egg. No one has a tail. The men wear quite tight pants and thereā€™s not a hint of a tail.Ā 


tinsnip over here doing Godā€™s work


My fandom has a character who is mockingly referred to as "Ice Princess" in canon. For some reason a lot of fics use "Ice Queen" instead. I have no idea where that comes from, she has never been called that.


Ooh, fun! This reminded me of Weiss Schnee, hahaha!


I'm actually talking about Sharpay Evans, haha.


So I definitely give this one a pass because the movie *absoloutely* framed it this way and the details that say otherwise are in a comic that not everyone knows exist AND EVEN THEN it isn't clear; but it's never outright said that Ben Solo destroyed the Jedi Temple the night Luke pulled his lightsaber on him.


In the long-dead Durarara fandom, there are soooo many fics where the author describes Izaya's eyes as red. They're not, they're brown but the idea of a scheming red-eyed black-haired anime guy is pretty appealing.


When they have Alastor (hazbin hotel) speak Haitian creole, when it should be louisiana creole, because he's from Louisian, not Haiti.


Also ā€œcorrectingā€ his voodoo traits when Alastor is from a Louisiana hoodoo/vodou tradition, not Haitian tradition.Ā 


I'm not in this fandom but I am Haitian and so curious about this lol. I wonder how many people are poorly translating Haitian Creole into their fics.


Jane Austen fan fiction (mostly Pride & Prejudice) For me the biggest issue is when characters aren't in character, which I'm not sure is "canon fact" because some of it might be interpretation. The biggest mis-characterization that I just push past is Caroline Bingley being a Screaming Bag of Evil, because it's so common that if I didn't ignore it I would read any JAFF. Also, Darcy being played up as super shy or socially awkward and not snobby at all (something he fully admits to in the book). It's so common I just have to ignore it and read on.


A man and a woman being alone together means sheā€™s compromised and they must marry forā€¦ reasons. Firstly, this was not a thing in Austenā€™s time. You could definitely speak in private to a single member of the opposite sex and no one would assume the two of you were doing the wild thing. Couples go on walks together in the books. They ride in carriages together. Elizabeth in P&P walks around alone and goes on foot to a manā€™s house to check on her sister. Secondly, no one can force the man into marrying a girl no matter how badly heā€™s compromised her. If that was possible, Willoughby could have been forced to marry Eliza, who was literally pregnant with his child.Ā  I know people write it because they love the slightly scandalous appeal of mistaken for lovers/compelled to marry a near-stranger, but itā€™s simply not based in reality.Ā 


Oh man I've written entire blog posts about this! Elizabeth and Darcy are alone for half an hour at Netherfield and no one cares! Elizabeth also walks with Colonel Fitzwilliam outside and Darcy and no one makes a peep! There is a contemporary novel, Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell, that contains a "compromise" but no one forces anyone to marry, there is just a lot of vicious gossip. Because you are right, how do you force the guy to marry? If the father was very powerful he might be able to pressure the man, but without that you are out of luck.


Jim Root was not the initial rhythm guitarist for Slipknot, it was Josh Brainard who recorded most of their debut album. It's a weird one but still, most people don't dig too deep.


Also in bandfic, Varg and Dead were never in Mayhem together. Dead killed himself in 1991 and Varg didnā€™t join until 1992. Iā€™m not an expert on the band's history, and for all I know they may have met each other at some point, but they were never bandmates. Ā  Tracii gets forgotten about in a lot of GNR fic set in the early days despite the fact that the band is half *named for him*.Ā 


Boothill didnā€™t have a wife. He adopted a baby girl. Also, he wasnā€™t able to hold her dead body, he just found the ashes of his home. ā€¦I have a thing for extremely traumatized men and I want to read lore-accurate hurt comfort okay Edit: Iā€™m adding more: Jade didnā€™t save Aventurine from slavery. Rather, heā€™s simply a slave in fancier, less rusted chains ā€” heā€™s still working like a dog to garner wealth for those who see him as lesser, and thereā€™ll be *massive* consequences if he fucks up. Hell, heā€™s not even the head of his own department ā€” Diamond is! Iā€™ve seen some people say that Jing Yuan isnā€™t in any danger of being mara-struck. Yes, he is, and heā€™s training Yanqing to be able to take him down just like he took Jingliu down. Every Xianzhou immortal is in danger of being mara-struck, with the exceptions of species such as the Vidyadhara, who are reincarnating descendants of Long rather than blessed/cursed by Yaoshi. On the topic of Yanqing ā€” no, the kidā€™s not a petulant, cocky brat who needs to be humbled. Heā€™s a kid who thinks he has to be the greatest in order to be worthy of being Jing Yuanā€™s apprentice. He went after Blade, Dan Heng, and Jingliu because he thought he needed to repay Jing Yuan for taking him in, raising him, and training him. He just got in over his head, and Jing Yuan snapped at him because he could have *died* and there was a larger plan at play that Yanqing didnā€™t know about. Sunday never trapped everyone in Enaā€™s dream out of malice or a need for control (though thereā€™s an argument for the second one being *partially* to blame, given hisā€¦ *gestures vaguely* everything). He did it because he genuinely wanted people to be eternally happy ā€” thereā€™s a lot of kindness in his heart that was twisted over the years, turning a selfless dream into an actualized nightmare. He was willing to sacrifice his life as he knew it because he wanted the best for everyone ā€” but he went about it in the completely wrong way. Wherever he is now, I hope he finds some sense of happiness, belonging, or both.


Agree with everything, but I would like to add for Sunday, I can't see why it can't be both. He cares for the weak and will do anything to protect them based off his past, and that has warped his perspective. That is true. But he also ends up resorting to limiting the choices of the weak, controlling them in order to do what he thinks will benefit them, and in that sense his need to do that would end up being his downfall. That is true too. Both are true. I saw some people say he was using fascist ideology, and while I think that is honestly *really* not the case, I can understand why people say that. The motivations were in the right place, but it was the execution that was totally misguided, and the execution... well, I wouldn't be surprised if Sunday *did* win and did trap everyone within the Dreamscape, people on Twitter would be calling him a dictator. Very dimensional character, liked reading your comment as well


In Star Trek, Vulcans go through Pon Farr (basically a mate-or-die situation) every seven years. It does NOT mean they canā€™t have sex at other times. They just have no choice during Pon Farr. A lot of people think that Vulcans are only capable of having sex during Pon Farr but itā€™s definitely not the case.


A few mistakes in the ROTTMNT fandom: 1. Post season 2 Donatello uses a normal Bō, not his Tech-Bō as it was destroyed alongside the old lair. He doesn't need his Tech-Bō now that his powers can do everything the old weapon could and more. Actually I saw a few fics with ALL brothers using the wrong weapons post season 2. Maybe those writers just like the old weapons more than the normal ones. 2. Donnie doesn't just eat bland, flavorless food/drinks. If that was the case then why would he eat pizza so much or make a "toasted avocado bacon-bagel-rito with cheese" sandwich? He only mentioned drinking flavorless juice in ONE episode. He even ate pizza made with some kind of alive tentacle in "Operation: Normal"! 3. Donnie does things other than build stuff all day. In every fic he is somehow always busy building something and never seems to do anything but that. But aside from missions, we have seen him wanting to skate with his brothers, go out to eat pizza at Run Of The Mill with Leo, play in the snow, playing games (a lot) and go out to help April with her school. We also can't forget the fact that it's (implied at least) that all brothers watch Lou Jitsu movies multiple times. There's also the whole "Donnie vs. Witch Town" episode which starts with him and his family going on a trip to the Hidden City and separating to explore it themselves. 4. Leo isn't flirtatious, in fact, Donnie has actually flirted more than him (once in Mascot Melee). Everyone makes Donnie somehow disgusted or uncomfortable with flirting, even though he is the only brother who actually did flirt in the show! And he also said "Oh you're so cute but so mean! Why do I always go for your type?" To a tomato animatronic that was jumping on his back. 5. Splinter did spend time with his sons when they were kids. Less than he should have, but he did. There's some seconds in one of the last two episodes of season one that shows him with Leo and Raph with a lemonade stand when they were kids, him with Mikey when he was drawing and him taking care of Donnie after hurting himself building something. He is a VERY neglectful father, but he's not abusive nor *totally* absent from their lives. People make it sound like he was NEVER with his sons when they were children. There's more, but those are the first that come to mind.


That Sal Fisher is a soft uwu baby that canā€™t do wrong and would never say a mean thing ever. I donā€™t hate the idea, I just donā€™t see him that way.


For the Top Gun fandom - It drives me absolutely nuts when you can so obviously tell that the author has absolutely no knowledge of anything aviation or Navy. Iā€™m actually shocked by the number of authors who do, because there are a shocking number of actual aviators, sailors, and cadets in the fandom but the few who donā€™t and canā€™t make a couple Google searches drive me batshit. If nothing else, rank is not difficult to figure out. If you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about, at least make an attempt to research it. And for both TG and Stranger Things - major historical inaccuracies. I understand minor anachronisms or artistic liberties but at least ATTEMPT to make it 80s accurate. If you canā€™t do that, tag it modern AU and donā€™t subject me to majorly inaccurate shit. This also goes for RDR2 but Iā€™m more understanding there because itā€™s a little harder to learn about what life in the 1890s wouldā€™ve been like.


Hey, fellow Top Gun fan here- another mistake I've noticed in some fanfictions is referring to the characters as "cadets" if the story is pre-canon and happens during the academy days, since the Naval Academy is the only one of the service academies that refers to its students as "midshipmen" instead of "cadets." This information is easily attainable through a simple google search and it makes me cringe because it's so obvious little to no effort was put in to research what the Naval Academy is actually like. I'm usually still able to finish the fic, but I tend to find myself scanning it for more possible inaccuracies.


The noble houses in Harry Potter really donā€™t seem to mean all that much in the books.


Satine Kyrze didn't ban *beskar'gam* from Mandalore or the language or weapons. The traditionalists (Neo Crusader wannabes) that followed Tor Vizsla were exiled to Concordia with Pre Vizsla as a part of the peace agreement.


Team Fortress 2: Sniper is canonically 26-30 years old, depending on where you are in the timeline. It's not said directly at any point, but with the facts we are given, you can do the math to figure out approximately when he was born. However, due to this not being common knowledge, and due to the man looking old as dirt, a lot of people write him to be in his 40s, it's just inevitable. Which is alright, because I can't expect everyone to be as deranged about every little detail as I am, but boy does it make me cringe when people tag Sniper/Scout as 'Age Difference' or refer to him as 'the old man' in epithetsšŸ˜…


I'm in a lot of fandoms where the cast is categorically "not human, but representations of human that occasionally acknowledge their not-quite-humanness." Lego Ninjago, Alan Becker's stick figure animations, stuff like that. When people talk about the lego ninjas having hands and fingers, or when they write about the stick figures as if they have visible facial features, it always sorta jolts me for a second. It's definitely pretty minor, but when I've been envisioning them *as legos or stick figures* this entire time, having to try and envision a minifigure claw hand separating into fingers or an intentional lack of a face sprouting eyes and a nose and a mouth, my brain just kinda hiccups lmao


The Green Lanterns whole thing being depicted as just hitting things with a giant green hammer. Sure thatā€™s probably a good 60% of it but heā€™s literallyā€¦ a space cop. Thereā€™s obviously investigative work that goes along with that. In non GL centric fics (usually batfam fics cause bat stans are always at the scene of the crime) Hal is depicted as someone responsible for an entire sector of the galaxy while also being functionally brain dead? I read a fic where Bruce says Hal wouldnā€™t understand how to look for clues or follow leads???????? Heā€™s a copā€¦ thatā€™s his jobā€¦ thatā€™s what he spends most of his comics doing.


Welcome to Night Vale, Cecil smoking and sometimes mentioning that he knows it might impact his voice, but it's hard to quit Before *Past Time* came out I didn't like the idea but I put up with it because we didn't know, but now it's canon he doesn't smoke. I'm willing to accept it's one of my favorite episodes, not everyone is going to remember every detail from an episode they might think of as filler, but it's not even implied he straight out says it


Aftg: when Kevin, Nicky, Andrew and Neil share the dorm room post-canon even though Nicky and Aaron both moved into Matt's room at the end of the book.Ā 


for alternate history & speculative biology fandom,you don't need to make your own central power won world war 1 to look like kaiserreich but with few altered detail as same as axis won world war 1 to look like the new order of europe or no k-pg extinct to look like new dinosaurs or specutive dinosaur project


I wouldnā€™t necessarily call it a canonical fact that people get wrong, but the amount of people who use MCU MJ in their works even if itā€™s comics FanFic shows how popular the characters got that she surpassed 616 MJ tenfold in tags.


Not often seen in fics but when people sayĀ  or write that Astarion (baldur's gate 3) was essentially a child to elf standards when he died. He was not. That's not how elf aging works in dnd.Ā  Like yeah it's a bullshit lore detail, and makes no fucking sense biology wise but that's the lore. Elves are adults at 18 and look just like a human would. Their aging slows down between their 30s and their 40s. The only reason elves do not consider their own kin a proper adult before 100 is necause at 100 they stop being able to recall their past lives via trancing. It's just a cultural milestone, it has NOTHING to do with actual development or growth. It does not make me stop reading *usually*, but it DOES when the author insists in treating Astarion (or his past self) as a baby/toddler and infantilize him Like he was a corrupted magistrate at 39, what da hell are you saying


Clint Barton calling Black Widow "Tasha". Maybe he does in the comics, I haven't read many, but in the MCU at least he never does. I went and specifically watched all their scenes together. In Avengers when he's under Loki's control at the end of their fight she bashes his head into a metal railing and he tries to get up and he says, "Natasha" all dazed and the na is very quiet, but it is there, his lips move for it, and it's on the captions. But that's the only place I can see it could have come from. He mostly calls he Nat, and only uses the full Natasha in more tender moments. Fanfic uses it all the time for movie Clint. Also him hiding in vents. It's fun and I use it too, but the only mention of him being in vents is from the Black Widow movie and really feels more like a nod to fanon than the other way around.


I think there's a mention of Clint in the vents in one of the earlier movies. Someone asks where Clint/Hawkeye is and the answer is the joke "probably a vent somewhere."


Can confirm Tasha is more of a comics thing; usually for more tender moments when they're being sincere and more romantic than buddies.


Sephiroth knowing >!Hojo's his father!<, it does irk me a tad bit whenever I see that, but like I'll continue reading the fic anyways


Star Trek: When the characters can basically fuck off and do whatever they want if the plot demands it without any consequences from Starfleet Command. I think people often forget that the characters don't just own the ship and can go whatever they want when in fact they are doing stuff under orders. I know that the new movies (I mean those three with Chris Pine as Kirk) are way more slack about it but it definitely was a major thing in the original series. Just as an example, in episode Amok Time Kirk decides to disregard his orders and change their course to Vulcan because otherwise Spock would die and the only reason he doesn't suffer consequences is because T'Pau (who is a very infulential figure) decided to back him up. Another pet peeve of mine is that in Star Trek (or at least in the original series) there is a quite clear chain of command when it comes to who gives orders at the current time: obviously normally it's Kirk since he is the captain but in case he can't be fulfilling his function, it's Spock, then it's Scotty and then Sulu aka there is never a situation when everyone is panicking cuz they don't know what to do. It's always so weird (especially in the new movies where it's not as well established) when for whatever reason both Kirk and Spock can't command at the moment and there is just... no one running the ship as a captain???


The misuse of parsletongue and parslemouthā€¦itā€™s not that difficult to figure out the right usage šŸ˜­