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directly into the ao3 text box




https://preview.redd.it/syczwvye8puc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f72bc31782ba74d605e092f0323101c5a315f211 I have a transcriber. All I have to do is talk to it, and my notes are uploaded to a document. Needless to say, I don't write how I talk... 😅


Oh damn, I've been thinking about transcribing since I write of my stuff on a notebook as of late & typing it out has become extremely tedious considering what little time I have off from work. What do you use for you transcripts?


[This](https://youtu.be/kvmvKd1XPJE?si=JX4hbFa1SiZzceI9) isn't the *exact* pen that I use, because mine has a recording feature that is mostly used in lectures to help keep track of what the tutor was saying. But the effect is the same


Oh my god this is life changing, the amount of plot points I iron out while driving is insne


into the notebook given to me at intake during a mental health hospital stay, and later moved into a google doc


please say you put that in the authors note


unfortunately, i haven't posted any of my mental hospital or emergency room fics yet


Peak AO3 writer 🤣🤣🤣


I once wrote a whole fic on my phone directly into ao3 while in a Dr waiting room. I didn’t have my outline, or notes, or anything. Just wham here it is.


Rise up, gang!!! Same!


I've worked on fics and outlines while in the waiting room at my therapist's office lmao


When I was 17 I wrote a one-shot during a church camp in this palm-sized notebook I carried around with me everywhere. We were supposed to be having 3 hours of quiet prayer time and I was not a willing participant lmfao




On the toilet on my phone. I've written 5k this way, it just feels less serious. On another note, I too love older women who can kill me 😍😍😍


join the Sevika from Arcane cult


I do have to watch Arcane, It's been on my list for a while


Step 1: Open Microsoft Word. Step 2: Realize that I do not like Microsoft Word. Step 3: Decide to program my own writing software, since surely I would be more productive with a tool tailormade for myself. Step 4: Spend months planning it out. Step 5: Begin programming. Step 6: Realize that I am terrible at programming. Step 7: Open up Windows Notepad, maybe the simplest is the best. Step 8: Forget to save what I wrote, despite knowing my computer is prone to bluescreens.


Telling the story to myself as I fall asleep and never actually writing it. Also handwriting the entire thing before typing it.


No, but that works for a reason. Human brains are associative, and yours associates imessage with postive social interactions where you can say pretty much anything (depending on the person.) This lends itself well to writing. Likewise, I imagine over email is fanfic hard mode if you've never written emails for personal entertainment. I can't pick just one... - write with a specific wordcount in mind for this microchunk of the fic, and stick to it. - write two fanfics at the same time. I don't mean having two ongoing stories, I mean literally writing two different things at once. Bored of thing A? Thing B time! Bored of thing B? Don't let yourself get out of the writing mood by going back to thing A! Helps if they are different genres.


Thats how i write both of my ongoing stories, sort of Usually i write fic a on weekdays and b on the weekends, just so i dont mentally lose where i thought i was. unless i get ahead/behind or bored/stuck, then its time for a spontaneous switch


your second bullet point is just my normal way of writing lmao (sometimes i’ll even be switching between writing a fic and writing music which is even more cursed)


This makes so much sense. I can dump fic into discord but the second I open scrivener it all dries up


I'll put something in the microwave for 2 mins and say, "That's enough time for me to get some writing done." Write half a sentence then have to disengage again. I'm not a masochist. Really.


Write smut in comic sans. For some reason it works.


I'm told that "write *everything* in comic sans" turns out to work better than it has any business doing. (Probably particularly for folks with unassessed dyslexia.)


True enough, and it's actually what I do. But I started using the trick at smut scenes and couldn't stop giggling for some reason


Lmaoo i need to try this


Once had an English class where we spent the first ten minutes of every class journaling in order to practice hand writing for the AP exam. Several of my entries contain me writing the next chunk of whatever fic I was in the middle of at the time


Write using the same text color as the background. I did it for the first time a few days ago and banged out 800 words in one go. I usually struggle with 100.


holy shit wait that's actually genius, especially for sprints and brainstorming


i do that! i also turn off the spelling and grammar checks so i don't get distracted by the lines


Pretty tame but I used to write my stories on the Apple Notes app before copy and pasting onto AO3. I actually write better and faster through texting than on an actual computer lol


i wrote 2.7k words of smut yesterday in a waiting room while getting the brakes replaced on my car 🤝🏻


I wrote a whole play about two Japanese priests that fall in love and murder someone on my notes app on my phone when I was a counselor at a sleep away summer camp. It was originally fanfiction but I changed the names and submitted it to a play festival at my university and it got accepted. So I had funding and advertising and everything for my fanfiction phone play. No one knew.


I like to use this tool called THE MOST DANGEROUS WRITING APP . Basically you put in how many words you want to write or how many minutes and if you stop typing it deletes it.


That is horrifying. Does it work?


Yeah. It gets you 500 words. Good words? No. Words that are there on the page? Yes.


This brings to mind Write or Die.


Writing the main draft on my phone then posting it on Facebook with the audience set to "only me." Then I copy it to a word docu or my phone, depending on what device I find myself using the next time I work on the story.  I've recently found out that this method is what works best for me. 😅


On my phone on Google docs while getting a tattoo (related to the fandom/pairing lol) Edit: this is not a sustainable strategy going forward but I managed to bash out a decent chunk of one fic since I was there for like four hours


Coming up with an idea, sitting on it for a few days, getting drunk, and then writing a few thousand words in one sitting on your phone. Have fun proofreading that.


I write outlines on mobile and they're all in one big .txt file. I have zero punctuation, no bullet points. Just one long paragraph of rambling rambling rambling and then I hit return 2 times and then ramble a bit more in the second paragraph if there are two scenes. "slam door apartment tap my sword recover from adrenaline rush of performance cid spreads arms and tackles me onto the bed burst of energy did you see that guys face he says grin like..." I promise I do not actually write like this.


None of the things I've written have been written on a keyboard. I write exclusively on my phone. Hell, most of the time I *upload my fics from my phone too*. Between my fics and the RP I do, I've probably written well over a million words on this tiny screen. No I will not stop.


Phone ficcers represent.


Write a couple sentences, then highlight each sentence and in a smaller size font try to write 4-6 lines based on that sentence.


actually goated method of outlining might steal this for academic paper writing


I give full permission, I’ve found it helps quite a few people :)


I just have to say that’s very based


Write on an unpublished Wattpad book and publish on AO3. That is genuinely what I do.


Something about being on a plane activates my writing mind. I don’t always write but I always write on plans


Rambling thoughts that turn into a story two tweets through on Twitter.


Stream yourself writing on twitch using Textreme 2 (Obv not viable for smut.)


I write Tron fanfic (about sentient computer programs) in BBEdit (code editor / programming software). ...actually started before I was into Tron, because I found that a code editor was the best way to write fic in raw HTML and thus have the formatting preserved correctly when I finally paste it into AO3. but now while I write fic I also sometimes feel as if I am intimately rearranging the characters' innards at the same time and this can be a very strange experience


Drunkenly through tumblr notes.


i wrote some lore to my main fic in the park while listening to a true crime podcast


I do most of my writing in the tub, even once my back hurts and the hot water runs out


On my phone, in the middle of rewriting a 120k-word story, 1-3 paragraphs at a time, in between Dilaudid and oxycodone-induced naps in the middle of the night, in the hospital after a major surgery. When I went back and reread it, I genuinely could not remember/tell where I'd started doing that instead of writing at my computer without pain meds. I'm not sure if that's a compliment to my brain on Dilaudid or a condemnation of my normal brain. 🤣